dastels |

Thanks for the update.. I was left wondering since there wasn't a whole lot said at the banquet.
I will say that the news about goblin antics in the digital version is great. In our Mummy's Mask group, 2 of us are playing the Goblins Fight & Burn decks... hilarity usually ensues.
I'm kind of relieved to have a break before the next base set.I have all 4 and it will probably take a while to play through everything.

Scott Hall |

"But it's important to recognize that these big changes we're talking about are primarily about presentation, not game mechanics. We're not talking "PACG: Second Edition" here; we don't need to change the rules and mechanics much more than we usually change them for a new Base Set. Let's be explicit: we're not going to invalidate your old cards. The things we've made so far will play just fine with things from the next base set, and we'll give you easy fixes for anything that doesn't, like when we changed "before the encounter" to "before you act" between Rise of the Runelords and Skull & Shackles."
That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I do love seeing new core sets, but I can wait (one group stalled out in S&S, with my other friend we're chugging through MM, but maybe we'll try one of the Seasons after).
Oh, and I'd love to see Starfinder ACG, in part because the card game is a lot easier for my group to get into than the RPG (although playing the cards did bring us back to the RPG...) but yeah, totally reasonable that you'll need more art to make a product.

Beagle |
Thanks for the update Mike, to be honest, I am grateful for the hiatus in the release of a new set. I look forward to seeing where PACG goes in the future.
I am curious about a couple of things though...
At the banquet, there was mention of stories carrying over/interweave from PACG to the Pathfinder Society storylines. Will this mean PACG players will get an incomplete story from future planned sets if players don't invest time and money in other aspects of Paizo products such as those of the Pathfinder Society?
Also, whilst the big box sets are large they are also practical especially once drivethru 'season of' cards are added along with all of the tuck boxes and extra dice etc and sleeved cards. I am curious to see what form the new storage boxes will take, will Paizo allow space for players to grow their sets in the same way as the current base-sets do?

Mike Selinker Lone Shark Games |

At the banquet, there was mention of stories carrying over/interweave from PACG to the Pathfinder Society storylines. Will this mean PACG players will get an incomplete story from future planned sets if players don't invest time and money in other aspects of Paizo products such as those of the Pathfinder Society?
Uh, no. That was certainly not what we intended to convey. Pathfinder Society will always be an optional part of our product line. We just might have Pathfinder Society learn from all of the parts of the product line we create.
Also, whilst the big box sets are large they are also practical especially once drivethru 'season of' cards are added along with all of the tuck boxes and extra dice etc and sleeved cards. I am curious to see what form the new storage boxes will take, will Paizo allow space for players to grow their sets in the same way as the current base-sets do?
That is an excellent question, and one we're not sure about at this time. We certainly do intend to continue to allow players to make their own cards at DriveThru, though.

Beagle |
Thanks for the swift reply Mike, I look forward to reading more over the coming months. I am pleased to hear the Hunter set will have lots of animals. I have been planning to make a few animal cards at drivethru (I have some of the art done) but I just don't get the time in general.
Is it possible to make the blessings cards available through drivethru?, so that we can print extras for our other sets inc. the Promo blessings? These are the only cards from any of the base sets that need extra copies if you want to keep your 'in play' character sets complete.

Hawkmoon269 |

Is it possible to make the blessings cards available through drivethru?, so that we can print extras for our other sets inc. the Promo blessings? These are the only cards from any of the base sets that need extra copies if you want to keep your 'in play' character sets complete.
Two of the promo blessings can be purchased at the Paizo store.

Cyrad RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16 |

I'm glad you're changing up the base set format and the boxes. It's one of the reasons why I struggle getting local friends into the game as the game isn't as modular, portable, or flavorable as other adventure card games.
The base set boxes are enormous to fit all of the expansions. While it's nice when a game box has room to store expansion, the problem is that the expansion/deck boxes are terrible. They're a hassle to get cards out of them, and I had problems with cards getting damaged.

Parody |

Thanks for the info. Here's my opinions, for whatever they're worth. :)
Delaying More PACG: fine with me. There's plenty of adventures our group has yet to complete.
Changing PACG Base Sets: We had a pretty good thread on this a year or two ago, with plenty of ideas that match up with the questions here. (IIRC.)
Upcoming Class Decks: Magus good, Hunter meh, others bleh. I already have a ton of characters I haven't gotten to try, and the theme decks and Occult characters don't grab me.
More OP: We'll get to it eventually, though probably not in time to influence the PFS storylines.
Digital Game: I've been waiting for a Windows version. Hopefully it ends up a bit less clunky and laggy (after a few months of bug fixes, of course). I'm not a fan of Paizo's goblin mascots, but I'm not surprised they're the first set of new content since their miniseries used the Runelords box.
Starfinder ACG: Not surprised.
Overall, I don't think any of this is too surprising. Good luck with the Starfinder RPG stuff in the meantime.
Aside: The Paizo blog template really should put the author's name at the top, so that we don't have to scroll all the way down to see who is talking.

Yewstance |

As a relative newcomer (learned about PACG from the digital version), looking forward to the future of the product!
If I may share a slightly cynical thought, though, it strikes me that the digital version developed with Obsidian Entertainment has no intention of being expanded into featuring multiple sets/adventure paths and progressively developed over a long period of time, is it?
There is already going to be some short term confusion, and possibly PR issues, from the release of the PC version at $25 when the mobile version is free. In my case, I've unlocked all of the content (except some vault content and alt-character skins and dice) by paying very little - approximately $10, I think - and I could have earned all of it without much more difficulty for no price at all. We are waiting on some clarifications as to the pricing model, but there is little sign that I, for example, serve to gain anything by merging my accounts and spending $25 on a game I already own just to move from one screen to another.
More tellingly, from my perspective, is the $40 special edition which features "all future DLC and content" for free, which seems unsustainable were this game intended for development spanning multiple years with further set integration and large content updates. Not that any of that was formally announced in the first place, but it still seems something of a wasted opportunity to leave the digital version with Rise of the Runelords. It's just I can't see a way, with this current payment model, of making it extensible and still financially viable.
Regardless of the future of the digital product, and my cynicism thereof, however, I'm looking forward to the future of the physical game. Great work!

elcoderdude |

Hey Yewstance -- Paizo is talking about the digital game, because they license the creative material, but all pricing questions should be directed at Obsidian (see Obsidian forum here). I'm sure Paizo has zero control over Obsidian's pricing model.
EDIT: There's actually a third company involved, as well -- Asmodee Digital. See this post.

Yewstance |

Hey Yewstance -- Paizo is talking about the digital game, because they license the creative material, but all pricing questions should be directed at Obsidian (see Obsidian forum here). I'm sure Paizo has zero control over Obsidian's pricing model.
EDIT: There's actually a third company involved, as well -- Asmodee Digital. See this post.
Eh, I'm mostly aware. I don't know of the full contractual details, however - has Paizo given Obsidian the rights to develop further games/content based on sets outside of Rise of the Runelords? Is there an expectation as to what platforms or marketing requirements they look to fulfill? The Magic Duels series is a fascinating example as to how contracted developers have to adjust their development and marketing methodology to fulfill contractual obligations.
A lot of topics unsuitable for public disclosure, to be sure, but ones that I find myself extremely curious about.
Though more on the topic, I've been posting pretty actively in the obsidian forums in the past couple of weeks. Verrry quiet for the most part, with developer/employee/official posts extremely few and far between, and generally tight-lipped. So I'm trying to maintain a wait-and-see approach, but the little I've heard just seems... odd, or leads towards business goals that indicate a search for short-term return rather than supporting it as a digital franchise.

Hannibal_pjv |

As for digital version I Expect that those "future dlls" only handle Rice of Runelords set based dlls. Aka more goblings. There Are two adventures made by Paizo at this moment 2*5 scenarios. And Obsidian has rewealed that They will release one adventure aka 5 scenarios with the next release, so there would be option to make remainning 5 scenarios aka one adventure later, if the company aprovess that.
If there will be Skull and shacles or Mummys mask or something different, They Are separate products that you have to buy separately, just like physical boxes from the Paizo.
Obsidian has option to make those other boxes too, it was rewealed when the Runelords was released, but it seems that releasing other big boxes would be economical failure so I am not keeping my hopes too high.
But in anyway They most like will be completely separate products from the Rice of the Runelords release. IMHO.

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...has Paizo given Obsidian the rights to develop further games/content based on sets outside of Rise of the Runelords? Is there an expectation as to what platforms or marketing requirements they look to fulfill? The Magic Duels series is a fascinating example as to how contracted developers have to adjust their development and marketing methodology to fulfill contractual obligations.
Obsidian's license allows them to make use of any content we've created for the game. As far as expectations go, they've been good partners, and we expect to keep working with them as long as they want to keep doing it. As far as platforms, marketing, and the like, we don't dictate how they run their business—we expect that they understand it better than we do, and we wouldn't be in business with them if we didn't think they were capable of making good decisions.

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2 people marked this as a favorite. |

There Are two adventures made by Paizo at this moment 2*5 scenarios. And Obsidian has rewealed that They will release one adventure aka 5 scenarios with the next release, so there would be option to make remainning 5 scenarios aka one adventure later, if the company aprovess that.
Rise of the Goblins is *not* a direct adaptation of Season of the Goblins, though it does draw some content from the first couple of SotG scenarios. The two storylines diverge pretty quickly.

Yewstance |

Obsidian's license allows them to make use of any content we've created for the game. As far as expectations go, they've been good partners, and we expect to keep working with them as long as they want to keep doing it. As far as platforms, marketing, and the like, we don't dictate how they run their business—we expect that they understand it better than we do, and we wouldn't be in business with them if we didn't think they were capable of making good decisions.
That gives me all of the information that I wanted to know (within the bounds of what, I imagine, can be shared). Thank you very much!

Beagle |
Will some of the "construction" include the outstanding errata for class decks and base sets? Skull & Shackles and some of the early class decks are getting long-in-the-tooth.
I'd also like to know this since I'm guessing it's going to cost a fair chunk of money and the best time to pay for this would be before the release of any new set.

Zaister |
So, this character that has appeared twice "in the RPG line"; I take it you mean the whole of the RPG stuff including adventure paths, not the actual "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" line of hardcover rulebooks only, right?

Longshot11 |

Since,our group will *eventually* gather the courage to give WOtR a second try (though perhaps with the Season of Righteous) - that thing about the evil Iconics being "the best" for Wrath - is it a throw-away comment on the potential ironic flavor of that setup, or does it really rely on the Evil Iconics' powers?

Hawkmoon269 |

So, this character that has appeared twice "in the RPG line"; I take it you mean the whole of the RPG stuff including adventure paths, not the actual "Pathfinder Roleplaying Game" line of hardcover rulebooks only, right?
That is how I took it.
I am woefully unfamiliar with most of the RPG (though the recent Humble Bundles are slowly changing that). My guesses are based solely on the information on the Pathfinder Wiki. There is only one "inhabitant" listed as Magi and have references from 2 different sources:
Chalfon Dalsine
So that is my guess. Except it looks like he's dead. So, unless we are getting the first character with the undead trait, it probably isn't him.

Doppelschwert |

I want a character with the undead trait!
"Reduce mental and poison damage dealt to you to 0, even if it cannot ordinarily be reduced." Yesssss...
Judging from Arueshalae's derived damage reduction from being a succubus, I doubt that is going to happen ;)
The necromancer from HV is half undead, isn't she?
Nevertheless, playable undead would be cool!

Ched Greyfell |

Will downloading the android or PC app help me learn how to play the card game? I have two of the base sets. For someone with little free time, they look confusing. And the Youtube videos kind of act like you already know how to play when they're explaining how to play.

Brother Tyler |

Tentatively, yes, but that's based on my experience in the reverse order (i.e., learning how to play the physical game and then transferring that knowledge to the app).
If you're finding the game difficult to learn, you might consider reviewing discussions in the Rules Questions and Gameplay Discussion forum. Many of your questions may have already been answered, and anything for which you can't find an answer could be addressed in a new discussion. I know that I've learned quite a bit from the discussions.

elcoderdude |

I'd say a big +1 to playing the digital game as an aid to learning the card game.
The digital game plays nearly exactly like the card game. The latest digital incarnation has a stash that isn't in the card game -- I'll interject "And why not?!" here on Longshot's behalf -- and also has a few rule changes, like not being able to choose not to roll to acquire a boon, but is in general a close clone of the card game.)

redeux |

I'd also agree with playing the digital game. I actually learned first from playing the digital card game, then moving to the physical format. I think the digital version gave me a decent grasp of the general flow of things, though it doesn't bog you down with the ins-and-outs of how/why you do certain things. Moving to the physical version of the game you'll still have some questions but the digital version will have at least taught you how a turn generally works and the general flow of a scenario.
A fair warning though, the digital version can be somewhat buggy so don't treat everything it does as gospel.