Linxia Benzekri

redeux's page

Organized Play Member. 780 posts (7,593 including aliases). 18 reviews. 4 lists. No wishlists. 41 Organized Play characters. 27 aliases.



About redeux

Welcome to my little space on the interwebs.

Scenario Tracker

RPG Characters:

2001 - Victus of Pangolais, human hellknight fighter.
2002 - Leighton of Nisroch, human rogue (thief)
2003 - Lydia, half-elf rogue (scoundrel); Red Mantis assassin
2004 - Umbra, kobold shadow sorcerer
2008 - Zuthis, human cleric of Zon-Kuthon
2010 - Rutabaga, orc champion of Jaidi
2012 - Tri Horn, fleshwarp beastkin, animal instinct barbarian
2013 - Zenith, kayal duskwalker swashbuckler (gymnast); champion dedication
2014 - Torrent, azarketi magus (inexorable iron); champion dedication

ACG Characters:

1001 - Linxia (Inactive)
1002 - Kyra (Retired)
1003 - Reepazo (Retired)
1004 - Ukuja (Retired)
1005 - Merisiel (Retired)
1006 - Emil (Retired)
1007 - Chuffy (Retired)
1008 - Talitha (Retired)
1009 - Imrijka (Inactive)
1010 - Zadim
1011 - Lem
1012 - Damiel (Retired)
1013 - Ahmotep
1014 - Grenek
1015 - Arueshalae
1016 - Kyra (Retired)
1017 - Varian (Retired)
1018 - Siwar
1019 - Kess