Pathfinder Adventure Card Game—Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Deck 6: City of Locusts

List Price: $19.99

Sale Price: $9.99

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The Final Crusade!

Having returned from the Abyss with Iomedae's blessing, you're ready to permanently close the Worldwound. Hosts of demons serving Deskari, the Lord of the Locust Host, await your challenge within the City of Locusts. The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: City of Locusts Adventure Deck is a 110-card expansion that adds new locations, monsters, villains, and more to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. This deck also includes rare loot cards and 6 new scenarios that make up the complete City of Locusts adventure, including an epic final boss battle. Complete your character's mythic ascension with the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: City of Locusts Adventure Deck.

This deck requires the Wrath of the Righteous Base Set, Sword of Valor Adventure Deck, Demon's Heresy Adventure Deck, The Midnight Isles Adventure Deck, and Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth Adventure Deck.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-751-2


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Community Manager

Announced! Product image and description are not final.

I have 2 questions:

1. When can we expect a card list for this deck?

2. Is there a way to pin this Product discussion on the General Discussion of PACG so that when the card list is available and Sir Chris/Ms. Liz/Sir Hawkmoon lets us know we can see it along with other new posts in the PACG message board? Just so we don't have to navigate to this product discussion every so often to check if Chris/Liz made an update.

Any word on when the card list for this adventure deck will be available?

... as well as pdf for things like the heroes' army so that we don't cross medals on the card itself.


Grand Lodge

NyteJKL wrote:
Any word on when the card list for this adventure deck will be available?

Yeah, I'm needing this as well.

Community & Digital Content Director

The card list is now included in the product description. I apologize for the delay! If you notice any omissions like this in the future, please ping and we'll get it fixed asap :)

I just played this with my friends and finished it. One thing we noticed though was that on the 5th scenario Closing the worldwound the henchmen it asks you to use in the set up is multiple copies of Dark Adept, but the game only comes with one copy in the base set. We subbed them in, I think its either an oversight or a misprint.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Graeme Cooper wrote:
I just played this with my friends and finished it. One thing we noticed though was that on the 5th scenario Closing the worldwound the henchmen it asks you to use in the set up is multiple copies of Dark Adept, but the game only comes with one copy in the base set. We subbed them in, I think its either an oversight or a misprint.

See this FAQ entry for the correct answer.

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