Zatch Bell! ... Become the human partner of a mighty Mamodo and battle for ultimate supremacy of the Mamodo world. Construct your spell book and defeat the other Mamodo combatants! The first Collectible Card Game with no deck to shuffle, no draw or discard phase, no cards 'in hand' to reconcile!...

The first MegaMan Trading Card Game set provides 8 different NetNavis. You'll also find lots of resources, events, and BattleChips to use for NetBattling. Some cards are designed for use with a particular NetNavi, but most of them can be mixed and matched to make lots of different kinds of decks....

Enter the world of Bella Sara, where beauty comes from within. Make friends with pretty ponies, frolicking foals, magical mares and strong steeds. Each horse is beautiful in its own way—just like you! ... Collect your favorite Bella Sara horses, play fun card games with your friends and read each...

Bella Sara has added to the stables! Introducing new horses with an extra bit of fantasy to the world of Bella Sara—horses that swim, fly, and do other magical things. ... The second series includes 112 horse cards: 85 regular cards and 27 foils, which are extra-rare, shiny versions of regular...

Northern Lights features fantastic horses based on Norse and Celtic mythology such as Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged steed; Skinfaxe: the Norse horse of the day; Froya, the mythological Norse mother-goddess, and many more. For a time these legends and myths inspired the hearts and minds of many....

Our Price: $12.99


Let your new horse friend introduce you to the magical world of Bella Sara! Play with an online version of your plush horse at, where you can explore and imagine together. Then open your Bella Sara Ancient Lights Card Pack and meet more new horses to add to your stable. Collect your...

Land, sea, and sky come together to create our world, full of joy and life. Now the breathtaking horses of Bella Sara: Native Lights appear to remind us of our connection to nature and those who live in harmony with it. Accompanied by animal companions who teach nature's wisdom, these magical new...

Baby Bella is the seventh card set in the bestselling Bella Sara trading-card series! This expansion introduces the horse families of North of North; including new Parent cards, Offspring cards, and Caretaker cards. New Magical Toy insert cards are also included for young and old alike to enjoy!...

Our Price: FREE

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In the near future, on the western coast city of New Metropolis, an evil that has lain dormant for centuries is about to be awakened to the 21st century. Forces of darkness and magic strive to unleash a horror upon the Earth unlike any mankind can remember. The only forces capable of stopping it...

The '24' TCG will let you play either with or against CTU in a fast-paced struggle for victory. The game will feature 24-card decks and can be played in 15 to 20 minutes. ... Each theme deck has 26 cards, (25 fixed cards + 1 random Rare Foil Card).

Bring the mighty power of war machines to your deck with Siege of Darkness Booster packs. Fierce ranged weapons for every race are introduced in this second expansion for WarCry. Vanquish your foes and leave a trail of bloody corpses with the power of war machines in Siege of Darkness, the next...

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This Dragonball Z Goku's Hurdle Blast promo card was produced for Undefeatedmagazine.

Our Price: $9.99


Cyberpunk the CCG is a game based in the near dark future of the Cyberpunk world. The world of Cyberpunk is a world in which corporations are the elite ruling class, dark soldiers of fortune rule the streets, and everybody has a price. It is a world based very much on authors like William Gibson,...