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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Wilderness

Art of the Wild

Now that Ultimate Wilderness is out in the wild, there have been plenty of discussions about what's in the book. Since words only go so far, I wanted to take this opportunity to show off some of the book's art. Feast your eyes on the bounties of nature.

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Tags: Alexandre Chaudret Brynn Methany Nikolai Ostertag Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Wilderness Valeria Lutfullina

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Wilderness

It's a Dangerous World

Sure, we can probably all name adventures named after their big, spooky destination—anything from Hall of the Flesh Eaters to Crypt of the Everflame to Ice Tomb of the Giant Queen. Yet for all the gutsy action that takes place in these fanes of dark deities and towers of trash-talking tyrants, a big part of adventuring isn't about where you're going but how you got there. That means crossing the wilderness, the great nameless expanses that for many of us boil down to random encounters and conveniently forgetting to track rations.

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Tags: Brynn Methany Leesha Hannigan Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Roberto Pitturru Ultimate Wilderness

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How About One More Ultimate Deck?

In last week's blog on designing the Ultimate Add-On Decks for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, we purposely failed to mention one big thing: We're not doing just four of them. June's Ultimate Equipment will be followed in July with the fifth Ultimate deck: Ultimate Wilderness.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Ultimate Decks Ultimate Wilderness

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Wilderness

From the Wilderness to Your Table

Looking to play a character who thrives in the wild? Not in the mood for playing another city-slicker? Let me tell you a bit more about what we have in store for you in the upcoming Ultimate Wilderness. Stephen showed off the shifter in Tuesday's blog, and talked a bit about two of the three featured races: ghorans and vine leshys. Let's take a closer look at all three of these races.

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ramon Puasa Jr Ultimate Wilderness

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Force of Nature

Since people starting telling stories around the very first campfires, there have been heroes and villains who could shuffle off the coil of humanity in favor for something a little more wild, more primal, and more powerful. While shapechangers are nothing new in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, for the upcoming Ultimate Wilderness, we wanted to present a new take on the old trope—the shifter.

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Tags: Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Shifters Ultimate Wilderness

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Wilderness

Meet the Iconics—Zova

Zova's parents saw it coming, of course, well before she made clear her intention to travel the world and seek its wonders. They worried for her safety, but they also knew that of all their children, Zova's passion for life, her respect for the natural world, her keen perception, and her almost uncanny knack for getting the upper hand in a fight made her the best suited to leave the proverbial nest. Despite her awkward place in the clan, she still loved her family and adored her home, and promised to return as often as she could—and to bring stories of marvels from her adventures when she did.

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Tags: Iconics Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Shifters Ultimate Wilderness Wayne Reynolds

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