For weeks the astronomers of the Inner Sea region have been
abuzz. Millennia ago, the twin planets Damiar and Iovo
exploded, creating an asteroid belt known as the Diaspora.
A few of those asteroids orbit the sun more erratically, and one
of the more famous of these is called Aucturn’s Tear, which flies
through the solar system every 56 years like clockwork. For some
reason, the asteroid has flared to life in the night sky, as though
releasing vast quantities of gas.
Most would be content to just watch the asteroid and wonder—
but not the Pathfinder Society. Agents have been furiously
preparing for some kind of expedition that involves portals.
Could it be that as Aucturn’s Tear travels overhead tonight, a
mystic doorway to a hidden treasure might open? Perhaps that’s
why so many agents have gathered around the Spire of Nex, a
towering siege fortress rumored to contain untold magical
power. Perhaps the Master of Spells Sorrina Westyr will make an
announcement soon.
This is one of two tables of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Guild Special #8-00: Cosmic Captive. Here's the general timeline for the game:
Part 1 [June 9th]: Mustering of players, drawing starting hands, choosing locations, descriptive text.
Part 2 [June 10th-July 2nd]: Playing through 3 scenarios
Part 3 [July 3rd-July 21st]: Playing through the final, 2-part scenario
Each character will be expected to post at least once per day, and if you haven't posted for 24 hours when it's your turn, the GM will message you through Paizo's PM service as well as on G-chat if applicable.
Our successes as we're playing through the Card Game scenarios will affect things that happen at the RPG tables, so the quicker we play, the more we can help them achieve an overwhelming victory!