Another year is coming to a close, and 2017 has been a landmark year for us at the Paizo office! In the last few weeks, we've begun reflecting on and collecting memories from the last 12 months, and the support that you, our community of amazing fans, have given to our projects. We're blown away by it all, and before we begin our recap blogs for the year, we want to take a moment to say: thank you!

These "adorable" little skittermanders are ready for the winter festivities!
Illustration by Kent Hamilton
The release of a new roleplaying game is an all-hands-on-deck effort, and it is no understatement that the reception for Starfinder has exceeded our expectations many times over. While we plan on recapping our projects from this year in another blog, it's notable that the gamers we've seen at conventions, organized play events, game stores, and patronizing seem to really enjoy this crazy, wonderful, spacey adventure we've put so much work into. The next year is definitely going to be full of even more Starfinder (and of course, Pathfinder) excitement to come.
This widening community of gamers is what makes it possible for everyone at Paizo to keep aspiring for bigger and better goals. To show our appreciation, you can now use the holiday18 promotional code at checkout to receive a discount on an order from*
Once again, and we can't say it enough, thank you! We wish you all safe travels, critical hits, and all the adventure that the holiday season brings!
Best wishes and happy gaming,
The Paizo Staff
*The holiday18 code stacks with Pathfinder Advantage. This discount does not apply to subscriptions, backorders, preorders, or third-party downloads.