Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box GM Kit (OGL) PDF

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The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box GM Kit arms Game Masters with new options and opportunities, from a complete adventure that picks up where the Beginner Box's "Black Fang's Crypt" left off to new monsters like the deadly minotaur and the giant black widow spider! Piles of new magical weapons, armor, and other treasures beef up your campaign's rewards, and tips on converting standard Pathfinder adventures for use with the Beginner Box extend the life and variety of your Pathfinder campaigns.

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5.00/5 (based on 1 rating)

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Great New Material For Newer GMs


I highly recommend this product to any aspiring GM, as it contains material that can be expanded and tweaked for one's own personal use.

I will be running the Deadly Mine Adventure soon (possibly this Thanksgiving weekend) with my Beginner's Box group and I'm really looking forward to it. So are my players.

Plus, it's free!

So, not to be ungrateful or anything, but... The page numbers in this pdf (and the player's one for that matter) are kind of inconveniently placed. I was looking to print this PDF out double-sided and then get it bound. The problem is that the pages are numbered such that the first page should be the leftmost in a two page spread. So when I print it regular-wise, the page numbers (and page headers) are in the gutter. Folks printing single sided are also going to have this problem half of the time (even if the number were in what I consider the "right" positions). That said, I realize that creating a new master page layout (or whatever InDesign calls it) with centred page numbers - for something you're just giving away - isn't really a good allocation of resources. On the other hand, I'm hopeful that a request to swap the page number positions on the pages won't be sighed at too loudly.

I am, of course, ready to put on my big boy pants and deal with my admittedly first world problem at your slightest suggestion.

Por favor en Español, es importante para aprender en este idioma el juego. Gracias.

Community Manager

sonnelic wrote:
Por favor en Español, es importante para aprender en este idioma el juego. Gracias.

Unfortunately we don't have any plans to provide translations of the PFS materials, but I will certainly pass it along to our licensed translators.

The Exchange

Just a friendly point out...
(First sentence)
Shouldn't the title be "Black Fang's Dungeon" and not "Black Fang's Crypt?

Good to have some free Beginner's Box GM resources out there, even without any translations. ;)

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