Mummy's Mask and PAX West

Tuesday, August 22, 2016

We are wrapping up the very final stages of Mummy's Mask—probably the coolest set we've done yet, I don't mind saying—and it's gotten kind of crazy toward the end. The stuff we've gone back and forth with Vic on... well, let me tell you, when he says "I have no idea how to do that" more than once in a day, you know you're blazing some new ground.

This past week, we found that in Adventure 3 alone, there were no less than three scenarios which functioned like nothing else we've ever made. We rebuilt each of them multiple times, watching cards hop from place to place in manners they've never hopped before. We had to build new tech just for reading cards.

But those are done, and now we're debating the finer points of Adventures 4 through 6. Those adventures use a brand new type of support card called Defensive Stance that required us to actually pull it off the printing press because we found a new wrinkle in it. When we turn the light off on the set in a few weeks, we'll know we've left something great for you to play with. Liz Spain will get you an adventuresome preview next month.

Illustrations by Roberto Gatto and Mark Madej
The art from Camel Race Finish Line and Cameltrops, my favorite VILLAINS in the set.

A lot of folks at Gen Con got a first look at some of Mummy's Mask's subtler aspects, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. So we'll be bringing it to our biggest hometown convention, Seattle's PAX West, on September 2 through 5. In rooms 201 and 203 of the Washington State Convention Center, Organized Play Coordinator Tonya Woldridge's Adventure Card Guild team will lead folks through Season of the Runelords and Season of the Goblin as well. We might even have a new Class Deck or two to show off.

If you want to hang with the PACG design crew, you'll find all of us on the 6th floor in the Lone Shark booth, #7505. We'll be running some of our new games, signing PACG cards, and drinking the iced lattes that you bring us. Wait, did I say that out loud?

If you're really into finding out what the Lone Shark crew thinks, drop in on a developer conference I help run called PAX Dev, which is on Wednesday and Thursday before PAX West. I'll be giving a talk on Creating a Game Genre, which will unsurprisingly focus on PACG and the other games in that vein. Liz will run a discussion on dog (and gamer) psychology, Paul will talk about designing for other people's properties, and I'll deconstruct Kickstarters with Kickstarter's Luke Crane. You might also enjoy our head-to-head PAX West panel called Mike and Luke Nuke the Apocalypse, where Luke will take the "anti-apocalypse" side and I will take the "pro-apocalypse" side. (Protip: It is never smart to take the "pro-apocalypse" side in any argument.)

So it'll be a full week for the Lone Shark and Paizo crews at the PAXes. Come play with us!

Mike Selinker
Adventure Card Game Lead Designer

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Conventions Marek Madej Mummy's Mask Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Roberto Gatto

Looking awesome. Super excited to see this.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Cameltrops - love the name.

Scarab Sages

Sounds like a great time; can't wait for the preview and hopeful for this next set. Wish I could come, although -as awesome as PACG is - I'd be eager to get into the Acquisitions Incorporated session and have in fact already bought tickets to see it in a local movie theater.

Is Paul Peterson doing a lot of designing for other properties these days post-Wrath? Will you be demonstrating Thornwatch, too?

Lone Shark Games

Mummy's Mask has some really awesome stuff in it. I can't wait to get my copy. :)

Paul works on a lot of games, including Mummy's Mask, Ninth World (another Lone Shark Game), Smash Up, and others. He's a gaming Titan.

It'd be mighty odd not to demo Thornwatch at PAX. ;)

How does the difficult compare to the previous sets? I'm hoping it's not as hard (and certainly not harder!) than Wrath?

Scarab Sages

Well Keith says they've got Paul Peterson on the case...

Lone Shark Games

Liz will explain all kinds of things, but she's a lot more focused on telling a story and providing a wild and crazy ride than she is on a grueling or difficulty experience :)

If you don't play Mummy's Mask and have multiple "Whoa" and "That's crazy cool" moments, you're doing it wrong!

"We had to build new tech just for reading cards."

I believe the New Tech you're looking for is called a Magnifying Glass.

Lone Shark Games

2 people marked this as a favorite.
emky wrote:
How does the difficult compare to the previous sets? I'm hoping it's not as hard (and certainly not harder!) than Wrath?

We specifically rebuilt the difficulty curve for Mummy' Mask to be better for people completely new to the game and those who haven't played in a while. The first five scenarios are specifically designed to introduce new mechanics at a fun, bite-sized pace. After that, we've got some tough scenarios, but they are mixed in with wacky, story-focused ones. For this set, I wanted to focus on creating more variety and strategy in gameplay, rather than boosting difficulty alone. Wrath still stands as the hardest PACG set by a long shot.

Liz Spain wrote:
Wrath still stands as the hardest PACG set by a long shot.

Hmmmm. Wrath has the hardest B scenarios, and is nearly impossible if you have to beat armies with the wrong group of 5-6 characters. Or if you draw too many Demonic Hordes/Arboreal Blights.

Other than that, in my experience, it's not harder than S & S. Mythic-powered characters seemed to overpower most challenges in the late game.

Lone Shark Games

1 person marked this as a favorite.
BernieTime wrote:

"We had to build new tech just for reading cards."

I believe the New Tech you're looking for is called a Magnifying Glass.

Actually, the Magnifying Glass is an awesome Item card...

Grand Lodge

Mike Selinker wrote:
We had to build new tech just for reading cards.

This is really cool. It's like a cutout frame with a golden translucent film in the middle. And the shape of the frame is a magnifying glass. You read the cards without the secret decoder then with it. Amazing!

Scarab Sages

So it's basically like the square of red translucent plastic they used to include with every Transformers figure so that you could read their tech specs?

Calthaer wrote:
So it's basically like the square of red translucent plastic they used to include with every Transformers figure so that you could read their tech specs?

That is exactly what I pictured when I first read that sentence. Except not that exactly because I didn't know the Transformers one existed. I just meant one in general.

Mike Selinker wrote:
We had to build new tech just for reading cards.

Mike, I can teach you French for just a few dozens of promo cards ;-)

Grand Lodge

Rebel Song wrote:
Calthaer wrote:
So it's basically like the square of red translucent plastic they used to include with every Transformers figure so that you could read their tech specs?
That is exactly what I pictured when I first read that sentence. Except not that exactly because I didn't know the Transformers one existed. I just meant one in general.

Very similar to this.

Except it's circular with a golden film instead of red and has a "handle" to simulate a magnifying glass. (It's still made of cardboard.)

Rebel Song wrote:
Calthaer wrote:
So it's basically like the square of red translucent plastic they used to include with every Transformers figure so that you could read their tech specs?
That is exactly what I pictured when I first read that sentence. Except not that exactly because I didn't know the Transformers one existed. I just meant one in general.

The copy protection for The Colonel's Bequest was a red film magnifying glass that revealed fingerprints. (My copy's in a box somewhere along with a bunch of my other Sierra games.)

Yellow (gold) isn't a good color for that sort of obscured printing, but perfect for a "magic wand" that reveals invisible ink on the cards.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Calthaer wrote:
So it's basically like the square of red translucent plastic they used to include with every Transformers figure so that you could read their tech specs?

Not at all like that, but it does involve the color red....

Liz Spain wrote:
emky wrote:
How does the difficult compare to the previous sets? I'm hoping it's not as hard (and certainly not harder!) than Wrath?
We specifically rebuilt the difficulty curve for Mummy' Mask to be better for people completely new to the game and those who haven't played in a while. The first five scenarios are specifically designed to introduce new mechanics at a fun, bite-sized pace. After that, we've got some tough scenarios, but they are mixed in with wacky, story-focused ones. For this set, I wanted to focus on creating more variety and strategy in gameplay, rather than boosting difficulty alone. Wrath still stands as the hardest PACG set by a long shot.

Does this mean you're a Timmy (in the Timmy/Johnny/Spike sense).

I feel like "experiences" are a major focus based on the scenario I playtested last year. I really like it, even though I like the hard slog of Wrath as well.

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