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Pathfinder Module: Gallows of Madness (PFRPG)

More Spooky Adventures!

Halloween approaches, and as I mentioned earlier this week, the Pathfinder Society team geared up to deliver some spooky adventures in this month's scenarios—both of which went live yesterday. Hopefully these provide you ample Halloween weekend material, but in case a pair of "fun sized" adventures isn't enough, we've also finished sanctioning Pathfinder Module: Gallows of Madness!

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Tags: Ian Perks Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Module: The House on Hook Street (PFRPG)

The Tyranny of Unsanctioned Material Ends!

Perhaps that's not entirely accurate—we've been behind largely because we developed and delivered such an ambitious amount of other material over the past year—but it makes for one heck of a battle cry! This week tens of thousands of oppressed words have rallied around their champion, the Hell's Rebels Adventure Path, which has led them to liberated glory with the help of the sympathetic guard captain Pathfinder Module: Down the Blighted Path and the eccentric noble scion Pathfinder Module: House on Hook Street. Together they have founded a new nation on the grand continent of Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild, united by the shared mission of delivering countless hours of content to players everywhere! Of course, you don't need to take my word for it when you can hear it directly from the four Pathfinder Tales heralds of the revolution, united under the banner of the Pathfinder Tales, Volume VIII sanctioning document!

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Tags: Hell's Rebels Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Tales Tomasz Chistowski

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Pathfinder Module: Feast of Dust (PFRPG)

Feast On These Modules

Ever since finishing the sanctioning documents for the Giantslayer and Iron Gods Adventure Paths back in January, Linda and I have had our hands full preparing for PaizoCon and Gen Con. We're thrilled to have delivered a huge number of new scenarios, and it's even more exciting to enter this comparably relaxed time of the year in which we can catch up on old business. You may have noticed Linda over the last week appearing in countless discussion threads to offer clarifications and then disappear in a cloud of ebullient nosoi psychopomps. I've been wrangling authors, outlining a bunch of new scenarios, and sending out new assignments; keep an eye out for new product pages soon (and see below for a list of upcoming scenarios, should you need information for planning upcoming conventions).

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Tags: Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society Sally Gottschalk Tomasz Chistowski

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Pathfinder Module: Gallows of Madness (PFRPG)

Experience the Madness!

There is a lot to be excited about. For starters, Gallows of Madness is one of the most versatile modules we've ever published. The module consists of three adventures for first- or second-level characters, and these adventures can be played as standalones, in any imaginable two-part arc, or all together, like a traditional module-length adventure. The beginning of the book includes detailed instructions for how to build a story that fits GMs' needs and interests, as well as tips to make the story feel as immersive as possible.

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Tags: Ian Perks Pathfinder Modules

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Goblins! Free to a Good Home! Or a Bad Home! Please Take Them Away!

Everyone knows that the surest way to improve the quality of any tabletop game is to invite the wholesome goodness* of goblins into your home, and your heart**. For this year's Free RPG Day, Paizo did just that, by delivering the whimsical prequel to our We Be Goblins series of adventures: We B4 Goblins. This lighthearted coming-of-age tale takes your players back in time to adolescence of our iconic goblin heroes***, where they can help these young adventurers reach adulthood by claiming their toads and joining in on their very first raid in a scenario ideal for introducing new players!

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Tags: Andrew Hou Community Free RPG Day Goblins Pathfinder Modules

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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

Goblins Invade Free RPG Day!

Goblins have returned for this momentous occasion—Free RPG Day is here! Free RPG Day is a worldwide gaming event, aimed to bring new and exclusive adventures to local game stores to inspire new comers and long-time gamers alike. This year Paizo has contributed two new offerings for the event: Pathfinder Module: We B4 Goblins! by Crystal Fraiser and Tup the Terrible for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game.

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Tags: Dmitry Burmak Free RPG Day Goblins Kiki Moch Rizky Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society

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Watch Fantasy Authors Play Pathfinder!

Last year at Gen Con, I had the opportunity to run a bunch of award-winning fantasy authors through We Be Goblins! in front of a live audience. Now we've teamed up with our friends at Tor to put the whole game online, unabridged and uncensored, so you can watch Elizabeth Bear (Karen Memory), Scott Lynch (The Lies of Locke Lamora), Wesley Chu (Time Salvager), Max Gladstone (Three Parts Dead), and Django Wexler (The Thousand Names) run around as goblins, riding pigs and setting things on fire for the glory of the Licktoad Tribe! Plus, watch me frantically try to accommodate plot twist cards thrown in by notoriously sadistic Editor-in-Chief F. Wesley Schneider. It's a spider-riding, horse-chopping good time for all involved!

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Tags: Goblins Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Module: Down the Blighted Path (PFRPG)

Blighted Beginnings—Writing is a Sensory Experience

Last year I competed in the Paizo's RPG Superstar contest, and earlier this week I saw my complete winning adventure. It was humbling to see my first design work become reality. Roleplaying games are an integral part of my daily and family life. I play Pathfinder at least once a week, sometimes with friends, my children, complete strangers—I love to game! I love the social aspects of gathering around a table to share in the group storytelling experience. We explore, we laugh, we fight, we are a party, and we are together. As gamers we experience things outside our everyday lives, see places that exist in our collective imaginations. We get to be "not ourselves."

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Tags: Darklands Pathfinder Modules RPG Superstar Sally Gottschalk Vicky Yarova

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Pathfinder Module: The House on Hook Street (PFRPG)

House of Horrors!

I remember that I sent a really disturbing nursery rhyme to my players a few days before the first House on Hook Street sessions, and that it was sometime around 2007. A few weeks previously, our group had one of those typical post-game "the thrill-is-gone/I've-seen-it-all/memorized-the-bestiary/bought-the-tshirt" laments that we've all felt at some point, and I recall another player boldly challenged me for something truly fresh and surprising, but using existing materials. So, I picked up the gauntlet.

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Tags: Brandon Hodge Pathfinder Modules Tomasz Chistowski

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Pathfinder Module: Feast of Dust (PFRPG)

Journey into the Meraz

The sands of the Meraz Desert hide a long and storied history, one beset by ancient evils and warring factions. In Feast of Dust, the PCs start off in the trade town of Dimayen as it is plagued with an ancient curse. Citizens find themselves ravenously hungry, but can't seem to keep any food down and eventually starve or wander out into the desert. As the PCs get involved, they work with factions in the town, before setting out into the remote Meraz to track down the source of the town's problems—a cult of Trelmarixian inhabiting the Sunbleached Tower!

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Tags: Ertaç Altınöz Firat Solhan Pathfinder Modules Rogier van de Beek Tomasz Chistowski

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Realms (PFRPG)

Salutations, Spring!

As "predicted" in our last product update blog, fall has arrived! In fact, as I'm typing this, I'm wearing my first oversized sweater of the season and looking at decidedly orange leaves against the grey and rain filled sky. This is certainly setting the mood for an excellent Halloween night this Saturday, and what better to set the scene than going over some the tricks and treats we've released and have to look forward to in the coming months?

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Tags: Ertaç Altınöz Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Suzanne Helmigh
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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Mysteries (PFRPG)

Spooky Scary Pathfinder Games

It's that time again, ghouls and boils! Howl-oween is almost here—the fearly celebration of everything creepy and scary, and on a Saturday no less! If you're lurking for a good time, it's the perfect excuse to run a creepy game for all your fiends! But what's that? You haven't made arrangements before now? What a ghastly mistake! Luckily, your friend Paizo grave-elopers have assembled a list of the top ten creepiest Pathfinder products you can pull out for a scary night of rolling bones. You can buy the physical product, or pick up the PDF on short notice and get your spooky books instantly, anywhere ghost to ghost!

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Tags: Halloween Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #97: In Hell's Bright Shadow (Hell's Rebels 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

There's Adventure in the Air—September and Winter 2016 Releases

Today the skies are shining overhead in Redmond, where in the Paizo office we've been recovering from a busy and exciting convention season. But we all know and feel the loom of pumpkin spice, sweaters, and clouds that's ahead from our respective desks. And if your group is anything like mine, the end of September marks the start of regular game nights. And what better to kick off this glorious season by revisiting the Pathfinder related releases headed your way?

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Tags: Ekaterina Burmak Iconics Licensed Products Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Comics Pathfinder Licensed Products Pathfinder Maps Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Romanov Pavel Shamans Shardra

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I Demand More Dragons!

Pathfinder's beloved adventure The Dragon's Demand just got a whole lot better! After months of hard work and the contributions of a host of Syrinscape and Pathfinder fans, the long-awaited SoundPack for this well known adventure has arrived.

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Tags: Licensed Products Music Pathfinder Modules Syrinscape

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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

It's a Goblin Free-For-All!

Free RPG Day is here! Today game stores across the world are participating in this event, bringing new and exclusive adventures to their area, and inspiring new comers and long-time gamers to new roleplaying games. This year we're contributing two new products to Free RPG Day. The first is Pathfinder Module: We Be Goblins Free!, a new adventure following the antics of select characters from the Birdcruncher goblin tribe. For Adventure Card Game fans, we've got a real tricksy treat in store: Ekkie the Goblin Cutpurse.

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Tags: Dave Allsop Free RPG Day Goblins Jaime Martinez Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society Season of the Righteous

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We Be Pathfinders!

This Saturday, June 20th, is Free RPG Day! Participating hobby game retail locations and industry publishers will be giving away free adventures and other materials so that gamers can try new games and play exclusive content together. This year Paizo has contributed two special products. A few months ago, Tanis O'Conner introduced us to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game's special treat: the adventurous goblin Ekkie. Of course, many of you familiar with Pathfinder Society have likely met the little warrior while dealing with a certain goblin guild. I have no doubt she'll get up to even crazier antics now that she's a playable character.

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Tags: Community Dave Allsop Free RPG Day Goblins Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #97: In Hell's Bright Shadow (Hell's Rebels 1 of 6) (PFRPG)

Pulling Back the Veil: Fall 2015 Releases!

One of my favorite parts of my job is getting to add upcoming products to the website. Often it's the first time that I'm hearing about the latest adventure, realm to explore, or new player options, and now we're going to round up all the announcements to make sure you don't miss out on the latest additions to Pathfinder, coming to you this summer and fall!

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Tags: Hell's Rebels Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Tales Shen Fei

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex (OGL)

2014 Art Review

As we close out 2014, I wanted to end on a high note and give you one last year-end blog. I went to our Managing Art Director Sarah Robinson and Senior Art Director Andrew Vallas to get some help rounding up some favorite illustrations from the past year. Seeing how great their selections were, I also asked various members of our editorial team to pick a few of their own favorites to add. So here are some of our best illustrations from 2014!

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Tags: Ekaterina Burmak Eric Belisle Igor Grechanyi Jason Rainville Johan Grenier Kerem Beyit Kiki Moch Rizky Maichol Quinto Matias Tapia Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Tales Ralph Horsley Subroto Bhaumik Tim Kings-Lynne Wayne Reynolds Yu Cheng Hong

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Piracy on the Sanctioned Seas!

For many Pathfinder Society players, the end of the year is a time to reunite with friends and family—and get the old gaming group back together! If you haven't heard the news, there's a new Pathfinder Module at large: Plunder & Peril. Ready for some more tidings of good cheer? It's now sanctioned for Pathfinder Society Organized Play! You can download the Chronicle sheet from the product page or Additional Resources page.

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Tags: Mariusz Gandzel Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society

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End the Year on a High[-Level] Note!

In fact, this blog has been about a year in the making, ever since I took a copy of Paizo's second 64-page model with me over Thanksgiving break to begin working on that adventure's sanctioning document. It's been through about four revisions since then, each one not quite turning out as I had envisioned before other priorities put an end to my edits.

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Tags: Dieter Miller Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society

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Honor the Hold!

The treacherous Hold of Belkzen is a savage place for outsiders as well as its own residents. We've said a lot about the region, but a lot of this information is scattered throughout different books and product lines. For those who are new to Belkzen or who just can't get enough of the orc nation, here's a brief breakdown of some of the most interesting aspects of this savage region as well as links to where you can find more information on these topics.

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Tags: Caio Maciel Monteiro Orcs Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Roberto Pitturru

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Free RPG Day is Here!

Today is the day! Across the world, game stores are currently participating in Free RPG Day, and Paizo has two exciting products that are being released just for this event. This year we are releasing Pathfinder Module: Risen from the Sands and Ranzak the Goblin Raider for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game as we get ready to release the Skull & Shackles Base Set. You can learn more about these products in our blog from this past Thursday. If you've already picked up Ranzak from your local game store, we have put together downloadable character sheets so you can drop him into your game right now!

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Tags: Free RPG Day Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Modules Skull & Shackles

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Skull & Shackles Base Set

Join Paizo for Free RPG Day this Saturday!

One of the best days in gaming hits this weekend: Free RPG Day! This Saturday—June 21st—all across the world, participating game stores will literally be giving away incredible RPG rules, adventures, and accessories, and you're not going to want to miss it! As for us, this year Paizo's got not just one, but two fantastic Pathfinder Free RPG day offerings!

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Tags: Free RPG Day Open Game License Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Modules

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More Sanctioned Adventures

Convention deadlines love to monopolize my time, but I can't ignore some of the other great adventures published over the past several months. It's high time we sanction another Pathfinder Adventure Path and Pathfinder Module!

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Tags: Francesco Graziani Mummy's Mask Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society

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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

Mysteries of the Past and Future!

It's almost that time of year again, the best day of the year to be a gamer: Free RPG Day! You might have already heard about what we have in store for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, but that's far from all. In the annual tradition of giving you an exciting new adventure to actually play on Free RPG Day, this year's quest is Pathfinder Module: Risen from the Sands, an expedition into the deep deserts of Osirion, written by the director of the Mummy's Mask Adventure Path, Rob McCreary. This foray into a perilous pyramid parallels the mysteries and ancient dangers of the new Mummy's Mask Adventure Path*. Here's the gist:

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Tags: Free RPG Day Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Campaign Cards: Wardens of the Reborn Forge

Quest Cards

The relatively new Campaign Cards sets from the Pathfinder Cards line include quest cards, which tie directly into the corresponding adventure. So far we've seen Pathfinder Cards: The Dragon's Demand Campaign Cards, which tied in to Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand, and Pathfinder Cards: Wardens of the Reborn Forge Campaign Cards to complement Wardens of the Reborn Forge. We're also going to have sets for the upcoming RPG Superstar module Tears at Bitter Manor, and the hardcovers super dungeon The Emerald Spire!

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Tags: Matthew Starbuck Pathfinder Cards Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Campaign Cards: Wardens of the Reborn Forge

Campaign Cards of the Reborn Forge

Since Golarion is mostly a fantasy world, it's not every day that Paizo brings in new treats for the gear-and-steam set. If you're looking for something a little more scientific, a little more modern, and a little more sooty and gritty, look no further than Pathfinder Cards: Wardens of the Reborn Forge Campaign Cards! Though this set is made specifically to go with Pathfinder Module: Wardens of the Reborn Forge, it's plenty useful for anyone who wants to run a steampunk-themed or Western-themed game. We'd love it if everything took place around Alkenstar—and hey, the module has a write-up of the city to help you out—but we won't judge if you send your Pathfinders off to Victorian England or the Wild West! (If you send them to the Wild Wild West, we might judge you a little bit. But only a little bit.)

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Tags: Daniel Warren Jon Neimeister Pathfinder Cards Pathfinder Modules Tim Kings-Lynne

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Pathfinder Module: Wardens of the Reborn Forge (PFRPG)

Mayhem in the Mana Wastes

With the release of Pathfinder Module: Wardens of the Reborn Forge, there's no shortage of monsters and mutants eager to kill some characters! Not only are there dangerous constructs like the one you see here taking on Lirianne, but even regular beasties end up nastier and weirder.

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Tags: Chris Seaman Dieter Miller Maichol Quinto Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Module: Wardens of the Reborn Forge (PFRPG)

Inner Workings of the Clockwork Metropolis Part 2: Alkenstar

Previously on the Paizo blog, author and Paizo developer Patrick Renie gave a sneak preview of some of the perils and enemies to be discovered in the Mana Wastes in the upcoming Pathfinder Module: Wardens of the Reborn Forge. In today's blog, developer Mark Moreland provides details on the geography of Alkenstar and explains how the magic-warping effects of the Mana Wastes play out in the City of Smog's society and culture.

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Tags: Daniel Warren Pathfinder Modules Sam Burley

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Pathfinder Module: Wardens of the Reborn Forge (PFRPG)

Inner Workings of the Clockwork Metropolis Part 1: The Mana Wastes

Inner Workings of the Clockwork Metropolis Part 1: The Mana Wastes Thursday, August 29, 2013 While working on the forthcoming Pathfinder Module: Wardens of the Reborn Forge, we had the chance to get involved in a very challenging and rewarding design opportunity while developing the distinct flavors found in the steampunk city-state of Alkenstar and the magic-blasted Mana Wastes region surrounding it. The former required an industrial, clockwork aesthetic completely unlike anything else in...
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Tags: Pathfinder Modules

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Dragon's Demand: New Sanctioned Module!

Remember when Paizo first announced the new 64-page format for the module line back in November 2012? I recall mentally comparing it side-by-side with the 32-page modules from the perspective of a Venture-Lieutenant, store liaison, and event organizer. Those 32 pages were already pretty tough to squeeze into a one-day event. 64 pages would certainly be impossible. I remember thinking back then that Mike and Mark would have to do some clever thinking to find some way to sanction the module for Pathfinder Society Organized Play. I shrugged and just assumed that I would end up writing the boons for the Chronicle sheets but nothing more.

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Tags: Miguel Regodón Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Cards: The Dragon’s Demand Campaign Cards

What... Is Your Quest?

What... Is Your Quest? Sunday, July 21, 2013 So those of you who've had a chance to check out our newest adventure module, The Dragon's Demand, have doubtless noticed changes to the module format. The biggest change is, of course, the expansion in size from 32 pages to 64 pages, but there's other changes as well. Each module will contain a two-sided poster map, for one—The Dragon's Demand features a poster map of the town of Belhaim on one side and the town's amphitheater (mapped out...
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Tags: Pathfinder Cards Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Module: Doom Comes to Dustpawn (PFRPG)

Doom Comes to Dustpawn Game Day

The Asheville, North Carolina, Pathfinder Lodge invited RPG Superstar 2012 Mike Welham to run Doom Comes to Dustpawn for the lodge during our recent Saturday game day.

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Tags: Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Module: The Dragon's Demand (PFRPG)

Dragon's Demand is Coming Soon!

Make your friends green with envy with this new wallpaper featuring the fantastic cover art from Dragon's Demand! This latest Pathfinder Module is an action-packed adventure which takes the players to the small town of Belhaim, where one event has started a chain reaction of mystery. Has Belhaim's ancient draconic nemesis returned? It's also the first Pathfinder Module using the 64-page format, which includes new monsters, treasure, a new location and double-sided poster map.

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Tags: Iconics Lars Grant-West Merisiel Pathfinder Modules Rogues Wallpapers

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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

We Be Free!

Summer's coming, and that means Free RPG Day is just around the corner! As you no doubt know, June 15th is a day set aside for your friendly local game retailer to give you free goodies to get you excited about playing RPGs. This year, Paizo is contributing We Be Goblins Too! This follow-up adventure to the popular 2011 Free RPG Day module, We Be Goblins! puts you and your friends back in the goblin POV as you try to find a place for yourselves in an unfamiliar tribe.

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Tags: Free RPG Day Pathfinder Modules

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A Righteous, Mythic September!

In a lot of ways, Gen Con is like the start of the gaming year. You've probably already heard all the excitement over Paizo's upcoming Gen Con releases, but we're just getting this new year of games started! Here's what we have in store for you in September:

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Cards Pathfinder Maps Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Pawns Pathfinder Player Companion

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Pathfinder Module: Doom Comes to Dustpawn (PFRPG)

Superstars from Spaaaace!

It’s no secret that the Pathfinder campaign setting includes a number of science-fiction elements, from the future-tech-wielding barbarians of Numeria to the crashed flying cities of the Shory in the Mwangi Expanse. Back in 2012, RPG Superstar contestant Mike Welham tapped into this underlying theme of the setting and ran with it, and his adventure proposal for Doom Comes to Dustpawn ultimately won the contest by a public vote.

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Tags: Alex Tooth Pathfinder Modules RPG Superstar Scott Murphy

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Pathfinder Module: Fangwood Keep (PFRPG)

Put on Your Sneaking Shoes

Recently, we released Pathfinder Module: Fangwood Keep by veteran Pathfinder Society author Alex Greenshields. This adventure holds a special place in my heart for a few reasons. First, on a personal level, it was Alex who first ran me through a Pathfinder Society scenario (Pathfinder Society Scenario #1: Silent Tide way back in 2008) and he's been a constant contributor to my other passion, the PathfinderWiki, for nearly just as long. It makes me happy to see him get his first printed cover credit in a Pathfinder product, and on such an amazing adventure, too!

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Tags: Eric Braddock Iconics Merisiel Pathfinder Modules Rogues

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #69: Maiden, Mother, Crone (Reign of Winter 3 of 6)

You Are Not Forgotten!

We here at Paizo HQ are deep in the throes of birthing a number of incredible products for release at Gen Con in August, and that means it's an all-hands-on-deck scenario. John and I are being called upon to assist with development and editing of products outside the Pathfinder Society Scenario line, and that means less time to devote to Pathfinder Society blogs on Mondays. So that you aren't left in the lurch, however, here are a few pieces of art from some of this month's Pathfinder releases, set to start going out to subscribers in the next week or so. Some of these images may even be useful for GMs who like visual aids for their Pathfinder Society games, though I won't give any more info than that!

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Tags: Amiri Filip Burburan Harsk Hayato Iconics Jason Rainville Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Society Reign of Winter Xia Taptara

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RPG Superstar 2013: Steven Helt!

After 4 months and more than half a million votes cast, we are proud to announce that Steven Helt is the winner of RPG Superstar™ 2013! Paizo will be publishing Helt's winning Pathfinder Module proposal, which has been renamed Tears at Bitter Manor.

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Tags: Pathfinder Modules RPG Superstar

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Mythic Adventures (OGL)

Pathfinder Preview!

It's Savannah again. The prodigal intern from last summer returns... for Spring Break anyhow. It's been an accidental intern reunion here at Paizo, as my predecessor Jerome is helping out in the warehouse this week. Personally, I think I've got the better end of the deal, since I get to tell you all about some of our upcoming products and how exciting they're looking. So, from the depths of the Editorial Pit and my appropriated computer comes an intern's-eye view (when that view isn't "hiding on pallets from the cave raptors.")

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Tales

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Pathfinder Module: Broken Chains (PFRPG)

The Price of Freedom

The next installment of the Pathfinder Modules line, Broken Chains, is set to release this month, and a lot of you have been asking on the messageboards about how well this module fits into a Legacy of Fire game, particularly while pairing it with Pathfinder Adventure Path #21: The Jackal's Price. As it turns out, Broken Chains is a perfect fit for PCs playing through the Legacy of Fire Adventure Path, and can easily be incorporated into the campaign as an expansion to The Jackal's Price, building upon the urban intrigue set forth in the adventure and being highly compatible with that volume's article on the markets of Katapesh.

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Tags: Grafit Studio Legacy of Fire Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: At Last, the Goblin Mystic!

Way back when we first announced Heroes & Monsters, the very first Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures set, we knew we needed to include Pathfinder goblins from the very start. It’s an open secret that about half of that set was already in development at WizKids when we got involved, and a lot of the specifically Pathfinder creatures came relatively late in the process. Some of the figures, such as the Human Rogue and Orc Brute bear an uncanny resemblance to classic Mage Knight figures from the first era of prepainted plastic miniatures, whereas others like Seelah and the Ogre were more or less direct ports of Pathfinder art to miniature form.

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Tags: Free RPG Day Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: I Drop the Bomb on You

We've already previewed four figures from the set on previous Fridays, which leaves four more for upcoming weeks. But I've got to churn through them FAST, because we are at the very doorstep of the announcement of the very next full set. WizKids brought the first round of paint masters for THAT by the office this week, and they are better than anything we've seen from them before. But that's getting ahead of myself. Onward my goblin soldiers!

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Tags: Free RPG Day Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Goblins on the March!

May sees the release of the new Pathfinder Battles Builder Series We Be Goblins set, a collection of 12 goblin minis sold in a blind-packed, single-figure packages. The release is timed to coincide with Free RPG Day (June 15th), and our cool new free adventure, We Be Goblins Too!

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Tags: Free RPG Day Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Modules

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Get Your Free RPGs!

Get Your Free RPGs! Thursday, June 13, 2012Free RPG Day is this Saturday! Be sure to swing on by your friendly local game store to get your copy of Pathfinder Module: Dawn of the Scarlet Sun, written by our very own James Jacobs, along with tons of other free offerings from the greatest in gaming. Our offering this year, Dawn of the Scarlet Sun, is built to tie in perfectly with the Pathfinder Battles: Champions of Evil Encounter Pack, which, along with the pregenerated characters included in...
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Tags: Free RPG Day Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Module: The Midnight Mirror (PFRPG)

PaizoCon Pathfinder Society Review

PaizoCon Pathfinder Society Review Monday, Febraury 13, 2012 I have never been to PaizoCon. I have heard many stories over a pint from friends who have been. I have wanted to go the past few years but it just never worked out, whether it was expenses or work related obligations. One of the perks of my job is now I get to go to PaizoCon every year. Of course, Erik has told me the only excuse for missing it is if I was dead and the body couldn’t be recovered. I promise, you don’t need to twist...
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Tags: PaizoCon Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society RPG Superstar

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Changing Sanctioned Module Play—How to Play

Changing Sanctioned Module Play Monday, December 12, 2011A year ago, Pathfinder Modules were sanctioned for play in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. As Atlanta Venture-Captain for a year, I appreciated the fact I could offer the sanctioned modules to local players, especially those who had played every scenario that had been released. But the rules that were established bothered me. No negative effects carried over from module play, even death or consumable use. Many players I talked with...
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Tags: Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society

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It's RPG Superstar Time!

It's RPG Superstar Time! Monday, December 5, 2011Tomorrow marks the official launch of RPG Superstar 2012, Paizo’s annual open-call RPG design competition! That means a lot of excitement here at the Paizo offices, because if this year’s Superstar is anything like the previous four, we’re about to discover some serious design talent that will help us years into the future. ... As in previous years, the final winner of this year’s RPG Superstar will receive a contract to write a Pathfinder...
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Tags: Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Society RPG Superstar

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Undead Revisited (PFRPG)

More Adventures for Pathfinders!

More Adventures for Pathfinders! Monday, October 17, 2011 ... Illustration by Roberto PitturruOne of the things I often heard complained about over the past year was that players did not have enough scenarios to play. Many times, they had played every scenario of a particular tier and were in a holding pattern to continue adventuring with their favorite characters. ... The problem was noted and added to my list of to do items, and getting the remaining Pathfinder modules sanctioned for...
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Tags: Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society Roberto Pitturru

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Gen Con Announcement Recap!

Gen Con Announcement Recap! Wednesday, August 10, 2011 ... ENnie Awards: Product of the Year ... (for the Advanced Players Guide)Whew... another Gen Con over and done with! We had a great time at the show, in no small part due to the incredible support of our fans and customers. You all are the BEST! ... In a Gen Con filled with highlights, though, for me one of the most incredible moments came about 15 minutes after the Ennie Awards wrapped up, when we went up to the Pathfinder Society...
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Tags: ENnies Gen Con Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Tales

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Pathfinder Module: The Harrowing (PFRPG)

Don't Be Late for Your Very Important Date with the Harrowing!

... Illustrations by Yngvar Asplund and Dmitry Burmak. Widescreen version here. ... Don't Be Late for Your Very Important Date with the Harrowing! Friday, June 24, 2011It's no surprise that our childhoods influence who we are today. That's especially true for writers, since everything we do gets stored in our brains to be mashed together and filtered through our experiences, ready to jump out when the Muse strikes. The Harrowing, an adventure written by Crystal Frasier and designed for...
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Tags: Crystal Frasier Dmitry Burmak Pathfinder Modules Wallpapers Yngvar Asplund

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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

We Be Goblins—You Get Free Stuff!

... We Be Goblins—You Get Free Stuff! Friday, June 17, 2011 ... Cover Illustration by Tyler Walpole ... Tomorrow, retail stores around the globe will open their doors and hand out free RPG materials from some of the game industry's most well-known companies. Why? Well tomorrow is Free RPG Day and once again Paizo is taking part in this great program and has produced We Be Goblins, a most unusual (and fully sanctioned for use in the Pathfinder Society) adventure for 1st-level goblin...
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Tags: Free RPG Day Goblins Jason Bulmahn Monsters Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Richard Pett Tyler Walpole

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Pathfinder Module: Tomb of the Iron Medusa (PFRPG)

Anybody Have a Mirror Handy?

... Illustrations by Jared Blando and Ryan Portillo. Widescreen version here. ... Anybody Have a Mirror Handy? May 20, 2011One of my favorite movies as a kid had an awesome medusa put on the silver screen by Ray Harryhausen, a true master of physical special effects magic. The medusa in this wallpaper, from Tomb of the Iron Medusa reminds me a lot of that iconic one and now I really want to make a fighter with a divine heritage to chop her head off, in order to win the hand of the princess....
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Tags: Jared Blando Medusas Pathfinder Modules Ryan Portillo Wallpapers

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Orcs, Giant Scorpion Robots, and Barbarians: An Interview with Tyler Walpole

... Orcs, Giant Scorpion Robots, and Barbarians: An Interview with Tyler Walpole Wednesday, May 4, 2011A couple of weeks ago we interviewed Ed Greenwood, our Guest of Honor at PaizoCon 2011. This time I had the pleasure of interviewing Tyler Walpole, our Artist Guest of Honor this year. ... Tyler is one of those artists who just gets it. I don't think he's created a piece I don't love and it's going to be awesome to see him at PaizoCon this year. From orcs battling giant monsters...
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Tags: Constructs Free RPG Day Numeria Orcs PaizoCon Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Tyler Walpole

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Pathfinder Module: The Harrowing (PFRPG)

Golarion Day: Prepare to Get Harrowed!

... Golarion Day: Prepare to Get Harrowed! Thursday, April 28, 2011So, we just shipped The Harrowing off to the printer. An adventure where you get sucked into a magical deck of harrow cards and end up interacting with some of the strangest characters we've published yet! Check 'em out! (Those of you who are familiar with the Harrow Deck will probably recognize these three folks...) ... Illustrations by Dmitry Burmak ... Also, you can tell when I forget to write a blog post until we get to a...
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Tags: Animals Dmitry Burmak Elves Golarion Thursdays Harrow Pathfinder Modules Rakshasas

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RPG Superstar 2011 has a winner!

... RPG Superstar 2011 has a winner! Tuesday, March 22, 2011Paizo challenged amateur game designers from around the world to show off their skills in RPG Superstar 2011, the fourth season of Paizo's search for great undiscovered game designers. Judges Ryan Dancey, Sean K Reynolds, Mark Moreland, and Neil Spicer narrowed the field to 32 would-be RPG Superstars, and guest judges including Paizo designer Stephen Radney-MacFarland, cartographers Jared Blando and Robert Lazzaretti, and Paizo's...
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Tags: Nidal Pathfinder Modules RPG Superstar

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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

Introducing Squealy Nord!

... Illustration by Andrew Hou ... Introducing Squealy Nord! Wednesday, February 23, 2011Among the Licktoad Goblins, fame doesn't come easily. If you want to be taken seriously by His Mighty Girthness Chief Rendwattle Gutwad and allowed to undertake a dangerous mission—such as retrieving a load of fireworks from a goblin cannibal—you need to be ready to prove yourself. That means engaging in any number of deadly and disgusting dares, from eating a bag of bull slugs or braving the...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Animals Free RPG Day Goblins Monsters Pathfinder Modules Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Module: Cult of the Ebon Destroyers (PFRPG)

The Origin of the Garuda

... Illustration by Carolina Eade ... The Origin of the Garuda Wednesday, February 9, 2011As we find ourselves deep in the midst of RPG Superstar 2011, it is fitting that last year's winning adventure proposal is shipping out to subscribers this week. Matthew Goodall's Cult of the Ebon Destroyers pits the PCs against a despicable cult of assassins and murderers from the distant land of Vudra. Among the many new Vudran elements featured in the module is the book's new monster—the garuda....
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Tags: Carolina Eade Garudas Monsters Pathfinder Modules RPG Superstar Vudra

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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

We Be Goblins, You Be Food!

... We Be Goblins, You Be Food! Wednesday, February 2, 2011One of the hardest things about working at Paizo is not talking about the awesome products that are being worked on but haven't been announced yet. Especially when you're the marketing guy and it's your job to tell people about the awesome products that we're working on. This year's Free RPG Day release, We Be Goblins! is a perfect example of this; it's been in the works for months but I haven't been able to say anything until now....
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Tags: Free RPG Day Goblins Monsters Paizo Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Tyler Walpole

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Pathfinder Module: Cult of the Ebon Destroyers (PFRPG)

Ebon Destroyers!

... Illustrations by Carolina Eade and Mike Sass. Wallpaper design by Crystal Frasier. Widescreen version here. ... Ebon Destroyers! Friday, January 21, 2010As I was contemplating which wall paper to put up on the blog this week, Warehouse Will made it super easy since he came by to drop off advance preview copies of our upcoming products. The Inner Sea Poster Map Folio (3-1/2' × 5' of map goodness) and Condition Cards are awesome, but what really got me excited were my copies of Cult...
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Tags: Carolina Eade Crystal Frasier Mike Sass Pathfinder Modules RPG Superstar Wallpapers

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The Kobold King Says Get Your Superstar Entry In!

... The Kobold King Says Get Your Superstar Entry In! Thursday, December 30, 2010 ... Illustration by Warren Mahy ... Tomorrow at 2pm PST the first round of RPG Superstar™ 2010 will end. The judges will go over the entries and pick the best 32, and the winners will move on to Round 2. Ultimately, we'll get down to the Top 4, who will all receive a contract to write for us. The ultimate winner will get to write a Pathfinder Module, while the remaining members of the Top 4 will get to...
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Tags: Kobolds Monsters Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society Scenarios RPG Superstar Undead Warren Mahy

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How About Some Pathfinder Society for the Holidays?

... How About Some Pathfinder Society for the Holidays? Thursday, December 16, 2010 ... It's a crazy busy week here at Paizo HQ, as we all strive to get a jump start on the holiday season. At the moment, we have the Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide hardcover in the final approval stages before it heads to the printer, as well as the first wave of Ultimate Magic showing up on the editorial wall. Despite these major projects and the impending absences of many staff members...
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Tags: Kaer Maga Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society

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RPG Superstar™ 2011

RPG Superstar™ 2011 Monday, November 15, 2010Paizo Publishing, LLC® is proud to announce RPG Superstar 2011, the fourth season of its popular RPG design contest. The search for the newest talent in RPG design begins December 3, 2010 on paizo.com. ... We’ve been blown away by the success of the contest,” said Lisa Stevens, CEO of Paizo Publishing. Each year the contest gets bigger and better. This year not only will we publish the winner’s entry as a Pathfinder Module, but the remaining...
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Tags: Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society Scenarios RPG Superstar

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Pathfinder Module: Cult of the Ebon Destroyers (PFRPG)

Jalmeray Spicy!

... Jalmeray Spicy! Friday, November 12, 2010Just this week, I finished development of RPG Superstar 2010 winner Matthew Goodall's awesome Pathfinder Module, Cult of the Ebon Destroyers. One of the best parts of the process was seeing the final art come in for the evil cultists who make this such an evocative adventure. So do what I did while poring over Matt's turnover and set your Pandora station to sitar music, get yourself a tangy curry or some buttered naan, and check out these pieces...
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Tags: Carolina Eade Pathfinder Modules RPG Superstar

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Oh Look, More Venture-Captains!

... Oh Look, More Venture-Captains! October 27, 2010A few weeks ago we announced 13 Regional Coordinators that we're calling Venture-Captains. Since then, Mark and I have been going through the entire Pathfinder Society program and starting the process of making sure Season 2 ends with a bang you'll all remember, making plans for Season 3 (which will be awesome, trust me), and going through all of the rules for the Society program itself. In between all of that, I've reviewed a number of...
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Tags: Asuras Clerics Iconics Kieran Yanner Kyra Monks Monsters Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society RPG Superstar Sajan Wallpapers

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The Foxes Have Landed (part II)

The Foxes Have Landed (part II)Thursday, August 5, 2010 ... Sara Marie: Those were some delicious biscuits! Over. ... Crystal: This time we should say something less confusing and less likely to end with us eating biscuits. Like Hedgehog. ... .... ... Crystal: Hedgehog. ... Sara Marie: I like porcupines better. Porcupine. ... Crystal: Where are you, anyway? I got lost when the cave raptors were chasing us. Hedgehog. ... Sara Marie: Let me turn on a light... Looks like I'm in Sarah's office....
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Tags: Elves Ezren Goblins Iconics Merisiel Monks Monsters Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Rogues Sajan Seoni Snagged From the Vault Sorcerers Undead Wizards

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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

Storm the Lost Tower!

... Storm the Lost Tower! Wednesday, June 16, 2010 ... Illustration by Tyler Walpole ... Have you ever wondered just what is inside those siege castles outside Absalom? Have you ever smelled the heady stench of troglodytes in the morning? Have you always wanted to join the Pathfinder Society, but could never figure out just how to impress them? Or do you want to know just a little more about the Advanced Player's Guide? ... Well, you're in luck! Free RPG Day is almost upon us! On Saturday,...
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Tags: Absalom Alahazra Alain Cavaliers Free RPG Day Free Stuff Iconics Monsters Oracles Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society Troglodytes Tyler Walpole

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This Week at Paizo

This Week at Paizo Friday, May 7, 2010It's been a busy week at Paizo... and we're not done yet. ... Sean The 'K' is for Konfident Reynolds reassures me of what he already knows.My desk midweek: ground zero for much chaos. (To answer the inevitable question here: Yes, I use them as bookmarks.) ... It may drive us crazy, but putting out so many products does make for some pretty awesome hauls. ... F. Wesley Schneider ... Managing Editor ...
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Tags: Azlant Game Mastering Mwangi Expanse Paizo Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Sean K Reynolds

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Pathfinder Module: From Shore to Sea (PFRPG)

Developer's Diary: They Came From Beneath the Sea!

... Developer's Diary: They Came From Beneath the Sea! Thursday, April 1, 2010As Wes mentioned a couple of weeks ago, our Open Design partnership project From Shore to Sea has had a few problems on its way through development and editing. But I'm happy to tell you that we are now in the final stages of getting this thing out the door and into your hands! ... Senior Art Director Sarah Robinson found a great artist, Damien Mammoliti, to pick up where the last one left off, and once that art...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Azlant Fighters Iconics Open Design Pathfinder Modules Valeros Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Module: From Shore to Sea (PFRPG)

The Best Laid Plans...

... The Best Laid Plans... Wednesday, March 17, 2010I hate airing our dirty laundry in public... ... Who am I kidding, I relish airing our dirty laundry in public, but professionalism and good taste often makes doing so... inadvisable. But this is a special situation and in this instance it's easy to talk around the specifics so to protect the innoce—well, in this case, to protect the guilty. As we've been trying to show off our editorial processes with this project, even more reason to...
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Tags: Azlant Dan Scott Ezren Fighters Iconics Kaer Maga Merisiel Monsters Open Design Paizo Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Rogues Squid Valeros Wizards

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Random Encounters in the Fellnight Mist—Mist Random Encounters

... Random Encounters in the Fellnight Mist Monday, March 8, 2010Here's some more bonus material for the Pathfinder Module Realm of the Fellnight Queen. The RPG Superstar 2009 adventure by Neil Spicer originally included some additional random encounters at the beginning of Part 2: Lost in the Mist, but they were cut for space reasons. Adding these encounters helps to reinforce the eerie atmosphere of the mist. Mist Random Encounters Roll on the following chart to generate a random encounter...
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Tags: Animals Elves Fey Monsters Pathfinder Modules RPG Superstar Unicorns Vermin Web Enhancement Will-o'-wisps

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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

Arvormeigh, Nixie Rogue

... Arvormeigh, Nixie Rogue Monday, March 1, 2010 ... Illustration by Concept Art House ... Here's a bit of bonus material for the Pathfinder Module Realm of the Fellnight Queen. The RPG Superstar 2009 adventure by Neil Spicer originally featured this character in one encounter, but she ended up on the cutting room floor to make the adventure fit the page count. Now she's back and ready to annoy some PCs! Spoiler: Arvormeigh originally appeared in the Upper Pool area of the Dead Man's Drop...
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Tags: Concept Art House Fey Monsters Pathfinder Modules Rogues RPG Superstar Web Enhancement

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Winter 2010 Releases: An Early Look!

... Winter 2010 Releases: An Early Look! Thursday, February 18, 2010This week Paizo posted new product descriptions for dozens of products to be released in the third trimester of 2010, including new hardcover books, a revision of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting, and a brand new line of Pathfinder novels! ... We've been hard at work on these items for months, and even though you'll have to wait until at least September before they hit your game table, we're thrilled to finally be able to...
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Tags: Cards Dave Gross Elaine Cunningham Game Mastering GameMastery Halflings Irrisen Kaer Maga Maps Monsters Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Tales Prince of Wolves River Kingdoms Serpent's Skull Winter Witch

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Pathfinder Module: City of Golden Death (PFRPG)

Gold Fever!

... Gold Fever! Monday, February 8, 2010As I write this the finishing touches are going in on our newest Pathfinder Module, City of Golden Death, the climactic conclusion to the Price of Immortality campaign arc. Written by our own Events Manager, Joshua J. Frost, the adventure takes the PCs to the notorious Isle of Terror, where they'll face agents of the Living God Razmir, ageless menaces from ancient Thassilon, the undying machinations of the Whispering Tyrant himself, and even greater...
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Tags: Andres Espara Animals Dragons Ezren Iconics Jorge Maese Merisiel Monsters Paladins Pathfinder Modules Rogues Seelah Undead Wallpapers Wizards

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Pathfinder Module: From Shore to Sea (PFRPG)

Developer's Diary: Tentacles from the Deep

... Illustration by Anthony Jones ... Developer's Diary: Tentacles from the Deep Wednesday, February 3, 2010As one of my new duties here in Paizo's editorial pit, I've been asked to take on the development for the upcoming Pathfinder Module From Shore to Sea, designed and developed with the assistance of the patrons at Wolfgang Baur's Open Design Studio . The adventure is a fun-filled romp (some might say a terrifying delve) through sunken ruins, with ancient Azlanti technology and undersea...
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Tags: Anthony Jones Azlant Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to the River Kingdoms (PFRPG)

River Kingdoms of the Fellnight Queen

... River Kingdoms of the Fellnight Queen Friday, January 29, 2010It's a busy week here at Paizo, and that means it's time for an art blog! So enjoy this sneak peek at some artwork from the upcoming Pathfinder Module Realm of the Fellnight Queen and Pathfinder Chronicles: Guide to the River Kingdoms! ... Illustration by Andrew Kim ... Illustration by Jorge MaeseIllustration by Andres Espara ... Sean K Reynolds ... Developer, Pathfinder Chronicles and Pathfinder Modules ...
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Tags: Andres Espara Andrew Kim Bards Centaurs Elves Fey Halflings Iconics Jorge Maese Lem Merfolk Monsters Paladins Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Plants River Kingdoms RPG Superstar Sahuagin Seelah Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Module: Realm of the Fellnight Queen (PFRPG)

Hail to the Queen, Baby

... Illustration by Dave Rapoza ... Hail to the Queen, Baby Friday, January 15, 2010Ramping up to Tuesday's announcement of this year's RPG Superstar first-round winners, I wanted to remind everybody what all the hype is about. Here we see the cover to Realm of the Fellnight Queen in all its splendor, part of the trophy for 2009's Superstar winner Neil Spicer. Neil's winning proposal debuts in just a few short weeks, and it looks absolutely incredible. So that's the prize folks! The chance to...
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Tags: Dave Rapoza Druids Fey Iconics Lini Monks Monsters Pathfinder Modules RPG Superstar Sajan

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Pathfinder Module: Masks of the Living God (PFRPG)

Behind the Mask

... Illustration by Craig J. Spearing ... Behind the Mask Friday, December 4, 2009Masks of the Living God is expected in our warehouse later this month. Written by Jason Bulmahn as a sequel to Crypt of the Everflame, it can be used as a standalone adventure, and helps set the stage for City of Golden Death in March 2010. ... Masks of the Living God is a bit of a change of pace for Paizo adventures. While it has the usual elements of travel and combat, much of the adventure is a freeform or...
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Uncharted Waters

... Uncharted Waters Thursday, November 12, 2009 Ever wanted to contribute to a Golarion-based adventure or submit your spells and monsters to a Pathfinder RPG supplement? You can with the creative and award-winning folks at Open Design. Their official Golarion adventure From Shore to Sea is on track for a spring release, and right now they are playtesting that adventure—and soliciting game design from the project's supporters for the Sunken Empires sourcebook. The Sunken Empires book...
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Pathfinder Module: Carrion Hill (PFRPG)

Carrion Hill Preview #2

... Carrion Hill Preview #2 Monday, October 12, 2009The Pathfinder RPG Bestiary has reached our warehouse, and we've loaded it with hundreds of updated monsters for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. However, some of our favorites didn't quite make the cut and had to be left out of the book. Fortunately, we're clever and sneaky, and found a way to get one of the extra monsters into the Pathfinder Module Carrion Hill. After all, in an adventure with Lovecraftian horrors, this shapeshifting...
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Tags: Hector Ortiz Lovecraft Monsters Pathfinder Modules Richard Pett Tyler Walpole
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Pathfinder Module: Carrion Hill (PFRPG)

Carrion Hill Preview #1

... Carrion Hill Preview #1 Thursday, September 3, 2009Carrion Hill is a 5th-level urban horror adventure in the style of H. P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror. Chock full of mythos goodness, this book has references to the Outer Gods, underground ghoul societies, and (of course) the spawn of Yog-Sothoth. Here's a quick peek... avert your eyes if your will is weak! ... Sean K Reynolds ... Developer, Pathfinder Modules ...
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Pathfinder Module J5: Beyond the Vault of Souls (OGL)

Snagged from the Vault: Beyond the Vault of Souls

... Snagged from the Vault: Beyond the Vault of Souls Wednesday, May 6, 2009Greetings, dear readers—as the Golem busies itself crafting the deadly artifact known only as the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary , the Preview Purloiners have struck once again deep into its fathomless Vault. Today we bring you Ralph Horsley's cover to Pathfinder Module J5: Beyond the Vault of Souls. The foolish minions of the Golem won't even known it's missing! But what is that pounding on the door...? ... Vadid and...
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Pathfinder Module: Crypt of the Everflame (PFRPG)

Jason's New Campaign!

... Jason's New Campaign! Friday, January 16, 2009The last year at Paizo's been really hectic and busy. I think I ran one whole session of my Call of Cthulhu game in 2008, and as for actual D&D office games, we pretty much haven't done any gaming. That's no good. Fortunately, now that we're heading into 2009, there may be a change in the air. Either we're finally getting caught up, or we're finally adjusting our sleep cycles to accommodate the new reality—whatever the reason, office...
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Out and About

Out and About Wednesday, December 10, 2008Turns out that we haven't been the only ones busily bustling away to bring you new Pathfinder brand insanity. A quick glance across the boards turns up Hugo Solis's (aka Butterfrog) currently Unofficial Paizo Comic Strip. The first is featured above, but check out his awesome comic thread here. ... Also, Paizo—or more specifically Entombed with the Pharaohs and the Critical Fumble Deck—got a subtle shout-out on this week's commodoreHUSTLE...
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Pathfinder Module S1: Clash of the Kingslayers (OGL)

The Clash Begins

The Clash Begins Friday, November 14, 2008It's been many, many months since Leandra Christine Schneider won the first RPG Superstar contest, but we're finally almost there—her module, Clash of the Kingslayers, is going through its last bits of editing as I type this. To celebrate, check out some of the art from the adventure! ... James Jacobs ... Pathfinder Editor-in-Chief ...
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Tags: Pathfinder Modules RPG Superstar Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Module J4: The Pact Stone Pyramid (OGL)


Headlock! Monday, September 29, 2008 Once more, I reveal unto you some great art for Pact Stone Pyramid by Bento Box Studios! Nothing much more to say than pictures of paladins headlockin' mummies. Paladins headlockin' mummies. ... Jacob Burgess ... Online Retail Coordinator ...
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Pathfinder Module J4: The Pact Stone Pyramid (OGL)

The Pact Stone Pyramid

The Pact Stone Pyramid Thursday, September 25, 2008 In this interior piece we have a girallon covered in glowing magical hieroglyphics battling Seelah and Kyra, set in one of the interior areas of the Pact Stone Pyramid. Well, it's not really a girallon, it's a magical curse in the shape of a girallon, but when the thing is quadruple-punching your face the subtle difference probably isn't your biggest concern....Sean K Reynolds ... Developer / Editor ...
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Pathfinder Module J4: The Pact Stone Pyramid (OGL)

Pact Stone Capstone

... Pact Stone Capstone Friday, September 19, 2008A new addition to the Pathfinder Modules is coming down the pike, and with it of course comes new art, a cover in fact. It is, once again, a pleasure to bring you, right off of Drew's desk, one hot cover (it's in a desert, ya know) for The Pact Stone Pyramid. Enjoy! Jacob Burgess ... Online Retail Coordinator ...
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Pathfinder Module LB2: Treasure of Chimera Cove (OGL)

Modules: Back on Schedule!

... Modules: Back on Schedule! Tuesday, September 2, 2008It's been a while since we've talked about a Pathfinder Module on this blog, for the simple reason that they were the unfortunate sacrifice to the Deadline Demons that had to be made in order to get everything else on schedule. The good news is that the modules themselves are back on schedule as well now, and with the upcoming release of Hungry Are the Dead you can expect to see a new Pathfinder Module once every other month. ... To...
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Tags: Pathfinder Modules

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The Creepy Crepitus—Ecology

... The Creepy Crepitus Thursday, May 29th, 2008Here's another peek at the forthcoming Pathfinder Module LB1: Tower of the Last Baron. ... It is speculated that Asmodeus spawned the first crepitus devils, sometimes called magewretches, to tempt and corrupt mortal wizards into damning their souls. Yet while it is true that the crepitus is a highly intelligent creature with a gift for spellcraft and all things arcane, its great intellect is countered by its foolishness and inability to...
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Pathfinder Module LB1: Tower of the Last Baron (OGL)


Art! Wednesday, May 28, 2008We're all crazy busy here today making sure you get the awesome products you've come to expect from us. While we're at it, here's a pretty picture of the ever-popular Seoni from Pathfinder Module LB1: Tower of the Last Baron. Enjoy! :D ... Mike McArtor ... Editor ...
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Tags: Pathfinder Modules Seoni Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Module W3: Flight of the Red Raven (OGL)

The Red Raven, Revealed!

... The Red Raven, Revealed! Friday, April 25th, 2008 Time again for the blogging! This time it is my pleasure to reveal, with all due fanfare, the One True Cover for our upcoming module W3: Flight of the Red Raven!Jacob Burgess ... Online Retail Coordinator ...
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Pathfinder Module W3: Flight of the Red Raven (OGL)

Meet the Red Raven

... Meet the Red Raven Wednesday, April 23, 2008Last year, we ran a contest to determine who would write for us the module W3: Flight of the Red Raven. We received more than 150 entries. The eventual winner, frequent Dragon-contributor David Schwartz, handed over a great adventure. We look forward to working with David again in the future. ... Presented here is the Red Raven as he appears in the module, which will be available in May! ... Mike McArtor ... Editor ...
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GameMastery Module W2: River into Darkness (OGL)

Dark Water

... Dark Water Thursday, March 6, 2008The muddy waters of the great Vanji flow past hundreds of miles of dark jungle. As it flows through the darkness, the river drinks deeply of the blood of thousands of creatures, from the lowliest lizard devoured by a river crocodile to the human sacrifice drowned to appease the dark jungle gods to a battlefield where neighboring tribes rip out each other's throats in casual displays of wanton brutality. The terror and death along the dark banks sometimes...
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GameMastery Module D3: The Demon Within (OGL)

Sneak Peek: The Demon Within

... Sneak Peek: The Demon Within Friday, February 29, 2008Enjoy this art sneak peek of GameMastery Module D3: The Demon Within. The haunted castle awaits you! ... Carolyn Mull ... Paizo Sales & Marketing Assistant ...
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GameMastery Module W2: River into Darkness (OGL)

Sneak Peek: River into Darkness

Sneak Peek: River into Darkness Friday, February 22, 2008Enjoy this art sneak peek of an expedition riddled with conflict and danger! GameMastery Module W2: River into Darkness releases in April. ... Carolyn Mull ... Paizo Sales & Marketing Assistant ...
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RPG SUPERSTAR: WE HAVE A WINNER! Wednesday, February 20, 2008In early November Paizo challenged amateur game designers from around the world to show off their skills in a revolutionary online contest called RPG Superstar. From more than 850 submitted wondrous items, celebrity judges Erik Mona (Paizo's Publisher), Wolfgang Baur (Editor-in-Chief, Kobold Quarterly), and Clark Peterson (President, Necromancer Games) narrowed the field to 32 would-be RPG Superstars, and further rounds have...
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GameMastery Module W2: River into Darkness (OGL)

Journey Into Darkness

... Journey Into Darkness Thursday, February 14, 2008The next GameMastery Module, River Into Darkness is off to the printer. This adventure features a great trek through the dark and mysterious jungles of the southern continent of Garund (part of the Pathfinder Chronicles world for those of you not in the know). To top it off, there are angry natives, deadly monster, and questionable friends. What more could you ask for? Not much I say. Not much. Need more proof? Here is the back cover copy:...
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GameMastery Module J3: Crucible of Chaos (OGL)

Sneak Peek: Crucible of Chaos

... Sneak Peek: Crucible of Chaos Friday, February 1, 2008Here is a sneak peek into one of the living nightmares that you will encounter in the Lost City. Enjoy this evocative art, representative of what is featured in Crucible of Chaos. Carolyn Mull ... Paizo Sales & Marketing Assistant ...
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GameMastery Module J3: Crucible of Chaos (OGL)

Terrible Trio

... Terrible Trio Friday, January 25, 2008During Ulduvai's final days, when its citizens were caught in the slow but inevitable decline of their once-great civilization, as one by one the other flying cities fell to decadence, disease, conquest, or other misfortune, a strange wanderer arrived in the city and brought with him a relic of uncertain origin but undeniable power. This mysterious outsider found within the city fertile soil: citizens both corrupt enough to submit to perversions that...
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GameMastery Module U2: Hangman's Noose (OGL)

Sneak Peek: Hangman's Noose

Sneak Peek: Hangman's Noose Friday, January 18, 2008Here's an artistic sneak peek of our haunting urban adventure Hangman's Noose. Happy nightmares! ... Carolyn Mull ... Paizo Sales & Marketing Assistant ...
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GameMastery Module J3: Crucible of Chaos (OGL)

Monster of Madness

... Monster of Madness Thursday, January 17, 2008We had expected, upon looking back, to see a terrible and incredible moving entity if the mists were thin enough; but of that entity we had formed a clear idea. What we did see—for the mists were indeed all too maliguly thinned—was something altogether different, and immeasurably more hideous and detestable. It was the utter, objective embodiment of the fantastic novelist's 'thing that should not be...' ... ...It was a terrible,...
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GameMastery Module J3: Crucible of Chaos (OGL)

Crucible of Chaos—Uncover the ruins of the flying city

... Crucible of Chaos Thursday, January 10, 2008 Crucible of Chaos has been sent to the printer and is due to come out next month. This module features a number of really cool locations, including a crashed sky city. To get you salivating for this dangerous adventure, here is a look at the final cover and the info from the back of the module. Uncover the ruins of the flying cityLegends speak of an ancient culture that drifted through the clouds atop immense floating cities. These same tales...
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GameMastery Module U2: Hangman's Noose (OGL)

Meet the Suspects: Part 2

... Meet the Suspects: Part 2 Thursday, January 3, 2008Last week, we introduced four of the eight suspects the PCs will have to investigate while they are trapped in a haunted courthouse with time running out. Here are the other four candidates for the Hangman's Noose: ... The Fool: Ebin Blithoddle is a peculiar gnome who dresses in motley and has a stupid joke and a bad pun for every occasion. Despite the fact that he couldn't make a hyena laugh, the poor old sod refuses to quit, dancing and...
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GameMastery Module U2: Hangman's Noose (OGL)

Quick Drop, Sudden Stop

... Quick Drop, Sudden Stop Thursday, December 27, 2007 Hangman's Noose is the first real murder mystery adventure set in the Pathfinder Chronicles campaign setting. As such, it includes a host of suspects, both charming and nefarious. And while each one might have had a hand in the mistrial that caused the haunting in this adventure, one of them truly deserves to hang. If your PCs can't uncover the culprit by dawn, their necks might hang in the murderer's place. Here are just a few of the...
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GameMastery Module U2: Hangman's Noose (OGL)

U2: Hangman's Noose Cover

... U2: Hangman's Noose Cover Friday, December 21, 2007With Guardians of Dragonfall about to hit our warehouse, the time grows near to take a look at our next GameMastery Module. So, in preparation, here is the cover to U2: Hangman's Noose. It sure looks like Seoni has just about had enough of adventuring... maybe even breathing. Need more info? Here is the back cover copy. ... GameMastery Module U2: Hangman's NooseTen years to the day after the most horrible injustice in Absalom's history,...
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GameMastery Module J2: Guardians of Dragonfall (OGL)

Elementals of Magic

... Elementals of Magic Thursday, December 20, 2007Long ago, before the Age of Darkness, in a time when powerful empires of magic ruled the land the arcanatons were first seen on Golarion. Drawn by the confluence of magical power, these creatures are the raw stuff of arcane energy given life and form. Powerful in their own right, when given a source of magic upon which to feed, they become nearly unstoppable. ... But times change and empires fall. In the darkness that followed Starfall, much...
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GameMastery Module J2: Guardians of Dragonfall (OGL)

Dragonfall First Look

Dragonfall First Look Thursday, December 13, 2007With GameMastery Module E1: Carnival of Tears shipping out to all of your waiting hands, it is time to turn our attention to the next module, J2: Guardians of Dragonfall. Over the next few weeks we will be previewing some of the monsters and villains behind this draconic plot involving one of the more interesting locales in the Pathfinder Chronicles world, but for now, here is a look at a great piece of art from the module. Stay tuned. ......
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GameMastery Module E1: Carnival of Tears (OGL)

Faster Than A Speeding Buick

Faster Than A Speeding Buick Tuesday, December 4, 2007When flipping through GameMastery Module E1: Carnival of Tears, one thing immediately jumped out at me. There is a creature, known as a quickling, in the module with a speed of 240 feet. At first I though this must be a misprint, but Jeremy assured me that it was correct. This fey, called Prig in the module, is so blindingly fast that catching him is half the encounter. Fortunately for you, he is in the mood for mischief, not evasion. To...
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The Riders of the North

The Riders of the North Tuesday, November 27, 2007The fey of Darkmoon Vale were not always evil. For decades they lived and played under the spreading branches of the forest, content to remain close to the land that sustained them. But recently, things have changed within the forest. The establishment of the lumber mill in Falcon's Hollow has given rise to a veritable army of woodsmen bent on leveling the forest and plundering its wealth of darkwood. Hunters and trappers have descended into...
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GameMastery Module E1: Carnival of Tears (OGL)

I Am Afraid of Clowns

I Am Afraid of Clowns Monday, November 19, 2007No, seriously, they kinda creep me out. This is not some sort of abject terror that makes me run screaming anytime I happen upon the spokesclown of a certain famous fast food restaurant, but it does make me shudder. Suffice to say, when we started planning out adventures, I knew that having one populated by horrible carnival folk would be a winner (or if you prefer... a wieenahh). Anyway, GameMastery Module E1: Carnival of Tears is scheduled to...
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GameMastery Module J2: Guardians of Dragonfall (OGL)

"I Know the Secret of Dragonfall..."

I Know the Secret of Dragonfall... Tuesday, November 13, 2007Psst... you. Yeah, you! I've got a secret to tell ya. You gotta keep this one quiet, though, because they'll kill ya if'n you know about it. Who? Dragons, of course! Word is that when most dragons are close to death, the make a pilgrimage to this place called Dragonfall, where their bones are laid to rest with those of their kin, regardless of color or creed. There they wait, for the gods only know what reason. This is no ordinary...
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And the Winner is...

And the Winner is... Tuesday, November 6, 2007After combing through more than 150 initial queries and almost a dozen detailed outlines, we have finally found our winner of the GameMastery Open Call contest. The winner will write GameMastery Module W3: Flight of the Red Raven. Scarce information about the plot was given out, and the entrants had to combine that, along with the title, to come up with a compelling adventure full of exciting encounters and memorable villains. ... In the end,...
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GameMastery Module J1: Entombed with the Pharaohs (OGL)

Terrifying Transformation

Terrifying Transformation Wednesday, October 31, 2007The new GameMastery Module J1: Entombed with the Pharaohs has arrived in our office and is about to ship. In anticipation, I have decided to turn you all into terrible undead servants, forever bound to the tomb of the Four Pharaohs of Ascension. Are you ready? Great! Please look at the following four images: ... There! Does your skin itch a bit? Do you have the urge to wrap yourself in linen bandages? Feel the need to go Urrrrrrr?...
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GameMastery Module U1: Gallery of Evil (OGL)

Meet the Competition

Meet the Competition Tuesday, October 16, 2007Welcome to Sothis, capital of the great desert nation of Osirion, gateway to the mysteries of the sands. Centuries ago, the legendary ancient pharaohs ruled over a nation of sorcerers and slaves with an iron fist, wielding godlike magical abilities unlike anything in the modern world. Now they are gone, and all that remains of their wonder and terror lies buried beneath the dunes, concealed in vast stone pyramids and protected by traps and curses...
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Top 5 Open Call Mistakes

Top 5 Open Call Mistakes Friday, October 12, 2007So, we're not going to have time to send out detailed feedback to everyone who failed to make it to the second round of the Open Call for W3: Flight of the Red Raven. But I know that people want to know what they did wrong, or how they can improve for the future, for the next open call or for other endeavors. With that in mind, here are the five most common mistakes people made that caused me to reject the submission. ... 1. Novel-writing. An...
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Open Call Round 1 Results

Open Call Round 1 Results Thursday, October 11, 2007The results for Round 1 of the GameMastery Module Open Call are in. It may have taken a marathon meeting, about half a dozen cans of Diet Dr. Pepper, and a host of minis to play with while we chatted... but it's finally done. In the end, we couldn't settle on 10 candidates as initially promised, and instead decided to go with 12! Those who advanced will have a little more than two weeks to submit a full outline, including sample encounters...
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Looting the Treasure Chest

Looting the Treasure Chest Tuesday, October 9, 2007We've received quite a few questions about the GameMastery Treasure Chest over the past several weeks and I thought I would take a moment to give you the skinny on this box full of goodness. ... This box gives you a wide assortment of our most popular GameMastery products, including an original adventure (TC1: Into the Haunted Forest) that ties together all the products into one deluxe game experience. Here's what the box contains. ... TC1:...
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GameMastery Open Call: Closed

GameMastery Open Call: Closed Tuesday, October 2, 2007The first round of the GameMastery Module Open Call closed yesterday at noon, and let me tell you, there was quite a rush there at the end. Can an email program smoke? I think mine did a little yesterday. ... All told, we received 168 entries over the course of nine days, with most of them coming within the final 48 hours. Following the closing of the contest, I have gone through and stripped the names from files, assigning them all a...
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You got GameMastery in my Dragonlance!

You got GameMastery in my Dragonlance! Monday, October 1, 2007 ... While seeing folks play in our campaign world is of course the biggest compliment we can receive, here at Paizo, we understand that many people have been playing in alternative game worlds for a long time, and simply aren't interested in switching over. As a result, we're always excited when we hear about someone getting jazzed enough about our products to mine out ideas or convert them over to their favorite setting. ... Thus...
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Shadows Behind the Canvas

Shadows Behind the Canvas Friday, September 28, 2007In his years of studying magical art, the sinister Imron Gauthfallow has collected a number of unique pieces from across the continent. But when he looted a spectacular piece from the abandoned mansion of a dead elven scholar, he got more than he bargained for. When he unveiled the painting in his own gallery, he unwittingly released a shadowy lurker. ... These undead spirits of darkness were once the celebrated elven artisans. Betrayed by...
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GameMastery Module Open Call

GameMastery Module Open Call Thursday, September 20, 2007Paizo has a long-standing tradition of bringing new authors into the gaming industry. We hope to continue that tradition with the GameMastery Module Open Call. With the Open Call, we're giving you your chance to join our stable of experienced authors who bring Pathfinder and the GameMastery Modules to life. All you need to do is download the guidelines here (40 KB zip PDF), give them a read, and warm up your keyboard. The guidelines...
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GameMastery Module J1: Entombed with the Pharaohs (OGL)

Masterpiece of Horror

Masterpiece of Horror Tuesday, September 18, 2007The idea of paintings coming to life is certainly not new. It's been excellent fodder for horror movies for years. It's surprising, therefore, that not much has been done with the concept in classic fantasy. The upcoming edition in our GameMastery Modules line tries to fill in that gap somewhat by bringing you Imron Gauthfallow and his Gallery of Evil. ... Some of Imron's most useful discoveries in his quest for revenge are the painted...
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A Picture's Worth…

... A Picture's Worth… Thursday, September 6, 2007With Seven Swords of Sin now out the door and arriving in mailboxes everywhere, it's time to start looking at September's new GameMastery Module. This month we are releasing U1: Gallery of Evil. This module is our first urban adventure (hence the U code), so we thought we would start out proper by exploring one section of Golarion's most important city: Absalom. This vast metropolis sits on the isle of Kortos in the great Inner Sea, making it...
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Delve of Doom Results!

   Delve of Doom Results! Friday, August 31, 2007Gen Con was a great show for Paizo, as usual, but this year had a new addition to our booth presence. It all started with a little contest around the office to determine who could design the most deadly dungeon chamber. While this idea was all well and good, we would need some test subjects to run through our gauntlet of pain, and thus the idea of running a delve at Gen Con was born. ... Using the fabulous Master Maze 3D dungeon...
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Science in the Dungeon

Science in the Dungeon Tuesday, August 28, 2007If there's anything that the other editors and I butt heads about around here, it's the amount of science that should be present in our fantasy—or rather, the amount of science fiction. I make no bones about the fact that I'm a huge sci-fi fan, and if given my druthers I'll almost always err on the side of too much rather than too little. Which means that, given the overall traditional RPG fantasy feel of our campaign setting, it usually...
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Delve-o-vision! Monday, August 27, 2007We'll have the scores for Paizo's Deadliest GenCon Delve Room contest up soon, but it's taking us some time to tabulate all the character deaths... it seems the majority of valiant PCs went down like field mice under a rotary mower. Until then, here's the first of several YouTube videos people took of fan favorite author and messageboard regular Nick Logue introducing delve players to his unique (and decidedly kinesthetic) brand of game mastering. ......
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4th Edition

4th Edition Friday, August 24, 2007We're all back from Gen Con, and aside from the launch of Pathfinder and our new Planet Stories novel line, the hot news at the show was the announcement of Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition, from Wizards of the Coast. Messageboards across the internet, from paizo.com to EN World and Wizards of the Coast's own site, are abuzz with discussion of what was revealed at the show, what changes are in store for our favorite game, and what the future may hold. ......
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Kaer Maga

Kaer Maga Wednesday, August 22, 2007Now that D2: Seven Swords of Sin is starting to make it out into people's hands, I'd like to talk a little bit about my favorite part of writing it: designing the city of Kaer Maga. ... Going into the project, there were two different ideas for where the adventure should be set. For me, it seemed to call for an urban setting, a crazy city where anything went and the law was sketchy at best. Publisher Erik Mona, however, was eager for Varisia to have an...
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GameMastery Module D2: Seven Swords of Sin (OGL)

From Delve to Dungeon

From Delve to Dungeon Tuesday, August 14, 2007If you're a regular reader of this blog, you likely already know about Paizo's delve event at this year's GenCon, in which convention attendees will have the chance to run through part of a deadly, trap-filled dungeon, potentially winning fabulous prizes. You also probably know that the delve is closely related to the new GameMastery Module we'll be releasing, D2: Seven Swords of Sin. But what most people don't know is exactly how one became the...
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The Fey Are Coming

The Fey Are Coming Tuesday, August 7, 2007GameMastery Module W1: Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale has arrived in our warehouse and is about to ship to subscribers (although if you sign up now, you can still get the module and a free PDF). Although I've chatted about fey before, now is as good time to look at the fey in this module with some detail. If you plan on playing this module be forewarned—spoilers lurk below. ... Here are some facts about the Roseblood Sprites, presented as a...
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GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope (OGL)

Letter Designations

Letter Designations Monday, August 6, 2007First things first—if you haven't already checked it out, D0: Hollow's Last Hope is now available as a free PDF download right here. What are you waiting for? It's free! Ahem. We now return you to the topic at hand: module letter designations. So D0: Hollow's Last Hope is a prequel of sorts to D1: Crown of the Kobold King. It follows, then, that D2 is a sequel to D1. Right? ... Well, no, actually. D2 is completely unrelated to D0 and D1. On the...
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Welcome to Fort Thorn—A3. Keep

Welcome to Fort Thorn Wednesday, August 1, 2007With GameMastery Module W1: Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale just about to ship out to subscribers, it's time to introduce your PCs to their new home: Fort Thorn. This small community is the only bastion of civilization in the Vale and, as such, makes for the most likely home base for explorers. The following are descriptions of a few key places: ... A3. KeepAside from the shrine, Fort Thorn's keep is the only other stone building in town. This...
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Gold, Land, and Title!

Gold, Land, and Title! Tuesday, July 24, 2007Those are the rewards promised to those who conquer the Bloodsworn Vale. In just a few weeks, you might be able to claim those prizes. ... Since we are getting pretty close to the release of this module, we realized we have yet to show off a map of this large, untamed wilderness. To avoid spoilers, the map is untagged (and might just make for a good player handout, if you're thinking of downloading it). That said, there are a couple of points of...
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Falcon's Hollow—Places of Note:

Falcon's Hollow Tuesday, June 26, 2007In celebration of the release of the free PDF of GameMastery Module D0: Hollow's Last Hope, the start of our Module Subscription Service, and the eminent release of D1: Crown of the Kobold King, we thought it was high time that we gave you some information about the small town featured in both modules: Falcon's Hollow. For more information, make sure to check out the appendix in Crown of the Kobold King. ... Falcon's Hollow makes an excellent base of...
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Free RPG Day is Tomorrow!

... Free RPG Day is Tomorrow! Friday, June 22, 2007Tomorrow, June 23rd, is the first annual Free RPG Day, where you can stop by your local game store and pick up a free product. As mentioned in the post from April 24th, you can pick up the very first GameMastery Module, D0: Hollow's Last Hope tomorrow as part of this exciting event. ... Hollow's Last Hope is a prequel to D1: Crown of the Kobold King and covers much of the lead-up to that adventure, taking brand-new 1st-level characters up to...
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GameMastery Module D1: Crown of the Kobold King (OGL)

GameMastery Module Subscriptions

GameMastery Module Subscriptions Friday, June 15, 2007You asked for it and we deliver. GameMastery Module Subscriptions are now available. ... Starting today, you can sign up for an ongoing subscription and ensure that you don't miss out on a single sneaky kobold king, forgotten vale, or sinful sword. Sign up now and once D1: Crown of the Kobold King releases, it will be shipped to your door and you'll be able to download a PDF of the adventure (an $8.99 value) for free. The subscription...
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GameMastery Module D2: Seven Swords of Sin (OGL)

Seven Swords of Sin Revealed

Seven Swords of Sin Revealed Tuesday, May 29, 2007 Say what you will about their morality, the rulers of ancient Thassilon knew how to govern. Knowing the horror that a full-scale duel between them would unleash, the Runelords settled on an elegant means of solving disputes. Each of the seven wizards created a unique blade imbued with the barest shadow of his might, and whenever two disagreed, each would bestow his blade upon a chosen champion, whose job it was to decide the matter in bloody...
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The New Stat Block

The New Stat Block Tuesday, May 22, 2007Since we have sent a number of modules out to the printer, we recently came to the realization that it was high time to show off the new stat block. Mind you, there are a lot of things you are going to find familiar, but some things are brand new. When it came time to start working on Pathfinder and the GameMastery Modules, we took that opportunity to improve and tinker, while still trying to retain the easy-to-use format everyone has come to know and...
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Forge Spurned

Forge Spurned Friday, May 18, 2007In Crown of the Kobold King we introduce the dwarven deity Droskar, God of Toil. Droskar's following began as a reaction against the bon vivant trends that pervaded the dwarven society of their day, instating a dreadful dogma of salvation through endless toil and brutal subservience to the Dark Smith, as Droskar was often called. The dwarves became slaves to their own industry, producing heaps of weapons, armor, and gear to appease their dark god. The...
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I Hate Fey Friday, May 4, 2007I've never been the biggest fan of fey....

I Hate Fey Friday, May 4, 2007I've never been the biggest fan of fey. Every time I use one in a game, there tends to be a quiet undertone of giggles and cheap jokes. Today, for example, when discussing this very blog post, we came upon the idea of chatting about the fey that play a part in W1: Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale. Within seconds, Wesley Schneider called out that I like pretty, pretty princesses. Suffice to say... you can see why I don't like fey. ... That said, when we plotted out...
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...And the Dragon Comes in the Niiiiiight! Friday, April 27, 2007Just...

...And the Dragon Comes in the Niiiiiight! Friday, April 27, 2007Just wanted to drop by and give you all a sneak preview of some brand new cover art we got in just in time for the weekend. They say a picture's worth a thousand words, but I'd wager that this one's worth about 22,000... which, incidentally, is how long Jason Bulmahn's W1: Conquest of Bloodsworn Vale module will be when it's all finished. In this 32-page adventure, heroes will be pitted against twisted, evil fey as they fight to...
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Hail To The King Wednesday, April 25, 2007Kobolds have been around...

Hail To The King Wednesday, April 25, 2007Kobolds have been around for a long time. From the ratlike little dog-men of the early editions, to the more recent incarnation as draconic lizards, these guys remain one of the game's favorite foils. Usually depicted as sneaky, conniving trap-makers, they also have a history of being cute, pathetic monsters struggling to find their place in the dungeon, usually at the bottom of the local food chain. When we went looking for an iconic monster to kick...
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The First One's On Us

The First One's On Us What's better than a high-quality, full-color, 16-page adventure? A free one, of course! Tuesday, April 24, 2007On June 23rd, gamers celebrate a whole new holiday just for us: Free RPG Day. On that Saturday, gamers across the country can stop by their friendly local game shops and pick up free roleplaying products. Seeing how much we love free stuff here at Paizo, we couldn't help but get involved. Come the 23rd, the first GameMastery Module, D0: Hollow's Last Hope, will...
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