Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Character, Class, and Ultimate Decks

Last updated: February 05, 2020.

Alchemist Class Deck

Mother Myrtle's Preservationist role has a power that lets her display certain allies and draw displayed allies. Can she only draw allies that were displayed using that power, or can she draw an ally that was displayed for another reason?

She can only draw an ally that was displayed using that power.

Resolution: On the Preservationist side of Mother Myrtle's role card, change "you may recharge a card to draw a displayed ally (□ or to give the ally to another character at your location)" to "you may recharge a card to draw one of those allies (□ or to give one of them to another character at your location)".

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Mother Myrtle's Reanimator role says she's proficient with weapons, even though it's not a feat and she didn't have it on her character card. Is that a mistake?


Resolution: On the Reanimator side of Mother Myrtle's role card, delete "Weapons" from her proficiencies.

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The last feat on Mother Myrtle Reanimator lets you draw a card of a specific type from your deck. Do you get to choose from all of the cards of that type, or just take the first one you find?

You get to choose.

Resolution: On the Reanimator side of Mother Myrtle's role card, change the last power to:

When a character at your location defeats a monster, you may draw an ally (□ or a spell or an item) from your discard pile (□ or search your deck for a card of that type and draw it).

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Major Cure tells me how I can recharge it instead of discarding it, but it doesn't actually tell me to discard it. Should it?

Yes, it should.

Resolution: On the spell Major Cure, the first power should end with "...into your deck, then discard this card."

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If I use Embalming Fluid's second power, when do I attempt the Craft or Disable 7 check?

After the combat check. (To do anything else would surely cause a hole in the fabric of reality. Let's do our best to keep the fabric of reality hole-free.)

Resolution: On the item Embalming Fluid, change "Succeed at a Craft or Disable 7 check or bury the top card of your deck" to "After the check, succeed at a Craft or Disable 7 check or bury the top card of your deck".

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Shouldn't Stained Glass Elemental have the Outsider trait?


Resolution: On the ally Stained Glass Elemental, add the Outsider trait.

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Stained Glass Elemental tells me to discard it when I "defeat a bane by 3 or more on the check." What if I succeed at the check by 3 or more, but I don't defeat the bane at that time? (Let's say this was just the first of two checks to defeat, or it's a Ghost and I'm not using Magic.)

We care about you exceeding the difficulty of the check, whether or not you defeat the bane.

Resolution: On the ally Stained Glass Elemental, change "If you defeat a bane by 3 or more on the check, discard this card and the top card of the blessings deck" to "If the check is against a bane, and your result exceeds the difficulty by 3 or more, after the encounter, discard this card and the top card of the blessings deck".

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What "adventure deck number" does the second power of the Stained Glass Elemental use?

The scenario's adventure deck number.

Resolution: On the ally Stained Glass Elemental, replace "plus the adventure deck number" with "plus the scenario's adventure deck number."

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Barbarian Class Deck

If Opportunist Brielle fails to acquire an item, can she try again?


Resolution: On the Opportunist side of Brielle's role card, change "▢ When a character at your location fails to acquire an item" to "▢ When another character at your location fails to acquire an item".

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If I have a way to bury a card from my discards to use a character power that adds to my Melee check, can I use Orange War Paint to discard it instead?


Resolution: On the item Orange War Paint, add the italicized text to the following: "While displayed, when you would bury a card from your hand or deck to use a character power that adds to your Melee check..."

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Pit Gladiator lets you recharge it if you use it to defeat a bane by 10 more. What if the bane has multiple checks?

We only care about how well you do on the check that the Pit Gladiator is played on.

Resolution: On the ally Pit Gladiator, replace "If you defeat the bane by 10 or more, recharge this card instead" with "If the result exceeds the difficulty by 10 or more, recharge this card instead”.

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Baby Triceratops lets you explore, but forces everyone at your location to bury a card. Do you bury before or after you explore?


Resolution: On the ally Baby Triceratops, change the last sentence to "After the exploration, each character at your location buries a card."

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The ally Smith has the Blacksmith trait, which doesn't do anything, but in Wrath of the Righteous, the ally Redeemer Smith has the Hireling trait, which some cards actually care about. Should Smith have the Hireling trait instead?


Resolution: On the ally Smith, replace the Blacksmith trait with the Hireling trait.

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Bard Class Deck

After Meliski has gained the feat that allows a character at his location to reroll 2 dice after failing a check, can that character reroll just 1 die if they like?


Resolution: On the character Meliski, and both sides of his role card, change "allow her to reroll 1 die (□ 2 dice)" to "allow her to reroll 1 die (□ or 2 dice)."

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If Brawler Meliski has taken the feats that allow him to play 2 blessings on a combat check and recharge them, if he only plays 1 blessing, can he still recharge it?


Resolution: On the Brawler side of Meliski's role card, change "You may play 2 blessings on your combat check" to "You may play up to 2 blessings on your combat check".

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When Brawler Meliski succeeds at a combat check against a monster, must he recharge a random card from his discard pile?


Resolution: On the Brawler side of Meliski's role card, change "When you succeed at a combat check to defeat a monster, recharge a random card from your discard pile" to "When you succeed at a combat check to defeat a monster, you may recharge a random card from your discard pile".

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When Gambler Meliski takes the feat that gives him the option to bury a card from his discard pile, it appears to take away his option to bury a card from his hand. Is it supposed to?

No—after taking that feat, he should be able to bury a card from either source.

Resolution: On the Gambler side of Meliski's role card, change "you may bury a card (□ from your discard pile) to succeed" to "you may bury a card from your hand (□ or discard pile) to succeed".

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If a character at Siwar the Courtier's location fails to acquire an ally, can Siwar put it in her discard pile?

No. That's only when the ally is buried or banished for its power.

Resolution: On the Courtier side of Siwar's role card, change "When another character at your location would banish or bury an ally, he may put it in your discard pile instead" to When another character at your location would banish or bury an ally for its power, he may put it in your discard pile instead".

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When Siwar the Courtier recharges allies to add to her check to defeat a bane with multiple checks to defeat, does she get to add 1d6 per ally to all of those checks?


Resolution: On the Courtier side of Siwar's role card, change "add 1d6 to your check to defeat the bane" to "add 1d6 to your checks to defeat the bane".

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Siwar the Manipulator has a power that lets her use her Diplomacy skill for certain checks. The wording is a bit awkward, isn't it?

A bit.

Resolution: On the Manipulator side of Siwar's role card, replace the second power with the following: "When you attempt a check to defeat a barrier that has the Skirmish or the Task trait, you may use your Diplomacy skill in place of the listed skill. (▢ Characters gain this power while at your location.)"

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Should the Flaming Scimitar +1 have the Magic trait?

Yes, it should.

Resolution: On the weapon Flaming Scimitar +1, add the Magic trait.

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Except for Keen Rapier +3, rapiers and other keen weapons all have penalties when used by characters who aren’t proficient with weapons. Should Keen Rapier +3 have that penalty?


Resolution: On the weapon Keen Rapier +3, add the sentence “If you aren’t proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.”

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If I play Glibness from the Bard deck, but I don't have the Arcane or Divine skill, do I have to banish it?

Yes, yes, you do.

Resolution: The spell Glibness needs the italicized text in the following quoted section: "At the end of the turn, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, you may attempt an Arcane or Divine 8 check. If you succeed, recharge this card; if you fail, discard it.

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Major Cure tells me how I can recharge it instead of discarding it, but it doesn't actually tell me to discard it. Should it?

Yes, it should.

Resolution: On the spell Major Cure, the first power should end with "...into your deck, then discard this card."

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It appears that I can't play Rage during a check because it doesn't directly affect the check. That is, it requires the person to do something—bury a card—to affect the check.

We want you to be able to play it during a check.

Resolution: On the spell Rage, change "Display this card and choose a character at your location" to "Display this card next to the deck of a character at your location; you may play this card during her check".

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Should Paralyze have the Attack trait?


Resolution: On the spell Paralyze, add the Attack trait.

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Can I play a card like Swipe or Princeling to acquire the Ivory Dice?

No, because Ivory Dice has no check to acquire.

Resolution: On the item Ivory Dice, change the check to acquire from "See Below" to "None."

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Can I use the Fortune-Teller twice in the same turn?


Resolution: On the ally Fortune-Teller, change "Reveal this card on your turn..." to "At the end of your move step, reveal this card..."

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If I evade the Burglar, do I have to discard a weapon or item? What if I choose not to acquire it?

If you evade the Burglar, you don't have to discard, because the Skull & Shackles rulebook clarified that if you evade a card, you do not activate any other powers on it. If you choose not to acquire the Burglar, you do have to discard.

Resolution: On the ally Burglar, change "If you fail the check to acquire this card" to "If you fail to acquire this card". (The Skull & Shackles rulebook introduced the rule "If you choose not to acquire a boon, it counts as failing to acquire it.")

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The Spiny Shield and Shield of Fire Resistance have the Magic trait. Shouldn’t they let you recharge them when you reset your hand?


Resolution: On the armors Shield of Fire Resistance and Spiny Shield, add the following text: “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”

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Cleric Class Deck

Does Kyra have to add the Magic trait (▢ and/or Fire trait) to her check when using a sword?


Resolution: On Kyra's character card and both sides of her role card, change "If your combat check has the Sword trait, add 2 (▢ 4) and the Magic (▢ and Fire) trait to it" to "If your combat check has the Sword trait, add 2 (▢ 4) and you may add the Magic trait (▢ and/or Fire trait)".

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Must Zarlova examine a card in her deck every time she acquires a card that has the Magic trait?

Remember when examining wasn't dangerous? Zarlova does.

Resolution: On the character Zarlova and her roles, change "When you acquire a card that has the Magic trait, examine the top (□ or bottom) card of your deck" to "When you acquire a card that has the Magic trait, you may examine the top (□ or bottom) card of your deck".

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Should the Flaming Scimitar +1 have the Magic trait?

Yes, it should.

Resolution: On the weapon Flaming Scimitar +1, add the Magic trait.

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Major Cure tells me how I can recharge it instead of discarding it, but it doesn't actually tell me to discard it. Should it?

Yes, it should.

Resolution: On the spell Major Cure, the first power should end with "...into your deck, then discard this card."

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Can I really attempt a straight Wisdom check to play Vengeful Storm?


Resolution: On the spell Vengeful Storm, delete the words "Wisdom or".

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Can I play another armor if I play Deathbane Shield to add the Magic trait to my check?

Yes, if you're proficient with light armors.

Resolution: Change the second and third powers on the armor Deathbane Shield to "Reveal this card to add the Magic trait to your combat check, or to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. If you are proficient with light armors, you may play another armor on this check."

(Note that this FAQ entry also applies to Deathbane Shield.)

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The Deathbane Shield has the Magic trait. Shouldn’t it let you recharge it when you reset your hand?


Resolution: On the armor Deathbane Shield, add the following text: “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”

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The ally Smith has the Blacksmith trait, which doesn't do anything, but in Wrath of the Righteous, the ally Redeemer Smith has the Hireling trait, which some cards actually care about. Should Smith have the Hireling trait instead?


Resolution: On the ally Smith, replace the Blacksmith trait with the Hireling trait.

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Druid Class Deck

Baby Triceratops lets you explore, but forces everyone at your location to bury a card. Do you bury before or after you explore?


Resolution: On the ally Baby Triceratops, change the last sentence to "After the exploration, each character at your location buries a card."

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Fighter Class Deck

Several characters seem to be required to do things they might only sometimes want to do. Is this right?

Not usually. Some of them need "you may" in those powers.

Resolution: On these characters and roles, make the changes in italics:

  • Flenta and roles: "After you play a spell that has the Arcane trait for its power, you may draw a random spell from the box..."
  • Valeros and roles: "You may reveal an ally from your hand to add 1d6..."
  • Vika and roles: "You may recharge a card that has the Bludgeoning trait..."
  • Vika/Blacksmith: "You may reveal an armor to reduce all damage..."
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Can the Adamantine Trident +3 ignore difficulty-increasing powers for any monster encountered by anyone? And do I ignore the whole power, or just the part that increases the difficulty?

This power is intended to be part of the power above it, affecting only the monsters you are currently attempting a combat check against. And you may only ignore the part of the power that increases the difficulty.

Resolution: On the weapon Adamantine Trident +3, change "If a monster has a power that increases the difficulty of any combat check, ignore that power" to "If a monster has an effect that increases the difficulty of this check, ignore that effect", and move that sentence to the end of the first power.

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Can I try to recharge Call Weapon after burying it?


Resolution: On the spell Call Weapon, change "instead of discarding it" to "instead of discarding or burying it".

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Masterwork has things that happen when a character "attempts a combat check using a weapon." Does that apply to playing any weapon on a combat check, or just when the weapon is played to determine which skill a character is using on that check?

It applies to playing any weapon on the combat check.

Resolution: On the spell Masterwork, replace the first two sentences with the following: "When a character at your location plays a weapon on a combat check, display this card next to that location. While displayed, when any character at this location plays a weapon on a combat check, if any die rolled on the check is a 1, count it as 2."

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If I don't have the Arcane or Divine skill, can I really just discard the spell Masterwork when I play it? I'm used to banishing spells like that.

You need to banish it.

Resolution: On the spell Masterwork, add the italicized portion to the following text: "At the start of your turn, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, you may attempt an Arcane or Divine 12 check. If you succeed, recharge this card; if you fail, discard it."

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Should Paralyze have the Attack trait?


Resolution: On the spell Paralyze, add the Attack trait.

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The Spiny Shield and Winged Shield have the Magic trait. Shouldn’t they let you recharge them when you reset your hand?


Resolution: On the armors Spiny Shield and Winged Shield, add the following text: “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”

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If I play a weapon that has the Melee trait and then play Master-at-Arms to give the check the Finesse trait, can I still use a power to change the check's skill to Dexterity?


Resolution: On the ally Master-at-Arms, change the power "When you play a weapon that has the Melee trait on this check, the check gains the Finesse trait" to "You may play this card when you play a weapon that has the Melee trait; if you do, the check also gains the Finesse trait". (This card also appears in the Character Add-On Deck.)

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Goblins Burn! Deck

Safety Bubble's check to acquire says "Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Arcane". Shouldn't that last Arcane be Divine?


Resolution: On the spell Safety Bubble, change the check to acquire to "Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 11".

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Does Bottled Lightning require me to play the card I’m discarding?

No, that’s impossible.

Resolution: On the item Bottled Lightning, delete “after playing that card”.

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Dogfinder tells you to shuffle cards into your hand. Is it meant to be shuffled into your deck, or drawn into your hand?

Drawn into your hand. And the cards should be random.

Resolution: On the item Dogfinder, change "shuffle 1d4+1 cards from your discard pile into your hand" to "draw 1d4+1 random cards from your discard pile."

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Shouldn't the Imp be displayed to prevent infinite cycling?

Yes. It should also be disallowed during encounters.

Resolution: On the ally Imp, change the first two powers to:

You may not play this card during an encounter.

Display this card to draw 1 or 2 cards. At the end of the turn, if you drew 1 card, recharge this card; if you drew 2 cards, discard this card.

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Goblins Fight! Deck

If you're proficient with weapons, the Garrote in Mummy's Mask lets you add 10 to your result, while the one in Goblins Fight! lets you add 1d10. Which is correct?

The Mummy's Mask version is correct.

Resolution: On the weapon Garrote, change "you may add another 1d10" to "you may add 10 to your result".

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Baby Triceratops lets you explore, but forces everyone at your location to bury a card. Do you bury before or after you explore?


Resolution: On the ally Baby Triceratops, change the last sentence to "After the exploration, each character at your location buries a card."

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Gunslinger Class Deck

Can displayed Ammunitions be played during an encounter?

Yes. You can't display them during an encounter, but if they're already displayed, you can use them.

Resolution: On the items Adamantine Bullets, Alchemical Cartridges, Blessed Bullet, Dragonbreath Shot, Entangling Shot, Flare Shot, Poisoned Bullets, and Shock Bullets, change "Display this card; you may not play this card during an encounter" to "Display this card; you may not do so during an encounter".

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Poisoned Bullets says "you may bury this card to add 1d12 and the Poison trait. You may succeed at a Craft or Stealth 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it." So is it discard or bury?

It's bury.

Resolution: On the item Poisoned Bullets, change "instead of discarding it" to "instead of burying it".

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Can Cannon Master's second power be used during an encounter?


Resolution: On the ally Cannon Master, at the end, add “This power cannot be used during an encounter.”

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Hell's Vengeance Character Deck 2

Emil has power that lets him ignore a trait and immunities to it. Does he have to ignore both the trait and the immunities to it, or can he just ignore one or the other?

He can ignore either or both.

Resolution: On Emil's character card and both sides of his role card, change "you may ignore that trait and immunities to it" to "you may ignore that trait and/or immunities to it".

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Should Venomous Hand Crossbow +1 have the Magic trait?


Resolution: On the weapon Venomous Hand Crossbow +1, add the Magic trait.

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Hunter Class Deck

Ukuja has the Elf trait on the front of the character card, but Half-Orc on the back. Which is correct?

Ukuja is an elf.

Resolution: On the back of Ukuja's character card, replace the Half-Orc trait with the Elf trait.

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Should Thorn Bow have the 2-Handed trait?


Resolution: On the weapon Thorn Bow, add the 2-Handed trait.

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Pteranodon says I can explore during my exploration. What's that about?

It's got all the right words, but the order they're in is a bit off.

Resolution: On the ally Pteranodon, replace the powers text with the following: "On your turn, discard this card to move; you may then explore your location. During this exploration, add 1d6 to your combat checks."

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Inquisitor Class Deck

Varril has a power that he can use at the start of his explore step. Since the Core Set Rulebook clarified that each exploration is its own step, does that mean he can use that power at the start of each of them?

Just the first one of his turn.

Resolution: On the character Varril and both sides of his role card, replace "At the start of your explore step" with "At the start of the first explore step of your turn".

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Monk Class Deck

Adamantine Sai +2 says I can ignore a monster's effects that increase the difficulty of a combat check. Does that include, for example, the difficulty increase from a monster with the Veteran trait, even though that power doesn't specifically say it affects combat checks?

Yes. We want you to ignore any effects from monsters that would make your combat check more difficult.

Resolution: On the weapon Adamantine Sai +2, replace "If a monster has an effect that increases the difficulty of a combat check, ignore that effect" with "If a monster has an effect that increases the difficulty of that check, ignore that effect".

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Shouldn't the Imp be displayed to prevent infinite cycling?

Yes. It should also be disallowed during encounters.

Resolution: On the ally Imp, change the first two powers to:

You may not play this card during an encounter.

Display this card to draw 1 or 2 cards. At the end of the turn, if you drew 1 card, recharge this card; if you drew 2 cards, discard this card.

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Oracle Class Deck

When you play Life Drain, when exactly should you shuffle the card from your discard pile into your deck?

After you have discarded, recharged, or banished Life Drain.

Resolution: On the spell Life Drain, the first paragraph should be just “For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d4.” The second paragraph should end with “Then shuffle a random card from your discard pile into your deck.”

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Major Cure tells me how I can recharge it instead of discarding it, but it doesn't actually tell me to discard it. Should it?

Yes, it should.

Resolution: On the spell Major Cure, the first power should end with "...into your deck, then discard this card."

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Sirocco lets you examine cards during an encounter. What happens if the card I examine makes me encounter it?

Let's not let that happen.

Resolution: On the spell Sirocco, change "Each other character at your location is dealt 1 Fire damage, and you may examine the top 2 cards of your location deck" to "After the encounter, each other character at your location is dealt 1 Fire damage, and you may examine the top 2 cards of your location deck".

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Can Climber’s Gloves be used every time I shuffle a location deck?

Not quite. It can only be used once per check or step.

Resolution: On the item Climber’s Gloves, add the following sentence to the end of the second power: ”You may not use this power more than once per check or step.”

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Shouldn't the Imp be displayed to prevent infinite cycling?

Yes. It should also be disallowed during encounters.

Resolution: On the ally Imp, change the first two powers to:

You may not play this card during an encounter.

Display this card to draw 1 or 2 cards. At the end of the turn, if you drew 1 card, recharge this card; if you drew 2 cards, discard this card.

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Occult Adventures Character Deck 1

Spiritual Counselor Estra's first power tells you you may shuffle "the discarded card" into your deck. Nothing in that power discards a card, so what does that mean?

It should just be "a card."

Resolution: On the Spiritual Counselor side of Estra's role card, change "you may instead shuffle the discarded card into your deck to ignore the power" to "you may instead shuffle a card into your deck to ignore the power".

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Should Venomous Hand Crossbow +1 have the Magic trait?


Resolution: On the weapon Venomous Hand Crossbow +1, add the Magic trait.

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Straitjacket has the same powers as Shroud Cloak. Is that right?

That is really not right.

Resolution: On the armor Straitjacket, replace the powers with the following: "When you are dealt Combat damage by a monster on a check, if you did not play a weapon or a spell, discard this card to reduce that damage to 0."

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Can another character get Estra’s loot ally Honaire?

There are ways some characters can get him... but they can’t keep him.

Resolution: On the loot ally Honaire, add the power “When this card would leave your hand, if you do not have the Spiritualist trait, banish it instead.”

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Occult Adventures Character Deck 2

In Yoon’s cards list, should her spells be 4 ▢ 5 ▢ 6?


Resolution: On the character Yoon’s card list, change “SPELL 4 ▢ 6 ▢ 6” to “SPELL 4 ▢ 5 ▢ 6”.

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Straitjacket has the same powers as Shroud Cloak. Is that right?

That is really not right.

Resolution: On the armor Straitjacket, replace the powers with the following: "When you are dealt Combat damage by a monster on a check, if you did not play a weapon or a spell, discard this card to reduce that damage to 0."

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Paladin Class Deck

Does Unflagging Companion Koren's evade-and-encounter power work on his own failed checks?


Resolution: On the Unflagging Companion side of Koren's role card, change "When a character at your location fails to acquire a boon" to "When another character at your location fails to acquire a boon".

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Mace of Smiting says I can ignore a monster's effects that increase the difficulty of a combat check. Does that include, for example, the difficulty increase from a monster with the Veteran trait, even though that power doesn't specifically say it affects combat checks?

Yes. We want you to ignore any effects from monsters that would make your combat check more difficult.

Resolution: On the weapon Mace of Smiting, replace "If a monster has an effect that increases the difficulty of a combat check, ignore that effect" with "If a monster has an effect that increases the difficulty of that check, ignore that effect".

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Abeyance lets me get rid of banes that have the Curse trait. So I can't use it on the scourges in Mummy's Mask, since they're support cards?

We'd like you to be able to use it against the scourges.

Resolution: On the spell Abeyance, change "banish a bane that has the Curse trait" to "banish a card that has the Curse trait".

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Pit Gladiator lets you recharge it if you use it to defeat a bane by 10 more. What if the bane has multiple checks?

We only care about how well you do on the check that the Pit Gladiator is played on.

Resolution: On the ally Pit Gladiator, replace "If you defeat the bane by 10 or more, recharge this card instead" with "If the result exceeds the difficulty by 10 or more, recharge this card instead”.

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Can I use Riding Horse or Griffon to move when there's nobody else at my location? If there are other characters at my location, do I have to move 1 of them?

You do not have to move another character when you move.

Resolution: On the ally Riding Horse, change the first power to "At the end of your turn, discard this card to move; you may also move another character at your location to your new location." On the ally Griffon, change the first power to "At the start or end of your turn, discard this card to move; you may also move another character at your location to your new location."

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When does the last part of Blessing of the Inheritor trigger?

When you play it.

Resolution: On the blessing Blessing of the Inheritor, change "If the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Iomedae trait" to "When you play this card, if the top card of the blessings discard pile has the Iomedae trait".

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Pathfinder Tales Character Deck

Varian says "When you reset your hand, you may banish a card to draw a spell from your discard pile, then shuffle any number of spells from your discard pile into your deck." Can you shuffle the spells even if you don't banish a card?

No. If the intent had been to make shuffling independent of banishing, it would look like this: "When you reset your hand, you may banish a card to draw a spell from your discard pile. Then shuffle any number of spells from your discard pile into your deck." But while this power isn't actually misworded, it would be clearer and more consistent with other cards if we remove the second comma.

Resolution: On the character Varian and both sides of his role card, delete the comma in the middle of "you may banish a card to draw a spell from your discard pile then shuffle any number of spells from your discard pile into your deck."

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Should Red Leathers have an Armor trait?

It should have the Light Armor trait.

Resolution: On the armor Red Leathers, add the Light Armor trait.

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Ranger Class Deck

Can Agna recharge an item or a weapon that has the Offhand trait to add 1d6 to her combat check?

Yes, she can recharge any card with the Offhand trait for that purpose.

Resolution: On Agna's character card and both sides of her role card, change "that weapon’s traits" to "that card's traits".

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Must Harsk recharge any Ranged weapon he plays?


Resolution: On the character Harsk and his roles, change "When you would discard a weapon that has the Ranged trait for its power, recharge it instead" to "When you would discard a weapon that has the Ranged trait for its power, you may recharge it instead".

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Can Arabundi the Mage Hunter use his last power in a set without any Blessing of the Gods cards?

Yes. Let's open that up to all Basic blessings.

Resolution: On the Mage Hunter side of Arabundi's role card, change "When you play Blessing of the Gods" to "When you play a Basic blessing".

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Should Arabundi's Mage Hunter role have only 11 power feats?

Nope. He should have 12 like everyone else.

Resolution: On the Mage Hunter side of Arabundi's role card, change the last power from "▢ When you play Blessing of the Gods on your non-combat check, you may recharge a random spell from your discard pile" to "▢ When you play a Basic blessing (▢ or any blessing) on your non-combat check, you may recharge a random spell from your discard pile".

Note: This resolution has been updated to incorporate the change from this resolution.

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If Arabundi the Nature Adept has his fifth and sixth powers fully checked, can he make an infinite loop of recharging a spell, putting it on top of his deck, drawing it, and repeating?

Not anymore.

Resolution: On the Nature Adept side of Arabundi's role card, change "When you would recharge a spell, you may shuffle it into your deck (▢ or put it on top of your deck) instead" to "When you would recharge a spell, you may display it instead. Before you reset your hand, shuffle it into your deck (▢ or put it on top of your deck)".

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Can I play the Adamantine Poniard +1 on a check for its 1d4 if I've already played a weapon on the check?

You should be able to do that.

Resolution: Change the powers on the weapon Adamantine Poniard +1 to the following.

For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d4+1. If a monster has an effect that increases the difficulty of the check, ignore that effect.

On your combat check, you may discard this card to add 1d4. You may play this card on a check even if you played a weapon that does not have the 2-Handed trait.

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Can I play Main-Gauche with another weapon or not? The first sentence tells me when I can't, not when I can.

You can, so long as you didn't play another weapon with the 2-Handed trait.

Resolution: On the weapon Main-Gauche, replace the text with the following:

For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d4.

Discard this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. You may play this card on a check even if you played a weapon that does not have the 2-Handed trait.

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Can I play Main-Gauche +1 with another weapon or not? The first sentence tells me when I can't, not when I can.

You can, so long as you didn't play another weapon with the 2-Handed trait.

Resolution: On the weapon Main-Gauche +1, replace the text with the following:

For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d4+1.

Recharge this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. You may play this card on a check even if you played a weapon that does not have the 2-Handed trait.

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Most cards that are displayed to add 3 to a skill go away at the end of the turn in which they're played, but Endurance goes away at the end of your turn. Is that right?

Nope. It should be like the others.

Resolution: On the spell Endurance, change "At the end of your turn" to "At the end of the turn".

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The Entropy Shield has the Magic trait. Shouldn’t it let you recharge it when you reset your hand?


Resolution: On the armor Entropy Shield, add the following text: “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”

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Rogue Class Deck

If Lesath banishes a displayed monster at the end of his turn, does he then have to display it again?

No, because then they would never get banished. That's no good.

Resolution: On Lesath's character card and the Sword Dancer side of his role card, change "When you would banish a monster, display it. You may recharge a card to add 1d6 (▢+1) to your combat check for each displayed monster." to "When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may display it instead. Before you attempt a combat check, you may recharge a card to add a number of d6 (▢+1) equal to your number of displayed monsters. At the end of your turn, banish your displayed monsters."

On the Dervish side of his role card, change the power to "When you defeat a monster and would banish it, you may display it instead. Before you attempt a combat check, you may recharge a card to add a number of d6 (▢+1) (▢+2) (▢+3) equal to your number of displayed monsters. At the end of your turn, banish your displayed monsters."

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Merisiel the Forger has a power that affects weapons she discards. Is that restricted to weapons that she plays?

It should be restricted to cards you play.

Resolution: On the Forger side of Merisiel's role card, make the changes in italics to the following power: "When you play a weapon and would discard (□ or bury) (□ or banish) it, you may perform the action with a blessing (□ or any card) instead."

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If a Poison card causes Spider Olenjack to bury a card from his discard pile, can he recharge it instead?


Resolution: On the Spider side of Olenjack's role card, add the italicized text to the following: "If a card that has the Poison trait would cause you to bury a card from your hand or deck, you may recharge that card instead."

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When encountering a monster that has multiple checks to defeat, can Olenjack explore in between those checks?


Resolution: On Olenjack's character card and both sides of his role card, change "On your turn, when you succeed at a combat check that has the Poison trait, you may immediately explore again" to "On your turn, when you succeed at a combat check that has the Poison trait, after defeating the bane you may immediately explore again".

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Do I gain the power to add 2 to my checks to defeat barriers as soon as I select Wu Shen's Prey Stalker role?

No, that power should have a checkbox at the front. But then she'll have too many feats, so we need to remove the last checkbox in that power.

Resolution: On the Prey Stalker side of Wu Shen's role card, change "Add 2 (▢ 4) to your check to defeat a barrier (▢ or close a location)" to "▢ Add 2 (▢ 4) to your check to defeat a barrier or close a location".

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Except for Keen Rapier +3, rapiers and other keen weapons all have penalties when used by characters who aren’t proficient with weapons. Should Keen Rapier +3 have that penalty?


Resolution: On the weapon Keen Rapier +3, add the sentence “If you aren’t proficient with weapons, the difficulty of this check is increased by 4.”

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The Light Crossbow +1 in the Rogue Class Deck has the Basic trait instead of the Magic trait. That's wrong, right?

Right—that's wrong.

Resolution: On the weapon Light Crossbow +1, replace the Basic trait with the Magic trait. (This card is correct in the Wizard Class Deck.)

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Can I play Main-Gauche +1 with another weapon or not? The first sentence tells me when I can't, not when I can.

You can, so long as you didn't play another weapon with the 2-Handed trait.

Resolution: On the weapon Main-Gauche +1, replace the text with the following:

For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d4+1.

Recharge this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. You may play this card on a check even if you played a weapon that does not have the 2-Handed trait.

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Other versions of Speed can be acquired with Wisdom or Divine, but not the one in the Rogue deck. What's the deal?

That's a pretty mysterious error.

Resolution: On the spell Speed, the check to acquire should be Intelligence Arcane Wisdom Divine 6.

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The Arrow Catching Studded Leather has the Magic trait. Shouldn’t it let you recharge it when you reset your hand?


Resolution: On the armor Arrow Catching Studded Leather, add the following text: “If you are proficient with light armors, you may recharge this card when you reset your hand.”

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Wyvern Poison says "Reveal this card to add 2d8 and the Poison trait to your combat check using a weapon." Does that work when you play any weapon on your combat check, or only when you're playing the weapon to determine the skill you're using?

It works when you play any weapon on your combat check.

Resolution: On the item Wyvern Poison, change "Reveal this card to add 2d8 and the Poison trait to your combat check using a weapon" to "When playing a weapon on your combat check, reveal this card to add 2d8 and the Poison trait".

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If I evade the Burglar, do I have to discard a weapon or item? What if I choose not to acquire it?

If you evade the Burglar, you don't have to discard, because the Skull & Shackles rulebook clarified that if you evade a card, you do not activate any other powers on it. If you choose not to acquire the Burglar, you do have to discard.

Resolution: On the ally Burglar, change "If you fail the check to acquire this card" to "If you fail to acquire this card". (The Skull & Shackles rulebook introduced the rule "If you choose not to acquire a boon, it counts as failing to acquire it.")

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Sorcerer Class Deck

Since “before I reset my hand” is not part of a step, can I use Amaryllis’s spell recharge power as many times as I want?

No—just once. We’ll limit it to “at the end of your turn” so it happens during a step.

Resolution: On Amaryllis's character card and both sides of her role card, change "After (▢ and before) you reset your hand" to "At the end of your turn, after (▢ and before) you reset your hand".

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Can Amaryllis use her role powers that depend on Blessing of the Gods in a set without any such blessings?

Yes. Let's open that up to all Basic blessings.

Resolution: On both sides of Amaryllis's role card, change "When you play Blessing of the Gods" to "When you play a Basic blessing".

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If I check the box that lets Seoni the Tattooed Mystic draw 2 cards after being dealt damage, can I still draw only 1?


Resolution: On the Tattooed Mystic side of Seoni's role card, change "After you are dealt Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage, you may draw 1 card (▢ 2 cards)" to "After you are dealt Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire damage, you may draw 1 card (▢ or 2 cards)".

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Once Qualzar takes the feat that lets him top-deck a monster he's evading, does he no longer have the option to shuffle it into the location deck?

No—he can either top-deck it or shuffle it.

Resolution: On the character Qualzar and both sides of his role card, in the power that begins "When you encounter a monster, you may evade it", change the parenthetical to "(□ and you may put it on top of its location deck)".

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Can I play Main-Gauche +1 with another weapon or not? The first sentence tells me when I can't, not when I can.

You can, so long as you didn't play another weapon with the 2-Handed trait.

Resolution: On the weapon Main-Gauche +1, replace the text with the following:

For your combat check, reveal this card to use your Strength or Melee skill + 1d4+1.

Recharge this card to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2. You may play this card on a check even if you played a weapon that does not have the 2-Handed trait.

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Why would I discard the Sling instead of revealing it?

"Instead" should be "additionally". Throwing it is better than swinging it.

Resolution: On the weapon Sling, change "instead" to "additionally".

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Should Confusion have the Attack trait?


Resolution: On the spell Confusion, add the Attack trait.

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Should Robe of Energy Resistance and Robe of Vision have Armor traits?

They should both have the Light Armor trait.

Resolution: On the armors Robe of Energy Resistance and Robe of Vision, add the Light Armor trait.

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Can I play a card like Swipe or Princeling to acquire the Ivory Dice?

No, because Ivory Dice has no check to acquire.

Resolution: On the item Ivory Dice, change the check to acquire from "See Below" to "None."

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Should you really be able to acquire the Incanter with the Divine trait?


Resolution: On the ally Incanter, remove Divine from the check to acquire.

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Summoner Class Deck

Should Blazing Servant have the Veteran trait?


Resolution: On the spell Blazing Servant, add the Veteran trait.

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In Rise of the Runelords, the spell Haste can be recharged, but not the one in the Summoner deck. What's the deal?

That's a mistake.

Resolution: On the spell Haste, the last paragraph should say "After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane 10 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it."

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When I display Shapechange, do I choose my hand size just once (so it's locked in for the rest of the game), or do I get to change it whenever I want?

You choose your hand size when you display Shapechange, and it stays in effect as long as that card is displayed.

Resolution: On the spell Shapechange, replace the powers text with the following:

Display this card and choose one:

  • While displayed, treat your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution skills as 1d12+2.
  • While displayed, treat your hand size as 3.
  • While displayed, treat your hand size as 7.
  • While displayed, treat your hand size as 10.

At the end of the scenario, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card.

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Shouldn't you have to discard the Evocation Staff to get the power bump?


Resolution: On the item Evocation Staff, change "You may additionally add 2d10 and the Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Force trait" to "You may additionally discard this card to add another 2d10 and the Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Force trait".

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Ultimate Equipment Add-On Deck

If I have a power to change the cost on Alchemical items, should I be able to do so with Liquid Blade?


Resolution: On the item Liquid Blade, change “Bury this card” to “Bury or banish this card”.

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Should the Double Chicken Saber +1 have the Magic trait?


Resolution: On the weapon Double Chicken Saber +1, add the Magic trait.

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Should the Shuriken +1 have Acrobatics in its check to acquire?


Resolution: On the weapon Shuriken +1, add Acrobatics to its check to acquire.

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Does the reset power on plants stack? That is, if I have a bunch of plants, can I reveal them all as many times as I have plants?

No. It allows you to increase the number of cards in your hand by no more than the number of plants you have.

Resolution: On the item Blue Star, replace the last power with the following: "While you reset your hand, reveal this card to ignore any cards that have the Plant trait in your hand when determining the number of cards in your hand."

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Can I just reveal Board Game and not recharge, discard, or bury it?


Resolution: On the item Board Game, change "then you may recharge, discard, or bury this card" to "then recharge, discard, or bury this card".

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Ultimate Magic Add-On Deck

Pyrotechnic Blast doesn't have the Attack trait. Should it?


Resolution: On the spell Pyrotechnic Blast, add the Attack trait.

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Ultimate Wilderness Add-On Deck

Most Plants affect only characters at your location, but Cloud Puff isn't limited that way. Should it be?

Yes. Without that limit, it's a bit overpowered.

Resolution: On the item Cloud Puff, add the italicized text to the following sentence: "Bury or banish this card to allow a character at your location to ignore a bane’s powers that happen before and after you act."

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Does the reset power on plants stack? That is, if I have a bunch of plants, can I reveal them all as many times as I have plants?

No. It allows you to increase the number of cards in your hand by no more than the number of plants you have.

Resolution: On the items Blue Star, Cloud Puff, Altitude Fern, Goblinvine, Wintervine, Angelstep, Draughtcap Fungus, Salvation Cactus, Bloody Mandrake, Balmberry Bush, and Witchhunter’s Sword, and the allies Vine Leshy, Leshykineticist, Verdant Rager, and Snapping Flytrap, replace the last power with the following: "While you reset your hand, reveal this card to ignore any cards that have the Plant trait in your hand when determining the number of cards in your hand."

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Warpriest Class Deck

Oloch's first power says it can be used "when another character at your location would fail to defeat a monster," which is after damage has been dealt. Is that really what was intended?

No. This power should help that character avoid that damage.

Resolution: On Oloch's character card and both sides of his role card, in the first power, change "When another character at your location would fail to defeat a monster" to "When another character at your location fails a check to defeat a monster".

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Should Golembane Hammer +2 roll your Strength or Melee die or use your Strength or Melee skill?

The latter.

Resolution: On the weapon Golembane Hammer +2, change "roll your Strength or Melee die" to "use your Strength or Melee skill".

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Witch Class Deck

Kasmir has a power that he can use at the end of his explore step. Since the Core Set Rulebook clarified that each exploration is its own step, does that mean he can use that power at the end of each of them?

Just the last one of his turn.

Resolution: On the character Kasmir and both sides of his role card, after the first sentence of his first power, add "If you do, you may not explore again this turn."

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Feiya has a power that lets her shuffle monsters she fails to defeat. Her Beast-Bonder role has a feat that extends the power to allies that she fails to acquire, but only says what to do with the monster. What does she do with the ally?

Same thing as she does with the monster.

Resolution: On the Beast-Bonder side of Feiya's role card, change "shuffle the monster" to "shuffle the card".

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When you play Life Drain, when exactly should you shuffle the card from your discard pile into your deck?

After you have discarded, recharged, or banished Life Drain.

Resolution: On the spell Life Drain, the first paragraph should be just “For your combat check, discard this card to use your Arcane or Divine skill + 2d4.” The second paragraph should end with “Then shuffle a random card from your discard pile into your deck.”

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When I display Shapechange, do I choose my hand size just once (so it's locked in for the rest of the game), or do I get to change it whenever I want?

You choose your hand size when you display Shapechange, and it stays in effect as long as that card is displayed.

Resolution: On the spell Shapechange, replace the powers text with the following:

Display this card and choose one:

  • While displayed, treat your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution skills as 1d12+2.
  • While displayed, treat your hand size as 3.
  • While displayed, treat your hand size as 7.
  • While displayed, treat your hand size as 10.

At the end of the scenario, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card.

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Shouldn't the spell Verdure's Wrath have the Magic trait?


Resolution: On the spell Verdure's Wrath, add the Magic trait.

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In other products, the spell Web can be recharged, but not the one in the Witch deck. What's the deal?

That's a mistake.

Resolution: On the spell Web, the last paragraph should say "After playing this card, if you do not have the Arcane skill, banish it; otherwise, you may succeed at an Arcane 8 check to recharge this card instead of discarding it."

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Shouldn't you have to discard the Evocation Staff to get the power bump?


Resolution: On the item Evocation Staff, change "You may additionally add 2d10 and the Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Force trait" to "You may additionally discard this card to add another 2d10 and the Cold, Electricity, Fire, or Force trait".

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Should Staff of Empty Souls have the Divine and Veteran traits?


Resolution: On the item Staff of Empty Souls, add the Divine and Veteran traits.

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Shouldn't the Imp be displayed to prevent infinite cycling?

Yes. It should also be disallowed during encounters.

Resolution: On the ally Imp, change the first two powers to:

You may not play this card during an encounter.

Display this card to draw 1 or 2 cards. At the end of the turn, if you drew 1 card, recharge this card; if you drew 2 cards, discard this card.

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Wizard Class Deck

It seems like it might be possible to abuse Radillo's power to examine her deck after playing an Arcane spell, such as creating an endless loop of Detect Magics.

That doesn't sound fun.

Resolution: On Radillo's character card and both sides of her role card, change "After you play a spell that has the Arcane trait" to "When you play a spell that has the Arcane trait during an encounter".

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When you resolve an encounter with a summoned card, it's always supposed to go back in the box. But Radillo's Arcane Collector role has a power that seems like it's supposed to let you keep a summoned card in your hand. Does it?

You can keep the card if you succeed at the check to acquire it.

Resolution: On the Arcane Collector side of Radillo's role card, replace "When you encounter a boon, you may bury a card to banish it and instead summon and encounter a random boon of the same type ... from the box" with "When you encounter a boon, you may bury a card to exchange it with a random boon of the same type ... from the box".

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If I run into a monster with two checks to defeat, and Radillo the Puppet Master is at my location, does her power allow me to reduce the difficulty of both checks by recharging a single ally?

No. Recharging one ally reduces the difficulty of one check.

Resolution: On the Puppet Master side of Radillo's role card, change "When any character at your location encounters a monster, you may recharge an ally to reduce the difficulty of the check to defeat the monster" to "When any character at your location attempts a check to defeat a monster, you may recharge an ally to reduce the difficulty of that check".

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The Snake card in the Wizard Class Deck says it adds to "your non-combat Stealth check," but the Snake in the Rise of the Runelords Character Add-On Deck says it adds to "your Stealth check." Which is correct?

The Rise of the Runelords version is correct.

Resolution: On the ally Snake, remove the word "non-combat."

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Why would I discard the Sling instead of revealing it?

"Instead" should be "additionally". Throwing it is better than swinging it.

Resolution: On the weapon Sling, change "instead" to "additionally".

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Masterwork has things that happen when a character "attempts a combat check using a weapon." Does that apply to playing any weapon on a combat check, or just when the weapon is played to determine which skill a character is using on that check?

It applies to playing any weapon on the combat check.

Resolution: On the spell Masterwork, replace the first two sentences with the following: "When a character at your location plays a weapon on a combat check, display this card next to that location. While displayed, when any character at this location plays a weapon on a combat check, if any die rolled on the check is a 1, count it as 2."

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If I don't have the Arcane or Divine skill, can I really just discard the spell Masterwork when I play it? I'm used to banishing spells like that.

You need to banish it.

Resolution: On the spell Masterwork, add the italicized portion to the following text: "At the start of your turn, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill, banish this card; otherwise, you may attempt an Arcane or Divine 12 check. If you succeed, recharge this card; if you fail, discard it."

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Should Paralyze have the Attack trait?


Resolution: On the spell Paralyze, add the Attack trait.

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If I make a combat check using Sphere of Fire, can I play another spell? If I don't have the Arcane or Divine skill, can I discard Sphere of Fire for its additional damage and thus avoid having to banish the card?

No and no. Using the power of Sphere of Fire counts as a spell. And if you discard the spell, it triggers the last part of the power.

Resolution: On the spell Sphere of Fire, replace "At the end of your turn, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill..." with "This counts as playing a spell. At the end of your turn, or when you would discard this card when playing it, if you do not have either the Arcane or Divine skill..."

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Should Robe of Vision have an Armor trait?

It should have the Light Armor trait.

Resolution: On the armor Robe of Vision, add the Light Armor trait.

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Should you really be able to acquire the Incanter with the Divine trait?


Resolution: On the ally Incanter, remove Divine from the check to acquire.

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Iconic Heroes

If the card that Biter lets you examine is a monster with multiple checks to defeat, do you get to add 1d6 to all of those checks?


Resolution: On the ally Biter, change "add 1d6 to your check to defeat it" to "add 1d6 to your checks to defeat it".

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Should Nirmathas Longbow have the 2-Handed trait?


Resolution: On the weapon Nirmathas Longbow, add the 2-Handed trait.

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