3.10/5 (based on 8 ratings)

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Critical Conditions

Is your group's fighter paralyzed by a devious ghoul? Did the rogue become invisible? Or was an unfortunate alchemist struck down, slipping closer to death? Pass out these cards to make remembering the rules simple! These 108 cards include rules for the Pathfinder Second Edition conditions, with prominent reminder text you can read at a glance. Multiple copies of the most crucial conditions mean there are enough for the whole table, and a set of tracking cards lets you easily monitor condition values and durations!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-178-8

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Sometimes doubling the damage isn't enough! Why limit yourself when you can decapitate your foe or overload them with a surge of magical energy? With the Pathfinder Critical Hit Deck, when you score a critical hit, draw a card and apply one of four different effects. Beating your enemies has never been so visceral—or so much fun!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-189-4

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Make that natural 1 mean something! Why limit yourself to mild disappointment when you can screw up in a truly royal fashion? With the Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck, when you roll a critical failure, draw a card and apply one of four different effects. Fumbling has never been so disastrous—or so much fun!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-190-0

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Whether you're a player preparing for a dungeon delve or a GM equipping the town guard, you need weapons and armor at the ready! The Pathfinder Weapons & Armor Deck contains cards for every 1st-level weapon, armor, and shield in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, as well as for alchemical bombs, complete with statistics and descriptions. The 110-card deck also includes the rules you need to deploy your armaments to full advantage. With the Weapons & Armor Deck, you'll always be prepared when combat breaks out!


4.40/5 (based on 5 ratings)

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Keep the creatures of the Pathfinder Bestiary close at hand with this box-bursting collection of 450 reference cards featuring every monster from the core Pathfinder monster reference! Each 4 x 6 card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full‑color image of a Bestiary monster on one side, while the other side provides that monster's statistics for quick and easy reference. With each encounter, show the players what their characters are facing while keeping the monster's abilities at the ready, and watch your games come alive!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-212-9

Print Edition Unavailable

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Magic explodes from your fingertips when you hold Pathfinder Spell Cards in hand! This must-have accessory for arcane spellcasters contains more than 200 spell reference cards, covering every arcane spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving players immediate access to key game details without the need to slow down play to flip through a giant book.

Players can easily arrange and plan their spells within moments, and a quick scan of the cards presents a caster's tactical options at a glance. Take your first step toward arcane mastery with Pathfinder Spell Cards, and never go into a fight unprepared again!

Note: These are OGL products and are being superseded by Remastered Product under the ORC License. For the Remastered Product please see Pathfinder Arcane Spell Cards (Remastered)

ISBN: 978-1-64078-244-0

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Call down the glory of the gods with Pathfinder Spell Cards! This must-have accessory for divine spellcasters contains more than 150 spell reference cards, covering every divine spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving players immediate access to key game details without the need to slow down play to flip through a giant book.

Players can easily arrange and plan their spells within moments, and a quick scan of the cards presents a caster's tactical options at a glance. As always, go with the gods, but always go with Pathfinder Spell Cards!

Note: These are OGL products and are being superseded by Remastered Product under the ORC License. For the Remastered Product please see Pathfinder Divine Spell Cards (Remastered)

ISBN: 978-1-64078-245-7

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Get the most out of your inner magical power with Pathfinder Spell Cards! This must-have accessory for focus spellcasters contains more than 150 spell reference cards, covering every focus spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving players immediate access to key game details without the need to slow down play to flip through a giant book.

Players can easily arrange and plan their spells within moments, and a quick scan of the cards presents a caster's tactical options at a glance. Take your first step toward mastering your inner power with Pathfinder Spell Cards, and always stay focused on your magic!

Note: These are OGL products and are being superseded by Remastered Product under the ORC License. For the Remastered Product please see Pathfinder Focus Spell Cards (Remastered)

ISBN: 978-1-64078-246-4

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Your hero knows the mysterious secrets of the multiverse, so how come you're always flipping through the rulebook when it comes time to cast a spell? This invaluable set of Pathfinder Spell Cards contains more than 200 spell reference cards for every occult spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving you just as much mastery over the secrets of Pathfinder's magic as your player character!

Players can easily arrange and plan their spells within moments, and a quick scan of the cards presents a caster's tactical options at a glance. It's a complex, fantastic world full of occult secrets. Pathfinder Spell Cards help you master that mysterious world in style!

Note: These are OGL products and are being superseded by Remastered Product under the ORC License. For the Remastered Product please see Pathfinder Occult Spell Cards (Remastered)

ISBN: 978-1-64078-247-1

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Unleash the fury of the natural world with Pathfinder Spell Cards! This must-have accessory for primal spellcasters contains more than 175 spell reference cards, covering every primal spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving players immediate access to key game details without the need to slow down play to flip through a giant book.

Players can easily arrange and plan their spells within moments, and a quick scan of the cards presents a caster's tactical options at a glance. Primal magic offers plenty of perplexing possibilities, but Pathfinder Spell Cards make you a natural!

Note: These are OGL products and are being superseded by Remastered Product under the ORC License. For the Remastered Product please see Pathfinder Primal Spell Cards (Remastered)

ISBN: 978-1-64078-248-8

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Adventuring is dangerous business, and those who wander into long forgotten dungeons or into trackless swamps without the right preparation are doomed to failure. With this 110-card deck of vital adventuring gear, you don't have to worry about forgetting to bring the right piece of equipment ever again. Each card features a beautiful illustration of the item on one side, with all of the rules for play located on the back. Every piece of gear in the Pathfinder Second Edition Core Rulebook is here in this deck, from backpacks and torches or mirrors and waterskins, each listing its price and bulk for ease of reference. Sorting through your gear has never been easier!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-207-5

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Whether you're the hunter or the hunted, Pathfinder Chase Cards make your choices during the pursuit matter. Each full-color card in this beautifully illustrated 55-card deck contains obstacles to overcome during your chase, from an angry barking dog to an imposing stone wall, each one using checks from the Pathfinder Second Edition Roleplaying Game. Make the right check to overcome the obstacles and you might just catch your prey, but fail and you might be left with a cold trail. Lay the cards down on your table to create the path of your chase, allowing you to track each character's progress and determine the die rolls needed to avoid or navigate unexpected dangers. Lay out a desperate pursuit through a crowded city, a dangerous race through hostile wilderness, and a nerve-wracking run through deadly ruins and abandoned buildings—or mix and match the cards to create a chase that moves through multiple regions!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-225-9

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Keep all the friends, foes, and bystanders presented in the Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide close at hand with this handy collection of 110 reference cards featuring every NPC from that book along with the adjustments to customize them to a variety of ancestries. Each 4 x 6 card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full‑color image of a Gamemastery Guide character on one side, while the other side provides that character's statistics for quick and easy reference. With each encounter, show the players who their characters are facing while keeping the NPC's abilities at the ready, and watch your games come alive!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-271-6

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Expand your encounters with this massive collection of 450 reference cards, featuring every monster from Pathfinder Bestiary 2! Each 4 x 6 card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full‑color image of a Bestiary 2 monster on one side, while the other side provides that monster's statistics for quick and easy reference. With each encounter, show the players what their characters are facing while keeping the monster's abilities at the ready, and watch your games come alive!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-279-2

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Expand the array of magic at your fingertips with Pathfinder Spell Cards: Advanced Player's Guide! This must-have accessory for spellcasting characters contains more than 150 spell reference cards, containing the spells from every tradition and all focus spells from the Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide in one place, giving you immediate access to key game details without flipping pages.

Players can easily arrange and plan their spells within moments, and a quick scan of the cards presents a caster's tactical options at a glance. The possibilities are endless, but Pathfinder Spell Cards let you master the mysteries of magic!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-285-3

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Non-Mint Unavailable

A hero collects treasure at every step of their journey, and no treasure is more prized than mighty magic weapons and incredible enchanted armor. The Pathfinder Magic Armaments Deck contains 110 cards detailing every magic armor, weapon, and shield in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, along with runes and special materials. Each card features statistics, descriptions, and beautiful full-color illustrations. Whether you're a GM building a cache of loot for the heroes to find, or a player taking the next steps of a hero's journey, the Magic Armaments Deck keeps your fantastic gear at your fingertips!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-300-3

4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Hero Points help you shape your character's heroic deeds, and this deck of 52 Hero Point cards gives you brand-new ways to guide your hero's path toward greatness! These beautiful, full-color cards let you easily track your Hero Points at the table, and each card offers a different special benefit when you spend that Hero Point. Every effect is compatible with the Second Edition of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, giving you even more ways to turn your hero into a legend!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-306-5

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Every hero relies on a few extra resources to get through a day of dangerous adventuring: a restorative potion, special arrows, an extra scroll, or the perfect talisman. The Pathfinder Potions and Talismans Deck contains 110 cards detailing every consumable magic item in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, including ammunition, oils, potions, scrolls, talismans, and more! Each card features statistics, descriptions, and beautiful full-color illustrations. Whether you're a GM building a merchant's wares or a player stocking up for your next adventure, the Potions and Talismans Deck keeps your must-have items at hand!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-328-7

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Add legions of monstrous foes to your collection with this massive set of reference cards, featuring over 300 monsters: every monster from Pathfinder Bestiary 3! Each 4 x 6 card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full color image of a Bestiary 3 monster on one side, while the other side provides that monster's statistics for quick and easy reference. With each encounter, show the players what their characters are facing while keeping the monster's abilities at the ready, and watch your games come alive!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-355-3

Add Print Edition $54.99

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Master every last incantation with Pathfinder Spell Cards: Secrets of Magic! This indispensable spellcasting accessory contains over 400 spell reference cards, spanning every magical tradition and focus spell from Secrets of Magic so you have access to all the game details you need without flipping pages. With Pathfinder Spell Cards, players of any spellcasting class can easily arrange, plan, and manage their spells, whether they're getting ready for a day of adventuring or facing down a monster. Keep all the wonder and magic of Pathfinder at your fingertips, ready to be unleashed!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-374-4

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Just as an alchemist's formula book holds the key to crafting alchemical items, the Pathfinder Alchemy Deck contains cards for every alchemical item from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and the Advanced Player's Guide. Each card holds the item's statistics, a description, and a beautiful full-color illustration so you can see every item in your collection! Whether you're a GM building an alchemist's stall or a player assembling a formula book, the Alchemy Deck keeps your reagents at your fingertips!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-381-2

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Creating an impromptu, original character every time the heroes enter a shop or chat with a local on the street can be a real challenge, but the Deck of Endless NPCs makes it as simple as drawing four cards from the deck. These cards combine to form a unique NPC, each with their own role, motivation, personality trait, and secret agenda! With over 100 million different combinations, you are sure to get an interesting new character to add to your story every time!

  • 104 NPC cards, plus 6 rules cards explaining how to use the deck.
  • The front of each card has a portrait of the NPC, featuring characters from dozens of ancestries and ethnicities.
  • The back of each card explains the character's role, goal, traits, and secret agenda, along with symbols to help determine some of the specific details.
  • Includes ancestries from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide, and the Lost Omens Character Guide.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-438-3

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Pathfinder Guns Deck, a companion to Pathfinder Guns & Gears, provides illustrations and statistics for over 100 new firearms from Pathfinder Guns and Gears and supports numerous exciting firearms you can use to expand your game. With everything from black powder weapons like the musket to more unusual weapons like the mace multipistol and gun sword you'll have everything you need to blast your way through the deadliest combats!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-404-8

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Pathfinder Gears Deck, a companion to Pathfinder Guns & Gears, provides illustrations and statistics for scores of new clockwork gadgets and inventions for creative characters to use as they tackle each new adventure. Included this deck are off-the-wall weapons like the backpack catapult and unexpected ways of staying ahead of your enemies like gadget skates!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-405-5

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Delve deep into this massive collection of 200 reference cards featuring every monster from the Abomination Vaults Adventure Path! Each 4" x 6" card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full color image of a monster on one side, while the other side provides that monster's Pathfinder Second Edition statistics for quick and easy reference. Show the players what their characters are facing while keeping statistics at the ready for every creepy aberration, sneaky hunter, subterranean horror, and cautious ally in the massive megadungeon called the Abomination Vaults!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-472-7

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Pathfinder’s Book of the Dead adds a massive number of undead creatures to use as adversaries and for summon spells in your game. These colorful quick-reference cards bring these creatures to life on your tabletop in all their horrifying detail! Each card features a beautiful, full-color image of a Book of the Dead creature on one side, while the other side provides that creature’s statistics. Hours of haunting horrors are finally at hand!

ISBN: 978-1-64078-451-2

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Few things draw the attention of a hero more than a mysterious magic item, especially one that grows in power with them, becoming a legend in its own right! Relics are powerful magic items that you can customize to the story of your game, gaining powers along one or two themes. The cards in this deck include all of the abilities from the Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide and Secrets of Magic. Combined with an item card, this deck allows you to plan out the powers of your relic and serves as a handy reminder of what mighty feats it can accomplish!

The Pathfinder Relic Deck contains the following:

  • 84 glyph cards detailing the one relic power, sorted into 14 categories
  • 24 relic seeds, which represent the relic before its powers are applied, each with a piece of art representing the item
  • A handy rules reference card to explain how the system works

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-476-5

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Get ready for the fight of a lifetime with this collection of 200 reference cards featuring every creature and combatant from the Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Adventure Path!

Each 4 x 6 card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full color image of an enemy on one side and the enemy's combat statistics on the other. Show your players who's on the other side of the ring while keeping your villains' stats at the ready for every exhibition match, monster encounter, and epic brawl in the Ruby Phoenix Tournament!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-489-5

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Divine your destiny with the Pathfinder Harrow Deck, the legendary fortune-telling cards of Pathfinder’s Age of Lost Omens setting! With this 54-card, full-color set of fortune-telling cards, you’ll learn how to include the harrow in any tabletop RPG game and enhance play with immersive fortune-telling methods and other insights. With vivid all-new art, exciting printing treatments, patterned backing, and a size common to many real-world tarot decks, the Harrow Deck straddles the line between game supplement and storytelling set piece.

Also included is a small booklet that provides details on the history of the harrow, how to simulate fortune-telling readings for your group, and details on the meanings and roles of all 54 cards in the collection! Next time your players encounter a fortune teller at the carnival or a sooth-sayer at the local tavern, don't just tell them their future—show it to them with the Pathfinder Harrow Deck!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-533-5

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Foundry Virtual Tabletop
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop
5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Seize control of the elements with the Rage of Elements Spell Deck!

This accessory is a must-have for spellcasters seeking to wield the powers of the elemental planes: Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, and Wood! Containing over 240 spell reference cards covering all the traditions of magic, the Rage of Elements Spell Deck puts immediate access to the details of their spells directly at the players’ fingertips. Players can easily arrange and plan their spells within moments, and a quick scan of the cards presents a caster's tactical options at a glance. The power of the elements can be overwhelming for some, but these cards give you unparalleled control over elemental fury!

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-548-9

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3.10/5 (based on 8 ratings)

Critical Conditions ... Is your group's fighter paralyzed by a devious ghoul? Did the rogue become invisible? Or was an unfortunate alchemist struck down, slipping closer to death? Pass out these cards to make remembering the rules simple! These 108 cards include rules for the Pathfinder Second...

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

HIT HARDER! ... Sometimes doubling the damage isn't enough! Why limit yourself when you can decapitate your foe or overload them with a surge of magical energy? With the Pathfinder Critical Hit Deck, when you score a critical hit, draw a card and apply one of four different effects. Beating your...

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FAIL BRILLIANTLY! Make that natural 1 mean something! Why limit yourself to mild disappointment when you can screw up in a truly royal fashion? With the Pathfinder Critical Fumble Deck, when you roll a critical failure, draw a card and apply one of four different effects. Fumbling has never been...

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Whether you're a player preparing for a dungeon delve or a GM equipping the town guard, you need weapons and armor at the ready! The Pathfinder Weapons & Armor Deck contains cards for every 1st-level weapon, armor, and shield in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, as well as for alchemical bombs,...

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4.40/5 (based on 5 ratings)

Keep the creatures of the Pathfinder Bestiary close at hand with this box-bursting collection of 450 reference cards featuring every monster from the core Pathfinder monster reference! Each 4 x 6 card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full‑color image of a Bestiary monster...

Print Edition Unavailable

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Magic explodes from your fingertips when you hold Pathfinder Spell Cards in hand! This must-have accessory for arcane spellcasters contains more than 200 spell reference cards, covering every arcane spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving players immediate access to key game details without...

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Call down the glory of the gods with Pathfinder Spell Cards! This must-have accessory for divine spellcasters contains more than 150 spell reference cards, covering every divine spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving players immediate access to key game details without the need to slow...

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Get the most out of your inner magical power with Pathfinder Spell Cards! This must-have accessory for focus spellcasters contains more than 150 spell reference cards, covering every focus spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving players immediate access to key game details without the need...

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Your hero knows the mysterious secrets of the multiverse, so how come you're always flipping through the rulebook when it comes time to cast a spell? This invaluable set of Pathfinder Spell Cards contains more than 200 spell reference cards for every occult spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook,...

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Unleash the fury of the natural world with Pathfinder Spell Cards! This must-have accessory for primal spellcasters contains more than 175 spell reference cards, covering every primal spell in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, giving players immediate access to key game details without the need to...

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Adventuring is dangerous business, and those who wander into long forgotten dungeons or into trackless swamps without the right preparation are doomed to failure. With this 110-card deck of vital adventuring gear, you don't have to worry about forgetting to bring the right piece of equipment ever...

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Whether you're the hunter or the hunted, Pathfinder Chase Cards make your choices during the pursuit matter. Each full-color card in this beautifully illustrated 55-card deck contains obstacles to overcome during your chase, from an angry barking dog to an imposing stone wall, each one using...

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Keep all the friends, foes, and bystanders presented in the Pathfinder Gamemastery Guide close at hand with this handy collection of 110 reference cards featuring every NPC from that book along with the adjustments to customize them to a variety of ancestries. Each 4 x 6 card is printed on sturdy...

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Non-Mint Unavailable

5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Expand your encounters with this massive collection of 450 reference cards, featuring every monster from Pathfinder Bestiary 2! Each 4 x 6 card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full‑color image of a Bestiary 2 monster on one side, while the other side provides that...

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Expand the array of magic at your fingertips with Pathfinder Spell Cards: Advanced Player's Guide! This must-have accessory for spellcasting characters contains more than 150 spell reference cards, containing the spells from every tradition and all focus spells from the Pathfinder Advanced...

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Non-Mint Unavailable

A hero collects treasure at every step of their journey, and no treasure is more prized than mighty magic weapons and incredible enchanted armor. The Pathfinder Magic Armaments Deck contains 110 cards detailing every magic armor, weapon, and shield in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, along with...

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Non-Mint Unavailable

4.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Hero Points help you shape your character's heroic deeds, and this deck of 52 Hero Point cards gives you brand-new ways to guide your hero's path toward greatness! These beautiful, full-color cards let you easily track your Hero Points at the table, and each card offers a different special...

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Every hero relies on a few extra resources to get through a day of dangerous adventuring: a restorative potion, special arrows, an extra scroll, or the perfect talisman. The Pathfinder Potions and Talismans Deck contains 110 cards detailing every consumable magic item in the Pathfinder Core...

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Add legions of monstrous foes to your collection with this massive set of reference cards, featuring over 300 monsters: every monster from Pathfinder Bestiary 3! Each 4 x 6 card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full color image of a Bestiary 3 monster on one side, while...

Add Print Edition $54.99

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Master every last incantation with Pathfinder Spell Cards: Secrets of Magic! This indispensable spellcasting accessory contains over 400 spell reference cards, spanning every magical tradition and focus spell from Secrets of Magic so you have access to all the game details you need without...

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Just as an alchemist's formula book holds the key to crafting alchemical items, the Pathfinder Alchemy Deck contains cards for every alchemical item from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook and the Advanced Player's Guide. Each card holds the item's statistics, a description, and a beautiful full-color...

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Non-Mint Unavailable

5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Creating an impromptu, original character every time the heroes enter a shop or chat with a local on the street can be a real challenge, but the Deck of Endless NPCs makes it as simple as drawing four cards from the deck. These cards combine to form a unique NPC, each with their own role,...

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Pathfinder Guns Deck, a companion to Pathfinder Guns & Gears, provides illustrations and statistics for over 100 new firearms from Pathfinder Guns and Gears and supports numerous exciting firearms you can use to expand your game. With everything from black powder weapons like the musket to...

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Pathfinder Gears Deck, a companion to Pathfinder Guns & Gears, provides illustrations and statistics for scores of new clockwork gadgets and inventions for creative characters to use as they tackle each new adventure. Included this deck are off-the-wall weapons like the backpack catapult and...

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Delve deep into this massive collection of 200 reference cards featuring every monster from the Abomination Vaults Adventure Path! Each 4 x 6 card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full color image of a monster on one side, while the other side provides that monster's...

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Pathfinder’s Book of the Dead adds a massive number of undead creatures to use as adversaries and for summon spells in your game. These colorful quick-reference cards bring these creatures to life on your tabletop in all their horrifying detail! Each card features a beautiful, full-color image of...

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Few things draw the attention of a hero more than a mysterious magic item, especially one that grows in power with them, becoming a legend in its own right! Relics are powerful magic items that you can customize to the story of your game, gaining powers along one or two themes. The cards in this...

Add Print Edition $42.99

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Get ready for the fight of a lifetime with this collection of 200 reference cards featuring every creature and combatant from the Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Adventure Path! ... Each 4 x 6 card is printed on sturdy cardstock and features a beautiful, full color image of an enemy on one side and the...

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5.00/5 (based on 2 ratings)

Divine your destiny with the Pathfinder Harrow Deck, the legendary fortune-telling cards of Pathfinder’s Age of Lost Omens setting! With this 54-card, full-color set of fortune-telling cards, you’ll learn how to include the harrow in any tabletop RPG game and enhance play with immersive...

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

Seize control of the elements with the Rage of Elements Spell Deck! ... This accessory is a must-have for spellcasters seeking to wield the powers of the elemental planes: Air, Earth, Fire, Metal, Water, and Wood! Containing over 240 spell reference cards covering all the traditions of magic, the...