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Kobold Hoard Sale

Paizo’s warehouse inventory team recently discovered a roughly hewn hole in the back corner of the building hidden behind a half-empty pallet of Creamy Chicken Ramen packets. In true Pathfinder style, they geared up and delved into the secret passage. After crawling through a 5-foot-wide low corridor for 40 feet, they stumbled across a secret chamber where the warehouse kobolds had been stashing products to build a hoard worthy of their draconic majesty.

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Tags: Paizo Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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PACG Cutting Room Floor: Wondrous Rod

Today’s Pathfinder Adventure Card Game blog is brought to you by Keith Richmond (text in blue) and Chad Brown (text in brown, of course!), with some additional text by Vic Wertz (in your browser’s standard text color).

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Tags: Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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PACG Cutting Room Floor: Thargrap the Blood God Disciple

One of the earliest steps I took in designing the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Summoner Class Deck was to look at Summoner archetypes to complement the iconic Balazar and his death-chicken Padrig. Alase would become our God Caller and Zetha our Shadow Caller. But there was one character I worked on that we pretty quickly had to drop.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Ending a Year of Rotting Ruin

First, the elephant: Let me say that we did not expect the title of our latest Pathfinder Adventure Card Society epic to be so prophetic. Year of Rotting Ruin brought gamers a sweeping torrent of plagues, economic chaos, civil unrest, and... well, anyway. Sometimes you pick a theme and sometimes the theme picks you.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

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PACG Core Set Class Strategy #6: Lem the Bard

Lem is always going to be my character in PACG. That’s because I played him through the entirety of my first Pathfinder Adventure Card Game journey in Rise of the Runelords. When we finished that up, we followed Mike Selinker’s recommendation for using Wrath of the Righteous as a continuation of Rise, and so I played Lem for another three boxes of adventures! So, I’ve gotten pretty used to fighting with a d4 and constantly emptying my hand to help my fellows. It’s a pleasure to finally write about it!

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Tags: Iconics Lem Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Organized Play Programs Reveal Year Information

Each day during PaizoCon Online, we’re taking a look at upcoming products, revealing new art and details, and diving deep into the day’s focus with a livestreamed Marquee Event panel and Q&A session. Today’s Marquee Event panel focused on Paizo’s exciting Organized Play programs. This blog is a recap of some of the reveals covered in that session. Don’t forget to check out the PaizoCon Online Stream Schedule to stay on top of the latest Paizo news in real time!

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Tags: Organized Play Paizo Twitch PaizoCon Pathfinder Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Card Society Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Society Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Society

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PaizoCon Online Special Events and Player Instructions

Greetings all!
The finalized schedule includes over 1150 Paizo Organized Play (POP) games, as well as author-run events, non-organized play games, panels on both Discord and Twitch, and a full slate of Twitch-streamed games. For the full schedule, check out the PaizoCon Online Warhorn page. Reminder, all times are listed in PDT.

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Tags: Online Play Organized Play PaizoCon Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Card Society Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Pathfinder Society Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Society

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PACG Online Play in Real Time

Hello, all! It’s your friendly neighborhood Pathfinder Adventure Card Game venture-captain again! Today, I want to tell you about an exciting new development for PACG online play: we can now play in two different “virtual tabletop” formats: Tabletop Simulator (a paid app for playing a variety of card and board games online) and a free-to-use, custom-built interface at acg.orgplayonline.com!

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Core Design: Kyra

We’ve been talking about the design of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set characters, including Amiri, Lini, Sajan, Seoni, Valeros, and Lem. Today, we’re going to talk about a character that is Melee-capable, good with armors, a top-tier Divine spellcaster, a strong healer, and especially good versus undead. We’re talking about Kyra, cleric of Sarenrae.

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Tags: Iconics Kyra Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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PaizoCon Online Will Be Scheduled For May 26-31

Get ready to stay safe at home as you play awesome Pathfinder and Starfinder games with friends around the world!

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Tags: Online Play Organized Play PaizoCon Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Card Society Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Pathfinder Society Starfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Starfinder Society

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PACG Core Set Class Strategy #5: Valeros the Fighter

Valeros is another Pathfinder Adventure Card Game character that I hadn’t played much, mainly because I considered him simple, especially in his Rise of the Runelords form, where his main power was just to not discard. He’s become a bit more interesting over the years, and I love the fact that the new Core Set abstraction converts him into a sword and shield fighter.

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Tags: Iconics Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Valeros

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Core Design: Lem

Greetings from social-distance land! We’ve been talking about the PACG Core Set characters, including Amiri, Lini, Sajan, Seoni, and Valeros. Today I’m going to talk about friend and boon companion to everyone (unless perhaps your name is Meligaster), the iconic bard Lem.

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Tags: Lem Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Core Design: Valeros

Hello there! In this series of blogs, we’ve been talking about the characters from the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set, including Sajan, Lini, Seoni, and Amiri. Today, I’m going to talk about our latest twist on a familiar iconic fighter: Valeros.

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Tags: Iconics Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Valeros

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Introducing Adventurer’s Packs for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

Since the launch of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set and Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path, we’ve wanted a way for Pathfinder Adventure Card Society characters to use more new cards from those sets. Version 6.1 of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society Guide gave you access to Core or Curse versions of existing Class Deck cards, and Adventure Path rewards from The Dragon’s Demand PACS Sanctioning Document and the Curse of the Crimson Throne PACS Sanctioning Document provided access to a small set of cards when playing scenarios using those sets. Fortunately, the designers of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game came up with a solution that goes beyond simply letting characters use more cards, adding a whole new layer of customizability to your game. I’ll pass it over to them to explain how it works.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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PACG Core Set Class Strategy #4: Amiri the Barbarian

Amiri is the character that got me thinking about these character strategy guides in the first place. I don’t think I’ve ever played her in a tabletop game, but I played all of the Rise of the Runelords characters a lot in Obsidian’s Pathfinder Adventures computer game shortly after it was released, and I was really impressed by subtle uses of Amiri’s power of movement. That cleverness is still there in the Core Set, so I’m happy to finally present these strategies, over three years after I wrote an earlier version of them down in rough notes.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Core Design: Amiri

I’ve always been a fan of Amiri as a character. I was drawn in first by her artwork, then by her story. It’s sometimes hard to justify why your barbarian is so damn angry all the time; Amiri’s tribe and brother tried to have her killed because of rampant misogyny. Yeah, my only question is if she ever stops raging.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Season’s Greetings

The year 2019 will go down as one of the busiest and most satisfying for the Paizo goblins and skittermanders here at Paizo HQ. From the release of the Starfinder Beginner Box, to the update of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, to fighting cave raptors in the warehouse, and finally to the launch of Pathfinder Second Edition, it has been a great year!

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Tags: Pathfinder Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Starfinder

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PACG Core Set Class Strategy #3: Seoni the Sorcerer

Seoni always felt to me like one of the most pitch-perfect PACG conversions. Her ability to sacrifice her other spells to make attacks feels like a perfect conversion of the 1E Advanced Player’s Guide Arcane Blast feat . And taking the best advantage of that power is the core of her strategy.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Core Design: Seoni

Our journey through the iconics continues with our third Core Set Quick-Start character, Seoni!

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Varian Jeggare - Deckmaster

Keith and Shannon have been talking about the new character designs in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set, so I thought I would do some blogs about the characters from the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path. In particular, today I’m going to consider Varian Jeggare, everyone’s favorite faithful Chelaxian Wizard dedicated to Asmodeus.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Adventure Time: Seven Days to the Grave

In the first installment of our behind-the-scenes look at the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game’s Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path, we covered Adventure 1: Edge of Anarchy. By the end of that chapter, you learned that Korvosa is a strange city full of criminals (both big- and small-time) and devils (mostly small… for now), and that many of those are respected citizens. Now it’s time for things to get grim: a plague descends on the city. Let’s walk through Adventure 2: Seven Days to the Grave. Bring out your dead!

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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PACG Core Set Class Strategy #2: Lini the Druid

Though I’ve seen all four of the quick-start characters in action, Lini’s the one that I’ve been playing through the Core Set adventures, and so this strategizing has all been firsthand. I’ve discovered that she’s a more nuanced character than she was in the original Pathfinder Adventure Card Game sets: better balanced, and so requiring more thoughtful play. Which is all for the best: the classic Lini made everything a bit too easy.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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PACG Core Set Class Strategy #1: Sajan the Monk

From 2016 to 2018, I wrote a series of articles about the strategy of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—strategies that remain largely viable with the release of the updated game system in Core Set and Curse of the Crimson Throne. I always wanted to write some class strategy guides to go with those general strategy articles, but I couldn’t figure out who to write about. The Rise of the Runelords characters? The Class Deck characters? Every variant of each character?

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Tags: Adventure Card Game Strategy Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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The PACG Cutting Room Floor: The Market

When working on Adventure Time: Edge of Anarchy, I really wanted to talk about some of the things that didn’t make it into the Curse of the Crimson Throne box. Every set, we design more cards than end up making it out into the wild. Some cards just get lost to that voracious devourer of cards called Card Count, which only lets some preordained multiple of 110 survive. Some characters never made it into a Class Deck because we liked how the deck (including its selection of cards) looked with the other characters more. This series of blogs plans to shed some light on some of these lost elements. Enjoy at your own risk!

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Core Design: Lini

In the first Core Design blog, we had a good chat about Sajan. This time we’ll look at another of the four Quick-Start characters, Lini.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Adventure Time: Edge of Anarchy

Keith, again, here to kick off another new series of blogs. Each blog in this series will attempt to do a behind-the-scenes look at an adventure in an adventure path. We’ll start with Edge of Anarchy, the first Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure, but there are plenty more Adventure Paths after that. Each blog will include anecdotes from design and suggested options for changing the difficulty of scenarios or spicing up replay. I invite you to “Play It Your Way” my way. It’s fun! (Warning: Many of these suggestions increase the complexity and/or difficulty of the game, so are most appropriate for experienced players!)

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Core Design: Sajan

To start this blog series, I wanted to do one of the four characters we put in the Core Set Quick-Start scenario. So, let’s talk about Sajan.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Sajan

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Guest Organized Play Blog: Playing Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

At PaizoCon last May, Paizo launched a new Core Set for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. At the same time, the organized play team updated the Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild into the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society. Three months out, we asked one of our active volunteers to give their impressions of current Society. Without further ado, I’m turning the blog over to our guest author, Jonathan Ng.

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

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We Be Needing Role Cards!

A month ago, an unruly quartet of goblin heroes was unleashed on an unsuspecting populace. Yes, I said heroes. It turns out some goblins have learned the error of their ways—or, perhaps at least learned what many adventurers learn: you can steal and murder as much as you want, as long as it’s against “the bad guys.”

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Homebrew Special: I Want My Mummy!

In the latest PACG Homebrew Special, our Online Venture-Captain Tyler Beck returns with a new Adventure Path for kobolds! Because more kobolds is good kobolds. —Mike

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

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New Rules, Unlimited Adventure

Last month, after countless hours combing thorough feedback and iterating improvements to design, Lone Shark released a revision to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: the Core Set. I’ve played every base set of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, so I can say that their hard work has paid off. The Core Set is still fundamentally the same game, but the play is smoother, more dynamic, and more exciting.

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

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So Much to Play in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society!

Hello everyone! It's your friendly cyber-neighborhood Venture Captain Tyler again, bringing you a quick discussion about the options that we have as players in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society. (Note the new branding!). First I'll talk about the stunning number of characters you can choose from, and then I'll talk about the mindboggling amount of content there is to play through.

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

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On Completing the Iconics in PACG

If you’ve picked up the brand new Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set and the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path, you may have noticed we reached an important milestone: For the first time, every iconic hero developed by Paizo has now appeared in PACG. How we got here was quite a journey.

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Tags: Iconics Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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PACG Rules Now on Dized!

We're proud to announce that Paizo has partnered with Dized to bring you the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game rules to your Android and iOS devices! Whether you're setting up your first game, looking for a quick rules clarification, or curious about strategies, you'll find it all in this FREE app! Dized includes all the rules from the recently released Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set and is the perfect resource as you play The Dragon's Demand and Curse of the Crimson Throne.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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PACG at Origins and Free RPG Day!

Greetings from Columbus, Ohio! This is a brief blog to let you know what the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game doings are at Origins Game Fair (in Columbus) and on Free RPG Day (at participating retailers worldwide) this weekend.

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Tags: Conventions Free RPG Day Goblins Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set

Core Principles: Conversion in the Pathfinder ACG

Here, I'll talk about the rhyme and reason for conversion guidelines, and also discuss some new, more specific changes from the new Conversion Guide we just released today. (There's a link to it at the bottom of this blog, but we'd love it if you finish this blog introducing it before you click!) I'm going to touch on several high-level topics in no particular order; let's get started!

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Casting Curse: The Harrow Deck Comes Full Circle

Lemme tell you why Curse of the Crimson Throne is my favorite Pathfinder Adventure Card Game set yet. It's totally self-indulgent. You've been warned.

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Tags: Curse of the Crimson Throne Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set

Core Principles: Resizing Stories in the Pathfinder ACG

Hi! I'm Liz Spain, the designer at Lone Shark Games best known for not so much pushing the envelope for what we do in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, but ripping that envelope open and refolding it into a stylish hat. If you liked the added wackiness of products like Mummy's Mask and the Alchemist Class Deck that tread weird territory, that was probably my fault.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Core Principles: Efficient Gameplay in the Pathfinder ACG

Hi. I'm Aviva, and I'm new here. Sort of. I was an intern at Paizo in 2012, so when I began working with Lone Shark in 2016, Pathfinder wasn't totally new to me. I've never really considered writing a PACG blog before, but now that I've contributed for a while, I have some important things to say. So I've poured a glass of cheap rosé, illuminated a 3-wick vanilla butter–scented candle, and hit play on an acoustic Spotify playlist, all to create my perfectly chill atmosphere. But you know what's not chill? The inefficiency in OG PACG.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Curse of the Crimson Throne Comes to the Pathfinder ACG

Almost a decade ago, I ran the RPG version of Curse of the Crimson Throne for a group of players that included my friends Chad Brown and Tanis O'Connor. It's a fantastic adventure that starts you as a group of characters all wronged by a deranged dealer of drugs and kidnapper of kids, drawn together by a mysterious gypsy fortune teller to bring him to justice. From there, you become embroiled in saving the city of Korvosa—often from itself.

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Tags: Curse of the Crimson Throne Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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2019 Convention Offerings!

With PaizoCon just around the corner, the current focus of the team involves pulling the edges together on all the moving pieces. As many of our convention catalogs went live last weekend, I wanted to take a moment and give some updates.

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Society: New Box, New Opportunities!

The new Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set is almost here! Paizo and the designers at Lone Shark built upon years of fan feedback and experience to improve the game. If you're curious about what the Core Set has to offer and the design principles that went into the revision, you're in luck. The designers have been publishing a series of great blogs on the topic: overall principles, adding more story, varying the challenge, reducing complexity, encouraging teamwork, rewarding heroism, and embracing chance.

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Tags: Organized Play Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set

Core Principles: Embracing Chance in the Pathfinder ACG

To date in the Core Principles series, we've covered adding more story, varying the challenge, reducing complexity, encouraging teamwork, and rewarding heroism in the new Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set. Now we're going to tackle another important design principle: injecting more drama into the game. One of our biggest tools to do that is embracing the vagaries of chance. The game comes with dice for a reason, and we wanted to change how we use them and give you even more ways to set yourself up for great payoff or greater disaster.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set

Core Principles: Rewarding Heroism in the Pathfinder ACG

Keith here, to talk about something pretty darn shiny that we've added to the game. At the end of the day, we all like toys. And I'll admit that sometimes I've wanted to get them faster than the game has offered them. For instance, I love power feats, so waiting to win 10 scenarios in Wrath of the Righteous to get my first was frustrating.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set

Core Principles: Encouraging Teamwork in the Pathfinder ACG

Hello! My name is Chad Brown, and I'm here to talk with you all about the hows, whats, and whys of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, starting with the new Core Set, and continuing forward to the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path and beyond. Today I'm going to talk about teamwork: when both the players and the characters work together as an effective and exciting adventuring party. Mike's talked about many changes for Core, including broad concepts of what we were (and were not) trying to accomplish. I'm going to dive in one level deeper and provide some more specifics about a couple of those things.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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PACG, Starring Not Your Typical Goblins!

Over here at Pathfinder Adventure Card Game HQ, we're getting very excited. The new Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set and the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path are due for release in May. So we've got news about your PACG subscription!

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Tags: Free RPG Day Goblins Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set

Core Principles: Rethinking Complexity in the Pathfinder ACG, Part 2

Last time, I showed you several of the new card frames and revised wordings in the upcoming Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set. Let's keep that going!

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set

Core Principles: Rethinking Complexity in the Pathfinder ACG, Part 1

Last week, perhaps you heard a great exhaling from here in the Pacific Northwest: We shipped the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Core Set and the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path to our printer Cartamundi for production.

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Core Principles: Varying the Challenge in the Pathfinder ACG

Last week I got to proof the new rulebook for Core and it made me excited to talk more about the design principles for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set. As Mike explained in a previous blog, we really wanted to give players the ability to control the game's challenge level, as well as the ability to speed the game up when desired.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Homebrew Special: Some Cubes to Die For

In this installment of Homebrew Special, we're graced by Darren Rigby, who might be the best calligrapher and font creator I've ever met. It doesn't surprise me that in his gaming life, his meticulous and creative spirit shines through. In the spirit of his home country's Canada geese, take a gander.—Mike

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Tags: Adventure Card Game Homebrew Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Core Principles: Injecting Story into the Pathfinder ACG

In the first installment of this blog series, I laid out the principles guiding our new incarnation of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. We aren't rebooting the game—everything will still work with everything else—but with the new Core Set, we're making significant improvements that we've been wanting to make for years. I will go through them one by one in the leadup to the game's intended launch at PaizoCon 2019.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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With the Ultimate Wilderness Deck, Your Power Will Be Mushrooming

Yes, mushrooms! The fleshiest, most spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus you'll find in the moistest, least welcoming shadows of the forest. I get to tell you all about them, because I'm a fun guy. (See, if anyone else on my team had volunteered to do this blog, they could have stopped me from making that joke.) [Vic: So very, very tempted to delete that, but Erik Mona says not to stand between a man and his puns... much.]

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Ultimate Decks

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Homebrew Special: Emerald Legacy

Now that Ultimate Combat and Ultimate Equipment are out and Hayato and Reiko are available as playable characters, Im finally ready to proudly present you my latest longtime project:
Emerald Legacy, a new homebrew AP for Skull & Shackles!

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Tags: Adventure Card Game Homebrew Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Homebrew Special: The Deck of Many Dividers

Today's Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Homebrew Special blog is by Richard Noble (Brother Tyler), about a homebrew of a different kind. Richard wanted to organize his PACG cards, so he came up with some dividers and other tidbits to facilitate storage and gameplay.

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Tags: Adventure Card Game Homebrew Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Enter the Ninja

As I write this, I'm deeply wrapped up in design and development on the next major version of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—the new PACG Core Set and the Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path. And while I'll be talking a lot about those in the weeks to come, this seemed like an appropriate time to look at the Ultimate decks, since in some ways they're both the oldest and the youngest PACG expansion material.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Ultimate Decks

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PACG Fun at Origins and Free RPG Day

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game fans! If you're going to be in the Columbus area over the next four days, please come visit us at the Origins Game Fair—there will be lots of PACG to play!

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Core Principles: Designing the Next Pathfinder ACG

Last Friday, our team turned over to project lead Vic Wertz the first draft of the upcoming Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set. This is a new type of box set, about which I'll go into detail below and in later articles in this series, which will run for the next year. Sometimes I'll write it, and sometimes you'll see the musings of the other members of our highly talented design team.

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Tags: PACG Core Principles Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Ultimate Intrigue Deck Preview

Hello again, everyone! Now, I know what you're thinking: "Tyler already told us who his favorite character was! Then he told us he lied, and really had a different favorite character!" Well, that's all true... but we can move past all that now, can't we? Today I'm here to talk to you about my new favorite character, Aric. Or as he's known to members of the seedy underbelly of the cities of Galt, the Red Raven.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Ultimate Decks

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Playtest at PaizoCon!

The designers of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game can't wait for PaizoCon! I mean, we can. We're physically capable of it. But we don't want to wait for it, because that's when we get to show you what we've been cooking up for the last year. At PaizoCon, we'll have the first public playtest of the new version of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.

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Tags: Conventions PaizoCon PaizoCon 2018 Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Strategy #15—Improving Your Character: Cards & Traits

The previous article offered some general strategies for choosing cards as you build your characters; this one goes into the tactics: which cards are you looking for?

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Ultimate Decks

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A New Way to Play the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

It's hard to believe that the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game was released almost five years ago now. The game has evolved through four full base sets and dozens of character and add-on decks, and has been the focus of a successful organized play campaign.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Free RPG Day Goblins Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society

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Adventure Card Game Homebrew, Tower of Doom

Today's PACG Homebrew Special blog is by Todd Alexander (Wilbur_Whatley), about a homebrew of a different kind. Todd wanted a new surface on which he could play our game and... well, he made something everyone in our office now wants. Take a look.

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Tags: Adventure Card Game Homebrew Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Adventure Card Game Combat Goes to 11!

Ultimate Combat, the first of the Ultimate Add-On Decks, is making its way into the hands of subscribers and favorite local game stores everywhere, so it's finally time to spill the beans on our design process for the Ultimate decks:

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Ultimate Decks

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Horror Adventures

Making the Most of Character Unlocks

Ever since the first Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Decks were released, you have been able to use Adventure Path characters of the same class as your deck in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild. This has been a great way to add more variety to PFSACG character options (in case the 88 Class Deck characters aren't already enough for you!).

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Class Decks Organized Play Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Occult Adventures Character Deck 2

Hail Gom-Gom!

The Occult Adventures decks were a fantastic opportunity to stretch our creative limbs and show you some of the wilder things we can do in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. Characters like Yoon, Mavaro, and Erasmus epitomize the ever-shifting cycle of play that I personally prefer, so I hope they work out well for you.

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Tags: Class Decks Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Strategy #14—Improving Your Character: Strategy & Tactics

Building a party is only half the story; you also want to improve those characters over time. This article talks about how to do so in a general way, then next month's article focuses on thinking about precise cards (and traits). Most of this general advice is strategic, affecting overall play.

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Tags: Adventure Card Game Strategy Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Eliandra's Best Character Ever: Erasmus

We continue our series of Pathfinder Adventure Card Game fans telling us who the best character ever is. One of our playtesters, Eliandra Giltessan, gives us a sneak peak at the iconic medium from Occult Adventures Character Deck 2 that has her over the moon.

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Tags: Class Decks Occultists Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Homebrew Special: The Call of the Gods

For our latest entry in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game homebrew series, we turn to Ron Lundeen, who's made a habit of crafting entire homebrew PACG Adventure Paths for free, posted on Ron's website. You should play them all, says us. (By the way, Paizo recently hired Ron as an RPG developer. Congratulations, Ron!)