Xexyz |

So the most ridiculous thing just happened. We were playing RotRL deck 4 scenario 5. I was playing CD Kyra with the Fireflower role and the two powers that allow me to recharge a card after I defeat a monster to explore again.
The scenario rules state that if you defeat a henchman but don't close the location you shuffle the henchman back in. One of the henchmen, the Headless Lord, states that if you defeat it you can draw a random armor from the box.
So basically here's what happened:
1. Kyra explores, encountering the Headless Lord. Amaryllis was kind enough to play incendiary cloud so I'd need to roll utterly terrible in order to fail the check. I reveal my Longsword +2 and roll my dice, defeating the Headless Lord.
2. I draw a random armor from the box for defeating the henchman, and then the reality of the situation dawned on me. I decline to close the location.
3. Since I didn't close the location, the henchman is shuffled back into the location, which was now down to the henchman and another card.
4. Since I defeated a monster, I used Kyra's ability to recharge a card to immediately explore again. I encounter the Headless Lord.
5. Repeat steps 1-4. Since I also had a blessing in my hand, when I encountered the other remaining card in the location deck I was able to keep exploring.
Because of the incendiary cloud, I was able to repeatedly fight the Headless Lord until I had the entire stack of armor from the box in my deck. We ended the scenario with me having a deck size of 81. Since I had literally gotten all the armor available in the game, everyone was able to have their pick. There was much laughing and merriment at the table.

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CD Kyra is the only one who can do this infinitely, anyone else needs to have discards to explore in their hand, and cards to fight. It's really not a problem.
And most people won't even notice the change of exploiting this option...
Ok, calm down Jan. Be glad that you did not. Things like that ruin the game.

Nefrubyr |

I guess I narrowly missed out on this. I played Kyra all the way through RotR with that role, but I don't remember if we even met the Headless Lord, and if we did I never thought of milking him for armor.
I never upgraded that power from discard to recharge either, because Kyra's deck was always so healthy the recharge didn't seem necessary. But I suppose the only difference that makes is that I'd have had every armor from the box in my discard pile instead of my deck.

Sandslice |

Wait. I'm bedazzled by a rule I didn't know..
If I defeat a Henchman and I either refuse to close a location or fail to close it, does the Henchman gets shuffled back in to the Location?
If yes: Where can I read this rule!?
It's a scenario card rule, from the last scenario of adventure 4 in RotR. It's not a normal rule.

Frencois |

Frencois wrote:This said a little FAQ/errata would be welcome.I do not think we need it anymore.
Mike Selinker wrote:FOR GOD'S SAKE STOP DOING THATThat was not a request. It was an order.
Yes... unless Not-this-Mike immediately adds :
I mean, we will look into this issue.
In which case, providing I didn't use any power or card between the order step and the "immediately after" holding-of-thoughts-now-standard-step, I can freely hold my thought and continue to pile up on armors until NTM finally releases my poor brains (whivh he didn't do for the last 2 years or more so I feel confident I can meanwhile start a armor-dealer-successful-reselling business).

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We have decided that we're not going to change anything at this time, as the situation is very narrow, and the result isn't that big a deal.
However, we did come up with some design guidelines to ensure this doesn't happen in more broad circumstances. (In case you're curious, if we were to make this situation conform to those new guidelines, we'd do it by having the Ancient Library end your turn after you shuffle the henchman back into the location deck.)

Frencois |

We decided to patch this ridiculous thing after all.
Woooowwww I was holding my thoughts since April.
I feel so light and relieved.As per the latest blog, sometimes a decision just needs to take time.
Well, took humanity a hundred years to admit earth was actually orbiting the sun and everyone managed to survive with house rules during those 5 generations. So I guess we can survive with a few unresolved cases until Mummies. :-)
Great job applauses to all the Paizo and Not-this-Mike's team.

Xexyz |

We decided to patch this ridiculous thing after all.
WHY DO YOU HATE FUN?!?! *cries*
Seriously though, I'm glad you decided to change the scenario and not Kyra's power.