![]() More Iconic Promos!We’re just laying down the final versions of the Mummy’s Mask promo cards this week, which reminds me that we have more promos to talk about! Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes Set #6 has just been released, complete with an extra miniature and an extra promo card. (See? Don’t say we never gave you nothin’.) Tags: Free RPG Day Iconic Heroes Licensed Products Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventures Pathfinder Battles ![]() The Magnificent 7 of Set 6It's Friday, and I've got some delightful news to share with you! I'm pleased to report that last week, WizKids sent Paizo the first batch of digital sculpts for our next, as-yet-unannounced Pathfinder Battles set, and they are PHENOMENAL. A few of our editors looked over my shoulder as I flipped through them the first time, and one even suggested that this may turn out to be the best Pathfinder Battles set yet. I certainly agree that, at the very least, it's in the same league as some of our very best sets! Tags: Feiya Hayato Iconic Heroes Lem Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Quinn Reiko Seltyiel ![]() Iconic Heroes Set 5—THE REAL DEALHowdy, minis hounds! Last week, while I was trapped in the dreaded Paizo Conference Room (CR 23), the able Chris Lambertz took the wheel to show off digital renders of WizKids' incredible Iconic Heroes Set 5 for the Pathfinder Battles line of prepainted plastic miniatures. Tags: Adowyn Enora Iconic Heroes Kess Miniatures Oloch Pathfinder Battles Zadim ![]() Out Adventuring, Be Back SoonHey, Pathfinder Battles fans! Erik is currently sequestered in meetings and other important Paizo happenings, so I'm stepping in to take the blog wheel this week. Tags: Adowyn Enora Iconic Heroes Kess Miniatures Oloch Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn Zadim ![]() A New Wave of Iconic Heroes Promo Cards!Here at PACG Headquarters, we love making promo cards! Sometimes, we get a little... out there. For example, Sweet Dragon Costume is a goblin in a kobold suit who is so completely convinced that he's a dragon that he can scare monsters to death. Tags: Iconic Heroes Pathfinder Adventure Card Game ![]() Class Decks UpdateI wanted to give you an update on the Class Decks distribution schedule, since it's gotten a little wonky. We hit some unfortunate delays in the product chain, such that our Druid Class Deck came out in December instead of October, and the Barbarian Class Deck is coming out in February instead of January. We're very sorry about the delays, but we think you'll be happy with the results. To keep your appetite whetted, I'll talk a little about characters from a range of upcoming Class Decks, as well as their associated Iconic Heroes promo cards. Tags: Class Decks Iconic Heroes Pathfinder Adventure Card Game ![]() A New Look at Some Old FriendsWith the January release date for The Rusty Dragon Inn right around the corner and everything entering "pause" territory for the upcoming holiday, I don't have any new figures to show off for this week's Pathfinder Battles previews. I DO, however, have a few new images of some old friends to show off, so in the holiday spirit, I thought I'd share a look at actual final figures from December's Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Set 4. (These figures hit the Paizo warehouse too late to go out with December subscription shipments, and will be fulfilled in late-December/January) Tags: Iconic Heroes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles ![]() Iconic Heroes Set 4, Part 2Last week, I revealed three digital sculpts for the upcoming Iconic Heroes Set 4 boxed set of prepainted plastic gaming figures. This week we complete the set with a look at the final three figures, as well as a look ahead to a special promotional repaint figure that will be available free with $50 purchase at Paizo's booth at Gen Con next week. Tags: Iconic Heroes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles ![]() Iconic Heroes Set 4, Part 1Last week, WizKids announced the release dates for the next two Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes boxed sets of premium-quality prepainted plastic figures for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. This week, I'd like to take a closer look at three of the figures from Iconic Heroes Set 4, which features familiar faces from the Advanced Class Guide and Ultimate Combat. Tags: Hakon Iconic Heroes Jirelle Lirianne Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Friday Publisher Preview: Iconic Heroes Paint MastersI've already spoken at length about our plans for the monthly series of Iconic Heroes Boxed Sets that begin in January. I've mentioned that WizKids intends to produce these figures at the highest possible standards, with premium sculpts and paint jobs. Tags: Iconic Heroes Lini The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Seoni Valeros |