Season of the Plundered Tombs, The Story So FarBrave Pathfinder Agents have investigated lost tombs, translated hidden runes, smashed undead guardians, and dispersed elementals, all in service to the Pathfinder Society. There may have been some amount of plundering also happening, based on the fine historic artifacts exhibited by those agents, but that is clearly secondary to the far more altruistic pursuit of knowledge. Tags: Adventure Card Guild Mummy's Mask Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society Season of Plundered Tombs 'Tis the Season of Plundered TombsThe Season of Plundered Tombs is upon us! This third season of the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild just kicked off last week, so it's a good time to discuss the many Tags: Adventure Card Guild Maichol Quinto Mummy's Mask Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society Season of Plundered Tombs OPC Log—18 Lamashan 4716In the Pacific Northwest, our weather turned and rain now envelopes our Redmond office in a mist. Falling temperatures, transitioning leaves, and blustering winds replaced the bright sunshine and warm weather. The rough storms of the past weekend left us tossed about and quite a bit of debris and detritus blown about, but all are accounted for. For other Pathfinders, the inclement weather patterns of the past few months test their resiliency and survival skills. While we have heard from Venture-Officers and players on the eastern seaboard of the US, they still face difficulties with flooding and power outages. Though divided by location and language, we are all one huge family. If possible, where possible, consider offering a helping hand or a dry towel. Tags: Adventure Card Guild Community Conventions Pathfinder Society Roberto Pitturru Season of Plundered Tombs |