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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Adventurer's Guide (PFRPG)

Organizations of the Adventurer's Guide

As opposed to the hardcovers before (Bestiary 6) and after (Book of the Damned), the Adventurer's Guide is very much a product for players. The central idea of this book is to focus on several of the more famous (or infamous) organizations active in the Inner Sea region of Golarion. This book is not intended to present these organizations as things your characters can join (we've covered that topic before in numerous ways, after all) but instead to use these groups as themes for the presentation of new archetypes, prestige classes, magic items, spells, feats, and other player options for your characters to take. In effect, these groups serve as your characters' adventuring guides, in that once you become affiliated with them, they can guide your character into new specializations, talents, and powers.

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Tags: Adventurer's Guide Florian Stitz Pathfinder Roleplaying Game William O'Brien Willian Liu

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 6 (PFRPG)

Literary Monsters of Bestiary 6

For this last Bestiary 6 post (the book officially released yesterday, so I can't really call it a preview post!), I want to build upon last week's post, where I talked a bit about monsters from mythological sources. In this case, since these creatures aren't protected by copyright law and aren't the intellectual property of content creators, the field is wide open—we can create specific creatures based on these things in the same way we can stat up things like donkeys and rats. But there's another category of inspiration that we often draw upon that's a bit trickier—literary sources.

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Tags: Bestiary 6 Florian Stitz Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rafael Rivera Will O'Brien

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 6 (PFRPG)

Mythological Monsters of Bestiary 6

Now that Bestiary 6 is making the rounds and folks have had a chance to get over the shock of seeing archdevils and kaiju and qlippoth lords and the Horsemen of the Apocalypse and empyreal lords and all sorts of other powerful creatures like the ones we spoke of last week, I'd like to thank humanity as a whole for being such an endless font of inspiration. We've been creating monsters to fill our stories and myths since we first started telling stories and weaving myths, and over the thousands and thousands of years humanity's been around, well, that's a lot of time to create a lot of monsters!

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Tags: Bestiary 6 Florian Stitz Nikolai Ostertag Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rafael Rivera

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Villain Codex (PFRPG)

A Riddle Wrapped in Mystery

Villain Codex is here! This week we're unveiling some of the hidden secrets of the last five remaining enigmatic organizations. Each one has its own mysteries and hidden agendas, either hiding in the shadows or in plain sight beneath another facade.

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Tags: Bogdan Rezunenko Daniel Lopez Florian Stitz Gintas Galvanauskas Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ramon Puasa Jr. Villain Codex

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Villain Codex (PFRPG)

I'm a Man of Wealth and Taste

Last time we took a look at villains of the natural world, with an in-depth look at Nature's Scourge. This week we're headed back to civilization to shine a light on the corruption and excesses that make villains like Nature's Scourge want to just burn the whole thing down.

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Tags: Dmitri Sirenko Florian Stitz Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ramon Puasa Jr. Subroto Bhaumik Tim Kings-Lynne Villain Codex

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Wrapping Up the Mummy's Mask

I know what you're thinking. "Another Mummy's Mask blog? We're totally in Iron Gods mode now! Show me robots, darn it!" And you're right. We released the final chapter of the Mummy's Mask Adventure Path a few months ago now, and this month are releasing the second chapter in its follow-up AP, Iron Gods. That's why now is the perfect time to release a bunch of art from Mummy's Mask. We now have the entire AP to go through in search of the best pieces of art to release to the public, either as potential desktop backgrounds, or to use in a publication or on a website using the Community Use Policy.

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Tags: Damon Westenhofer Ekaterina Burmak Florian Stitz Jared Blando Johan Grenier Mummy's Mask Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Player Companion Vicky Yarova

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The Usual Suspects: Class Decks Preview

Gather round, Pathfinders. I've got some secrets to share with you. It's the story of an unlikely group of adventurers whose journeys took them into the Eye of Abendego, out to the Worldwound, and beyond. How does the story end? Well, that's up to you to decide...

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Alex Tooth Class Decks Diana Martinez Eva Widermann Florian Stitz Jorge Fares Kostja Schleger Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Tim Kings-Lynne

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Mother Bears—Chapter Three: Fires by Day

Mother Bearsby Wendy N. Wagner ... Chapter Three: Fires by DayJendara followed Tam's light, feeling the cave's blackness like velvet pressing against her skin, her nostrils. She wanted to run outside before the cave smothered her. But she couldn't stop thinking of that horrible wail. It wasn't Kran—he could make a few sounds, but none so loud or carrying. She reminded herself of that fact again and again. ... It still made her skin crawl. ... Remember, Tam called over his shoulder. Keep...
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Tags: Florian Stitz Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction Wendy N. Wagner

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Mother Bears—Chapter Two: Ill Tide

Mother Bearsby Wendy N. Wagner ... Chapter Two: Ill TideWhere's my son? Jendara's voice rumbled like a great beast's growl. Vorrin gripped her elbow, hard. ... The boys stared back at her for a second, then bolted. ... Come back! Jendara yanked her arm, but Vorrin kept his grip. ... They won't talk to you, he snapped. Hell, you scare me. ... Yul chuckled. You're right, mainlander. The boys will run home to hide. We'll go door to door. I know their fathers. ... But as he led them deeper into...
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Tags: Florian Stitz Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction Wendy N. Wagner
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Mother Bears—Chapter One: Waking the Bear

Mother Bearsby Wendy N. Wagner ... Chapter One: Waking the BearKran tapped his slate, louder this time, and Jendara gave in, looking up from her ledger. The boy's blue eyes gleamed as his chalk squeaked, underlining the word please a second time—his equivalent of begging. Jendara's lips moved as she read the note. ... You want to play marbles on the beach? With some village boys? ... He nodded his head, making the yellow tassels of his cap dance. The tip of his nose was pink from the...
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Tags: Florian Stitz Pathfinder Tales Web Fiction Wendy N. Wagner

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Blood and Money—Chapter Four: Death in the Family

Blood and Moneyby Steven Savile ... Click here to read this story from the beginning. ... Chapter Four: Death in the FamilyBlind optimism wasn’t a particularly useful trait for an assassin. Isra was neither blind nor optimistic. He knew full well that Faris could not be trusted, no matter how generous an offer his own skin was. ... Isra knew people, be they the rich and greedy of one tier of society or the guttersnipes and backstabbing thieves of another. He lived in both worlds. He was...
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Tags: Blood and Money Florian Stitz Pathfinder Tales Steven Savile

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Blood and Money—Chapter Three: Fortune Favors the Dead

Blood and Moneyby Steven Savile ... Chapter Three: Fortune Favors the DeadFor Isra to claim that he was a master of disguise was akin to saying cash was king down in the Nightstalls, capable of buying everything from rare strains of poison to souls, either figuratively or literally depending on which gossip you listened to. It was well known that commerce was the only god worth praying to. That was the essence of the Golden City. ... It went without saying. ... But it was also wonderfully...
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Tags: Blood and Money Florian Stitz Pathfinder Tales Steven Savile

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Blood and Money—Chapter Two: The Masquerade

Blood and Moneyby Steven Savile ... Chapter Two: The MasqueradeThe fact that someone wanted him dead was a bitter pill for Isra to swallow, but not a particularly surprising one. Act like an idiot long enough, splashing the cash and taking it as gospel that every woman in the city had been put there for your pleasure, and you were going to incur a certain amount of jealousy. That was just part of the image he had cultivated to hide the Nightwalker from prying eyes. And he was good at it. No...
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Tags: Blood and Money Florian Stitz Pathfinder Tales Steven Savile

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Blood and Money—Chapter One: Nightwalker

Blood and Moneyby Steven Savile ... Chapter One: NightwalkerIt was well after midnight in the garden. He was not alone. Aphids crept and crawled across his bare skin, and a hot wind blew in from the desert. The unseasonal sirocco was an excuse for madness. Men would use it as a rationale for particularly savage beatings, claiming the wind had driven them to it. Isra had no patience for weak men or liars. He did, however, appreciate the beauty of the well-tended garden. ... The topiaries of...
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Tags: Blood and Money Florian Stitz Pathfinder Tales Steven Savile

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A Passage to Absalom—Chapter One: Mulled Wine

A Passage to Absalomby Dave Gross ... Chapter One: Mulled WineThe first blush of dawn cast the Imperial Shipyards into stark silhouette, a forest of black cranes and masts standing on the eastern docks of Cassomir. Along the strand, gulls vied with ravens for the shellfish buried beneath a thin blanket of midwinter snow. The lapping waves left a sensuous border of sand at the edge of the snowfall, like the impression of a woman's lips upon a crystal goblet. Soon the tide would recede, and the...
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Tags: Dave Gross Florian Stitz A Passage to Absalom Pathfinder Tales Qadira

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Master of Devils Sample Chapter—Chapter Sixteen: Phoenix Warrior

Master of Devils Sample Chapter Wednesday, July 27, 2011by Dave Gross ... In Master of Devils, Dave Gross takes Pathfinder Venture-Captain Varian Jeggare and his hellspawn bodyguard Radovan into the distant land of Tian Xia in search of a magical pearl, where things quickly go awry. Trapped in the body of a devil, Radovan finds himself held hostage by the legendary Quivering Palm attack and fighting on behalf of a mysterious master. ... Chapter Sixteen: Phoenix WarriorThe basilisk slithered...
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Tags: Dave Gross Florian Stitz Master of Devils Pathfinder Tales

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Golarion Day: Field Guide Art Preview

... Golarion Day: Field Guide Art Preview Friday, July 1, 2011In the buildup to our print deadline for Gen Con, we saw a fair amount of book schedules get a bit of compression, with books that should be being worked on (and thus previewed) a month apart being separated by a few weeks. Or in this case... ONLY a week. Last week we previewed some art from Dungeons of Golarion, but the Pathfinder Society Field Guide is right on its heels! And what kind of field guide would it be if it didn't have...
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Tags: Florian Stitz Maichol Quinto Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Player Companion: Humans of Golarion (PFRPG)

Golarion Day: The Shoanti Shaman

... Golarion Day: The Shoanti Shaman Thursday, June 16, 2011So sometimes, we're so eager to get new player options into print we kind of get ahead of ourselves and stumble over our own feet in our haste. This happened, alas, with the just-released Pathfinder Companion: Humans of Golarion, in which we present something called totem domains for the Shoanti but then forgot to quantify exactly how anyone can get access to these domains! Oops! ... There are seven totem domains in all—one...
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Tags: Florian Stitz Golarion Humans of Golarion Pathfinder Player Companion Shoanti

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Goblins for All!

... Illustrations by Andrew Hou, Michael Saas, and Florian Stitz. Wallpaper design by Crystal Frasier. Widescreen version here. ... Goblins for All! Friday, April 1, 2011Because you asked for it, the following changes are coming to Pathfinder: Introducing the next in our popular Players Companion line of products: Goblins of Purity! ... Goblins are popular. But they're not popular enough! With Goblins of Purity, we're giving you what you've been asking for—the chance to fully embrace...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Crystal Frasier Florian Stitz Goblins Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Undead Revisited (PFRPG)

Golarion Day: They're Coming to Get You, Harsk!

... Golarion Day: They're Coming to Get You, Harsk! Thursday, March 17, 2011And just like that, Undead Revisited is shambling off to the printers! I previewed some of the art for this book a few weeks back, showing off how ten of the iconic heroes are doomed to meet grisly ends when this book hits store shelves. As with all books in the Revisited line, each chapter ends with a sample stat block—in the case of this book, a sample undead or new variant. Among those ten stat blocks we have...
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Tags: Florian Stitz Francesco Graziani Golarion Thursdays Monsters Pathfinder Campaign Setting Undead

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Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to Korvosa (OGL)

Golarion Day: Return of the Sable Company

Golarion Day: Return of the Sable Company Thursday, January 6, 2010Howdy, everyone! So, hot on the heels of the announcement of Design Tuesdays, I'm here to unveil the first installment of Golarion Day! Every Thursday, we'll try to do a post that expands the world of Golarion in some small way. Sometimes, this might be a tiny new rules element. Other times, it might be a bit of lore. It could be a brief look into an upcoming product or an interview with someone who's worked on the world of...
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Tags: Florian Stitz Golarion Thursdays Hippogriffs Korvosa Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rangers

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Pathfinder Module: The Godsmouth Heresy (PFRPG)

Nobody Expects an Intro Set!

... Illustration by Florian Stitz ... Nobody Expects an Intro Set! Thursday, September 30, 2010This past Monday I spoiled on the Paizo Twitter feed that we're beginning the process of working on a Pathfinder intro set. Jason quickly retweeted it and it spread from there. So, what do we mean exactly when we say an intro set? First off we're not 100% sure of anything yet. What we do know is that it'll be useful for more than a couple of sessions, will be a great PFRPG teaching tool, and will...
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Tags: Fighters Florian Stitz Hyrum Savage Iconics Monsters Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Tengu Valeros Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)

2 Many Monsters!

... 2 Many Monsters! Tuesday, September 21, 2010This is the final week of editing before we ship the Bestiary 2 off to the printer and that means the whole office is neck deep in monsters. Since we've nowhere else to put them in the ever-more-crowded editorial pit, I thought a nice way to get them out from underfoot would be to exile a few to the blog. So here are a handful of beasties we no longer need immediately on hand. Enjoy! ... Art by Damian MammolitiArt by Andrew Hou ... Art by...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Damian Mammoliti Dragons Florian Stitz Golems Hippogriffs Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Qlippoth

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #39: City of Seven Spears (Serpent's Skull 3 of 6) (PFRPG)

New Art!

New Art! Thursday, September 16, 2010Paizo sure has been hiring quite a few new people of late. I came on board as a Developer at the beginning of the month, and we just announced yesterday that Hyrum Savage will be joining the team as Marketing Manager. The third new hire of the fall is none other than Andrew Vallas, who started after Labor Day. As Graphic Designer he's been a lifesaver, taking some of the workload off Art Director Sarah Robinson as she puts the finishing touches on Save...
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Tags: Andrew Vallas Elves Florian Stitz Froghemoths Girallons Hyrum Savage Iconics Merisiel Monsters Paizo Pathfinder Adventure Path Paul Guzenko Rogues Serpent Folk Serpent's Skull Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #39: City of Seven Spears (Serpent's Skull 3 of 6) (PFRPG)

Why Do That Juju?

... Illustrations by Florian Stitz ... Illustration by Scott Purdy ... Why Do That Juju? Friday, September 3, 2010There's a line when it comes to what sort of material we put in our products. We try not to tread over the boundary of what might be offensive, provoking, or generally beyond what you might see in a PG-13 rated movie. But every now and then we test those limits—or abjectly bound past them. In Pathfinder Adventure Path #39, the ol' questionable content line gets a little...
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Tags: Florian Stitz Oracles Orcs Pathfinder Adventure Path Scott Purdy Serpent Folk Serpent's Skull Undead

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

GameMastery Guide Preview: Things Get Weird!

... GameMastery Guide Preview: Things Get Weird! Friday, May 21, 2010 ... Let me let you in on one of the guiding philosophies of the GameMastery Guide. We didn’t make this book to let you run my game, or a “Paizo-brand” game, or any sort of game anyone here thinks you should run. We created the GameMastery Guide to give you the tools you need to run your game the way you want. For example, let me note a few entries in the index: Airships; Evil Characters; Extraterrestrials; Gambling;...
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Tags: Amiri Anti-Paladins Barbarians Dwarves Eva Widermann Florian Stitz Game Mastering Harsk Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rangers Seelah

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

The GameMastery Guide: Mascots & Masterpieces!

... The GameMastery Guide: Mascots & Masterpieces! Thursday, May 6, 2010Aside from a metric ton of advice, new rules, charts, tools, and the like, one thing the GameMastery Guide has in spades is awesome new art! As you might have seen on the snippet from the credits page last week, a horde of fantastic artists contributed to this tome. We also did something a little unusual. Rather than illustrating every topic with our iconic heroes or scenes of battle or whatever have you, Andrew Hou...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Eva Widermann Ezren Florian Stitz GameMastery Goblins Iconics Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Sarenrae Wizards

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Pathfinder Companion: Andoran, Spirit of Liberty (PFRPG)

Andoran, Spirit of Liberty Preview

... Andoran, Spirit of Liberty Preview Tuesday, December 22, 2009Andoran, Spirit of Liberty is due to arrive in January, and as the rest of the team is burning the midnight oil to get the next Pathfinder out the door, Wes deputized me to do a blog. Time for some preview art! ... The patron celestial of Andoran is an avoral named Talmandor, and as there aren't avoral stats in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, we put their stats in Andoran—sort of a sneak peek for Bestiary II next year. The...
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Tags: Agathions Andoran Craig J Spearing Florian Stitz Halflings Kraken Monsters Paladins Pathfinder Player Companion Wallpapers