Season of the Shackles Updates

Tuesday, February 3, 2014

Hello, Pathfinders. I hope the Price of Infamy Adventure Deck is treating you well? And by "treating you well," I of course mean thoroughly beating you up before you battle back and achieve exciting victory.

We're most of the way through our inaugural Adventure Card Guild season, and the response has been pretty positive. We've got a few changes and clarifications to make, and then at the end you get pudding. How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

Your Meat

In the original, bleeding-edge store release of the season so far, players don't receive their role cards until the end of Adventure 4. There was a reason for this, but for a few different reasons, (cue millions of voices suddenly crying out in terror before suddenly being silenced), we're changing this. Effective today, the rewards for Adventure 4 and Adventure 3 are swapped, meaning that you get your role card (and your new power feat that you can use on your role card) at the end of Adventure 3, and access to the Letter of Marque and Pirate's Favor (as well as another feat) at the end of Adventure 4. Blame the Empire.

We've also made some small tweaks to a few scenario powers and rewards, as well as some templating changes. To wit:

Scenario 02-C Revenge of the Fishfolk: Krelloort can no longer attempt to hide forever behind the comforting bulk of Hirgenzosk, as Pinnacle Atoll has been replaced by Raker Shoals. We've also clarified that everyone's boon type choices are shuffled together to form the treasure stack.

Scenario 04-A A Tale of Two Alchemists: This scenario originally gave out a loot card that allowed you to remove it from the game to gain a skill feat. The idea behind giving that out as opposed to a skill feat is that in a particular tight spot, you might choose a non-primary skill to improve. Maybe Flenta reeeeeally wants to impress that Rogue Ape, so she gives up her loot for a much-needed Charisma bump. Player feedback let us know that this overhead was more trouble than it was worth and was also subject to serious abuse, so we've simplified the reward. Now, once during an encounter, you can choose a skill feat. Same idea, but simpler, with less overhead.

Finally, I want to talk a bit about the Adventure Path reward and how it will work. After you complete all six adventures, you'll unlock the loot item Councilor's Ring. (No, you may not have a sneak peek at it. Where's the fun in that?) Anyway, you will be able to assign that item to a new character in the upcoming Season 1, Season of the Righteous. That character will be able to use it as if it came in her Class Deck box. We're not sending all zillion ACG players a copy of the card—sorry—but we will make sure that the PDF of the card is sized for easy printing and sleeving.

I think of this style of boon as a legacy item. Editor Brian Campbell likes to talk about the heirloom ring that his character's ancestor passed down to his current character. Characters that unlock the ring might also find other ways to use it in the future, but we'll save that for another day.

Your Pudding


Om nom nom, Biter bites the bad guy's butts.
-Harsk's Song (not really)

Everyone's favorite badger makes an appearance in Iconic Heroes Set #2 and if the card isn't enough to make you want him, check out the miniature.

I make old-man Ezren good at everything and also keep him from running around naked!

I look forward to seeing the first playthrough of Skull & Shackles with Ezren, Wizard-Captain of the Inner Sea.

Until next time, Pathfinders!

Tanis O'Connor
Adventure Card Game Designer

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Battles Season of the Shackles
Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5

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This is great news! My players are already happy about it, especially the guy who plays Tarlin. Thank you Tanis!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Please note that the Season of the Shackles files have not been updated yet; that will happen soon. Chris Lambertz will post here when they're ready.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Contributor

I've already got happy players on my end too!

One quick question (that might get cleared up once the files are updated) - for people who already "used"/took their 0-4A-granted skill feat, will the change make this a non-permanent thing?

Thank you, and I love being able to see over and over again Paizo listening to player feedback - so many great examples I can show to players when I them into Society play!

Pathfinder ACG Designer

CanisDirus wrote:

One quick question (that might get cleared up once the files are updated) - for people who already "used"/took their 0-4A-granted skill feat, will the change make this a non-permanent thing?

I think I don't understand this question. If you want to know if people who took their 04-A skill feat can undo it and use the reward in the manner specified in the new version, then the answer is yes.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

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Let me echo what Tanis said.

I believe that when we announced the Guild, I said, "We call it 'season 0' because we have no idea what we're doing." There had never been an org-play system for a cooperative card game before. Well, now thanks to all the player feedback that Tanis has been collecting, we're getting much better at it, and I'm really looking forward to season 1. Turns out, we do need some education after all. Thanks again, and thanks to Tanis for the heavy lifting!

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

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I think Canis is asking if the new 4A reward is a non-permanent Skill Feat that can be used during an encounter, or still permanent like the previous one.

Pathfinder ACG Designer

3 people marked this as a favorite.
ThreeEyedSloth wrote:
I think Canis is asking if the new 4A reward is a non-permanent Skill Feat that can be used during an encounter, or still permanent like the previous one.

Ah. It's permanent.

Ezren could really have done with those robes that time he got killed by a Hag.

Thanks for all your work on this guys. Liking the changes


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Will the scenario PDFs be updated to reflect the changes?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Please note that the Season of the Shackles files have not been updated yet; that will happen soon. Chris Lambertz will post here when they're ready.

Just a few posts up, Vic says they will.


Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
bbKabag wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Please note that the Season of the Shackles files have not been updated yet; that will happen soon. Chris Lambertz will post here when they're ready.
Just a few posts up, Vic says they will.

I completely did not see that.

Pathfinder ACG Designer

Vic is like an assassin droid--you don't see him until it's too late.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Glad Ezren has robes to wear now. A naked Ezren I didn't want to see. A naked Seoni on the other hand...

I find it interesting that the Arcane Robes don't have the Arcane trait. Nice item, though. Can be a super Sapphire of Intelligence for some characters if they can guarantee the recharge.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Given the swap of the Adventure 3 and 4 rewards, are we allowed to retcon the power feats of our characters that have completed both of those adventures (e.g. move up to 2 of the power feats from the character card to the role card)?

Formerly the power feat progression gave you 4 power feats and then your role card alongside the 5th. With the swap, you get the role card alongside the 3rd and 2 additional after that while having your role, meaning you can have up to 3 power feats for the role at the end of adventure 4.

I'm guessing the intent is to allow this to be retroactively changed for characters who have already completed both of those adventures, but wanted official clarification as such since it wasn't mentioned in the blog post.

Also I'd be curious to hear what those reasons were that you had pushed the role card back until the end of 4 was, as I don't believe they were actually outlined anywhere and it'd be (in my opinion) useful insight into the design process :)

Pathfinder ACG Designer

Yeah, you can retcon them to the role card. Yes, that means 3 feats on the role card. I am curious to see how popular/broken that is. Also I'm putting you through the grinder here. :)

1/5 *

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tanis O'Connor wrote:
Yes, that means 3 feats on the role card.

I don't think it's that big a deal.

All in all, it's just another brick in the wall.

Brian is awesome and his Kyra was awesome.

Also, I'm getting Biter for Agna as soon as it comes out and I get an appropriate place to grab an Ally (either by taking a lower level Ally or whatever)

EDIT: Oh, I didn't realize that pre-gens that start in Adventure 4 already get a role card. Well, that means that pre-gens don't gain an "advantage" over the ones who comes in in terms of that.

I was wondering how long it'd take for that Hirgenzosk issue to finally be officially remedied, after my group's horrible bad time with it... Cheers to that, and goodbye (good riddance) to the turtledragon!

Shadow Lodge

My players (and myself) are excited for these changes so far. The only one we aren't happy about is the councilor ring. Since none of the people in my community use sleeves the Councilor's Ring being a PDF. That card is always going to stand out in the group. Would it not be possible to have 6 Counsilors ring cards come in the Wrath box as Loot cards and have players trade an item in their players deck the same as they would for any other Loot reward. 6 in the box would guarantee all organized play games would have enough for each character.

If you don't use sleeves, you can probably just use a proxy. Like, when you play wrath organized play, take a s&s loot card or s&s monster, something that will stand out. Put it in your deck and whenever it comes up in your hand refer to the powers of the councilor's ring.

I wouldn't want them to take cards from wrath to make this work. But, perhaps they could have them available from drivethrucards for people wanting to purchase them.

Sleeves for a class deck cost just a few dollars, and protect your investment, preserving your class deck for future seasons. This doesn't seem an unreasonable cost to use the boon.

Shadow Lodge

I wouldn't mind buying the cards either. A proxy could work just not ideal in my opinion.

Grand Lodge

I've gotten into the habit of printing up the cards like the piranhas from Adv 1, the ships from Adv 2 and the dinos. I print on heavier stock paper then put them in sleeves. It works well and the players like having "cards" to look at.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We're not going to make a ruling on exactly how you must use the Councilor's Ring, as different people will prefer different solutions. If you want to print it out and sleeve it, great. If you want to print it out and glue it to a Blessing of the Gods, great. If you want to proxy it with some card you couldn't possibly actually have in your deck, great.

Will adventure path 0-4 setup instructions be changed/clarifies as well? Currently it doesn't say to remove cards from the box for b,c,p, and 1 set numbers. Or was this intended? Or am I reading this wrong?

Silver Crusade 2/5 RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

It actually says on the Adventure Path page to remove all Basic and Elite cards from the box with a number 3 less than the current scenario before you start the 0-4 scenarios.

Season of the Shackles Adventure Path Rules text wrote:

After you finish Treacherous Waters, at the beginning of each new adventure, when you add a new Adventure Deck to your game box, remove all cards with the Basic or Elite trait that have adventure deck numbers at least 3 less than the adventure deck you just added. (Treat the set indicators B, C, and P as 0.) Do not remove Blessings of the Gods.

So this means as soon as you start the first 0-4 scenario, you should be removing all Basic cards with a set number of B, C or 1, if I'm not mistaken.

Question: do we still get the power feat at the end of the fourth adventure.

I other words how many power feats should we have at the end of adventure 4 including the adventure reward?

Tyquaius wrote:

Question: do we still get the power feat at the end of the fourth adventure.

I other words how many power feats should we have at the end of adventure 4 including the adventure reward?

The updated 0-4 guide indicates you do get a power feat after completing adventure 4.

You should have five power feats after completing adventure 4.

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