Pathfinder Pawns: Summon Monster Pawn Collection

4.00/5 (based on 5 ratings)
Pathfinder Pawns: Summon Monster Pawn Collection

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Summon legions of extraplanar creatures to your tabletop with this collection of more than 100 creature pawns for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or any tabletop fantasy roleplaying game! Printed on sturdy cardstock, each pawn contains a beautiful full-color image of a monster from the summon monster spell lists in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. Each cardstock pawn slots into a size-appropriate plastic base from any of the Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box collections, making them easy to mix with traditional metal or plastic miniatures. With multiple pawns for commonly summoned creatures, the Summon Monster Pawn Collection is the best way to ensure you've got the perfect monsters to conjure for every Pathfinder Roleplaying Game encounter!

Legions of summoned extraplanar creatures come to life on your tabletop! Each pawn has its own abbreviation and identification number for easy sorting. The Summon Monster Pawn Collection includes:

Small (and Smaller)

  1. Archon, Lantern (4)
  2. Demon, Dretch (2)
  3. Dog (3)
  4. Eagle (4)
  5. Eel, Electric (2)
  1. Elemental, Air (3)
  2. Elemental, Earth (3)
  3. Elemental, Fire (3)
  4. Elemental, Water (3)
  1. Frog, Poison (2)
  2. Mephit, Fire (2)
  3. Mephit, Ice (2)
  4. Mephit, Ooze (2)
  1. Mephit, Water (2)
  2. Octopus (2)
  3. Rat, Dire (2)
  4. Viper (2)


  1. Angel, Astral Deva
  2. Ant, Giant Drone (2)
  3. Ant, Giant Soldier (2)
  4. Ant, Giant Worker (2)
  5. Archon, Hound (2)
  6. Archon, Trumpet
  7. Azata, Bralani (2)
  8. Azata, Ghaele
  9. Beetle, Fire (3)
  10. Boar (2)
  11. Cat, Cheetah (2)
  1. Cat, Leopard (2)
  2. Centipede, Giant (2)
  3. Demon, Babau (2)
  4. Demon, Shadow (3)
  5. Demon, Succubus (2)
  6. Devil, Barbed (2)
  7. Devil, Bearded (2)
  8. Devil, Erinyes (2)
  9. Devil, Lemure (2)
  10. Dinosaur, Deinonychus (2)
  1. Dolphin (2)
  2. Elemental, Air (3)
  3. Elemental, Earth (3)
  4. Elemental, Fire (3)
  5. Elemental, Water (3)
  6. Frog, Giant (2)
  7. Goblin Dog (2)
  8. Hell Hound (2)
  9. Horse, Pony (2)
  10. Hyena (2)
  1. Invisible Stalker (2)
  2. Kyton (2)
  3. Lizard, Monitor (3)
  4. Salamander (2)
  5. Snake, Constrictor (2)
  6. Spider, Giant (2)
  7. Squid (2)
  8. Wolf (2)
  9. Wolverine (3)
  10. Xill (2)


  1. Ape, Gorilla
  2. Ape, Dire
  3. Azata, Lillend
  4. Bat, Dire
  5. Bear, Dire
  6. Bear, Grizzly
  7. Boar, Dire (2)
  8. Crocodile
  1. Demon, Hezrou
  2. Demon, Vrock
  3. Devil, Bone
  4. Devil, Ice
  5. Dinosaur, Pteranodon
  6. Eel, Giant Moray
  7. Elemental, Air
  1. Elemental, Earth
  2. Elemental, Fire
  3. Elemental, Water
  4. Herd Animal, Aurochs
  5. Herd Animal, Bison
  6. Horse
  7. Lion
  1. Lion, Dire
  2. Octopus, Giant
  3. Rhinoceros
  4. Rhinoceros, Woolly
  5. Scorpion, Giant
  6. Shark
  7. Tiger, Dire
  8. Wasp, Giant
  9. Wolf, Dire


  1. Bebilith
  2. Demon, Glabrezu
  3. Demon, Nalfeshnee
  4. Dinosaur, Ankylosaurus
  1. Dinosaur, Elasmosaurus
  2. Dinosaur, Triceratops
  3. Dolphin, Orca
  4. Elemental, Air
  1. Elemental, Earth
  2. Elemental, Fire
  3. Elemental, Water
  1. Elephant (2)
  2. Elephant, Mastodon
  3. Squid, Giant

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-783-3

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Surprisingly Useful!


I'm well-known for my disdain of pets (familiars, animal companions, etc.) and monster summoning in RPGs (both as a GM and as a player), but I've gotten a surprising amount of value out of the Summon Monster Pawn Collection. The set contains an excellent array of the creatures that you suddenly realize you need a pawn for: animals, elementals, celestial and fiendish outsiders, and more are included. There are multiples of most of the small and medium creatures, but also a good array of large and huge creatures. Many of these pawns can be found scattered across other sets, but it's always useful to have additional ones. I wouldn't say this set is essential, but it's a good value and one you'll also probably use a lot--even if, like me, you hate pets and summoners.

If you're new to Pathfinder pawns, note that this set doesn't include the bases, and you'll need to purchase those separately.

Perfect Set for Monster Summoners and the Like!


There's a full list of the creatures included here on If you need creatures for your players or NPCs to summon, then this is the set that you need! This set continues the high quality pawn line with gorgeous art and sturdy construction. This is also the only set to date that features the HUGE elementals!

I always enjoy reading whiny reviews on Paizo, because honestly, people just love to complain. If you don't understand the quantity involved by reading the description online or the box itself, you need comprehension lessons. If you need more creatures than those included in one set, here's a novel idea, buy more than one set!

Good quality, but incomplete.


Product quality is good. Nice distinct artwork. Standing bases and creature size looks good.

My issue is the quantity of creatures this pack contains. There is a max number of creatures you can summon with the summoning spells. This product does not provide enough tokens for a basic summoning on almost all creatures included. Some creatures only have 1 of a given token. So while it's a great idea, this product, in my opinion, is incomplete and thus reduces it's overall usefulness quite a bit.

A Must Have Item


If you use Pathfinder Pawns, this is a must-have item. In fact, I'm going to buy a second one!

It has a great variety of common animals and monsters, especially really important ones that have been oddly neglected in other sets, like horses and ponies.

Also, the new huge elementals look frakking amazing! Seriously, I want to write them into my next adventure just to have those big beautiful bastards on the tabletop.

The art is, on average, also larger and easier to see than previous sets. Great job, Paizo.

If you are new to Pathfinder Pawns and don't know where to start, here's what I recommend:

1) Monster Codex
2) NPC Codex
3) Summon Monster
4) Bestiary Box 1

These four will give you a solid base of almost everything you need. Everything else you get after that will add variety and zest to your pawn collection.

Lots of variation


I recently bought this pawn collection at a local game store and I have to say I'm quite happy with it already. I love that the art on many of the pawns is a bit different from in the bestiaries, no longer does all dogs need to look alike! Actual cheetah pawns! More variations of mephits! I remember being disappointed that the Bestiary Box only had fire mephits. I also like that huge elementals have been included as it seems I don't have any from before. But speaking of elementals, I do wish you hadn't only included the base types.

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Community & Digital Content Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Announced! Product image and description are not final and may change before release.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Excellent idea.

Excellent! I'm looking forward to such creatures as the dolphin, octopus, orca and squid that got left out of Bestiary Box 1!

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This is the most useful Pawn set ever ever ever!!!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Now that is useful!

Scarab Sages

Good one! I definitely see the usefulness of this product. Could have used it many times in refereeing previous games. So I'll be on the look out for this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Please, try to not give us 5 copies of specific monsters that we already have a bunch of pawns. Like succubi or babaus.
Also, take note of the image sizes before publishing the final product, the most complaints i hear about the pawns are images that dont fit the pawn and has hands, weapons, limbs and other details cut out of the pawn because the image was too big. Most of the Iron Gods pawns got that issue and it was a let down in that aspect (otherwise its a great pawn collection). Few adjustments on the images would have solved the issue with a day or two of work.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Any chance of throwing in the summon nature's ally pawns too?

This is a particularly good idea as the typical pawn set is something only those who GM would be interested in but this would also appeal to players who want to play summoning heavy characters.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Moar pawnzzz!!!!


shadowkras wrote:
Also, take note of the image sizes before publishing the final product, the most complaints i hear about the pawns are images that dont fit the pawn and has hands, weapons, limbs and other details cut out of the pawn because the image was too big.

I don't mind a little bit of image "overflow". It helps make sure you can keep the pawns in the right spot if you keep them in the screw. They're not always placed numerically.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
shadowkras wrote:
Also, take note of the image sizes before publishing the final product, the most complaints i hear about the pawns are images that dont fit the pawn and has hands, weapons, limbs and other details cut out of the pawn because the image was too big. Most of the Iron Gods pawns got that issue and it was a let down in that aspect (otherwise its a great pawn collection). Few adjustments on the images would have solved the issue with a day or two of work.

Please read this post.

I've bought every pawn box to date and most of the pawn sets and have only had a misprint issue with one sheet in the Inner Sea Pawn Box where the art was to the side and the art was literally hanging off the pawn.

I am impressed by the continued quality of pawn set after set. The occasional art overlap is inevitable and necessary to keep the sizes correct. It has not been an issue at my table.

Considering you have so many pawn releases, is there ever a worry that older pawn boxes will go out of print?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Everything Paizo prints has the potential for going out of print. If they don't sell out early, Paizo will not reprint them. I imagine the sales figures for the Bestiary and NPC boxes are pretty healthy, but the smaller Adventure Path sets probably don't sell as much.

Pure speculation on my part.

That is a lovely cover. It is the final cover for the book itself?

Elrawien Lantherion wrote:
That is a lovely cover. It is the final cover for the book itself?

I suspect it is temporary. It is a piece of interior art from a module, Masks of the Living God.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Definitely temporary.

You're killing me here Paizo. I just can't get enough of these pawns. My players love flipping through them too. Will buy.

Please read this post.

Thanks for the reply @Vic. Though i was aware of that answer already, i was just trying to voice what people on my circles say about the pawns. That is really their ONLY complaint about my pawn collection everytime i put new pawns on the table.

The iron gods set was particularly mentioned because the bleed happened on many pawns, with guns cut in half or other "cool weapons" (like the mechanic axe) not being fully shown on the pawn.
Other cases were when an image, for the sake of being exactly in the middle of the pawn, had a bit of space on one side, but the other side has part of the image cut. Im not sure if being exactly in the center is that important for pawns, as i have seen monsters (and npcs too) that arent exactly aligned to the center and are still good pawns.
That is less of an issue when talking about huge pawns, when there is enough space to fit all the image.

I know that scale is important and understand your point, im just giving you my feedback on the product. :)

If this isnt the proper place, you can remove my posts.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Two questions,

1) Is there a list of which creatures and how many of each are in the set yet/
2) Will you create a set for Summon Nature Ally?

-- david

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I love pawns!!! ...not to be confused with prawns mind you.

This looks extremely useful, and not just for the GM.

The only problem that I foresee is if there is summoning going on on both sides of a battle, and both PCs and hostile NPCs summon the same creatures. Maybe a well-prepared table needs to have two of these. :)

Bellona wrote:

This looks extremely useful, and not just for the GM.

The only problem that I foresee is if there is summoning going on on both sides of a battle, and both PCs and hostile NPCs summon the same creatures. Maybe a well-prepared table needs to have two of these. :)

Having two copies will not solve the real problem. How will you keep track of which summons are from the PC and which from the NPC?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Stretch some of these around the bases...

Grand Lodge

arioreo wrote:
Bellona wrote:

This looks extremely useful, and not just for the GM.

The only problem that I foresee is if there is summoning going on on both sides of a battle, and both PCs and hostile NPCs summon the same creatures. Maybe a well-prepared table needs to have two of these. :)

Having two copies will not solve the real problem. How will you keep track of which summons are from the PC and which from the NPC?

I use these. Although sometimes I need to put a little glue to help hold them to the pawn bases (might have been a bad batch though).

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I was kinda hoping paizo would produce differently coloured bases (blue, red, green for instance) though your suggestions might work too.

arioreo wrote:
I was kinda hoping paizo would produce differently coloured bases (blue, red, green for instance) though your suggestions might work too.

I have expressed the same wish myself; however, it probably isn't worth it for them. :-/

On the bright side, I find that the "loom bands" are cheap, easy to find, and work on all three bases sizes. Just stretch them over the clip that holds the pawn before placing the pawn in the base. Works great for me.

Liberty's Edge

Will THESE have the dinosaurs?

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

i'm surprised some enterprising 3rd party hasn't marketed coloured bases yet - although my players just point and go 'that one' despite me using various coloured marking systems.

Perram wrote:
Will THESE have the dinosaurs?

Yes, please!

I know these do.


Sovereign Court Senior Developer

Perram wrote:
Will THESE have the dinosaurs?


Dark Archive

Rob McCreary wrote:
Perram wrote:
Will THESE have the dinosaurs?

Very cool - thx Rob!

Liberty's Edge

How many copies of each pawn will there be?

Sovereign Court Senior Developer

rknop wrote:
How many copies of each pawn will there be?

It varies by monster, but we tried to give as many as we could of some of the "common" low-level summoned monsters, so you can get your full 1d4+1 creatures when you use a higher-level spell to summon lower-level monsters.

We'll probably post a full list of what's included when we get a little closer to the release date.

Community & Digital Content Director

Updated with final product image, description and set list!

Wow. That is an amazing list! The only omission I noted would be T. Rex. Maybe I am erroneously assuming one can summon those...

Paizo Employee

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Man, this looks great. Will definitely be convincing my players to pick this up... it won't be hard. They love pawns.

Fourshadow wrote:
Wow. That is an amazing list! The only omission I noted would be T. Rex. Maybe I am erroneously assuming one can summon those...

Gargantuan monsters don't get pawns, so the T-rex gets left out.


Landon Winkler wrote:

Man, this looks great. Will definitely be convincing my players to pick this up... it won't be hard. They love pawns.

Fourshadow wrote:
Wow. That is an amazing list! The only omission I noted would be T. Rex. Maybe I am erroneously assuming one can summon those...

Gargantuan monsters don't get pawns, so the T-rex gets left out.


Ah! Thank you, that makes sense.

Dark Archive

Chris Lambertz wrote:
Updated with final product image, description and set list!

A great set even with the price increase.

The level 1 Riding Dog is missing from the list - is that a mistake or is it really not included?

The omission of 6 out of 10 mephits is understandable as is the omission of the level 6 Brachiosaurus, Dire Croc, Dire Shark, Roc and T-Rex since they are all Gargantuan.

But the medium Riding Dog is arguable the best level 1 monster...

Thx in advance Chris

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rob McCreary wrote:
Perram wrote:
Will THESE have the dinosaurs?

This set is great.

The only omission i can not understand is the medium "Riding Dog" because it is only medium and the most used level 1 summoned monster.

Is this a mistake or a concious decision not to include it because of space reasons? One could use the Goblin Dog as Riding Dog...

Thx in advance Rob!

PS: I took measurements and 4 GARGANTUAN (4x4 squares) minis would find place on one card sheet of the size Paizo is using.
That would make it possible to make a "Gargantuan Monsters" pawn set.
For a price of $25 you would only have to use 4 images per sheet and could include all gargantuan monsters from the first Bestiary (i think there are 17 in it) in one set.
Of course you would need to offer Gargantuan Bases for the people who don´t want to use a huge or 2 large bases... ;-)

The Exchange

Marco Massoudi wrote:
Chris Lambertz wrote:
Updated with final product image, description and set list!

A great set even with the price increase.

The level 1 Riding Dog is missing from the list - is that a mistake or is it really not included?

The omission of 6 out of 10 mephits is understandable as is the omission of the level 6 Brachiosaurus, Dire Croc, Dire Shark, Roc and T-Rex since they are all Gargantuan.

But the medium Riding Dog is arguable the best level 1 monster...

Thx in advance Chris

riding dog was changed to small dog for SM1 and so not used as much as the eagles by most.

Sovereign Court Senior Developer

As Jeff Morse said, riding dog was changed to dog with the 4th printing of the Core Rulebook. You can get the errata that updates whatver printing you have to the latest printing (6th) here.

Dark Archive

Thanks for answering that Jeff and Rob.

On another note, i wish Paizo would stop changing things that were not broken as in this case.
But that discussion is in another forum i think.

So still great set, i´ll buy it even if november has way too much "minis" with "The Rusty Dragon Inn", "Iconic Heroes 4" and this set. ;-)

This pawn set would be at the top of my pre-order list but canadian retailers stop getting any new pawn sets since Iron Gods, brokerage is a killer right now

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Such a great idea. Any chance of convincing the mini makers to do them as an actual miniatures set as well? Seems to me that these are the kind of sets that would sell really well in either form

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