The most rules dense section of Path of the Hellknight comes at the very end. While there's certainly plenty of content in here for GMs planning to pit their PCs against Hellknight foes, in truth, this section is designed to give players a ton of new options for their Hellknight characters. A host of new traits, feats, spells, and equipment provide a spectrum of new ways to make your character feel more like a driven and entrenched Hellknight, while details on existing cavalier orders and inquisitor inquisitions recast existing options to further the Hellknights' agendas. You'll also find new options for those taking the Hellknight prestige class, the Order of the Ennead Star cavalier order, and more. There is a ton of super cool content in this chapter worth showing off...
Prepare to Raise Hell
Friday, June 24, 2016
In this final preview of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Path of the Hellknight, I figured I'd touch on the Hellknight arsenal—rules-wise the book's meatiest chapter—and wrap things up with glimpses of the remaining three major Hellknight orders. So let's dive right in!
Hellknight Arsenal
The most rules dense section of Path of the Hellknight comes at the very end. While there's certainly plenty of content in here for GMs planning to pit their PCs against Hellknight foes, in truth, this section is designed to give players a ton of new options for their Hellknight characters. A host of new traits, feats, spells, and equipment provide a spectrum of new ways to make your character feel more like a driven and entrenched Hellknight, while details on existing cavalier orders and inquisitor inquisitions recast existing options to further the Hellknights' agendas. You'll also find new options for those taking the Hellknight prestige class, the Order of the Ennead Star cavalier order, and more. There is a ton of super cool content in this chapter worth showing off...
So, moving right along to our final three major Hellknight orders!
Illustrations by Damien Mammoliti and Richard Suwono
Order of the Pyre
Symbol tower rising from flames
Headquarters Citadel Krane, near Ostenso
Leader Lictor Rouen Stought (LN female human ranger 6/HellknightISWG 4)
Members atheists, former cultists, members of mainstream religions, victims of dangerous radicals
Armor Features bladed armor, horned and skull-like helm
Favored Weapon glaive
Reckoning Burn yourself over an open flame. Once per day as an immediate action, you can gain fire resistance 10 for 10 minutes. This does not stack with resist energy or any other abilities that provide fire resistance and overlaps with protection from energy.
Whether unhealthy beliefs take root in the minds of religious fanatics, practitioners of strange mystical arts, or students of radical philosophies, the Order of the Pyre strives to stamp out all outlandish convictions. This philosophy has given these Hellknights a well-earned reputation as cultist hunters who are intolerant of religion. Yet the Order of the Pyre also seeks to thwart philosophical revolutions and the insidious spread of dangerous ways of thinking. The order uses the faiths and mores of Chelish society as the standard of acceptable beliefs. The Inner Sea region's most common deities are acceptable to them, as are orderly philosophies such as diabolism and the Prophecies of Kalistrade. However, the order views whatever doesn't mesh with Chelish thinking or doesn't have an existing role within society as dangerous.
Followers of the Pyre can expect to learn more about the group's witch-hunting methods, their costal citadel and black armored fleet of ships, and a variety of feats and magic items perfect for hunting down practitioners of dark faiths an traditions.
Illustrations by Damien Mammoliti and Richard Suwono
Order of the Rack
Symbol a spiked wheel
Headquarters Citadel Rivad, near Westcrown
Leader Lictor Darcyne Wrens (LN female human sorcerer 10/HellknightISWG 1)
Members denigrators of art and poetry, patriots, technology-haters, traditionalists
Armor Features muscular design, sleek helm, flayed cloak
Favored Weapon longsword or whip
Reckoning Endure internal burns. Gain a +4 bonus on Fortitude saving throws to resist poison. This increases to +6 against ingested poisons.
The Order of the Rack numbers among the Hellknight orders that the public most loathes. The order has a reputation for raiding the homes of those who speak out against the status quo, and for breaking up groups of malcontents before they become guilds, unions, or revolutionaries. They are the enemies of foreign ideals and innovations, not because they lack merit, but because they detract from what these Hellknights perceive to be the traditional values of southern Avistan. Art and technology are viewed as wasteful or dangerous, especially when they meet in union. None can say how many valuable printing presses Hellknights of the Rack have destroyed, or how many thousands of pages of unique stories, songs, and philosophies they have burned in the shadow of Citadel Rivad. All of this is summarized in the Order of the Rack's symbol, the torturer's wheel, which the order sees as the embodiment of wayward thinking and the suffering manifested by those permitted to indulge their ideas.
Those seeking to join the Order of the Rack can expect to learn more about this groups strict hierarchy, their hazing traditions, technologies and texts targeted for destruction, the Hellknight's first citadel, dozens of character options, a new poison, and a variety of crippling feats. Developments within the order also see the rise of a new commander, Lictor Darcyne Wrens, and the full story associated with that power shift.
Illustration by Damien Mammoliti
Order of the Scourge
Symbol star of bleeding lashes
Headquarters Citadel Demain, near Egorian
Leader Lictor Toulon Vidoc (LN male human rogue 2/fighter 4/HellknightISWG 10)
Members constables, informants, the poor, victims of organized crime
Armor Features serrated breastplate, horned helm
Favored Weapon heavy mace, scourge (see page 48), or whip
Reckoning Lash yourself with a scourge or whip. Take 1 fewer point of bleed damage per round when you are affected by an ability or effect that causes bleed damage and gain a +4 bonus on Heal checks to stop bleeding.
The oldest organization of Hellknights, the Order of the Scourge seeks to root out corruption in any form. Its members hunt for political manipulation and abuses of power, but their efforts also include an endless war against organized crime. At the fringes of its influence, the Order of the Scourge might hunt gangs of burglars or cutpurses, but in the heart of Cheliax these Hellknights crusade against faceless guilds of thieves, sprawling criminal organizations, and nobles for whom crime has become a family business. This regularly pits the Order of the Scourge against some of the most dangerous powers in Cheliax, including members of the nation's government.
Illustration by Mariusz Gandzel
Members of the Order of the Scourge can also expect much more on their particularly urban group's methods, Citadel Demain—the de facto headquarters of all Hellknight orders—tenets, characters options, the new faceless enforcer vigilante archetype, and more!
That's it for glimpses into Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Path of the Hellknight! Look for it on your local game store's shelves soon or snag it right now here on I'm already looking forward to hearing about all the new Hellknight characters the book spawns, not to mention how all these merciless tools finally let you stamp out the forces of chaos in your campaign.
Many of us are heading out to Indy next week for Gen Con 2015. In the Paizo booth there will be a huge display made from Pathfinder RPG books, and the latest of them's going to be Occult Adventures. Here's a last preview at the fantastic art before it officially releases on July 29! See you in Indy!
Many of us are heading out to Indy next week for Gen Con 2015. In the Paizo booth there will be a huge display made from Pathfinder RPG books, and the latest of them's going to be Occult Adventures. Here's a last preview at the fantastic art before it officially releases on July 29! See you in Indy!
Illustrations by Igor Grechanyi, Caio Maciel Monteiro, and Mariusz Gandzel
Illustrations by Federico Musetti and Subroto Bhaumik
You've asked, so we've answered! Last August, we released seven Class Decks for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. These decks provide new characters and boons that can be added to any PACG Adventure Path, and they're your gateway to the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Organized Play program. You've made it clear that you want more, and we're happy to oblige.
We've Got Class, And We Know It
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
You've asked, so we've answered! Last August, we released seven Class Decks for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. These decks provide new characters and boons that can be added to any PACG Adventure Path, and they're your gateway to the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Organized Play program. You've made it clear that you want more, and we're happy to oblige.
This August, we'll begin new monthly Class Deck releases, starting with the paladin in August, the monk in September, and the druid in October. After we complete the 11 core classes with the barbarian in November, we'll begin exploring classes outside the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. As with the previous Class Decks, each deck contains 109 cards, including boons that can take your character from the start to the end of any Adventure Path. Meet Maznar, a character from the upcoming Druid Class Deck:
Illustration by Mariusz Gandzel
Maznar is part of a small sect of dwarf druids revered by his people and by many inhabitants of wild places. He follows the Green Faith, a philosophy that commands respect for nature. Maznar draws on the power of his spells and his animal friends to protect himself and his party.
There's one big difference between the previous seven Class Decks and the new one. After hearing a lot of feedback, we decided to focus each new deck on three characters instead of four. This allows us to add more support for each character and her roles throughout her entire progression while continuing to bring you innovative character designs. Pre-order the Paladin Class Deck today!
Adventure Card Game Team at Portland's GameStorm This Weekend
The card game design team will be at GameStorm in Vancouver, WA this weekend, testing various goodies. Come find us in the Game Lab at the Vancouver Hilton!
Beware! A few days from now, an invasion of over 200 of the most notable denizens of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting will be flooding into game stores and subscribers' mailboxes. Cleverly hidden inside the Inner Sea Pawn Box like a modern-day, miniature Trojan Horse, these characters are set to assault game tables the world over. Check out the full list of included pawns, as well as a preview of several of the new pieces of art ordered for the set!
Invasion of the Pawn People!
Wednesday, January 7, 2014
Beware! A few days from now, an invasion of over 200 of the most notable denizens of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting will be flooding into game stores and subscribers' mailboxes. Cleverly hidden inside the Inner Sea Pawn Box like a modern-day, miniature Trojan Horse, these characters are set to assault game tables the world over. Check out the full list of included pawns, as well as a preview of several of the new pieces of art ordered for the set!
Inner Sea Pawn Box Set List:
Aspis Consortium Spy (2)
Balazar, Summoner
Bellflower Tiller* (2)
Bellflower Tiller* (2)
Bleachling Lunatic
Charau-Ka Warrior (5)
Chuffy Lickwound
Daggermark Poisoner (2)
Eagle Knight Halfling
Enora, Arcanist
Okeno Liberator
Pathfinder Loreseeker
Poog of Zarongel
Priest of Desna
Priestess of Nethys
Priestess of Norgorber
Priestess of Zon-Kuthon
Reta Bigbad
Usaro Rebel (3)
Absalom Guard (6)
Adowyn, Hunter
Adril Hestram
Alahazra, Oracle
Alain, Cavalier
Aldori Swordlord*
Aldori Swordlord*
Alkenstar Shieldmarshal (4)
Anaphexia Assassin (4)
Android Monk (2)
Android Warrior (2)
Arcanamirium Sorcerer (2)
Arclord of Nex
Aspis Consortium Commander
Aspis Consortium Soldier (3)
Aspis Consortium Thug (3)
Averaka Giant Slayer (2)
Belkzen Warchief (2)
Blackfire Adept Summoner (3)
Blackraven Scout (4)
Blue Warder (3)
Chernasardo Sniper (3)
Crowe, Bloodrager
Daggermark Poisoner (2)
Damiel, Alchemist
Decemvirate Member
Drow Matron
Duergar Slaver (3)
Duskwarden (3)
Eagle Knight Commander (2)
Eagle Knight Soldier (4)
Eando Kline
Feiya, Witch
Fierani Demon Hunter (4)
Geb Blood Lord
Gillman Warrior (3)
Gillman Wave Rider (2)
Grandmaster Torch
Gray Gardener (4)
Gray Maiden (4)
Gray Maiden Commander
Green Faith Druid (4)
Green Faith High Druid
Hakon, Skald
Half-Orc Pit Fighter (2)
Harbinger Disciple (3)
Hayato, Samurai
Hellknight Armiger (4)
Hellknight Signifer*
Hellknight Signifer*
House of Perfection Monk (3)
Imrijka, Inquisitor
Ironmaster Ytharia Vulane
Iroran Champion
Jinx Eater (2)
Jirelle, Swashbuckler
Keleshite Entertainer
Kess, Brawler
Kitharodian Academy Bard
Kitharodian Academy Performer
Knight of Ozem* (2)
Knight of Ozem* (2)
Knight of the Ioun Star
Kortash Khain
Korvosan Shingles Runner (3)
Kuru Cannibal (4)
Lantern Bearer (3)
Lion Blade of Taldor (4)
Lirianne, Gunslinger
Low Templar (3)
Magaambya Arcanist (3)
Magaambya Instructor
Maurya-Rahm Advisor
Mendevian Crusader* (3)
Mendevian Crusader* (3)
Molthuni Soldier (4)
Mushfens Cabalist (3)
Night Herald Cultist (3)
Old Ones Cultist (3)
Old-Mage Jatembe
Oloch, Warpriest
Order of the Chain Hellknight (3)
Order of the Gate Hellknight (3)
Order of the Godclaw Hellknight (3)
Order of the Nail Hellknight (3)
Order of the Pyre Hellknight (3)
Order of the Rack Hellknight (3)
Order of the Scourge Hellknight (3)
Pactmaster of Katapesh (3)
Pain Taster (2)
Pathfinder Braggart
Pathfinder Chronicler
Pathfinder Explorer
Pathfinder Hunter
Pathfinder Priest
Pathfinder Sneak
Pathfinder Spellcaster
Pathfinder Venture-Captain
Pathfinder Wanderer
Pathfinder Warrior
Pirate Marauder (4)
Priest of Abadar
Priest of Asmodeus
Priest of Calistria
Priest of Cayden Cailean
Priest of Erastil
Priest of Gorum
Priest of Gozreh
Priest of Iomedae
Priest of Irori
Priest of Lamashtu
Priest of Nethys
Priest of Norgorber
Priest of Pharasma
Priest of Rovagug
Priest of Sarenrae
Priest of Shelyn
Priest of Torag
Priest of Urgathoa
Priest of Zon-Kuthon
Priestess of Abadar
Priestess of Asmodeus
Priestess of Calistria
Priestess of Cayden Cailean
Priestess of Desna
Priestess of Erastil
Priestess of Gorum
Priestess of Gozreh
Priestess of Iomedae
Priestess of Irori
Priestess of Lamashtu
Priestess of Pharasma
Priestess of Rovagug
Priestess of Sarenrae
Priestess of Shelyn
Priestess of Torag
Priestess of Urgathoa
Prophet of Kalistrade*
Prophet of Kalistrade*
Puddles Peddler
Pure Legionnaire (4)
Pure Legionnaire Commander
Quinn, Investigator
Razmiran Cultist (4)
Razmiran Priest (2)
Red Mantis Acolyte (2)
Red Mantis Assassin (5)
Red Mantis Elite (3)
Red Mantis Leader
Reiko, Ninja
Riftwarden (4)
Risen Guard* (3)
Risen Guard* (3)
River Kingdoms Brigand (4)
Rough Rampager (3)
Sable Company Marine (3)
Sczarni Crime Boss
Sczarni Mystic (2)
Sczarni Thief (4)
Seltyiel, Magus
Shackles Pirate* (4)
Shackles Pirate* (4)
Shackles Pirate Captain*
Shackles Pirate Captain*
Shardra, Shaman
Shoanti Gladiator (3)
Silent Enforcer (4)
Sister of the Golden Erinyes (4)
Sleepless Detective (3)
Sodden Scavenger (4)
Strix Warrior (4)
Strix Witch
Taldan Noble*
Taldan Noble*
Technic League Spellcaster (2)
Thrune Agent* (2)
Thrune Agent* (2)
Tian Monk* (2)
Tian Monk* (2)
Tian Sage
Ulfen Guard Commander
Ulfen Guard of Taldor (2)
Ulfen Hunter (2)
Ulfen Longboat Captain
Ulfen Raider (5)
Usij Cabalist (3)
Uskwood Druid (2)
Ustalavic Duelist
Varisian Merchant (2)
Varisian Wanderer (3)
Way of the Kirin Agent
White Witch (2)
Zadim, Slayer
Absalom Wave Rider (3)
Alain on Donahan
God Caller with Eidolon
Jarl Gnargorak
Knight of Ozem, Mounted (4)
Mistress of Blades Maidrayne Vox
Mounted Hellknight (4)
Qadiran Horselord (4)
Ruthazek the Gorilla King
Sable Company Marine, Mounted (3)
Shoanti Burn Rider (3)
* Indicates box includes multiple images for this character type.
Illustrations by Konstantinos Skenteridis, Mariusz Gandzel, and Alberto Dal Lago
Illustrations by Konstantinos Skenteridis, Ramon Puasa Jr., Chenthooran Nambiarooran, and Subroto Bhaumik
For many Pathfinder Society players, the end of the year is a time to reunite with friends and family—and get the old gaming group back together! If you haven't heard the news, there's a new Pathfinder Module at large: Plunder & Peril. Ready for some more tidings of good cheer? It's now sanctioned for Pathfinder Society Organized Play! You can download the Chronicle sheet from the product page or Additional Resources page.
Piracy on the Sanctioned Seas!
Monday, December 15, 2014
Illustration by Mariusz Gandzel
For many Pathfinder Society players, the end of the year is a time to reunite with friends and family—and get the old gaming group back together! If you haven't heard the news, there's a new Pathfinder Module at large: Plunder & Peril. Ready for some more tidings of good cheer? It's now sanctioned for Pathfinder Society Organized Play! You can download the Chronicle sheet from the product page or Additional Resources page.
This module is actually a set of three smaller adventures that can be played back-to-back to tell a bigger story, and there's a Chronicle sheet for each part of the module. If one of your characters is feeling particularly piratey, you can apply all three Chronicle sheets to her and earn a fourth sheet as a bonus! For even more swashbuckling action, combine this module's rewards with those for theSkull and Shackles Adventure Path to create a true Pathfinding terror of the high seas (it's now possible to get a character from 1st- to 14th-level playing almost nothing but pirate-themed adventures)!
Is that still not enough ship-to-ship action for you? In conjunction with Tannis O'Connor, I have added a little something extra to the Chronicle sheets for those of you participating in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild's Season of the Shackles.
Prepare to Set Sail Thursday, April 5, 2012We're just a few weeks away from shipping out the first chapter of the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path to subscribers. To get your peg legs itching, here are two pieces of art from Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny. Both depict life aboard a pirate ship, albeit on different sides of the coin. Whether you find infamy and plunder upon the high seas or end up swabbing the decks, anchors are lifting soon and the life of a pirate awaits!...
Prepare to Set Sail
Thursday, April 5, 2012
We're just a few weeks away from shipping out the first chapter of the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path to subscribers. To get your peg legs itching, here are two pieces of art from Pathfinder Adventure Path #55: The Wormwood Mutiny. Both depict life aboard a pirate ship, albeit on different sides of the coin. Whether you find infamy and plunder upon the high seas or end up swabbing the decks, anchors are lifting soon and the life of a pirate awaits! Be sure to check back next week for the release of the free Skull & Shackles Player's Guide.
Illustrations by Craig J Spearing and Mariusz Gandzel
Two New Kami Thursday, November 10, 2011 We’re coming up on the release of Bestiary 3 in the near future, and as readers of the Jade Regent Adventure Path have noticed, we’re already using monsters from that book in the adventures! This is more or less a necessity, since when you travel to the far side of the world, you expect to see brand-new creatures and monsters, after all. We’ve been filling the Jade Regent bestiaries with all sorts of monsters inspired from Asian mythology and folklore,...
Two New Kami
Thursday, November 10, 2011
We’re coming up on the release of Bestiary 3 in the near future, and as readers of the Jade Regent Adventure Path have noticed, we’re already using monsters from that book in the adventures! This is more or less a necessity, since when you travel to the far side of the world, you expect to see brand-new creatures and monsters, after all. We’ve been filling the Jade Regent bestiaries with all sorts of monsters inspired from Asian mythology and folklore, but we need more—and that’s where Bestiary 3 comes in.
One of the new types of monsters introduced in Bestiary 3 and the Jade Regent Adventure Path are the kami—usually (but not always) benevolent native outsiders who exist to protect that which cannot really protect itself from the advance of humanity and civilization. Pathfinder #52 and Bestiary 3 present several kami, ranging from CR 2 all the way up to CR 20.
Presented below are two of the kami who have roles to play in “Forest of Spirits.” We’re simply presenting their statistics here—what roles they play in the adventure must remain a secret until you play it or run it for your group!
Kami Subtype: Kami are a race of native outsiders who serve to protect what they refer to as “wards”—animals, plants, objects, and even locations—from being harmed or dishonored. All kami are outsiders with the native subtype. A kami possesses the following traits unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry.
Immune to bleed, mind-affecting effects, petrification, and polymorph effects.
Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Although they are native outsiders, kami do not eat, drink, or breathe.
Fast Healing (Ex) As long as a kami is within 120 feet of its ward, it gains fast healing. The amount of fast healing it gains depends on the type of kami.
Merge with Ward (Su) As a standard action, a kami can merge its body and mind with its ward. When merged, the kami can observe the surrounding region with its senses as if it were using its own body, as well as via any senses its ward might have. It has no control over its ward, nor can it communicate or otherwise take any action other than to emerge from its ward as a standard action. A kami must be adjacent to its ward to merge with or emerge from it. If its ward is a creature, plant, or object, the kami can emerge mounted on the creature provided the kami’s body is at least one size category smaller than the creature. If its ward is a location, the kami may emerge at any point within that location.
Ward (Su) A kami has a specific ward—a creature with an Intelligence score of 2 or lower (usually an animal or vermin), a plant (not a plant creature), an object, or a location. The type of ward is listed in parentheses in the kami’s stat block. Several of a kami’s abilities function only when it is either merged with its ward or within 120 feet of it. If a kami’s ward is portable and travels with the kami to another plane, the kami does not gain the extraplanar subtype on that other plane as long as its ward remains within 120 feet. If a ward is destroyed while a kami is merged with it, the kami dies (no save). If a ward is destroyed while a kami is not merged with it, the kami loses its merge with ward ability and its fast healing, and becomes permanently sickened.
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size) hp 19 (3d10+3); fast healing 2 Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +8 DR 5/cold iron; Immune bleed, mind-affecting effects, petrification, polymorph; Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Speed 30 ft. Melee improvised weapon +4 (1d4+2/x3) Ranged improvised weapon +6 (1d3+2/x3) Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft. Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; concentration +8)
At will—invisibility (self only), statue (self only)
3/day—hide from animals, purify food and drink
1/week—commune with nature (CL 12th)
Str 8, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 17, Cha 14 Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 11 Feats Alertness, Catch Off-GuardB, Iron Will, Throw AnythingB Skills Heal +9, Knowledge (nature) +6, Perception +11, Sense Motive +11, Stealth +15, Survival +9 Languages Common SQ improvised weapon mastery, merge with ward, ward (minor works of civilization)
Environment any Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–8) Treasure standard
Special Abilities
Improvised Weapon Mastery (Ex) A shikigami gains Catch Off-Guard and Throw Anything as bonus feats, and adds its Charisma modifier instead of its Strength modifier to damage done with any improvised weapon, as attacks it makes with such weapons seem supernaturally lucky in landing damaging blows. Although a shikigami is Tiny, it never provokes attacks of opportunity when it attacks an adjacent foe with a melee weapon. If a shikigami critically hits an opponent with an improvised weapon, it deals x3 damage.
Illustration by Mariusz Gandzel
Zuishin CR 10
XP 9,600
LG Medium outsider (kami, native) Init +9; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect evil, see invisibility; Perception +20
AC 23, touch 13, flat-footed 20 (+6 armor, +3 Dex, +4 natural) hp 123 (13d10+52); fast healing 5 Fort +8, Ref +13, Will +14 DR 10/cold iron; Immune bleed, mind-affecting effects, petrification, polymorph; Resist acid 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 21
Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect, 40 ft. without armor) Melee +1 holy halberd +18/+13/+8 (1d10+7/x3) Ranged +1 holy composite longbow +20/+15/+10 (1d8+5/x3) Special Attacks healing arrow, holy weapons Spell-Like Abilities (CL 13th; concentration +18)
Constant—detect evil, see invisibility
At will—cure light wounds, dimension door
3/day—alarm, breath of life, dispel magic, neutralize poison, remove curse, remove disease, restoration
1/day—dispel evil (DC 20), heal, true seeing
Str 18, Dex 21, Con 18, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 21 Base Atk +13; CMB +17; CMD 34 (can’t be tripped) Feats Improved Initiative, Improved Precise Shot, Iron Will, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Weapon Focus (longbow) Skills Fly +10, Heal +20, Intimidate +18, Knowledge (nature) +16, Perception +20, Sense Motive +20, Stealth +18 Languages Common; telepathy 100 ft. SQ merge with ward, ward (gate, doorway, or shrine)
Environment any Organization solitary, pair, or warband (3–8) Treasure double (+1 composite longbow [+4 Str], +1 halberd, masterwork breastplate, other treasure)
Special Abilities
Healing Arrow (Su) As a swift action, a zuishin can infuse an arrow it fires to carry any of the following effects: breath of life, cure light wounds, heal, neutralize poison, remove curse, remove disease, or restoration. Using one of these effects consumes a use of the same spell-like ability. The zuishin must make a touch attack to deliver the effect to the target—the target takes no damage from the arrow. Holy Weapons (Su) Any weapon wielded by a zuishin is treated as if it had the holy special ability. A zuishin creates arrows out of nothing as part of its attacks with any bow it wields.