[Skull & Shackles] We Need a Snapshot of Your Conquering Pirates!

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer

If you've finished Skull & Shackles, we'd love a snapshot of what your character looks like. (That is, you've completed the scenario Last Stand of the Hurricane King and have gained adventure and adventure path rewards.)

Please respond to this thread with a full feat and deck list of any character that fits the above description (and only that description!), in very specifically the following format.

Character Name: (name)
Role Card: (role)
Skill Feats: (skill)+(X), (skill)+(X), etc.
Power Feats: +(X) hand size, (added proficiencies), (other feats)
Card Feats: (type)+(X), (type)+(X), etc.
Weapons: (card), (card), etc.
Spells: (card), (card), etc.
Armors: (card), (card), etc.
Items: (card), (card), etc.
Allies: (card), (card), etc.
Blessings: (card), (card), etc.
Your Ship: (card)

Include loot cards under their card type, please. Also, if your character died, let us know that.

Tip o' the brim, scalawags!


Just finished my solo Damiel run today. During playtest, after falling in love with the old version of Mogmurch, I decided that when I played the full game I would be Damiel: Friend of Goblin! So I tried to acquire as many goblin cards as possible. I did pretty good. Decided not to go for the Pegleg since I'm not a melee character, but was able to get all of the other Goblin boons (though Vomit Twin was taken as my Adventure 6 card feat acquire so I never had a chance to use it).

Anyway, I had a few rough patches. I had two bucklers for my armor cards going into The Armada and it was pretty much impossible for me. I had to get one of my bucklers banished (yay Crawling Cyclops Hands?) and then replaced it with Eel Skin Armor so I could take the force damage from the villain. Also, the final scenario was rather rough since I had nothing but ranged combat. Two combat 50 checks was rather rough to coordinate.

Anyway, here's my final Damiel:

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4, Intelligence +3
Power Feats: Hand Size 8, Proficient with Weapons, 1d6 (+2), (or Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Mental), (1d12)
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1, Item +3, Ally +1
Weapons: Enervating Pistol +3, Crossbow of Retribution (Loot)
Spells: Blazing Servant, Cure, Vomit Twin (Promo)
Armors: Eel Skin Armor, Goblin Buckler Gun (Promo)
Items: Bottled Lightning, Fuse Grenade, Potion of Flying, Potion of Glibness, Potion of Healing, Potion of Heroism, Potion of Heroism, Goblin Lockpick (Promo), Impossible Bottle (Loot)
Allies: Haneilius Fitch, Mogmurch (Promo)
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Zogmugot (Promo), Pirate's Favor (Loot)
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

4-character group, definitely the ones who coped best with Skull & Shackles, although still had to replay LOTS of scenarios several times.

Nobody died, but we often had to skip turns to heal, re-set hands, or just generally wait until Jirelle was ready to go and fight things.

Character Name: Seltyiel
Role Card: Marauder
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Constitution +2, Hand-size +4 (Bonus feat from loot ally)
Power Feats: hand size 7, Shuffle card for 2d6, discard attack spell for 2d6 vs barrier, Ranged: Intelligence+2
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Armour +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Adamantine Trident+3, Crossbow of Retribution, Humanbane Crossbow+2, Skyrocket Crossbow, Spellsword +2
Spells: Control Weather, 2x Dehydrating Touch, 2x Freezing Sphere, Quickened Ray
Armors: Animated Shield, Howling Skull Armour
Items: Magic Spyglass, Wand of Flame
Allies: Old Salt, Tessa Fairwind
Blessings: Abadar, Cayden Cailean, Gozreh, Norgober, Pirate’s Favour
Ship: Filthy Lucre
(Fleet: Filthy Lucre, Abrogail’s Fury, Wormwood, Wavecrest, Kraken, Devil’s Pallor, Man’s Promise, Shackles Pirate Ship)

Character Name: Lirianne
Role Card: Deadeye
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: Hand Size 6, Shuffle for D4+3, draw 2 ships and choose 1, move during move step and examine top card.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Armour +1, Item +2m Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Doubleshot Pepperbox, Enervating Pistol +3, 2x Flaming Musket +2, Musket +2
Spells: -
Armors: Besmaran Vestments, Brine Dragonhide Breastplate, Shark Skin Armour
Items: Besmara’s Tricorne, Farglass, Hurricane Crown, Sniper Goggles
Allies: Alise Grogblud, Avimar Sorrinash, Lady Cerise Bloodmourn, Rotgut
Blessings: 2x Abadar, Besmara, Erastil, Gozreh, Milani

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1, charisma +1
Power Feats: hand size 6, Reroll 2 when swashbuckling/vs ship, Diplomacy & Craft, Reveal to add swashbuckling, move at end of turn if on ship.
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Armour +1, Item +2, ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Brine’s Stine, Invigorating Kukri +1, 2x Keen Rapier +3, Old Salt’s Rapier, Rapier +2
Spells: -
Armors: Animated Shield, Fortified Breastplate
Items: Conch of the Tritons, Impossible Bottle, Jalhazar’s Wheel, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Baby Triceratops, Hanelius Fitch, Old Salt, Pteranodon
Blessings: Cayden Cailean, 3x Erastil, Kelizandri, Milani

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +4
Power Feats: scry Blessing or character deck, discard any card to return divine to hand, +3 with fire for combat, gain Perception and Survival
Card Feats: Spell +3, Armour +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: -
Spells: 2x Aqueous Orb, Find Traps, Holy Feast, Raise Dead, Shapechange, Tsuanmi, Wall of Fire
Armors: Besmaran Vestments
Items: Crystal of Healing Hands, Immortal Dreamstone
Allies: Audessa Reyquio, Dindreann, Mogmurch, Monkey
Blessings: Abadar, 3x Achaekek, Hshurha, Kelizandri, Sivanah

Four character group, no deaths, replayed several sceanrios

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: DEX+2, CON+2, INT+2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Weapon proficiency, +3 to combat when discarding a card, d12 when discarding an alchemical card, free explore when after acquiring a alchemical or liquid boon
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +1, Item +3, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Blasting Pistol +2, Crossbow of Retribution, Skyrocket Crossbow
Spells: Control Weather, Divine Fortune, Wall of Blades
Armors: Eel Skin Armor
Items: Alkali Flask, Bottled Lightning (x2), Fuse Grenade, Impossible Bottle, Potion of Healing (x2), Potion of Heroism, Potion of the Ocean
Allies: Mase Darimar, Old Salt
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Gozreh, Blessing of Kelizandri (x2), Blessing of Milani
Current Party Ship: The Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: DEX+4, CON+1, WIS+1, CHA+1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, re-roll when attacking ship, re-roll 2 dice, diplomacy skill, craft skill, reveal swashbuckling card to add swashbuckling, move at end of turn when on a ship
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +3, Blessing +1
Weapons: Aiger's Kiss, Brine's Sting, Keen Rapier +3 (x2), Rapier +2, Scoundrel Sword Cane
Armors: Flaming Buckler Gun, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Besmara's Tricorne, Hurricane Crown, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Audesso Reyquio, Hanelius Fitch, Lady Agasta Smythee, Old Salt (x2), Tessa Fairwind
Blessings: Blessing of Besmara, Blessing of Erastil (x5)
Current Party Ship: The Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Lirianne
Role Card: Deadeye
Skill Feats: DEX+4, CON+2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, +4 to combat checks at another location when you recharge a card, examine the top card of a location when you move during your move step
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Armor +2, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Blasting Pistol +2 , Enervating Pistol +3, Flaming Musket +2 (x2), Navigator Musket +1
Armors: Blackcloth Armor, Fortified Leather Armor, Howling Skull Armor, Sniper's Studded Armor
Items: Amulet of Life, Crystal of Healing Hands, Magic Spyglass, Ring of Rat Fangs
Allies: Baracuda Aiger, Captain, Ederliegh Banes, Master of Gales
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar (x2), Blessing of Achaekek (x2), Blessing of Gozreh, Blessing of Hshurha
Current Party Ship: The Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Battle Chaplain
Skill Feats: STR+4, WIS+2
Power Feats: +3 hand size, +2 to checks for displayed cards, take back displayed cards at start of turn, banish encountered allies for extra explore, characters recharge random card when playing a blessing on Oloch's combat or Strength check
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Flaming Falcata +3, Grayflame Mace +2, Seaborne Trident +1, Spellsword +2, Venomous Pike +2 (x2)
Spells: Cure (x3), Worldwave
Armors: Besmaran Vestments (x2), Fortified Breastplate, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Svingli's Eye
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Gorum (x5), Blessing of Hshurha
Current Party Ship: The Filthy Lucre

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Party number 1: Originally a 2 player party, prior to Lem's demise:

Character Name: Valeros (S&S)
Role Card: Corsair
Skill Feats: Str+4, Con+1, Wis+2.
Power Feats: +2 hand size, add 1d4 + 3 to another characters combat check, add 4 to your check to defeat a monster with the captain trait or a ship.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Armor+2, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +1.
Weapons: Adamantine Trident +3, Keen Rapier + 3 * 2, Flaming Falcata +3, Keen Falcata +1, Skyrocket Crossbow.
Armors: Fortified Breastplate *2, Breastplate of the Deep, Reflecting Buckler.
Items: Besmara's Tricorne, Hurricane Crown, Immortal Dreamstone, Ring of Regeneration.
Allies: Old Salt *2, Master of the Gales, Pierce Jerrell, Haneilius Fitch.
Blessings: Blessing of Hshurha *3, Pirate's Favor.

Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Lem died due to hitting Hypatia late in the final scenario before I knew what that entailed. Val couldn't complete it on his own, so had to restart it. As such, Valeros's deck is built from the two combined decks with a view to defeating that last scenario solo.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path Subscriber

Party number 2:

Cards from the Fighter class deck and Sorcerer class deck added to the box.

Character Name: Flenta
Role Card: Arcane Pretender
Skill Feats: Str+3, Int+3
Power Feats: +3 hand size, heavy armour proficiency, recharge a spell (or an item with the magic trait) to add to a combat (or non-combat) check.
Card Feats: weapon +1, spell +1, armour + 1, item +2, ally +2, blessing +1
Weapons: Venomous Pike +2, Flaming Ranseur +3, Schock Glaive +1, Trident +2, Seaborne Trident +1, Keen Falcata +1
Spells: Telekinisis, Resist Energy, Teleport
Armors: Fortified Breastplate, Breastplate of the Deep.
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Impossible Bottle, Magic Spyglass, Wand of Treasure Finding, Ring of the Seastrider.
Allies: Old Salt, Tessa Fairwind, Mase Darimar.
Blessings: Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Sivannah, Blessing of Milani.
Your Ship: Death Knell

Character Name: Ranzak
Role Card: Kleptomaniac
Skill Feats: Dex+3, Con+2, Wis+2.
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Heavy Armor Proficiency, add 1d4 +3 to checks to acquire boons, explore on 3-6, add plunder card on closing location, roll for check to acquire if another character fails.
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Armor+1, Item +3, Ally +1, Blessing +1.
Weapons: Blasting Pistol +2, Vindictive Harpoon, Toxic Blunderbuss +1, Doubleshot Pepperbox, Crossbow of Retribution, Skyrocket Crossbow.
Spells: Cure
Armors: Fortified Breastplate, Brine Dragonhide Breastplate.
Items: Conch of the Tritons, Jalhazar's Wheel, Magic Spyglass, Amulet of Fortitude, Onyx of Constitution, Masterwork Thieves Tools, Hurricane Crown.
Allies: Baby Triceratops, Pierce Jerrell.
Blessings: Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Achaekek, Blesing of Hshurha.
Your Ship: Death Knell

Character Name: Lini (S&S)
Role Card: Aquamancer
Skill Feats: Str+2, Wis+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, light armour proficiency, weapon proficiency, put animal on top of deck, put attack spell on top of deck, add 2 to checks against aquatic (and ships).
Card Feats: Spell+2, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+, Blessing+2.
Weapons: Old Salt's Rapier +2
Spells: Tsunami, Swipe, Geyser, Holy Feast, Find Traps *2.
Armors: Howling Skull Armor, Eel Skin Armor
Items: Pearl of Wisdom, Besmara's Tricorne
Allies: Toad, Cat, Pteranadon, Velociraptor, Rotgut, Baby Triceratops
Blessings: Blessing of Hshurha, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Pharasma *, Blessing of Gorum, Pirate's Favor.
Your Ship: Death Knell

Character Name: Qualzar
Role Card: Impeller
Skill Feats: Wis+2, Cha+4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, discard for 1d6 + 3 and mental (or force), reduce combat dam by 2.
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item+2, Ally+2, Blessing+2.
Weapons: Repelling Pike +1
Spells: Animate Water, Control Weather, Freezing Sphere, Resist Energy, Quickened Ray.
Armors: Buccareers Breastplate
Items: Sihedron Ring, Ruby of Charisma, Headband of Alluring Charisma, Crystal of Healing Hands.
Allies: Cat, Old Salt, Haneilius Fitch, Alise Grogblud, Pteranadon, Master of the Gales.
Blessings: Blessing of Silvanah, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Hshurha, Blessing of Lamashtu.
Your Ship: Death Knell

No deaths, not many replayed scenarios after AP 3. Toll of the Bell and Bizarre Love Triangle were pretty tough and took 3 or 4 goes at each.

I also feel as though some of the class deck cards skewed the balance a bit. Once Lini had swipe, if she got that in hand along with Besmara's Tricorne she could deal with most things without any trouble.

Was a good party mix though and a lot of fun.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

We had 5 characters at the start, Amaryllis(Primalist) died in the 5th deck, after receiving a bit to much damage when she had a huge hand size (11 cards). The sorcerer class deck cards were phased out afterward. We had the cleric deck cards shuffled in throughout the entire game.

Character Name:Damiel
Role Card: Genadier
Skill Feats: Dexterity+1, Intelligence+3
Power Feats: Hand size+7, Heavy armors, Weapons, May discard to add 1, if the discard had alchemist also add 1d12,Examine the top card of your deck when you succeed at a craft check.
Card Feats: Weapon [2], Spell [3], Armor [2], Item[9], Ally [2], Blessing [5]
Weapons: Crossbow of retribution, Navigator's musket +1,
Spells: Black spot, Find traps, Holy feast
Armors: Howling Skull armor, Invincible breastplate
Items: Bottled Lightning, Fuse Grenade, Potion of flying, Potion of healing, Potion of heroism, Potion of the Ocean, Tot flask (x2)
Allies: Smith, Haneilius Fitch
Blessings: Blessing of Erastil (x2), Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Norgorber, Blessing of Sarenrae
Your Ship: Mistmourn

Character Name: Seltyiel
Role Card: Marauder
Skill Feats:Strength +1, Inteligence +4 (Note: did not participate in the B adventure)
Power Feats: Hand size [6], choose a weapon that doesn't ... Shuffled, 3d6, You may discard a spell.. 2d6 to any check...,You gain skill Ranged Intelligence +2
Card Feats: Weapon [6], Spell [6], Armor [2], Item [2], Ally [2], Blessing[5]
Weapons: Skyrocket crossbow, Scoundrel's sword cane, Blasting Pistol +2, Enervating Pistol+3,Flaming Falcata+3,Spellsword+2
Spells: Dehydrating Touch, Freezing Sphere, Tsunami (x2), Wall of Fire, Quickened ray
Armors: Eel Skin armor, sniper's studded leather
Items: Impossible bottle, Sniper's goggles
Allies: Corlan, Old salt
Blessings: Abadar (x2), Achaekek, Cayden Calien, Pharasma
Your Ship: Mistmourn

Character Name: Tarlin
Role Card: Peacemaker
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Wisdom+3
Power Feats:Hand size [6], Instead of exploring heal 1d4+2 cards, Plays a blessing on Combat or charisma, heal 1. You may recharge a weapon to recharge a random card or ally, You may discard or recharge an armor to return a weapon.
Card Feats: Weapon [5], Spell[5], Armor [3], Item [2], Ally [2], Blessing [6]
Weapons: Falchion +3, Icy boarding pike +1 (x2), Repelling Pike +1, Greatclub +1
Spells: Control water, Divine Fortune, Recast, Vengeful storm, Major cure
Armors: Breastplate of the deep, Brine Dragonhide breastplate, Hellknight armor
Items: Immortal dreamstone, Headband of inspired wisdom.
Allies: Master of the gales, Exalted
Blessings: Achekek, Gorum (x2), Gods, Iomedae (x2)
Your Ship: Mistmourn

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Charisma +2, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: Hand size [6], If your check has the swashbuckling trait or check to defeat a ship, You gain the diplomacy and craft: Charisma +3, You may reveal card with the swashbuckling trait..., If you are on a ship you may move.
Card Feats: Weapon [4], Spell [-], Armor [3], Item [4], Ally [6], Blessing [6]
Weapons: Alger kiss, Doubleshot pepperbox, Keen Rapier +2 (x2)
Spells: none
Armors: Flaming Buckler gun, Reflecting Buckler, Sharkskin armor
Items: Hurricane Crown, Besmara's Bones, Ring of regeneration, Sea tyrant's patch
Allies: Old salt, Parrot, Pierce Jerrell, Pterodon, Tessa Fairwind, Wanderer
Blessings: Besmara (x2), Erastil, Norgorber (x2)
Your Ship: Mistmourn

My wife and I just completed the Adventure Path and we had no deaths, but had to replay a few scenarios multiple times. Namely Best Served Cold, six times to be exact.

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Battle Chaplain
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: +2 Hand Size, display weapons or blessings and add 2 to any check and return the displayed cards to your hand before you reset it and at the start of your turn, Banish encountered ally to explore again, other characters recharge a random card when they play a blessing on a combat or Strength check
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Falchion +3, Brine’s Sting, Aiger’s Kiss, Venomous Pike +2, Grayflame Mace +2, Spellsword +2
Spells: Cure, Black Spot, Quickened Ray, Blazing Servant
Armors: Hellknight Armor, Howling Skull Armor, Fortified Breastplate, Breastplate of the Deep
Items: Magic Spyglass, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: No Friends
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Norgorber, Gozreh, Hshurha, Achaekek, Gorum, Pirate’s Favor
Your Ship: Abrogail’s Fury

Character Name: Lini (S&S)
Role Card: Aquamancer
Skill Feats: Dexterity +2, Constitution +1, Wisdom +4
Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, Light Armor Proficiency, Weapons Proficiency, Put an Animal ally on top of your deck once played, Put spell on top of deck with successful recharge, Recharge a card to reduce Acid, Cold, Electricity or Fire damage by 1, If defeated monster is Aquatic, put it in hand and then banish it for a 1d4 on any combat check at your location.
Card Feats: Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +3, Blessing +1
Weapons: Crossbow of Retribution
Spells: Vengeful Storm, Geyser, Wall of Fire, Cure x2, Black Spot
Armors: Wilderness Studded Leather, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Hurricane Crown, Wand of Flame,
Allies: Mase Darimar, Jinx Eater, Old Salt x2, Mogmurch, Pteranodon, Dindreann
Blessings: Blessing of Hshurha, Pharasma, Kelizandri, Achaekek, Sivanah
Your Ship: Abrogail’s Fury

We finally did it! We suffered hard on The Armada. So hard... My Girlfriend and I did this scenario 8 times! YES, EIGHT. We also didn't realize we got extra d4's against ship until the fifth attempt, but that is totally irrelevant right now.

So, here are our final characters, I also want to add. The girlfriend started as Seltyiel, then died and went with Feiya, died and started as Lini and then after dying a 3rd time she decided to go with Oloch. I played as Damiel, start to finish. :D

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Shield of Gorum
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: +2 Handsize, Add 2 for display, displayed cards at the start of your turn returned, Bury an armor or weapon may be discarded, +2 against Humans
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +2, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Aiger's Kiss, Falchion +3, Flaming Flacata +3, Humanbane Gladius +2, Venomous Pike +2
Spells: Arcane Armor, Quickened Ray, Tsunami
Armors: Brine Dragonhide Breastplate, Buccaneer's Breastplate, Eel Skin Armor, Fortified Breastplate, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Hurricane Crown, Topaz of Strength
Allies: Baby Triceratops
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Besmara, Blessing of Gozreh, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Sivanah (x2), Blessing of Zogmugot

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Chirurgeon
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Intelligence +4
Power Feats: Weapons Proficiency, add 1d6+1+2, Acquire a boon with Alchemical, or Healing, or Fire or Poison trait is explore again, recharge alchemical item for 1d4 on your check
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Armor +1, Item +3, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Crossbow of Retribution, Enervating Pistol +3, Saltbox
Spells: Recast, Shapechange
Armors: Shark Skin Armor, Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Alkali Flask, Bottled Lightning, Jolly Roger, Liquid Ice (x2), Potion of Healing, Potion of Heroism, Potion of the Ocean (x2)
Allies: Old Salt (x2)
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Gozreh, Blessing of Hshurha (x2)

Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Final characters, after Alahazra finished off Kerdak Bonefist without much trouble. No deaths throughout.

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Int +2, Cha +4
Power Feats: 8 hand size, Examine the blessings deck or a character deck, When examining a boon you may encounter it, If combat check has the Attack trait add the Fire trait, Gain Perception and Survival: Cha +2.
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +1, Ally +2, Blessing +2
Spells: Cure, Holy Feast, Recast, Shapechange, Tsunami, Vengeful Storm, Wall of Blades, Wall of Fire
Items: Crystal of Healing Hands, Ruby of Charisma, Wand of Flame
Allies: Audessa Reyquio, Master of the Gales, Old Salt x2, Slip
Blessings: Milani x2, Pharasma x3, Sivanah x2

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: Dex +3, Wis +2, Cha +2
Power Feats: 7 hand size, If Swashbuckling reroll 2 dice on your check, Gain Diplomacy and Craft: Cha +3, Reveal a Swashbuckling card to add the Swashbuckling trait to your check, If you are on a ship you may move at the end of your turn.
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Item +2, Ally +3, Blessing +1
Weapons: Blasting Pistol +2, Enervating Pistol +3, Humanbane Gladius, Invigorating Kukri +1, Keen Rapier +3 x2
Armors: Eelskin Armor
Items: Farglass, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of the Sea Strider, Svingli's Eye
Allies: Dindreann, Hanelius Fitch, Lady Agasta Smythee, Mogmurch, Old Salt, Pierce Jerrell
Blessings: Besmara x4, Hshurha x2

Character Name: Ranzak
Role Card: Kleptomaniac
Skill Feats: Dex +2, Con +2, Wis +2
Power Feats: 9 hand size, Heavy Armor Proficiency, Add 1d4+3 to your check to acquire a boon, On a 3+ explore your location, If another character at your location fails a check to acquire a boon you may attempt a check to acquire it
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Armor +1, Item +4, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Blasting Pistol +2, Crossbow of Retribution, Distance Musket +1, Doubleshot Pepperbox, Skyrocket Crossbow
Spells: Find Traps
Armors: Breastplate of the Deep, Flaming Buckler Gun
Items: Besmara's Tricorne, Conch of the Tritons, Hurricane Crown, Immortal Dreamstone, Letter of Marque, Magic Spyglass, Onyx of Constitution, Sea Tyrant's Patch
Allies: Corlan, Tessa Fairwind
Blessings: Abadar x4, Cayden Cailean

Character Name: Seltyiel
Role Card: Spellblade
Skill Feats: Str +2, Int +4
Power Feats: 7 hand size, Recharge for 3d6, Add Intelligence to Sword combat checks, When you acquire a spell or weapon explore again, Discard a spell to pick up a weapon from discard
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Aiger's Kiss, Brine's Sting, Falchion +3, Flaming Falcata +3, Spellsword +2, Venomous Pike +2
Spells: Black Spot, Blazing Servant, Control Weather, Freezing Sphere x2, Quickened Ray
Armors: Reflecting Buckler x2
Items: Impossible Bottle, Ring of Rat Fangs
Allies: Pteranodon x2
Blessings: Achaekek x3, Cayden Cailean x2

Current Party Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Following party of five managed to kill Kerdak at once. No deaths, one or 2 replays of scenarios were needed.
However a lot of scenarios (6 or 7) were only completed on the last or second last blessing.
S&S definitely was much harder than RotR, but way more fun and tense as well.

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Shield of gorum
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Constitution +1, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: +2 Hand size, add 2 for displayed weapons or blessing, return displayed cards at the start of your turn, reveal armor to reduce damage by 1 to another character at your location, discard instead of bury an armor or weapon, another character may recharge a random card from his discard pile when playing a blesssing
Card Feats: weapon +2, spell +1, armor +1, item +1, ally +1, blessing +2
Weapons: Aiger’s kiss, Brine’s sting, Icy boarding pike +1, Keen Rapier +3, Morningstar+1, Trident+2
Spells: Protect, find traps, wall of blade
Armors: Breastplate of the deep, fortified breastplate, fortified shell armor, buccanneer’s breastplate
Items: Besmara’s tricorne, Immortal dreamstone
Allies: old salt
Blessings: besmara, 4x Gorum, Norgorber, pirate’s favor

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Dex +2, int +4
Power Feats: handsize +2, 1D6+3 for discard and/or acid/cold/…, +1D12 for alchemical trait
Card Feats: weapon+ 1, spell +2, armor +1, item +3, ally - , blessing +1
Weapons: firelance, humanbane heavy crossbow +2
Spells: 2 x cure, divine fortune, recast
Armors: sharkskin armor, sniper’s studded leather
Items: alchemist fire, alkali flask, fuse grenade, potion of flying, potion of heroism, 2 x potion of the ocean, 2 x tot flask
Allies: dindreann
Blessings: 2 x abadar, achaekek, erastil, milani

Character Name: Lem
Role Card: sea singer
Skill Feats: dex +2, wis +1, cha +3
Power Feats: handsize +2, 1D+3 for recharge, 1D4 for noncombat checks to defeat a bane, diplomacy skill againt aquatic trait
Card Feats: weapon +3, spell +1, armor +1, item +1, ally +1, blessing +1
Weapons: flaming musket +2, crossbow of retribution, double shot pepperbox, skyrocket crossbow, vindictive harpoon
Spells: aqueous orb, dimension leap, vengeful storm, world wave
Armors: fortified shell armor
Items: amulet of life, crystal of healing hands, wand of flame
Allies: Arronax, Endymion, cutthroat grok, haneilius fitch, lady cerise bloodmourn, surgeon
Blessings: 2 x achaekek, 2x erastil, kelizandri

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: sea witch
Skill Feats: intelligence +4, wisdom +2
Power Feats: handsize +2, difficulty -2 also for barriers, recharge for 2D4 for fortitude checks, when you close the location you may move, play blessing of Hshurha
Card Feats: spell +3, item +2, ally +1, blessing +2
Weapons: -
Spells: animate water, control weather, dehydrating touch, dimension leap, 2 x freezing sphere, tsunami, wall of fire, quickened ray
Armors: -
Items: ring of regeneration, farglass, hurricane crown, impossible bottle
Allies: baby triceratops, mase darimar, slip, tessa fairwind
Blessings: 4x Hshurha, Pharasma, Sivanah

Character Name: Lini
Role Card: aqua mancer
Skill Feats: con +2, wis +4, cha +1
Power Feats: handsize +2, put animal allies on top of your deck, recharge a card to reduce acid/… damage by 2, put defeated aquatic monsters in your hand
Card Feats: weapon +1, spell +1, armor +1, item +1, ally +2, blessing +2
Weapons: gray flame mace +2, venomous pike +2
Spells: 2 x cure, fear, raise dead, resist egergy
Armors: eel skin armor, wilderness studded leather
Items: spyglass, svinglis eye
Allies: imp, 2 x monkey, 2 x pteranodon, rotgut
Blessings: abadar, cayden cailean, erastil, kelizandri, norgorber, pharasma

Liberty's Edge

My character from 4-player group (with Lem, Merisiel and Damiel)

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Hexer
Skill Feats: Intelligence+4, Wisdom+3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Recharge to reduce difficulty of a check to aquire a spell or against monster or barrier by 3 plus the card's adventure deck number, Discard any ally to return a spell from discard to hand, Recharge blessing of Pharasma or any blessing on a check to acquire an ally

Card Feats: spell +3, Item +1, Ally +2, Blessing +2
Weapons: --
Spells: Aqueous Orb, Blazing Servant, Dimension Leap, Freezing Sphere x2, Resist Energy, Wall of Fire, World Wave, Quickened Ray
Armors: --
Items: Pearl of Magic, Staff of Weather, Impossible Bottle
Allies: Albatross, Baby Triceratops, Pteranodon, Slip, Alise Grogblud
Blessings: Geryon, Norgorber x3, Pharasma x2

6-player team just finished. This was our second group as our first fell apart due to early issues with power level. Parentheses on card feats are numbers prior to last scenario:

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Wisdom+2, Charisma+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Examine character and blessings deck, Encounter examined location cards, Add fire to spells, Discard any card to return card to hand, Allow any character to return a card from discard, Perception: Cha+2
Card Feats: Spell+3, Item+1(0), Ally+2(1), Blessing+2
Spells: Recast x 2, Cure x 2, Tsunami, World Wave, Find Traps, Wall of Fire
Items: Helpful Haversack, Crystal of Healing Hands, Staff of Weather
Allies: Giffer Tibbs, Corlan, Imp, Fox, Pteranodon
Blessings: Abadar x 5, Pharasma x 2
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Lem
Role Card: Sea Singer
Skill Feats: Dexterity+3, Charisma+3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, +1/2/3 to aiding allies, +1/2d4 vs banes
Card Feats: Weapon+1(0), Spell+1, Armor+1(0), Item+1, Ally+3, Blessing+1
Weapons: Old Salt's Rapier +2, Enervating Pistol +3, Rapier +2
Spells: Resist Energy, Dimension Leap, Cure, Divine Fortune
Armors: Brine Dragon Breastplate
Items: Goblin Lockpick, Ruby of Charisma, Magic Spyglass
Allies: Conchebar Turlach Shortstone, Pteranodon, Tessa Fairwind, Snow Leopard, Monkey, Merrill Pegsworthy, Mogmurch
Blessings: Hshurha, Geryon, Achaekek, Norgorber, Gozreh

Character Name: Merisiel
Role Card: Smuggler
Skill Feats: Dexterity+4, Constitution+2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Weapon Proficiency, Explore on Pirate evasion, +1 Sneak attack, Add 1d4/+1 to non-combat, Give away other cards
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Spell+1(0), Item+3(2), Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Sword Cane Pistol +2, Invigorating Kukri +1, Doubleshot Pepperbox, Flaming Longbow+2, Scoundrel's Swordcane
Spells: Obscure
Armors: Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Ring of the Sea Strider, Besmara's Bones, Jolly Roger, Masterwork Tools, Impossible Bottle, Sniper Goggles, Ring of Rat Fangs, Emerald of Dexterity
Allies: Ambrose "Fishguts" Kroop, Cut-Throat Grok, Audessa Reyquio
Blessings: Cayden Cailean x 5

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Strength+2, Dexterity+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size, +1/2/3 to bombs, additional bomb traits, d12 alchemical bombs, Explore again on alchemical acquire
Card Feats: Weapon+1(0), Spell+2, Item+3, Ally+1, Blessing+1(0)
Weapons: Fire Lance, Navigator Musket +1
Spells: Holy Feast, Shapechange, Aid, Resist Energy
Armors: Flaming Buckler Gun
Items: Tot Flask x 2, Potion of Heroism x 2, Potion of Lucubration, Potion of Healing, Potion of the Ocean, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Flying
Allies: Old Salt, Enderleigh Baines
Blessings: Milani x 4, Erastil

Character Name: Ranzak
Role Card: Kleptomaniac
Skill Feats: Constitution+3, Wisdom+3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, +1/3 to acquire, Explore on 3, Acquire ally's boons, Swap Plunder card
Card Feats: Weapon+1(0), Spell+1, Item+4(3), Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Flaming Longbow +2, Humanbane Crossbow +2, Dragon Pistol +1, Blasting Pistol +2, Skyrocket Crossbow
Spells: Skeleton Crew, Raise Dead
Armors: Fortified Breastplate, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Bottled Lightning, Immortal Dreamstone, Onyx of Constitution, Letter of Marque, Conch of the Tritons, Besmara's Tricorne, Farglass, Svingli's Eye
Allies: Surgeon, Haneilius Fitch
Blessings: Geryon, Hshurha, Gozreh, Kelizandri, Norgorber

Character Name: Valeros
Role Card: Tactician
Skill Feats: Strength+3, Constitution+4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, +1/2/3/4 to aid allies, When villain appears you move
Card Feats: Weapon+2(1), Armor+1(0) Item+2, Ally+2, Blessing+1
Weapons: Seaborne Trident+1, Furious Broadsword +2, Venomous Pike +2 x2, Aiger's Kiss, Zul, Flaming Falcata +3
Armors: Buccaneer's Breastplate, Breastplate of the Deep, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Hurricane Crown, Topaz of Strength, Totem Necklace, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Sandra Quinn, Lady Cerise Bloodmourn, Rotgut, Alise Grogblud, Pierce Jerrell
Blessings: Gorum x 4

I did notice that adding two card feats at the end did change the deck composition a decent bit. Would you prefer we try to keep the composition prior to those card feats for this writeup in the future?

I finished the AP yesterday... wonderful experience; that character-combo has been a lot of fun - thanks a lot for the nice design work! I am looking forward to WotR (and Season of the Shackles, of course... ;-) )

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Shield of Gorum
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: +2 Hand size 6, add 2 to check, return displayed cards at the start of the turn, When you would bury an armor or weapon, you may discard instead, add 2 to your check to defeat a monster that has the human trait, When a character plays a blessing on your combat or Strenght check, that character may recharge a random card from her discard pile.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1
Weapons: Tidewater Cutlass +1, Ice Boarding Pike +1, Shock Glaive +1 (Fighter CD), Venomous Pike +1, Adamantine Trident +3
Spells: Cure, Invoke, Control Weather
Armors: Fortified Breastplate x2, Breastplate of the Deep, Paladin’s Helmet (Iconic Heroes 1),
Items: Farglass, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Haneilius Fitch
Blessings: Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Abadar, Bessling of Norgorber, Pirat’s Favor
Current Party Ship: Abrogail’s Fury

Character Name: Seltyiel
Role Card: Marauder
Skill Feats: INT + 4 , Str +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Recharge/Shuffle a weapon/spell for +3d6 to a combat check, Discard an Attack Spell for +2d6 vs barrier or ship, You gain the Skill Ranged: Intelligence +2
Card Feats: Spell + 1, Item + 1, Ally + 1, Armor +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Brine's Sting, Keen Rapier +3, Aiger’s Kiss, Humanbane Gladius +2
Spells: Aqueous Orb, Wall of Fire, Tsunami, Quickened Ray, Lightning Bolt (Wizard CD),
Armors: Flaming Buckler Gun, Howling Skull Armor
Items: Periscope, Wizard’s Hook
Allies: Lady Agasta Smythee, Alise Grogblud
Blessings: Blessing of Gorum x2, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Pharasma
Current Party Ship: Abrogail’s Fury

Character Name: Siwar
Role Card: Manipulator
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Charisma +4* (*+1 thanks to the Marid)
Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, Proficient with weapons, You may recharge a card to add 1d4+2 to a check by you or another character at your location, If there another character at your location, you may evade a bane, When you play a blessing on another character’s check and that character succeeds, you may recharge that blessing.
Card Feats: Spell +1 , Weapons +2, Items +2
Weapons: Skyrocket Crossbow, Crossbow of Retribution
Spells: Wall of Blades, Scrying (Bard CD), Cure, Freezing Sphere
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Crystal of healing hands, Svingli’s Eye, Conch of the Tritons, Hurricane Crown
Allies: Pierce Jerrell, Old Salt (Bard CD), Tessa Fairwind, Surgeon, Slip
Blessings: Milani, Gorum, Norgorber, Achaekek
Current Party Ship: Abrogail’s Fury

My wife and I got our friend hooked on the game and we just finished the last scenario! We're going to be starting WotR here shortly! Thank you for such a great time!

Character Name: Lem
Role Card: Sea Singer
Skill Feats: Dexterity +2, Intelligence +2, Charisma +3
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Recharge a care to add 1d4+3, Add 2d4 to non-combat bane check, Combat check against Aquatic bane use Diplomacy+1d6
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +1, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally+3
Weapons: Brine's Sting, Scoundrel's Sword Cane, Aiger's Kiss, Seaborne Trident +1
Spells: Freezing Sphere, Vengeful Storm, Shapechange, Cure
Armors: Flaming Buckler Gun
Items: Svingli's Eye, Crystal of Healing Hands, Farglass
Allies: Haneilius Fitch, Lady Cerise Bloodmourn, Audessa Reyquio, Imp Dindreann, Mogmurch, Slip
Blessings: Pirate's Favor, Blessing of Besmara, Milani, Abadar, Pharasma

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Sea witch
Skill Feats: Intelligence +4, Wisdom +2,
Power Feats: +2 hand size, When any character at location attempts a check for spell or defeat a bane, recharge card to reduce difficulty by 2 + adventure deck number of card, recharge an ally that has animal to return spell from discard to hand, when you close a location, you may move, when you play BoHshurha recharge it.
Card Feats: Spell +4, Ally +2, Blessing +2,
Spells: Tsunami, Recast, Seamantle, Quickened Ray, Wall of Fire, Dehydrating Touch, Geyser, Black Spot x2, Fireblade
Items: Pearl of Magic, Impossible Bottle
Allies: Mogmurch, Old Salt x2, Rotgut, Pteranodon
Blessings: Blessing of Hshurha x5, Achaekek

Character Name: Damiel,
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Dexterity +2, Intelligence +4,
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Discard a card to add 1d6 +3 and poison or fire, or Acid, Cold, Electricity, Mental; if the discarded card has Alchemical, add a 1d12,
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Item +3, Ally +1. Blessing +1
Weapons: Crossbow of Retribution, Fire Lance
Spells: Raise Dead, Cure x2, Fear
Armors: Eel Skin Armor
Items: Potion of the Ocean x2, Liquid Ice x2, Fuse Grenade, Magic Spyglass, Immortal Dreamstone, Hurricane Crown, Alkali Flask
Allies: Heartbreak Hinsin, Monkey
Blessings: Blessing of the Gods, Erastil x2, Milani, Achaekek

Our Fleet: Merchantman, Man's Promise, Truewind, Devil's Pallor, Kraken, Blood Moon, Mistmourn, Abrogail's fury, Filthy Lucre

Because we were using our LGS's box, we played using our class decks. 2 player Adventure Path.

Character Name: Valendron
Role Card: Lightning Reaver
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Charisma +4

Power Feats: []6 hand size, []Light Armors, 1d6 ([]+2), ([]if the card has the Magic trait), ([]or to reduce Combat damage dealt to you by 2), []You automatically succeed at your check to recharge a spell that has the Attack trait.

Card Feats: Weapon +0, Spell +1, Armor +2, Item +0, Ally +2, Blessing +2

Weapons: Force Sling +3(6), Crossbow of Retribution(6) (Frost Sling +1(1))
Spells: Sign of Wrath(6), Poison Blast(4), Unearthly Aim(2), Confusion(B), Black Spot(B)
Armors: Blackcloth Armor(2), Elven Chain Shirt(1)
Items: Chaos Stone(5), Wand of Shield(1)
Allies: Bear(4), Guide(B), Surgeon(B), Sage(B), Turtle(B)
Blessings: Blessing of the Gods x4, Blessing of Pharasma x2
Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Nice meeting you at Origins, Mike.

Grand Lodge

Character: Heggal
Role: Life of the Party

Skill Feats:
+3 Strength
+3 Constitution

Power Feats:
[X] 6 Hand Size
Proficient with [X] Weapons
Reveal an ally with Diplomacy in its check to acquire to add 1d4 [X]+1 [X]+2 [X]+3 to your check.

Card Feats:
Weapon [X]2
Spell [X]4
Ally [X]5 [X]6
Blessing [X]4 [X]5

Greatclub +1, Greatclub +3
Cure x 3, Holy Feast
Animated Shield, Chain Mail
Besmara's Tricorne (Loot), Belt of Giant Strength
Surgeon, Sage, Exalted, Sacred Killer, Standard Bearer, Evangelist (allies that have Diplomacy in their check to acquire)
Blessing of the Gods x 2, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Gorum x 2

Man's Promise / Kraken / Abrogail's Fury

Beat the boxed version of your game too, now, Mike.
Keep'em coming.

We had a fun and smooth sailing playing this adventure path. No one died; Sunken Treasure (B-4) was done twice. We replayed Last Stand of the Hurricane King (6-5) three times because we wrongly played it harder than we should have; that explains why we probably have more deck 6 cards than expected.

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Constitution+1, Intelligence+1, Wisdom+1, Charisma+3
Power Feats: +2 hand size; Light Armors; When you use the above power to examine a card from a location deck on your turn, and it is a boon, you may encounter it.; If your combat check has the Attack trait, add 2 to it. (You may also add the Fire trait.); You gain the skill Perception (and Survival): Charisma +2.
Card Feats: Spell+3, Armor+1, Item+2, Blessing+2
Spells: Aqueous Orb, Control Weather, Cure, Raise Dead, Recast, Righteousness, Tsunami, World Wave
Armors: Besmaran Vestments
Items: Crystal of Healing Hands, Helpful Haversack, Ring of Wave Walking, Wand of Flame
Allies: Alise Grogblud, Mase Darimar, Rotgut
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Kelizandri, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Sivanah, Blessing of the Gods, Pirate’s Favor
Your Ship: Abrogail’s Fury

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Dexterity+2, Intelligence+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size; You may discard a card to add 1d6+3 and the Poison or Fire trait to any combat check at your location; if the discarded card has the Alchemical trait, add an additional 1d12.; When you acquire a boon that has the Alchemical or Liquid or Firearm trait, you may immediately explore again.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+2, Item+3, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Boarding Pike, Crossbow of Retribution
Spells: Black Spot, Cure, Divine Fortune, Holy Feast
Armors: Fortified Breastplate
Items: Alkali Flask, Bottled Lightning (x2), Impossible Bottle, Potion of Flying, Potion of Healing, Potion of the Ocean (x2), Ring of the Iron Skull
Allies: Dindreann, Dodo
Blessings: Blessing of Besmara (x2), Blessing of Hshurha, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Norgorber
Your Ship: Abrogail’s Fury

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Duelist
Skill Feats: Dexterity+3, Constitution+1, Wisdom+1, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size; If your check has the Swashbuckling trait, you may reroll 1 die (or 2 dice) on your check; you must take the second result.; When you defeat a monster on your turn, and your check to defeat has the Swashbuckling trait, you may discard (or recharge) a card to immediately explore.; When you acquire a card that has the Finesse or Ranged trait, you may immediately recharge it to draw a card.; If any die rolled on your check is an 8 or higher, roll 1d4 and add it to the result.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Armor+1, Item+2, Ally+3, Blessing+1
Weapons: Aiger’s Kiss, Keen Rapier +3 (x2), Old Salt’s Rapier +2, Rapier +2
Armors: Magic Chain Shirt, Shark Skin Armor
Items: Amulet of Fortitude, Old Salt’s Bandana, Periscope, Svingli’s Eye
Allies: Albatross, Ambrose “Fishguts” Kroop, Haneilius Fitch, Old Salt, Pteranodon, Tessa Fairwind
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Gozreh, Blessing of Zogmugot, Blessing of the Gods
Your Ship: Abrogail’s Fury

Character Name: Lirianne
Role Card: Deadeye
Skill Feats: Dexterity+4, Wisdom+2
Power Feats: +2 hand size; You may shuffle a card from your hand into your deck to add 1d4+3 to any combat check at another location.; When you move to a different location during your move step, you may examine the top card of that location deck (and shuffle it into the deck).
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Armor+1, Item+2, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Doubleshot Pepperbox, Enervating Pistol +3, Flaming Musket +2, Musket +2, Navigator Musket +1, Shock Musket +1
Armors: Fortified Breastplate, Magic Wooden Armor, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Besmara’s Tricorne, Farglass, Ring of Rat Fangs, Ring of Wave Walking
Allies: Audessa Reyquio, Baby Triceratops, Mogmurch, Pierce Jerrell
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Hshurha, Blessing of Kelizandri, Blessing of Milani
Your Ship: Abrogail’s Fury

Character Name: Ranzak
Role Card: Kleptomaniac
Skill Feats: Dexterity+3, Constitution+1, Wisdom+2
Power Feats: +2 hand size; Heavy Armors; Add 1d4+3 to your check to acquire a boon.; When you acquire a boon on your turn, roll 1d6; on a 3, 4, 5, or 6, explore your location.; If another character at your location fails a check to acquire a boon, you may attempt a check to acquire it.
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Item+4, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Blasting Pistol +2, Humanbane Crossbow +2, Saltbox, Skyrocket Crossbow, Sword Cane Pistol +2, Toxic Blunderbuss +1
Spells: Aid
Armors: Breastplate of the Deep
Items: Hurricane Crown, Immortal Dreamstone, Masterwork Tools, Onyx of Constitution, Ring of Regeneration, Sea Tyrant’s Patch, Sniper Goggles, Worn Leather Skullcap
Allies: Old Salt, Pteranodon
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Kelizandri, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Sivanah
Your Ship: Abrogail’s Fury

Character Name: Seltyiel
Role Card: Spellblade
Skill Feats: Strength+3, Intelligence+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size; Choose a weapon […] and a spell […]. When you play one for your combat check, you may recharge the other to add 3d6 and that card’s traits to the check.; When you play a weapon that has the Sword trait, you may add your Intelligence skill to your combat check.; When you acquire a spell or a weapon on your turn, you may immediately explore again.; Discard a spell to put a weapon from your discard pile into your hand.
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Spell+2, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Adamantine Trident +3, Flaming Falcata +3, Furious Broadsword +2, Keen Falcata +1 (x2), Scoundrel’s Sword Cane
Spells: Blazing Servant, Dehydrating Touch, Detect Magic, Force Missile, Frostbite, Illuminate
Armors: Brine Dragonhide Breastplate, Eel Skin Armor
Items: Jalhazar’s Wheel, Worn Leather Skullcap
Allies: Baby Triceratops, Slip
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Asmodeus, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Hshurha
Your Ship: Abrogail’s Fury

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

No deaths. A couple scenarios needed replaying, and several in the midgame were pretty close calls.

Character Name: Lini
Role Card: Aquamancer
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Wisdom +3
Power Feats: +1 hand size, weapon proficiency, put animals on top of deck, recharge to reduce acid,cold,electricity,fire by 2, add 2 to combat vs aquatic, put defeated aquatic monsters in hand
Card Feats: weapon +1, spell +2, item +1, ally +2, blessing +2
Weapons: Enervating Pistol +3, Keen Rapier +3
Spells: Aid, Cure, Righteousness, Shapechange, Skeleton Crew, Wall of Fire
Armors: Goblin Buckler Gun
Items: Hurricane Crown, Immortal Dreamstone
Allies: Dodo, Joseph "Jack" Scrimshaw, Parrot, Pteranodon, Snow Leopard, Lady Agasta Smythee
Blessings: Achaekek, Gorum x3, Gozreh, Milani
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Sea Witch
Skill Feats: Constitution +2, Intelligence +4, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size, reduce difficulty of barriers, reduce difficulty by 2 + adventure deck number, recharge animal to regain spell, recharge to add 2d4 to fort or survival, recharge blessing of Hshurha or vs aquatic
Card Feats: spell +2, item +2, ally +2, blessing +2
Spells: Blazing Servant, Charm Animal, Dehydrating Touch, Freezing Sphere, Geyser x2, Safe Harbor, Quickened Ray
Items: Ring of Regeneration, Sapphire of Intelligence, Besmara's Tricorne, Impossible Bottle
Allies: Coral Capuchin, Fox, Hanelin Filch, Pterandon, Rotgut
Blessings: Hshurha x4, Pharasma x2
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

This team worked pretty well. We reached a point where we just seemed to stop drawing good spells - with the exception of Shapechange, which was awesome for Lini. You can see that poor Feiya had no attack spells after AD3 except for the one loot.

Second party complete. No deaths, no replays after the midpoint, and a combat check record by Oloch of 115.

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Dex +2, Int +5
Power Feats: 8 hand size, Discard to add 1d6+3+1d12 if alchemical, When you succeed at a Craft check you may examine the top card of your deck and add it to hand if an item
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Item +3, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Crossbow of Retribution, Enervating Pistol +3
Spells: Blazing Servant, Control Weather, Telekinesis, Vomit Twin
Armors: Reflecting Buckler
Items: Fuse Grenade x2, Potion of Flying x2, Potion of Healing, Potion of the Ocean, Tot Flask x3
Allies: Jack Scrimshaw, Old Salt
Blessings: Hshurha x4, Kelizandri

Character Name: Lirianne
Role Card: Deadeye
Skill Feats: Dex +3, Wis +3
Power Feats: 6 hand size, Shuffle a card to add 1d4+3, When you move to a location examine that location deck and you may shuffle it
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Blasting Pistol +2 x2, Doubleshot Pepperbox, Humanbane Crossbow +2, Navigator Musket +1, Toxic Blunderbuss +1
Armors: Flaming Buckler Gun, Sniper's Studded Leather, Wilderness Studded Leather
Items: Besmara's Tricorne, Sniper Goggles, Pearl of Wisdom, Svingli's Eye
Allies: Dindreann, Hanelius Fitch, Master of the Gales, Slip
Blessings: Gorum x2, Milani x4

Character Name: Merisiel
Role Card: Shadow
Skill Feats: Dex +4, Cha +2
Power Feats: 7 hand size, Weapons proficiency, Evade boon to top of deck, Recharge for 1d6+1 if alone, Don't take damage before or after you act
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Armor +1, Item +3, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Brine's Sting, Invigorating Kukri +1, Scoundrel's Sword Cane, Skyrocket Crossbow, Sword Cane Pistol +2
Armors: Sharkskin Armor x2
Items: Emerald of Dexterity, Farglass, Hurricane Crown, Impossible Bottle, Letter of Marque, Magic Spyglass, Ring of Regeneration, Sea Tyrant's Patch
Allies: Corlan, Old Salt x2
Blessings: Abadar x2, Gorum x3

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Shield of Gorum
Skill Feats: Str +3, Con +2, Wis +2
Power Feats: 6 hand size, Display blessing or weapon to add 2 to a check, return displayed to hand at start of turn and when you reset, When a character at your location takes damage reveal armor to reduce it by 1 or discard to reduce it by 2, Add 2 to checks to defeat Humans, If a character plays a blessing on your combat or strength check they may recharge a random discard (and the blessing if it was a Gorum)
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Aiger's Kiss, Flaming Falcata +3, Grayflame Mace +2, Seaborne Trident +1, Venomous Pike +2
Spells: Cure, Divine Fortune, Find Traps, Quickened Ray
Armors: Breastplate of the Deep, Fortified Breastplate x2, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Crystal of Healing Hands, Topaz of Strength
Allies: Mogmurch
Blessings: Achaekek x2, Cayden Cailean x5

Current Party Ship: Filthy Lucre

Final versions of these characters, following completion of the AP and the bonus scenario, which we played last to be able to use those final goodies. No deaths. Damiel got the bonus skill feat from the genie because I won high roll.

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: Dexterity+4, Wisdom+1, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, reroll two dice, gain Diplomacy skill, reveal to add swashbuckling, move self at end of turn, another character move at end of turn
Card Feats: Armor+2, Item+2, Ally+3, Blessing+1
Weapons: Enervating Pistol+3, Aiger's Kiss, Old Salt's Rapier, Invigorating Kukri+1
Spells: none
Armors: Animated Shield, Wilderness Studded Leather, Howling Skull Armor
Items: Hurricane Crown, Svingli's Eye, Magic Spyglass, Farglass
Allies: Master of the Gales, Haneilius Fitch, Surgeon, Old Salt, Old Salt, Old Salt
Blessings: Besmara, Besmara, Besmara, Norgorber, Zogmugot, Pirate's Favor
Current Party Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Dexterity+3, Constitution+1, Intelligence+2, Wisdom+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, weapon proficiency, discard for 1d6+2, explore again when acquire Alchemical or Liquid boon, explore again when acquire Firearm boon
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+2, Item+3, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Skyrocket Crossbow, Crossbow of Retribution
Spells: Cure, Find Traps, Control Weather, Holy Feast
Armors: Reflecting Buckler
Items: Spyglass, Spyglass, Fuse Grenade, Ring of Regeneration, Potion of Flying, Potion of Heroism, Sea Tyrant's Eyepatch, Letter of Marque, Immortal Dreamstone
Allies: Pteranodon, Mogmurch
Blessings: Hshurha, Abadar, Abadar, Erastil, Norgorber
Current Party Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Valeros (S+S)
Role Card: Tactician
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Constitution +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, Add 1d4+3 to another character's combat check at your location, When another character encounters a villain you may immediately move, Add 2 to your check to defeat a henchman or villain
Card Feats: Weapon +3, Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Flaming Falcata +3, Invigorating Kukri +1, Rapier +2, Keen Rapier +3 x2, Humanbane Gladius +2, Keen Falcata +1, Seaborne Trident +1
Spells: N/A
Armors: Breastplate of the Deep, Fortified Shell Armor, Buccaneer's Breastplate
Items: Jalhazar's Wheel, Svingli's Eye, Ring of Regeneration, Immortal Dreamstone
Allies: Rotgut, Pierce Jerrell, Old Salt, Lady Agasta Smythee
Blessings: Milani x2, Gorum, Achaekek
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Merisiel (S+S)
Role Card: Smuggler
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Intelligence +2
Power Feats: +2 Hand Size, Weapons Proficiency, You may evade your encounter, if the encountered card had the Pirate or Swashbuckling trait you may immediately explore again, If you are the only character at your location you may recharge a card to add 1d6+1 to your combat check, Add 1d4 to your non-combat check, When one or more plunder cards are stashed on your turn you may stash an additional plunder card
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Dancing Scimitar +2 (Cleric CD), Aiger's Kiss, Brine's Sting, Skyrocket Crossbow, Scoundrel's Sword Cane
Spells: Skeleton Crew, Divine Fortune
Armors: Ophidian Armor (Bard CD), Flaming Buckler Gun
Items: Hurricane Crown, Emerald of Dexterity, Amulet of Fortitude, Totem Necklace, Thieves' Tools, Impossible Bottle
Allies: Old Salt, Haneilius Fitch, Baby Triceratops
Blessings: Milani, Achaekek, Abadar x2, Pirate's Favor

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: +2 Hand Size, You may discard a card to add 1d6+2 and the Poison or Fire trait to any combat check at location, if the discarded card had the Alchemical trait add an additional d12, When you acquire a boon that had the Alchemical or Liquid or Firearm trait you may immediately explore again
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +3, Blessing +1
Weapons: Saltbox, Crossbow of Retribution
Spells: Telekinesis, Confusion, Find Traps, Invoke (Rogue CD)
Armors: Sniper's Studded Leather, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Masterwork Tools, Potion of the Ocean, Potion of Heroism, Potion of Healing, Bottled Lightning, Ring of Rat Fangs, Alkali Flask, Fuse Grenade x2
Allies: Joseph "Jack" Scrimshaw
Blessings: Hshurha, Gorum, Achaekek, Sivanah, Abadar

Character Name: Heggal
Role Card: Life of the Party
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Constitution +1, Wisdom +3
Power Feats: +2 Hand Size, Instead of your first exploration on a turn you may reveal an ally to choose a character at your location, shuffle 1d4+2 random cards from her discard pile into her deck, then discard the ally you revealed, You may reveal an ally that lists Diplomacy in its check to acquire to add 1d4+2 to your check, At the start of your turn you may discard 1 ally then add 1 weapon from your discard pile to your hand, When you play Blessing of Cayden Cailean you may recharge it instead of discarding it
Weapons: Venomous Pike +2, Icy Boarding Pike +1, Trident +2
Spells: Blazing Servant, Wall of Blades, Control Weather, Holy Feast
Armors: Besmaran Vestments, Invincible Breastplate (Cleric CD), Fortified Breastplate
Items: Farglass, Besmara's Tricorne
Allies: Pteranodon, Alise Grogblud, Ambrose "Fishguts" Kroop, Barefoot Samms Toppin, Tessa Fairwind, Ederleigh Baines
Blessings: Caiden Cailean x4, Achaekek

A 2-character team and a 3-character team; no deaths, but MANY replays (Best Served Cold - I'm looking at you!)

Team Blind Luck

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, reroll check to defeat ship, reroll 2 dice, explore again on acquire pirate or swashbuckling, reveal card to add Swashbuckling, if on ship may move self at end of turn
Card Feats: Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Crossbow of Retribution, Keen Rapier +3, Brine's Sting, Keen Rapier +3
Spells: n/a
Armors: Shark Skin Armor, Howling Skull Armor
Items: Spyglass, Besmara's Tricorne, Ring of the Sea Strider, Hurricane Crown
Allies: Lady Agasta Smythee, Rosie Cusswell, Mase Darimar, Tessa Fairwind, Surgeon
Blessings: Pirate's Favor, Besmara x3, Achaekek, Erastil
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Wisdom +3, Charisma +4 (used Vailea's wish)
Power Feats: +2 hand size, examine blessings/character deck, encounter boons, discard any card to return divine card, add fire trait to attack checks, gain Perception skill
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: n/a
Spells: Aqueous Orb, Blazing Servant, Control Weather, Holy Feast, Recast, Shapechange, Wall of Fire, World Wave
Armors: n/a
Items: Letter of Marque, Crystal of Healing Hands, Wand of Flame, Staff of Weather
Allies: Old Salt, Master of the Gales, Imp
Blessings: Pharasma, Gozreh, Milani, Geryon, Abadar, Achaekek
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Team Blunder Bus

Character Name: Seltyiel
Role Card: Spellblade
Skill Feats: Constitution +2, Intelligence +4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, shuffle weapon/spell into deck, add 2d6 to combat check, add intelligence to combat checks, explore again on acquire spell or weapon, discard spell to return weapon from discard.
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Furious Broadsword +2, Aiger's Kiss, Flaming Falcata +3, Enervating Pistol +3
Spells: Shapechange, Dimension Leap, Tsunami x2, Animate Water, Dehydrating Touch, Freezing Sphere
Armors: Fortified Breastplate
Items: Nautical Charts, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Heartbreak Hinsin, Old Salt
Blessings: Abadar, Sivanah, Gorum, Achaekek, Norgorber
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Lirianne
Role Card: Deadeye
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Wisdom +3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, add 1d4 (+1)(+2) to combat check at other location, evade bane with Perception check, when you move to another location may examine top card of location deck, and shuffle into deck
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Flaming Musket +2 x2, Navigator Musket +1, Blasting Pistol +2, Skyrocket Crossbow
Spells: n/a
Armors: Flaming Buckler Gun, Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Farglass, Ring of Wave Walking, Impossible Bottle, Magic Spyglass
Allies: Rotgut, Haneilius Fitch, Cut-Throat Grok, Ambrose "Fishguts" Kroop
Blessings: Achaekek, Abadar, Milani, Erastil x3
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Battle Chaplain
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Constitution +1, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: +3 hand size, display card to add (2) to other character's check, return to hand at start of turn, heal 1d4+1(+2), banish encountered ally to explore again
Card Feats: Spell +1, Armor +2, Item +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Adamantine Trident +3, Grayflame Mace +2, Falchion +3, Humanbane Gladius +2
Spells: Resist Energy, Cure x2
Armors: Reflecting Buckler, Fortified Breastplate, Buccaneer's Breastplate, Breastplate of the Deep, Brine Dragonhide Breastplate
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Totem Necklace
Allies: n/a
Blessings: Gorum x2, Cayden Cailean x2, Achaekek, Abadar, Norgorber
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Just finished my second playthrough with a two man team: Myself playing Feiya and my friend playing Heggal. We played with three class decks mixed in (Cleric, Fighter, Ranger) and after breezing through the first 5 decks, including 5-5, we decided to spice things up for deck six by playing with all 8 locations. Even with 8 locations we managed to one-shot scenarios 1, 3, and 5, but The Armada and Last Stand of the Hurricane King were very difficult and each required three tries before we beat them. We really enjoyed the extra challenge though, and will be playing with similar rules for the next playthrough.

Cards in bold were acquired through the two card feats gained after completing the AP. Italicized cards are from a class deck.

Most used ship: Come What May

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Hexer
Skill Feats: Intelligence +4, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: Handsize +1, +3 & barriers with her recharge power, recharge Blessings of Pharasma, and potentially drawing a card when succeeding on a craft check or playing an arcane spell.
Card Feats: Spell +4, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2

Spells: Control Weather, Freezing Sphere, Holy Stone, Shapechange, Tsunami x2, World Wave, Scrying x2, Life Leech
Items: Ring of Regeneration, Impossible Bottle, Letter of Marque
Allies: Audessa Reyquio, Haneilius Fitch, Exalted, Clockwork Owl
Blessings: Blessing of Pharasma x6 (four of which were from class decks)

Character Name: Heggal
Role Card Life of the Party
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Wisdom +3, Charisma +1
Power Feats: Hand Size +2, Weapons, +3 to reveal ally ability, discard ally to retrieve weapon from discard pile.
Card Feats: Weapons +2, Spell +1, Item +1, Ally +2, Blessing +2

Weapons: Keen Falcata +1, Grayflame Mace +2, Old Salt's Rapier +2
Spells: Divine Fortune, Shapechange, Major Cure, Righteousness
Armors: Reflecting Buckler, Adamantine Plate Armor
Items: Pearl of Magic, Farglass, Immortal Dreamstone
Allies: Mase Darimar, Swab x2, Tessa Fairwind, Mogmurch, Evangelist
Blessings: Blessing of Gorum x5 (two of which were from class decks)

4-character (and player) group. We had quite the romp. No deaths, no failed scenarios, a couple were close but most weren't...many with over 10 cards left in the blessings deck at the end. Things got easier after Oloch got his third power feat...omg! After a few of the "B" scenarios, we added in the fifth player location to add some extra challenge, and played that way for the rest of the game (though I think there was one scenario in AD5 or AD6 with a really wonky setup where that didn't make sense and we just setup up for a normal four).

I'm also happy to report that the final check against the Hurricane King was Alhazara drowing him with a World Wave!

Our end decks aren't exactly what Mike asked for...they lack the final card feats, as none of us figured out what our final card feats should be...none of us were really sure we wanted to take them, as they tended to be fringe types that would dilute our decks. So we've sort of left that for a later time should we ever play them again.

Final ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Int +2, Cha +4
Power Feats: Hand Size 7,8; Light Armors, Add Fire, encounter boons!!!!!, Perception, survival
Card Feats: Spell 6,7,8; Item 3; Blessing 6,7
Weapons: -
Spells: Cure x2, Shapechange (always for hand size 10), Wall of Fire, World Wave, Control Weather, Tsunami x2
Armors: -
Items: Token of Remeberance, Pearl of Magic, Crystal of Healing Hands
Allies: Old Salt x2, Master of the Gales
Blessings: Achaekek x2, Pharasma, Erastil, Hshurha, Abadar, Sivanah

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Dex +3, Int +4 (we used the extra buff on him)
Power Feats: Hand 7,8; Weapons; add +1, "add Acid, Cold, Electricity, or Fire", additional d12; when you succeed at a craft check...
Card Feats: Weapon 2; Item 7,8,9; Ally 2, Blessings 5
Weapons: Humanbane Crossbow +2, Flaming Longbow +2
Spells: Cure, Shapechange (for the d12+2s)
Armors: Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Potion of Flying x2; Tot Flask x2; Poteion of Heroism x2; Fuse Grenade; Potion of Healing; Bottled Lightning
Allies: Pierce Jerrell; Imp
Blessings: Abadar x2; Milani; Achaekek; Cayden Cailean (aka, Beer)

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: Dex +4, Wis +2
Power Feats: Hand 6,7; (check to defeat ship), (reroll 2 dice), diplomacy, reveal Swashbuckling to gain add Swashbucking, if on ship you may move at EOT
Card Feats: Weapon 5; Armor 2; Item 3,4; Ally 4; Blessings 6
Weapons: Keen Rapier +3 x2; Skyrocket Crossbow; Humanbane Gladius +2; Crossbrow of Retribution
Spells: -
Armors: Eel Skin Armor, Howling Skull Armor
Items: Hurricane Crown, Ring of Regeneration, Impossible Bottle, Besmara's Tricorne
Allies: Lady Agasta Smythee, Alise Grogblud, Tessa Fairwind, Haneilius Fitch
Blessings: Pirate's Favor, Besmara, Erastil, Hshurha, Abadar, Milani

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Battle Chaplain
Skill Feats: Str +3, Con +1, Wis +1 (it appears Oloch was playing down a skill feat by the end)
Power Feats: Hand 5,6,7; add 2!!!!; return cards at start of turn!!!; when you encounter an ally...; when a player plays a blessing on your combat or str...
Card Feats: Weapon 5; Spell 3; Armor 4; Item 2; Blessing 6,7
Weapons: Old Salt's Rapier +2, Grayflame Mace +2, Flaming Falcata +3, Venomous Pike +2, Icy Boarding Pike +1 (this thing lasted the whole adventure once he got it)
Spells: Cure, Holy Feast, Righteousness
Armors: Brine Dragonhide Breastplate, Fortified Breastplate, Shark Skin Armor, Besmaran Vestments (there were armors banished for temp closes in the last scenario)
Items: Immortal dreamstone, Ring of Rat Fangs
Allies: -
Blessings: Gorum x2, Achaekek, Sivanah, Hshurha, Milani, Gozreh

Third and final (for now; we're going to try Ron Lundeen's campaigns next) run of S&S complete. No deaths, although we came close several times; a few replays, notably including the last scenario before we swapped Abrogail's Fury for the Mistmourn (no, Kerdak, we don't want to find you yet).

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Sea Witch
Skill Feats: Int +4, Cha +2
Power Feats: 8 hand size, recharge to reduce spell or monster or barrier by 2 + deck number, recharge to add 2d4 to Fort or Survival, recharge Hshurha or any blessing against an Aquatic bane.
Card Feats: Spell +4, Item +2, Blessing +2
Spells: Freezing Sphere x2, Quickened Ray, Resist Energy, Seamantle, Shapechange, Tsunami x2, Vomit Twin, World Wave
Items: Besmara's Tricorne, Farglass, Ring of the Iron Skull, Wand of Flame
Allies: Master of the Gales, Pierce Jerrell, Tessa Fairwind
Blessings: Hshurha x5, Kelizandri

Character Name: Lem
Role Card: Sea Singer
Skill Feats: Dex +2, Int +2, Cha +3
Power Feats: 7 hand size, recharge to add 1d4+3, add 1d4 to noncombat checks against banes or ships
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +1, Item +1, Ally +3, Blessing +2
Weapons: Blasting Pistol +2, Crossbow of Retribution, Flaming Musket +2, Skyrocket Crossbow
Spells: Dimension Leap, Divine Fortune, Find Traps, Holy Feast
Items: Crystal of Healing Hands, Letter of Marque, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Alise Grogblud, Audessa Reyquio, Corlan, Dindreann, Elderleigh Baines, Hanelius Fitch, Slip
Blessings: Kelezandri x2, Milani x3

Character Name: Lini
Role Card: Feral Druid
Skill Feats: Str +3, Wis +3
Power Feats: 7 hand size, Light armor proficiency, Put animal on top of deck, Discard to use d12 for Str Dex or Con, Reveal Divine for Str +1d8 Magic Melee and Fire Cold or Electricity
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Item +1, Ally +2, Blessing +2
Weapons: Greyflame Mace +2, Venomous Pike +2
Spells: Black Spot, Blazing Servant, Control Weather, Cure, Resist Energy, Wall of Blades
Armors: Reflecting Buckler
Items: Hurricane Crown, Svingli's Eye
Allies: Monkey, Parrot x2, Pteranodon x2, Rotgut
Blessings: Abadar x3, Cayden Cailean x3

Character Name: Valeros
Role Card: Tactician
Skill Feats: Str +2, Con +4
Power Feats: 6 hand size, Add 1d4+4 to others' combat checks at your location, Move when another character encounters a villain
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Aiger's Kiss, Brine's Sting, Flaming Falcata +3, Invigorating Kukri +1, Old Salt's Rapier +2, Venomous Pike +2, Zul
Armors: Breastplate of the Deep, Brine Dragonhide Breastplate, Fortified Breastplate
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Impossible Bottle, Ring of Rat Fangs, Sea Tyrant's Patch
Allies: Mase Darimar, Mogmurch, Old Salt x3
Blessings: Achaekek x4

Current Party Ship: Mistmourn

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: Dexterity+2, Constitution+1, Wisdom+3
Power Feats: 6 card hand size, If your check has Swashbuckling, you may reroll 2 dice, Gain Diplomacy, Gain Craft, When you acquire a card that has Pirate or Swash, may explore again, Reveal Swashbuckling to be Swashbuckling, If you are on a Ship, move at end of turn.
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Item+2, Ally+3, Blessing+1
Weapons: Brine's Sting, Keen Rapier+3, Aiger's Kiss, Crossbow of Retribution, Old Salt's Rapier+2, Furious Broadsword+2
Spells: -
Armors: Reflecting Buckler
Items: Besmara's Tricorn, Svingli's Eye, Ring of Regeneration, Hurricane Crown
Allies: Surgeon, Old Salt, Alise Grogblud, Merrill Pegsworthy, Crimson Cogward, Audessa Reyquio
Blessings: Pirate's Favor, Blessing of Besmara x2, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Adabar, Blessing of Cayden Cailean
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

That Furious Broadsword was the last card added to the deck. Couldn't use it.

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Chirurgeon
Skill Feats: Dexterity+3, Intelligence+3
Power Feats: Hand Size 7, 8. Heavy Armor, Weapons, When you aquire a boon that has alchemical.., You may recharge an item that has the alchemical trait to add 1d4, When you reset your hand, you may discard...
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+2, Item+3, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Blasting Pistol+2, (empty, never cared to fill it at the end of the last game)
Spells: Righteousness, Cure, Aid, Resist Energy
Armors: Hellknight Armor
Items: Tot Flask, Potion of the Ocean, Tankard, Fuse Grenade, Bottled Lightning, Potion of Heroism, Potion of Flyingx2, Impossible Bottle
Allies: Mogmurch, Haneilius Fitch
Blessings: Blessing of Kelizandri, Blessing of Gozreh, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Norgorber
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Looking back, we might not have been playing Righteousness right with him, but /shrug.

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Sea Witch
Skill Feats: Constitution+1, Intelligence+4, Wisdom+1
Power Feats: Hand Size 7, 8, When Any character at your location...Monster (or Barrier)...add 2, You may recharge a card to add 2d4, When you close a location move, Blessing of Hshurha
Card Feats: Spell+4, Item+2, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: -
Spells: Animate Water, Dimension Leapx2, Resist Energy, Shapechange, Blazing Servant, Control Weather, Freezing Sphere, Quickened Ray, Recast
Armors: -
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Gloves of Dueling, Spellmaster's Tricorn, Wand of Flame
Allies: Pteranodon, Slip, Mase Darimar, Imp
Blessings: Blessing of Besmara, Blessing of Hshurha x4
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Feiya carried anything that had a high set number in it unless there was a much better card. Feiya would have died once, but we didn't like the death rules, so didn't use them.

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Shield of Gorum
Skill Feats: Strength+2, Constitution+2, Wisdom+3
Power Feats: Hand Size 5, 6, When another character attempts a check...add 2. Return Displayed cards (at start of turn). Add 2 to your check to defeat a monster that has the human trait, When a character plays a blessing on your combat or STR check,...
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell, +2, Armor+1, Item+2, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Falchion +3, Grayflame Mace+2, Seaborne Trident+1, Spellsword+2, Venomous Pike+2
Spells: Holy Feast, Divine Fortune, Vengeful Stormx2
Armors: Fortified Breastplatex2, Breastplate of the Deep, Brine Dragonhide Breastplate
Items: Pearl of Magicx2
Allies: Rotgut
Blessings: Blessing of Asmodeus, Blessing of Adabar, Blessing of Achaekekx2, Blessing of Gorumx3
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Oloch got the Stat Pump from Vailea, and was generally awful at fighting. He sat around and gave people +8 to checks.

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4, Intelligence +2
Power Feats: Weapons, 1d6+3 with Acid, Cold, Electricity, Alchemical gives 1d12; When you acquire a boon, explore again.
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Spell+1,Item+3, Blessing+1
Weapons: Enervating Pistol+3,Toxic Blunderbuss +1, Flaming Musket+2
Spells: Animate Water, Recast, Speed
Armors: Flaming Buckler Gun
Items: Magic Spyglass, Impossible Bottle, Archer's Bracers, Noxious Bomb, Potion of the Ocean, Potion of Healing, Liquid Ice, Alchemical Glue, Bottled Lightning
Allies: Lady Agasta Smythe
Blessings: Blessing of the Gods, Blessing of Mirani, Blessing of Gozreh, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Erastil

Character Name: Lini
Role Card: Aquamancer
Skill Feats: Dexterity +2, Wisdom +4
Power Feats: Light Armors, Weapons; Put animal ally on top of your deck; When you succeed at a check to recharge; Recharge to reduce damage; Add 2, against a ship.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Item+1, Ally+3, Blessing+2
Weapons: Skyrocket Crossbow, Crossbow of Retribution
Spells: Righteousness, Curex2, Holy Stone
Armors: Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Wand of Flame, Crystal of Healing Hands
Allies: Snow Leopard, Fox, Dodo, Tidepool Dragon, Baby Triceratops, Pteranodon, Monkey
Blessings: Blessing of the Gods, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Achaekek x2, Blessing of Kelizandri

Character Name: Seltyiel
Role Card: Spellblade
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Intelligence +4
Power Feats: Hand Size 6; Shuffle other card into the deck, add 3d6; If you succeed, put recharged spell on top; When you play a Sword; Discard a spell to put a weapon into your hand.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+3, Armor+1, Item+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Keen Rapier +3, Spellsword +2, Brine's Sting, Falchion +3, Aiger's Kiss
Spells: Dehydrating Touch, Hydraulic Push, Freezing Sphere, Resist Energy, Aqueous Orb, Geyser, Quickened Ray
Armors: Howling Skull Armor, Shark Skin Armor
Item: Ring of Regeneration, Hurricane Crown
Allies: Imp
Blessings: Blessing of the Gods, Blessing of Pharasma x2, Blessing of Abadar, Pirate's Favour

Your Ship: The Abrogail's Fury
Fleet: Merchantman, Shackles Pirate Ship, Man's Promise, Truewind, Devil's Pallor, Kraken, Wavecrest, Wanton Wastrel, Abrograil's Fury, Filthy Lucre

I loved the story on S&S. My daughter (Lini) hoped for more ship-to-ship combat and I felt that the locations at the end were not very punishing - but considering that the villains were, that probably made up for it.

I just finished my run through the Shackles. I played 3 characters solo and realized early that I should have chosen a character with the diplomacy skill. I pressed on anyway, losing about 6-8 times in total and didn't lose any characters to Davey Jones.

Seltyiel was my primary damage dealer, a true force with the power to discard either a 1-handed weapon or attack spell to add 3d6 to a check. Lini played support with a handful of animal allies and blessings, but could also deal decent damage with her ability to discard to use d12 for strength. Finally, Lirianne spent the entire campaign alone at her locations to ensure she could always add her 1d4+4 to combat checks at other locations.

Overall I had a blast. The campaign was interrupted by a 2+ month move overseas, but I got right back into it as soon as we moved in. I'm going to reset all the cards so I can eventually run through again, Merisiel, Damiel and Oloch are calling my name. For now though, WotR awaits!

Character Name: Lini
Role Card: Feral Druid
Skill Feats: Strength+2, Constitution+2, Wisdom+2, Charisma+1
Power Feats: hand size 6, Proficient with Light Armor, Play an animal ally put it on top of your deck, Discard a card to use d12 for strength dexterity or constitution, Use strength+1d8 for combat and add magic and melee, Add 4 against animal trait
Card Feats: Spell+2, Armor+1, Ally+3, Blessing+1
Weapons: Adamantine Trident+3
Spells: Blazing Servant, Tsunami, Holy Feast, World Wave, Divine Fortune, Geyser
Armors: Besmaran Vestments, Wilderness Studded Leather
Items: Hurricane Crown
Allies: Coral Capuchin, Snow Leopard, Rotgut, Monkey, Parrot, Old Salt, Acolyte
Blessings: Asmodeus, Kelizandri, Gorum, Abadar, Achaekek
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre (Fleet: Abrogail’s Fury, Wormwood, Blood Moon, Kraken, Devil’s Pallor, Truewind, Man’s Promise, Shackles Pirate Ship, Merchantman)

Character Name: Seltyiel
Role Card: Marauder
Skill Feats: Strength+2, Constitution+2, Intelligence+2
Power Feats: hand size 6, No added proficiencies, Play a 1-handed weapon and attack spell to recharge or shuffle one to add 3d6 to check, Discard an attack spell to add 2d6 to check against ship or barrier, Draw 1 card when discard a pirate or swashbuckling card
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Spell+2, Armor+1, Item+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Rapier+2, Keen Falcata+1, Grayflame Mace+2, Scoundrel’s Sword Cane, Keen Rapier+3, Brine’s Sting
Spells: Quickened Ray, Telekinesis, Geyser, Safe Harbor, Freezing Sphere, Dehydrating Touch
Armors: Fortified Breastplate, Besmaran Vestments
Items: Magic Spyglass, Periscope
Allies: Acolyte
Blessings: Pharasmax2, Gorumx2, Hshurha

Character Name: Lirianne
Role Card: Musketeer
Skill Feats: Dexterity+2, Constitution+2, Wisdom+2
Power Feats: hand size 5, no added proficiencies, Shuffle a card to add 1d4+4 to combat at another location, Add 3 to check with firearm trait
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Armor+2, Item+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Dagger Pistol+1, Blasting Pistol+2, Saltbox, Toxic Blunderbuss+1, Musket+2, Doubleshot Pepperbox
Spells: None
Armors: Eel Skin Armor, Shark Skin Armor, Hellknight Armor, Sniper’s Studded Leather
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Farglass, Spyglass
Allies: Dindreann, Old Saltx2
Blessings: Asmodeus, Erastil, Abadar, Achaekek, Norgorber, Hshurha

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: DEX+4, CON+1, WIS+1
Power Feats: 6 & 7 hand size, re-roll 2 dice, diplomacy skill, reveal swashbuckling card to add swashbuckling, move at end of turn when on a ship
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Aiger's Kiss, Brine's Sting, Invigorating Kukri +1, Rapier +2, Skyrocket Crossbow
Spells: --
Armors: Reflecting Buckler, Wilderness Studded Leather
Items: Besmara's Tricorne, Farglass, Gloves of Dueling (replaced by Hurricane Crown at the very end), Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Alise Grogblud, Avimar Sorrinash, Cut-Throat Grok, Pierce Jerrell, Tessa Fairwind
Blessings: Blessing of Besmara x2, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Norgorber, Pirate's Favor
Current Party Ship: ???

My group just finished our three-player game now.

Character: Alahazra
Role: Stargazer
Skill Feats: +1 Intelligence, +1 Wisdom, +4 Charisma
Power Feats: Hand size 7; you may recharge a card that has the Divine trait to examine the top card of the blessings deck or any character deck; when scrying on your turn, you may encounter the card if it is a boon; when scrying on a player's deck, that player may recharge the card; at the end of your turn, you may discard a card that has the Divine trait to allow any character at your location to add a card from his discard pile to his hand; if your combat check has the Attack trait, you may also add the Fire trait; you gain the skill Perception: Charisma +2

Spells: Cure, Divine Fortune, Holy Feast, Raise Dead, Recast, Shapechange, Vengeful Storm x2
Items: Crystal of Healing Hands, Hurricane Crown, Letter of Marque, Magic Spyglass
Allies: Imp, Master of Gales, Old Salt x2
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Besmara, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Hshurha x2, Blessing of Pharasma

Character: Lirianne
Role: Musketeer
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4, Constitution +1
Power Feats: Hand size 5, 6; sharpshooting +1, +2; if you start with no weapons in your hand, you may draw a card; when you play a weapon that has the Firearm trait, you may shuffle another such weapon into your deck to draw a card; you may discard a weapon to defeat a barrier with the Cache, Lock, or Skirmish trait.
Card Feats: Weapons +3, Items +2, Ally +1, Blessing +2

Weapons: Blasting Pistol +2, Crossbow of Retribution, Distance Musket +1, Enervating Pistol +3, Flaming Musket +2, Navigator Musket +1, Saltbox
Armor: Flaming Buckler Gun, Sniper's Studded Leather
Items: Farglass, Immortal Dreamstone, Impossible Bottle, Sniper Goggles
Allies: Arronax Endymion, Lady Cerise Bloodmourn, Pierce Jerrell, Tessa Fairwind
Blessings: Blessing of Besmara, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Norgorber, Blessing of the Gods, Pirate's Favor

Character: Seltyiel
Role: Spellblade
Skill Feats: Strength +1, Intelligence +4
Power Feats: Hand size 6; When using spell combat, you may shuffle the card instead of recharging, add 2d6; If you successfully use spell recall, you may put the spell on top of your deck instead of recharging it; when you play a weapon that has the Sword trait, you may add your Intelligence skill to your combat check; Discard a spell to put a weapon from your discard pile into your hand, or discard a weapon to put a spell from your discard pile into your hand
Card Feats: Weapons +3, Spells +3, Items +1, Allies +1

Weapons: Aiger's Kiss, Flaming Falcata +3, Humanbane Gladius +2, Skyrocket Crossbow, Spellsword +2, Venomous Pike +2 x2
Spells: Blazing Servant, Control Weather, Geyser, Quickened Ray, Recast, Seamantle, Tsunami
Armor: Howling Skull Armor
Items: Pearl of Magic, Ring of the Iron Skull
Allies: Hanelilius Fitch, Surgeon
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Asmodeus, Blessing of Pharasma

Flagship: Abrogail's Fury
Fleet: Merchantman, Man's Promise, Thresher, Kraken, Wavecrest, Wormwood, Filthy Lucre

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

We finished our 6-player game today.

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Sea Witch
Skill Feats: Constitution +1, Intelligence +4, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: hand size +2, or barrier, reduce difficulty by 2 plus deck number, add 2d4 to Fortitude, or Survival, when you close a location you may move, when you play Blessing of Hshurha recharge it.
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Spells: Tsunami, Recast, World Wave, Resist Energy, Control Weather, Dimension Leap, Phantasmal Minion, Obscure
Items: Spyglass, Impossible Bottle, Wand of Flame, Staff of Weather
Allies: Albatross x2, Baby Triceratops, Imp
Blessings: Blessing of Hshurha x5, Zogmugot
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Wisdom +2, Charisma +2
Power Feats: hand size +2, Reroll 2 when swashbuckling, Diplomacy & Craft, Reveal to add swashbuckling, move at end of turn if on ship.
Card Feats: Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +3, Blessing +1
Weapons: Aiger’s Kiss, Humanbane Gladius +2, Doubleshot Pepperbox, Enervating Pistol +3
Spells: -
Armors: Shark Skin Armor, Eel Skin Armor
Items: Hurricane Crown, Besmara’s Tricorne, Svengali’s Eye, Periscope
Allies: Haneilius Fitch, Mogmurch, Pierce Jerrell, Ambrose “Fishguts” Kroop, Rickety Hake, Corlan
Blessings: Bemara, Gozreh, Kelizandri, Achaekek, Pharasma, Norgorber
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Intelligence +2, Charisma +4
Power Feats: hand size +1, scry Blessing or character deck, may encounter a boon, discard any card to return divine to hand, Perception, Survival
Card Feats: Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +2, Blessing +2
Weapons: -
Spells: Vengeful Storm x2, Shapechange, Holy Feast, Divine Fortune, Resist Energy, Cure
Armors: Reflecting Buckler
Items: Crystal of Healing Hands, Spyglass, Token of Remembrance, Farglass
Allies: Master of the Gales, Tessa Fairwind, Mase Darimar
Blessings: Abadar, Achaekek, Milani, Norgorber, Pharasma, Sivanah, Zogmugot
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Meliski
Role Card: Brawler
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Dexterity +1, Charisma +3
Power Feats: hand size +2, reroll 2 dice, then may shuffle the location deck, for your combat check may use Strength +1d6, +1, when you succeed at combat recharge a random card
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +2, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: -
Spells: Cure, Dimension Leap, Find Traps, Quickened Ray, Shapechange, Wall of Fire
Armors: Howling Skull Armor
Items: Magic Spyglass, Spellmaster’s Tricorne, Crown of Swords, Periscope, Sea Tyrant’s Eyepatch
Allies: Old Salt x3, Pteranodon
Blessings: Abadar, Achaekek, Kelizandri, Norgorber, Zogmugot, Pirate’s Favor
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Battle Chaplain
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: +3 Hand Size, display weapons or blessings and add 2 to any check, and at the start of your turn, banish encountered ally to explore again, other characters recharge a random card when they play a blessing on a combat or Strength check
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Adamantine Trident +3, Flaming Falcata +3, Icy Boarding Pike +1, Venomous Pike +2, Seaborne Trident +1
Spells: Aid x2, Find Traps, Charm Animal
Armors: Hellknight Armor, Fortified Breastplate, Breastplate of the Deep
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Alise Grogblud
Blessings: Achaekek, Besmara, Cayden Cailean, Gorum, Milani, Norgorber, Sivanah
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Dexterity +2, Intelligence +4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Weapon proficiency, +2 to combat when discarding a card, or acid cold electricity or mental, d12 when discarding an alchemical card
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Item +3, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Crossbow of Retribution, Skyrocket Crossbow, Flaming Musket +2
Spells: Cure x2
Armors: Reflecting Buckler
Items: Bottled Lightning, Potion of Flying, Potion of Fortitude, Potion of Heroism (x2), Potion of the Ocean, Tot Flask x2, Totem Necklace
Allies: Slip, Dindreann
Blessings: Abadar, Achaekek, Gozreh, Kelizandri, Zogmugot
Your Ship: The Filthy Lucre

No deaths in our journey, though various scenarios required a second try, including the final scenario (which ran down to the very last blessing deck, used to ensure the Hurricane King was put down).

Seltyiel served as our heavy, taking down villains (and so, so many sharks at Shark Island). Jirelle did well in survival and fortitude checks. Merisiel was often a lone agent, often focused on barrier heavy areas. Lem was the utility player, providing healing and supporting with his power.

Character Name: Seltyiel
Role Card: Spellblade
Skill Feats: Strength+2, Intelligence+4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, when you play a weapon or a spell that has the Attack trait for a combat check, you may recharge or shuffle the other into your deck and add 3d6 to the check, when you play a weapon that has the Sword trait, you may add your Intelligence skill to your combat check, When you acquire a spell or weapon on your turn, you may explore again.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+3, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Brine's Sting, Spellsword +2, Humanbane Gladius +2, Falchion +3, Rapier +2
Spells: Freezing Sphere, Quickened Ray, World Wave, Wall of Fire, Dehydrating Touch, Illuminate, Skeleton Crew
Armors: Fortified Shell Armor, Fortified Breastplate
Items: Hurricane Crown, Ring of the Iron Skull
Allies: Hanelius Fitch, Rosie Cusswell
Blessings: Blessing of Hshurha, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Sivanah, Blessing of Achaekek
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Lem
Role Card: Sea Singer
Skill Feats: Dexterity+3, Intelligence+1, Charisma+3
Power Feats: +1 hand size, You may recharge a card to add 1d4+3 to any check by a character at your location, add 2d4 to your noncombat check to defeat a bane or ship
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+1, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+3, Blessing+1
Weapons: Flaming Longbow +2, Doubleshot Pepperbox, Crossbow of Retribution
Spells: Dimension Leap, Divine Fortune, Cure, Aid,
Armors: Brine Dragonhide Breastplate
Items: Ring of Wave Walking, Pearl of Magic, Crystal of Healing Hands
Allies: Rickety Hake, Lookout, Cabin Boy, Cut-throat Grok, Avimar Sorrinash, Slip, Sefina,
Blessings: Blessing of the Gods, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Sivanah, Blessing of Kelizandri
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: Dexterity+3, Wisdom+2, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, If you check has the swashbuckling trait or is against a ship, you may reroll 2 dice, You gain the skill Diplomacy Charisma +3, When you acquire a card with the pirate or swashbuckling trait, you may explore again, you may reveal a card that has the swashbuckling trait to add the swashbuckling trait to your check
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Armor+1, Item+2, Ally+3, Blessing+1
Weapons: Aiger's Kiss, Distance Musket +1, Keen Rapier +3, Skyrocket Crossbow, Flaming Musket +2
Armors: Wilderness Studded Leather, Eel Skin Armor
Items: Conch of the Tritons, Crown of Swords, Besmara's Tricorne, Svingli's Eye
Allies: Pierce Jerrell, Old Salt, Old Salt, Besmaran Priest, Alise Grogblud, Lady Agasta Smythee
Blessings: Blessing of Norgorber, Blessing of Besmara, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Besmara, Blessing of Hshurha, Pirate's Favor
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Meriseiel
Role Card: Smuggler
Skill Feats: Dexterity+4, Intelligence+2
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Weapons, You may evade your encounter and explore again if the card has the pirate or swashbuckling trait, if the only character present you may recharge a card to add 1d6+2 to your combat check, add 1d4+1 to your non-combat check
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Armor+1, Item+3, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Sword Cane Pistol +2, Falcata +1, Humanbane Crossbow +2, Invigorating Kukri +1, Scoundrel's Sword Cane
Armors: Howling Skull Armor, Fortified Breastplate
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Wand of Flame, Emerald of Dexterity, Totem Necklace, Impossible Bottle, Ring of Wave Walking, Magic Spyglass, Jalhazar's Wheel,
Allies: Mase Darimar, Giffer Tibbs, Baby Triceratops
Blessings: Blessing of Gozreh, , Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Kelizandri
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Silver Crusade

Rebel Song and I (and a friend of ours) finished our Skull & Shackles campaign on New Years Day. Alahazra was down to 2 attack spells only at one point, but given the content of adventure 6, she decided she needed to up that again.

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Wisdom +2, Charisma +4
Power Feats: 8 hand size, examine top card of blessings or character deck, examine a location deck may encounter boon, add the fire trait to attack, skills perception and survival
Card Feats: Spell +3, Armor +1, Item +2, Blessing +2
Weapons: none
Spells: Aqueous Orb, Vengeful Storm x2, Wall of Fire, Holy Feast, Cure, Divine Fortune, Raise Dead
Armors: Breastplate of the Deep
Items: Gloves of Dueling, Potion of Heroism, Magic Spyglass, Farglass
Allies: Tessa Fairwind, Dindreann, Audessa Reyquio
Blessings: Blessing of Norgorber, Blessing of Achaekek x2, Blessing of Gozreh, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Hshurha, Blessing of Cayden Cailean
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: Hand Size 6, reroll 2 dice on check with swashbuckling trait or check to defeat a ship, skills diplomacy and craft, reveal a card with the swashbuckling trait to add swashbuckling trait, if you are on a ship move at the end of your turn
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Item +2, Ally +3, Blessing +1
Weapons: Skyrocket Crossbow, Humanbane Gladius +2, Alger's Kiss, Vindictive Harpoon, Flaming Musket +2, Crossbow of Retribution
Spells: none
Armors: Eel Skin Armor
Items: Ring of Wave Walking, Besmara's Tricorne, Worn Leather Skullcap, Hurricane Crown
Allies: Surgeon, Old Salt, Ambrose "Fishguts" Kroop, Sandara Quinn, Pierce Jerrell, Barefoot Samms Toppin
Blessings: Blessing of Besmara x3, Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Kelizandri
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Hexer
Skill Feats: Intelligence +4, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: Hand Size 8, When a character at your location attempts to defeat a monster or barrier reduce the difficulty by 3 + AD, Discard any ally to return a spell, When you play a blessing of Pharasma or to acquire ally you may recharge
Card Feats: Spell +4, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: none
Spells: Force Missile, Black Spot, Geyser, Dehydrating Touch x2, Resist Energy, Blazing Servant, Quickened Ray, Shapechange, Recast
Armors: none
Items: Sapphire of Intelligence, Alkali Flask, Pearl of Magic
Allies: Rotgut, Haneilius Fitch, Baby Triceratops x2
Blessings: Blessing of the Gods, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Pharasma x4
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

My wife plays Alahazra and Merisiel; I play Feiya and Oloch.
We did not suffer any deaths through the adventure path.
Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Constitution +1, Intelligence +1, Charisma +4
Power Feats: +1 hand size; Light Armors; You may recharge a card that has the Divine trait to examine the top card of any location deck or the blessings deck or any character deck. When you use the above power to examine a card from a location deck on your turn and it is a boon, you may encounter it. At the end of your turn, you may discard a card that has the Divine trait or any card to add a card that has the Divine trait from your discard pile to your hand. If your combat check has the Attack trait, add 3 to it. You gain the skill Perception: Charisma +2.
Card Feats: Spell +3, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Spells: Cure, Holy Feast, Quickened Ray, Shapechange (x2), Tsunami (x2), Wall of Fire
Armors: Reflecting Buckler
Items: Hurricane Crown, Magic Spyglass, Wand of Flame
Allies: Audessa Reyquio, Avimar Sorrinash, Dindreann, Merrill Pegsworthy
Blessings: Abadar, Achaekek (x3), Cayden Cailean, Pharasma (x2)
Current Party Ship: The Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Sea Witch
Skill Feats: Constitution +1, Intelligence +4, Charisma +1
Power Feats: +1 hand size; When any character at your location attempts a check to acquire a spell or defeat a monster or barrier, you may recharge a card to reduce the difficulty of that check by 2 plus the adventure deck number of the recharged card, if any. You may discard a card to evade a bane that has the Aquatic trait. You may recharge a card to add 2d4 to your Fortitude check. When you close a location, you may move. When you play a Blessing of Hshurha, or you play any blessings on any check to defeat a bane that has the Aquatic trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +2
Spells: Blazing Servant, Control Weather, Dehydrating Touch, Freezing Sphere, Geyser, Resist Energy, Safe Harbor, World Wave
Items: Farglass, Pearl of Magic, Spyglass (x2)
Allies: Arronax Endymion, Mase Darimar, Slip, Surgeon, Tessa Fairwind
Blessings: Abadar, Hshurha (x5)
Current Party Ship: The Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Merisiel
Role Card: Smuggler
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Intelligence +2
Power Feats: +1 hand size; Weapons; You may evade your encounter. If the encountered card has the Pirate or Swashbuckling trait, you may immediately explore again. If you are the only character at your location, you may recharge a card to add 1d6+2 to your combat check. Add 1d4 to your non-combat check. When you acquire a card, you may give it to another character.
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Armor +1, Item +3, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Aiger’s Kiss, Crossbow of Retribution, Flaming Musket +2, Keen Rapier +3, Scoundrel’s Sword Cane
Armors: Flaming Buckler Gun, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Astrolabe, Gloves of Dueling, Jolly Roger, Periscope, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of the Sea Strider, Sniper Goggles, Svingli’s Eye
Allies: Lady Agasta Smythee, Lady Cerise Bloodmourn, Master of the Gales
Blessings: Abadar, Achaekek, Erastil, Norgorber, Pirate’s Favor
Current Party Ship: The Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Battle Chaplain
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1, Wisdom +2 (note that Oloch gained an additional skill feat via the Loot/Ally Vailea)
Power Feats: +3 hand size; When another character attempts any check, you may display any number of blessings and weapons; for each card displayed, add 2 to the check. Return the displayed cards to your hand before you reset it. Instead of your first exploration on a turn, you may reveal a blessing or armor to choose a character at your location. Shuffle 1d4+3 random cards from her discard pile into her deck, then discard the card you revealed. When you encounter an ally, you may banish it and immediately explore again.
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Falchion +3, Flaming Falcata +3, Icy Boarding Pike +1 (x2), Venomous Pike +2 (x2)
Spells: Call Weapon, Divine Fortune, Righteousness, Vengeful Storm
Armors: Buccaneer’s Breastplate, Fortified Breastplate, Hellknight Armor, Howling Skull Armor
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Jolly Roger
Blessings: Achaekek, Cayden Cailean, Gorum, Kelizandri (x2), Milani, Sivanah
Current Party Ship: The Filthy Lucre

The next step for these pirates will be Adventure 7.

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Intelligence +1, Wisdom +1, Charisma +4
Power Feats: Hand Size 8; Light Armors; When you use the above power to examine a card from a location deck on your turn and it is a boon, you may encounter it. If your combat check has the Attack trait, add 3 to it (You may also add the Fire trait). You gain the skill Perception: Charisma +2.
Card Feats: Spell +3, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Spells: Aqueous Orb, Quickened Ray, Righteousness, Shapechange, Wall of Blades, Vengeful Storm x2, Holy Feast
Armors: Besmaran Vestments
Items: Besmara's Tricorne, Ruby of Charisma, Crystal of Healing Hands
Allies: Tessa Fairwind, Haneilius Fitch, Old Salt x2
Blessings: Abadar, Achaekek, Cayden Cailean, Erastil, Gozreh, Milani, Pharasma

Character Name: Ranzak
Role Card: Kleptomaniac
Skill Feats: Dex +3, Con +1, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: Hand Size 8; Heavy Armors; Add 1d4 +3 to your check to acquire a boon; When you acquire a boon on your turn, roll 1d6, on a 3, 4, 5, or 6, explore your location; When you close a location, add a plunder card from the box to your hand; Discard a card from the blessings deck to explore your location.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Armor +1, Item +3, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Flaming Musket +2, Crossbow of Retribution, Distance Musket +1, Doubleshot Pepperbox, Navigator Musket +1
Spells: Cure, Resist Energy
Armors: Reflecting Buckler, Breastplate of the Deep
Items: Nautical Charts (had to banish the Powder Keg), Conch of the Tritons, Helpful Haversack, Ring of Regeneration, Sniper Goggles, Totem Necklace, Amulet of Fortitude
Allies: Ederleigh Baines (only ran off with things once!), Alise Grogblud
Blessings: The Gods, Pirate's Favor, Besmara, Hshurha, Erastil

We intend on descending into the Worldwound. Otherwise you'd see a Weather Staff (Staff of Weather?) and Control Weather (or two) in there, as those were extremely helpful.

Our final ship was Abrogail's Fury (reduce structural by 3? Yes please).

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

We just finished our playthough today. No deaths, though we had to play a couple of scenarios a second time (Toll of the Bell and Free Captain's Regatta, I believe)

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: DEX+3, CON+1, INT+3
Power Feats: +1 hand size, Weapon proficiency, +3 to combat when discarding a card, choice of elemental damage type, +d12 when discarding an alchemical card
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +2, Item +3, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Crossbow of Retribution, Skyrocket Crossbow
Spells: Blazing Servant, Control Weather, Cure, Vomit Twin
Armors: Fortified Breastplate
Items: Alchemy Lab, Alkali Flask, Bottled Lightning, Magic Spyglass, Potion of Flying, Potion of Healing, Potion of Heroism, Potion of the Ocean, Tot Flask
Allies: Joseph "Jack" Scrimshaw, Old Salt
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Milani (x2), Blessing of Pharasma

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: DEX+3, WIS+2, CHA+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, re-roll 2 dice, diplomacy skill, craft skill, reveal swashbuckling card to add swashbuckling, move at end of turn when on a ship
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Aiger's Kiss, Brine's Sting, Doubleshot Pepperbox, Flaming Longbow +2, Invigorating Kukri +1, Keen Rapier +3
Armors: Flaming Buckler Gun, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Besmara's Tricorne, Hurricane Crown, Immortal Dreamstone, Impossible Bottle
Allies: Alise Grogblud, Dindreann, Hanelius Fitch, Lady Agasta Smythee, Tessa Fairwind
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Besmara, Blessing of Hshurha (x2), Blessing of Norgorber, Pirate's Favor
Current Party Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Damiel's last two card feats were a spell (the Vomit Twin we acquired in the last scenario that went on to provide some clutch evasions) and a blessing for the second Milani. Jirelle's last two card feats were both weapons (I had to hold onto the Flaming Longbow +2 Damiel had acquired during the adventure, and went fishing for the Invigorating Kukri that wasn't worth holding onto with only 4 weapon slots in the deck).

6 player game: no deaths.

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Sea Witch
Skill Feats: intelligence +4, wisdom +3 (extra from the loot ally)
Power Feats: handsize +2 (8), difficulty reduction 2 (also for barriers), Recharge animals for spells, recharge for 2D4 for fortitude checks, blessing of Hshurha recharges

Weapons: -
Spells (9): Animate Water, World Wave, Wall of Fire, Resist Energy, 2x Tsunami, Blazing Servent, Control Weather, Quickened Ray
Armors: -
Items (4): Wizards hook, pearl of magic, staff of the weather, ring of sea strider
Allies (4): baby triceratops, albatross, pteranodon, master of the gales
Blessings (4): Hshurha

Ship: the one that let you burn blessing decks for extra explores and the one that added 1D12 to combat.

Not sure why our whole group only had 21 card decks when everyone else is posting 23.

Father_Dagon wrote:
Not sure why our whole group only had 21 card decks when everyone else is posting 23.

Maybe you missed the 2 card feats you gain for finishing Adventure 6, and the Adventure Path itself?

Our group of 4 characters follows. Nobody died. As a rule, we do not die (in fact, sometimes we do, but then we just start the Adventure Path over). Cards marked with a * were added at the end of “Last Stand of the Hurricane King”.

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Wisdom+1, Charisma+4
Power Feats: +1 hand size; Light Armors; You may recharge a card that has the Divine trait to examine the top card of any location deck.; When you use the above power to examine a card from a location deck on your turn, and it is a boon, you may encounter it.; At the end of your turn, you may discard a card that has the Divine trait to add a card that has the Divine trait from your discard pile to your hand (or to allow a character at your location to add a card from his discard pile to his hand).; If your combat check has the Attack trait, add 2 to it. (You may also add the Fire trait.); You gain the skill Perception: Charisma +2.
Card Feats: Spell+3, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+1, Blessing+2
Spells: Aqueous Orb, Black Spot, Blazing Servant, Control Weather, Quickened Ray, Raise Dead, Tsunami, Wall of Fire
Armors: Besmaran Vestments
Items: Crystal of Healing Hands, Jellyfish Cape*, Pearl of Magic
Allies: Audessa Reyquio*, Haneilius Fitch, Lady Agasta Smythee, Old Salt
Blessings: Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Geryon, Blessing of Hshurha, Blessing of Kelizandri, Blessing of Milani, Blessing of Pharasma, Blessing of Sivanah

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: Dexterity+4, Intelligence+2
Power Feats: +2 hand size; You may discard a card to add 1d6+3 and the Poison or Fire trait to any combat check at your location; if the discarded card has the Alchemical trait, add an additional 1d12.; When you play a card that has the Alchemical trait and would banish it, you may recharge it instead.; You gain the skills Arcane and Divine equal to your Craft skill while you play or when you would banish a spell that does not have the Attack trait.; When you acquire a boon that has the Alchemical or Liquid trait, you may immediately explore again.
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Armor+1, Item+3, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Crossbow of Retribution, Skyrocket Crossbow, Toxic Blunderbuss +1*
Spells: Skeleton Crew, Telekinesis
Armors: Goblin Buckler Gun*, Sniper’s Studded Leather
Items: Bottled Lightning, Fuse Grenade (x2), Immortal Dreamstone, Impossible Bottle, Potion of Flying, Potion of Healing, Potion of the Ocean, Sniper Goggles
Allies: Dodo, Mogmurch
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Hshurha, Blessing of Sivanah

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Shield of Gorum
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Constitution+1, Wisdom+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size; When another character attempts any check, you may display any number of blessings and weapons; for each card displayed, add 2 to the check. Return the displayed cards to your hand before you reset it (and at the start of your turn).; Instead of your first exploration on a turn, you may reveal a blessing or armor to choose a character at your location. Shuffle 1d4+2 random cards from her discard pile into her deck, then discard the card you revealed.; When another character at your location is dealt damage, you may reveal an armor to reduce that damage by 1; you may instead discard that armor to reduce the damage by 2.; When a character plays a blessing on your combat or Strength check, that character may recharge a random card from her discard pile; if the played card is Blessing of Gorum, the character may first recharge the blessing.
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Spell+1, Armor+2, Item+1, Blessing+2
Weapons: Flaming Falcata +3, Furious Broadsword +2, Icy Boarding Pike +1, Keen Falcata +1, Venomous Pike +2, Zul
Spells: Cure, Instant Armor, Raise Dead*
Armors: Besmaran Vestments, Brine Dragonhide Breastplate, Eel Skin Armor, Fortified Breastplate, Fortified Shell Armor
Items: Besmara’s Tricorne, Hurricane Crown*
Blessings: Blessing of Abadar, Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Kelizandri, Blessing of Milani, Pirate’s Favor

Character Name: Valeros
Role Card: Tactician
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Constitution+1, Charisma+1
Power Feats: +2 hand size; Add 1d4+3 to another character’s combat check at your location.; When you would discard a weapon for its power, you may recharge it instead.; You may recharge an ally to add 1 plus its adventure deck number, if any, to your combat (or non-combat) check.
Card Feats: Weapon+3, Armor+1, Item+1, Ally+2, Blessing+1
Weapons: Aiger’s Kiss, Brine’s Sting, Humanbane Gladius +2, Invigorating Kukri +1, Keen Rapier +3, Main-Gauche, Trident +1, Trident +2
Armors: Animated Shield*, Buccaneer’s Breastplate, Hellknight Armor
Items: Masterwork Tools, Ring of the Sea Strider, Skeleton Anchor*
Allies: Alise Grogblud, Avimar Sorrinash, Baby Triceratops, Dindreann, Vailea
Blessings: Blessing of Asmodeus, Blessing of Gorum (x2), Blessing of Norgorber

Fleet: class 0 (Merchantman, Shackles Pirate Ship), class 1 (The Man’s Promise, The Truewind), class 2 (The Devil’s Pallor), class 3 (The Kraken), class 4 (The Wavecrest), class 5 (The Wormwood), class 6 (The Abrogail’s Fury), class 7 (The Deathknell)

Fayries wrote:
Father_Dagon wrote:
Not sure why our whole group only had 21 card decks when everyone else is posting 23.
Maybe you missed the 2 card feats you gain for finishing Adventure 6, and the Adventure Path itself?

People playing in Society play should only have 6 card feats, finishing Adventure 6 or the Adventure path in society unlock Enora and grant the Councilor’s Ring respectively.

Character Name: Siwar
Role Card: Manipulator
Skill Feats: (Charisma)+(4), (Wisdom)+(2)
Power Feats: 7 hand size, recharge a card for 1d4+2 to another's (or your) check, May evade a bane and other random character at your location encounters, Blessings played on others checks get recharged if they succeed.
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+3, Ally+1, Blessing+1
Weapons: Returning Frost Spear +2
Spells: Dominate, Holy Feast, Major Cure, Scrying, Cure, Black Spot
Armors: none
Items: Sihedron Ring, Headband of Alluring Charisma, Ruby of Charisma
Allies: Fortune-Teller, Wayfarer, Valet, Dilettante, Troubadour, Old Salt
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek (6), Blessing of Achaekek (5), Blessing of Milani (4), Blessing of Norgorber (3), Blessing of Abadar (1), Blessing of Milani (B)

I primarily played with Arcane Pretender Flenta, Beastmaster Agna, and Necromancer Darago. Never used the Headband, my team alway allowed me to have the Tricone due to my ability to recover the team on bad luck.

Character Name: Amiri
Role Card: Unstoppable Force
Skill Feats: Str +3, Con +2, Wis +1
Power Feats: +1 Hand Size, Heavy Armors, 'Bury a card to add a d10 then you may draw a card.' 'When you defeat a barrier you may.. (Or top 3 cards). You may put examined boons... (Then you may explore).' 'When you aquire a boon, you may recharge to explore'
Card Feats: Weapon +3, Armor +2, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Frost Giant's Sword +1, Aiger's Kiss, Improvised Greatclub, Improvised Monster, Flaming Falcata +3, Shock Greatsword +2, Wounding Spear-Axe +1, Greatclub +1
Armors: Metal Spikes, Hellknight Armor, Wolfhide Armor, Buccaneer's Breastplate
Items: Ring of Rat Fangs, Orange War Paint, Astrolabe
Allies: Snow Leopard, Lady Agasta Smythee, Old Salt
Blessings: Cayden Cailen, Norgorber x2, Abadar, Milani
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Zarlova
Role Card: Scholar
Skill Feats: Con +1, Int +2, Wis +3
Power Feats: + 1 hand size, 'When you aquire... examine top (or bottom) card... if its a spell (or blessing...'. 'For your check to aquire... (or a blessing)(or any boon) you may use knowledge'. 'When you play a blessing of Nethys you may recharge it.'
Card Feats: Spell +3, Armor +1, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Spells: Divine Fortune, Wall of Fire, Quickened Ray, Recast, Vengeful Storm, Tsunami, Holy Light, Divine Blaze
Armors: Besmaran Vestments x 2
Items: Token of Remembrance, Besmara's Tricorne, Crystal of Healing Hands
Allies: Exalted, Fox, Acolyte
Blessings: Kelizandri, Achaekek, Nethys, Pharasma, Hshurha, Abadar, Gorum
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Athnul
Role Card: Keen Strike Monk
Skill Feats: Str + 1, Con + 2, Wis +3
Power Feats: +1 hand size, 'For your combat... (plus the card's adv deck number)... (you may add the magic trait)...(You may also add another d8 and the mental trait).' 'You gain the skill Divine: Wis +1.' 'When you attempt a check against...you may use your Fortitude skill...'
Card Feats: Spell +2, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +2
Spells: Major Cure, Animate Water
Items: Svingili's Eye, Amulet of Firey Fists, Ring of Regeneration, Amulet of Furious Fists, Farglass, Blood Periapt.
Allies: Albatross, Old Salt, Pteranodon, Corlan, Dindreann, Imp, Ambrose 'Fishguts' Kroop
Blessings: Pharasma, Gorum, Geryon, Abadar, Kelizandri, Achaekek, Milani, Asmodeus
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Ezren
Role Card: Evoker
Skill Feats: Dex +1, Int +4, Wis +1
Power Feats: +3 hand size, ' Add 1 to your check to recharge a card.' 'Add 2 to your arcane...(or Acid and Cold)(or Electricity and Fire).'
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +3, Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +1
Weapons: Flaming Musket +2, Blasting Pistol +2
Spells: Charm Animal, Freezing Sphere, Control Weather, Tsunami, Detect Magic x2, Life Leech, Black Spot, Lightning Bolt, Recast, World Wave
Armors: Eel Skin Armor
Items: Gloves of Dueling, Sapphire of Intelligence, Pearl of Magic, Impossible Bottle.
Allies: Alise Grogblud, Tessa Fairwind, Haneilius Fitch
Your Ship: Filthy Lucre

We managed to take out Kerdak last Friday. No deaths throughout, thanks to our most obvious MVP ever, Alahazra.
We did a goodly amount of scenarios twice, and two in particular were SUPER hard for us--Toll of the Bell took 4 tries to beat, and Sunken Treasure took 5!!

[Starred cards were added after From Hell's Heart]

Character Name: Jirelle (AKA the Loot Collector and Dealer with Ships)
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: DEX +2, WIS +3, CHA +1
Power Feats: Hand 6, Reroll 2 dice & vs. ship, Diplomacy: CHA +3, Explore on acquire Pirate/Swash, Reveal Swashbuckling, Move at end of turn
Card Feats: 5 Weapon, 2 Armor, 4 Item, 6 Ally, 6 Blessing
Weapons: Bloodcrow Rapier (promo), Blasting Pistol +2, Skyrocket Crossbow, Enervating Pistol +3, Crossbow of Retribution
Spells: ---
Armors: Animated Shield*, Howling Skull Armor
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Gloves of Dueling, Ring of the Sea Strider, Hurricane Crown
Allies: Pierce Jerrell, Tessa Fairwind, Corlan*, Lady Cerise Bloodmourn, Mase Darimar, Pteranodon
Blessings: Gods, 2 Besmara, Hshurha, Pirate's Favor, Norgorber

Character Name: Alahazra (AKA The MASH with a Radar on It and Savior of the Day)
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: INT +2, CHA +4
Power Feats: Hand 7, Light Armors, Encounter Examined Boons, Swap Any Card, Add Fire to Attack Spells, Perception/Survival: CHA +2
Card Feats: 8 Spell, 1 Armor, 4 Item, 7 Blessing
Weapons: ---
Spells: Cure, Aqueous Orb, Blazing Servant, Resist Energy, Divine Fortune, Holy Feast, Vengeful Storm, Shapechange
Armors: Eel Skin Armor
Items: Wand of Flame*, Potion of the Ocean, Magic Spyglass, Staff of Weather
Allies: Old Salt, Dindreann, Imp
Blessings: 2 Achaekek, Abadar, Gozreh, Pharasma, 2 Hshurha (1*)

Character Name: Valeros (AKA Lord of the Sea Caves and King of Promos)
Role Card: Corsair
Skill Feats: STR +3, CON +1, INT +1, CHA +1
Power Feats: Hand 6, D4+1 Combat, Shuffle Weapon, Recharge Swashbuckling, +4 vs. Pirates
Card Feats: 6 Weapon, 4 Armor, 4 Item, 5 Ally, 4 Blessing
Weapons: Frost Giant's Sword +1 (promo), Veteran's Longspear (promo) Fire Lance*, Aiger's Kiss, Flaming Falcata +3, Venomous Pike +2
Spells: ---
Armors: Fortified Shell Armor, Brine Dragonhide Breastplate*, Breastplate of the Deep, Hellknight Armor
Items: Tankard (promo), Horn of Valenhall (promo), Potion of Healing, Potion of the Ocean
Allies: Leryn (promo), Captain, Ederleigh Baines, Pteranodon, Baby Triceratops
Blessings: Gods, 3 Gorum

Character Name: Seltyiel (AKA Master Strategist and Smasher of Banes)
Role Card: Marauder
Skill Feats: STR +1, CON +2, INT +4 (Vailea)
Power Feats: Hand 7, Recharge Spellstrike 3D6, Attack Spells vs. Barriers/Ships 2D6
Card Feats: 5 Weapon, 7 Spell, 2 Armor, 2 Item, 2 Ally, 5 Blessing
Weapons: Elven Scimitar (promo), 2 Keen Falcata +1 (1*), Spellsword +2, Keen Rapier +3
Spells: Aqueous Orb, Dehydrating Touch, 2 Freezing Sphere (1*), Wall of Fire, Quickened Ray, Tsunami
Armors: Fortified Breastplate, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Arcane Robes (promo), Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Old Salt, Haneilius Fitch
Blessings: Achaekek, Abadar, Pharasma, 2 Hshurha

Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Slacker2010 wrote:
Fayries wrote:
Father_Dagon wrote:
Not sure why our whole group only had 21 card decks when everyone else is posting 23.
Maybe you missed the 2 card feats you gain for finishing Adventure 6, and the Adventure Path itself?
People playing in Society play should only have 6 card feats, finishing Adventure 6 or the Adventure path in society unlock Enora and grant the Councilor’s Ring respectively.

Slacker, I believe this thread is intended for characters that finish the Skull and Shackles box AP, not the Season of the Shackles.

Finished last night. My wife played Valeros and Lini; I played Jirelle and Damiel. Jirelle was all-around good, and Damiel settled into a routine of throwing cards left and right to support people, keeping his deck intact with his 3 Cure spells (which I only changed to Dimension Leap for the last scenario). I'm going to miss Damiel's rapid deck-cycling and Jirelle's structural damage reduction in the next playthrough, I think.

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: DEX+3, WIS+3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, reroll 2 dice vs. ship, gain Diplomacy +3, reveal to add Swashbuckling, move at end of turn
Card Feats: Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Keen Rapier +3, Skyrocket Crossbow, Old Salt's Rapier, Enervating Pistol +3
Spells: --
Armors: Howling Skull Armor, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Besmara's Tricorne, Jolly Roger, Besmara's Bones, Farglass
Allies: Alise Grogblud, Master of the Gales, Surgeon, Lady Agasta Smythee, Lady Cerise Bloodmourn
Blessings: Besmara x2, Abadar x2, Achaekek, Hshurha
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Grenadier
Skill Feats: DEX+4, INT+3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, discard to add +3 and acid/cold/etc., add d12 if Alchemical
Card Feats: Spell +1, Item +3, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Crossbow of Retribution
Spells: Cure x2, Dimension Leap
Armors: Flaming Buckler Gun
Items: Fuse Grenade, Bottled Lightning, Alkali Flask, Potion of Heroism, Potion of Flying, Tot Flask, Alchemical Glue, Potion of Glibness, Sapphire of Intelligence
Allies: Crimson Cogward, Dindreann
Blessings: Achaekek x3, Abadar x2
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Valeros
Role Card: Tactician
Skill Feats: STR +3, CON +3
Power Feats: +2 hand size, shuffle discarded weapons into deck, add 1d4+1 to another character's check, move when villain encountered, add 4 to defeat henchman or villain
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item +2, Ally +2, Blessing +1
Weapons: Furious Broadsword +2, Aiger's Kiss, Flaming Falcata +3, Venomous Pike +2, Adamantine Trident +3, Falchion +3
Spells: --
Armors: Hellknight Armor, Fortified Breastplate
Items: Ring of Regeneration, Immortal Dreamstone, Impossible Bottle, Topaz of Strength
Allies: Old Salt x2, Quartermaster, Merrill Pegsworthy, Avimar Sorrinash
Blessings: Gorum x2, Norgorber, Cayden Cailean
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Lini
Role Card: Feral Druid
Skill Feats: STR +2, WIS +4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Weapons proficiency, put animals on top of deck when played, discard card to use d12 for CON, reveal Divine card to add 1d8, add +2 to checks vs. animals
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Spell +1, Item +1, Ally +3
Weapons: Spellsword +2, Grayflame Mace +2
Spells: Vengeful Storm, Shapechange, World Wave, Cure x2
Armors: Animated Shield
Items: Crystal of Healing Hands, Magic Spyglass
Allies: Pteranodon, Sefina, Parrot, Rotgut, Monkey, Droogami, Old Salt
Blessings: Hshurha x2, Norgorber, Achaekek
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Finished earlier today, 3 character solo run. No deaths. Oloch took out Kerdak Bonefist with lots of d12's thanks to all the rechargeable blessing feats.

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Shield Of Gorum
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Wisdom+3 (Vailea)
Power Feats: +2 hand size, +2 to checks when displaying weapons or blessings, Return to hand at start of turn. reveal armor to reduce damage of allies at location. discard weapons and armors instead of burying, Characters may recharge a card from discard when playing a blessing on his combat or strength check
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +2, Armor +1, Item +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Flaming Falcata +3, Icy Boarding Pike +1, Venomous Pike +2, Adamantine Trident +3, Grayflame Mace +2, Enervating Pistol +3
Spells: Holy Feast, Wall of Blades, Righteousness, Black Spot
Armors: Howling Skull Armor, Besmaran Vestments, Hellknight Armor, Fortified Breastplate.
Items: Topaz Of strength, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: none
Blessings: Achaekek, Milani, Gorum, Abadar, Erastil, Norgorber,Sivanah
Your Ship: Man's Promise

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Sea Witch
Skill Feats: Intelligence +4, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, recharge a card to decrease difficulty by 2 and usable against barriers, Recharge a card to add 2d4 to fortitude or survival checks, recharge Blessing of Hshurha
Card Feats: Spell +4, Item +2, Blessing +2
Weapons: None
Spells: Black Spot, Freezing Sphere x2, Blazing Servant, Dehydrating Touch x2, Animate Water, Resist Energy, Quickened Ray, Wall of Fire
Armors: None
Items: Magic Spyglass, Besmara's Tricorne, Impossible Bottle, Ring of the sea strider
Allies: Coral Capuchin, Lady Agasta Smythee, Baby Triceratops
Blessings: Abadar, Pharasma. Hshurhax4

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Pirate Queen
Skill Feats: Dexterity +4, Wisdom +2
Power Feats: +3 hand size, Reroll 2 dice on swashbuckling checks, Diplomacy of Charisma +3, Reveal a card with swashbuckling to add swashbuckling, Move at end of turn if on ship
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Item +2, Ally +3, Blessing +1
Weapons: Brine's Sting, Crossbow of Retribution, Keen Rapier +3, Skyrocket Crossbow, Humanbane Gladius, Doubleshot Pepperbox
Spells: None
Armors: Flaming Buckler +3
Items: hurricane Crown, Farglass, Gloves Of Dueling, Letter of Marque
Allies: Mase Darimar, Tessa Fairwind, Pierce Jerrell, Hanelius Fitch, Audessa Reyquio, Alise Grogblud
Blessings: Pirate's Favor, Besmara, Erastil, Gorum x3

Second playthrough -- not many people still playing S&S it seems, as there's been only one post since my first playthrough.

I actually did a little role-playing with Ranzak, making rash decisions out of greed. A good moment from the finale: We'd found a villain one card from the bottom of a location deck with a few cards above him (and Bonefist was safely waiting on top of another deck thanks to Alahazra). Knowing what could happen, I took a second exploration there with Ranzak, got a boon, had to explore again, got another boon, had to explore again, etc. (we were playing that his explore again power was not optional). Ranzak finally looked up from his klepto spree to find Omara Culverin glowering down at him... Luckily he was able to use all the junk he'd just picked up to soak up the gun damage.

Ranzak was actually our 'finisher' in a lot of scenarios thanks to his own guns.

Character Name: Alahazra
Role Card: Stargazer
Skill Feats: Wisdom +2, Charisma +4
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Light Armors, Examine blessings deck or other character's deck, Encounter boons when examining, Discard any card to allow others to add card from discard pile
Card Feats: Spell +3, Item +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: --
Spells: Wall of Blades, Blazing Servant, Cure, Resist Energy, Holy Feast, Divine Fortune, Telekinesis, Shapechange
Armors: --
Items: Besmara's Bones, Crystal of Healing Hands, Ruby of Charisma
Allies: Pyromaniac Mage, Alise Grogblud, Old Salt
Blessings: Sivanah, Besmara, Kelizandri, Norgorber, Hshurha, Achaekek, Gorum
Your Ship: Wormwood

Character Name: Ranzak
Role Card: Kleptomaniac
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Wisdom +3 [Vailea]
Power Feats: +3 hand size, Add +3 to boon checks, Explore on 3-6, Attempt check to acquire boon when other character fails
Card Feats: Spell +1, Item +4, Ally +1
Weapons: Doubleshot Pepperbox, Toxic Blunderbuss +1, Distance Musket +1, Skyrocket Crossbow
Spells: Illuminate, Obscure
Armors: Reflecting Buckler
Items: Immortal Dreamstone, Onyx of Constitution, Besmara's Tricorne, Gloves of Dueling, Jolly Roger, Magic Spyglass, Staff of Minor Healing, Sea Tyrant's Patch
Allies: Lady Agasta Smythee, Pteranodon
Blessings: Achaekek, Hshurha, Erastil, Geryon
Your Ship: Wormwood

Character Name: Feiya
Role Card: Hexer
Skill Feats: Intelligence +4, Charisma +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Recharge to reduce difficulty of a check to aquire a spell or against monster or barrier by 3 plus the card's adventure deck number, Discard animal or ally to return a spell from discard, Recharge blessing of Pharasma or any blessing on a check to acquire an ally
Card Feats: Spell +4, Item +1, Ally +1
Weapons: --
Spells: Tsunami, Freezing Sphere, Aqueous Orb, Scrying x2, Quickened Ray, Life Leech, Dehydrating Touch, Recast, Icy Prison
Armors: --
Items: Letter of Marque, Wizard's Hook, Impossible Bottle
Allies: Pteranodon, Incanter, Lady Cerisa Bloodmourn, Clockwork Librarian
Blessings: Cayden Cailean, Pharasma, Milani, Sivanah
Your Ship: Wormwood

Character Name: Oloch
Role Card: Battle Chaplain
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Constitution +1, Wisdom +1
Power Feats: +2 hand size, +2 for displayed cards, return displayed cards at start of turn, automatically succeed to acquire & recharge Healing cards, characters may recharge a random card when playing blessing on his Str check
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Spell +1, Armor +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Aiger's Kiss, Adamantine Trident +3, Greatclub +3, Humanbane Gladius +2, Lucerne Hammer, Keen Rapier +3
Spells: Cure x3
Armors: Brine Dragonhide Breastplate, Fortified Breastplate, Buccaneer's Breastplate, Howling Skull Armor
Items: Ring of Wave Walking
Allies: --
Blessings: Gods, Abadar, Besmara, Gozreh, Cayden Cailean, Achaekek, Gorum, Abadar
Your Ship: Wormwood

Character Name: Agna
Role Card: Beast Master
Skill Feats: Strength +4, Dexterity +1, Wisdom +2 [Vailea]
Power Feats: +2 hand size, ...add 1d6+1..., You may reveal...to add 1d4+2..., When you play a blessing...
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Item+1, Ally+3, Blessing +2
Weapons: Rapier +2, Keen Rapier +3, Flaming Falcata +3, Old Salt's Rapier +2, Falchion +3
Armors: Reflecting Buckler
Items: Topaz of Strength, Jolly Roger, Hurrican Crown
Allies: Fox, Dodo, Rotgut, Monkey, Haneilius Fitch, Pteranodon, Baby Triceratops
Blessings: Milani, Milani, Milani, Milani, Abadar, Abadar
Current Party Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Meliski
Role Card: Brawler
Skill Feats: Strength +2, Dexterity +1, Charisma +3
Power Feats: +1 hand size, ...or 2 dice..., Then you may shuffle..., You may play up to 2 blessings...and recharge them..., For your combat check..., When you succeed at...
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+2, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2
Weapons: Grayflame Mace +2
Spells: Cure, Cure, Strength, Speed, Aid, Quickened Ray
Armors: Besmaran Vestments
Items: Ruby of Charisma, Spellmaster's Tricorne, Crown of Swords, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Sandara Quinn, Lady Agasta Smythee, Dindreann, Barracuda Aiger
Blessings: Cayden Cailean, Cayden Cailean, Gorum, Gorum, Gorum, Gorum
Current Party Ship: Filthy Lucre

Character Name: Angban
Role Card: Gun Tank
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Constitution +1, Intelligence +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, ...or buried armor..., Gain the skill CRAFT..., Reduce damage..., At the start of your turn... You may ...
Card Feats: Weapon +2, Item +3, Ally +1, Blessing +1
Weapons: Toxic Blunderbuss +1, Navigator Musket +1, Saltbox, Skyrocket Crossbow, Blasting Pistol +2, Flaming Musket +2, Crossbow of Retribution
Armors: Fortified Breastplate, Fortified Breastplate, Flaming Buckler Gun
Items: Onyx of Constitution, Besmara's Tricorne, Ring of the Iron Skull, Sniper Googles, Impossible Bottle, Immortal Dreamstone
Allies: Barefoot Samms Toppin, Tessa Fairwind
Blessings: Sivanah, Sivanah, Erastil, Achaekek
Current Party Ship: Filthy Lucre

The second half of the AP was smoother sailing for the dwarven party, at least when the scenarios were designed fairly. Still, this set has been the least fun for me so far - don't know if I played worse, the party was chosen worse or its the AP itself.

I found some old documentation when we passed Skull&Shackles for the second time. We started as a party of four, but Seltyiel player lost interest in playing.

Character Name: Jirelle
Role Card: Duelist
Skill Feats: Dex +4, Con +1, Wis +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, For your check that has or is against a card that has the Finesse trait, you gain the skill Melee: Dexterity +3. If your check has the Swashbuckling trait you may reroll 1 die (or 2 dice) on your check. When you defeat a monster on your turn, and your check to defeat has the
Swashbuckling trait, you may discard (or recharge) a card to immediately explore. You may recharge an ally to recharge a random card
from your discard pile.
Card Feats: weapon +1. armor +1, item +2, ally +2
Weapons: Aegir's Kiss, Brine's Sting, Keen Rapier +3, Skyrocket Crossbow, Returning Frost Spear +2
Armors: Ophidian Armor, Flaming Buckler Gun
Items: Besmara's Tricorne, Svingli's Eye, Ring of Regeneration, Ring of the Iron Skull
Allies: Rosie Cuswell, Audessa Reyquio, Eagle, Dwarf Kaiman, Ataxian
Blessings: Milani, Cayden Cailean, Besmara, Besmara, Pirate's Favor
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Feyia
Role Card: Hexer
Skill Feats: Int +4, Wis+2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, When any character at your location attempts a check to acquire a spell or defeat a
monster (or barrier), you may recharge a card to reduce the difficulty of that check by 2 plus the adventure deck number of the recharged card, if any. When you succeed at a Craft check (or play a spell that has the Arcane trait), you may examine the top card of your deck; if it’s a spell (or ally), you may add it to your hand.
Card Feats: spell+4, item+1, ally+1
Spells: Augury, Bewilder, Tsunami, Tsunami, Scrying, Life Leech, Freezing Sphere, Animate Water, Quickened Ray, Dehydrating Touch
Items: Hurricane Crown, Impossible Bottle, Immortal Dreamstone
Allies: Merchant, Evangelist Clockwork Owl, Old Salt
Blessings: Norgorber, Norgorber, Lamashtu, Milani
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Character Name: Damiel
Role Card: Chirurgeon
Skill Feats: Dex +4, Int +2
Power Feats: +2 hand size, Heavy Armors, Weapons, You may discard a card to add 1d6+2 and the Poison or Fire trait to any combat check at your location; if the discarded card has the Alchemical trait, add an additional 1d6. You may recharge an item that has the Alchemical trait to add 1d4 to your check.
Card Feats: spell+2, item+3, ally+1
Weapons: Venomous Heavy Crossbow +2
Spells: Cure, Holy Feast, Augury, Seamantle
Armors: Fortified Breastplate
Items: Bottled Lightning, Bottled Lightning, Potion of Healing, Potion of Healing, Potion of Heroism, Potion of Heroism, Liquid Ice, Liquid Ice, Alkali Flask
Allies: Pteranodon, Haneilius Fitch
Blessings: Abadar, Milani, Erastil, Cayden Cailean
Your Ship: Abrogail's Fury

Scarab Sages

“Three cheers for the newly crowned Hurricane Queen, Jirelle! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray!”

Character Name: Jirelle.
Role Card: Pirate Queen.
Skill Feats: Dexterity +3, Intelligence +1, Wisdom +2, Charisma +1.
Power Feats: +1 hand size…If your check has the Swashbuckling trait (or is a check to defeat a ship), you may reroll 1 (or 2 dice); you must take the second result…You gain the skill Diplomacy (and Craft): Charisma +3…When you acquire a card that has the Pirate or Swashbuckling trait, you may immediately explore again…You may reveal a card that has the Swashbuckling trait to add the Swashbuckling trait to your check.
Card Feats: Weapon +1, Armor +1, Item +2, Ally +3, Blessing +1.
Weapons: Aiger’s Kiss, Crossbow of Retribution, Keen Rapier +3, Keen Rapier +3, Old Salt’s Rapier +2.
Spells: none.
Armors: Eel Skin Armor, Reflecting Buckler.
Items: Besmara’s Tricorne, Hurricane Crown, Ring of Regeneration, Svingli’s Eye.
Allies: Cut-Throat Grok, Haneilius Fitch, Lady Agasta Smythee, Lady Cerise Bloodmourn, Merrill Pegsworthy, Tessa Fairwind.
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Besmara, Blessing of Besmara, Blessing of Erastil, Blessing of Norgorber, Pirate’s Favor.
Your Ship: Abrogail’s Fury.

Character Name: Oloch.
Role Card: Shield of Gorum.
Skill Feats: Strength +3, Wisdom +3.
Power Feats: +1 hand size…When another character attempts any check, you may display any number of blessings and weapons; for each card displayed add 2 to the check. Return the displayed cards to your hand before you reset it and at the start of your turn…When another character at your location is dealt damage, you may reveal an armor to reduce that damage by 1; you may instead discard that armor to reduce the damage by 2…When you would bury an armor or weapon, you discard it instead…When a character plays a blessing on your combat or Strength check that character may recharge a random card from her discard pile; if the played card is Blessing of Gorum, the character may first recharge the blessing.
Card Feats: Spell +2, Armor +2, Item +1, Ally +1, Blessing +2.
Weapons: Falchion +3, Flaming Falcata +3, Grayflame Mace +2, Venomous Pike +2.
Spells: Cure, Cure, Quickened Ray, Shapechange.
Armors: Breastplate of the Deep, Brine Dragonhide Breastplate, Buccaneer’s Breastplate, Fortified Breastplate, Fortified Breastplate.
Items: Masterwork Tools, Topaz of Strength.
Allies: Rickety Hake.
Blessings: Blessing of Achaekek, Blessing of Cayden Cailean, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Gorum, Blessing of Gorum.
Your Ship: Abrogail’s Fury.

My daughter and I had a lot of fun playing this game. I really enjoyed watching my daughter get into the roleplaying aspect of the game, which is why she kept choosing mental attributes for Jirelle rather than maxing out her Dexterity. It is also why she added two allies at the close of the game; she really liked the idea of the new Hurricane Queen having a bunch of loyal followers and friends to help her rule.

I ran Oloch as pretty much a straight support character that might kill a monster every turn or so. We were rarely at the same location, or I would have put more into his ability to negate damage for Jirelle.

First, blind playthrough of SnS. No party deaths, no scenario replays. Party valued damage reduction on ship more than any other ship ability. Everyone in party ended up pulling their weight pretty well but Lini by far was the MVP. I think it started fairly rough and then hit a smooth point until about AD3-AD4 when barriers started getting particularly nasty. By time AD6 rolled around the party was smooth sailing again. Most henchman/villain combat checks weren't terribly difficult throughout

Overall, I enjoyed SnS more than RotR. I didn't really care for the ship mechanic, but I thought the difficulty had increased a bit which I enjoyed. Next up: first playthrough of WotR.

Character Name: Merisiel, rogue
Role Card: Shadow
Skill Feats: Dexterity+4, Constitution+2
Power Feats: +1 Hand size; Weapon Proficiency; Sneak Attack 1d6+1 ([X]and discard for additional 1d6); Monster “before” ([X]or After] damage reduced to 0; You may evade your encounter and if it is a boon […];
Card Feats: Weapon+2, Ally+1, Blessing+1, Item+2, Armor+1, Spell+1
Weapons: Skyrocket Crossbow, Crossbow of Retribution, Old Salt’s Rapier+2, Enervating Pistol+3, Doubleshot Pepperbox
Spells: Black Spot
Armors: Shark Skin Armor, Reflecting Buckler
Items: Masterwork Tools, Emerald of Dexterity, Amulet of Fortitude, Ring of Wave Walking, Sniper Goggles, Skeleton Anchor, Magic Spyglass
Allies: Ambrose “Fishguts” Kroop, Tessa Fairwind, Lady Cerise
Blessings: BoAbadar x3, BoMilani x2
Ship: Abrogail’s Fury


Character Name: Valeros, fighter
Role Card: Tactician
Skill Feats: Strength+4, Constitution+2,
Power Feats: +2 Hand size; 1d4+2 to ally combat check; Move when Villain encountered; Recharge ally to add 1 plus it’s AD to combat [or noncombat] check
Card Feats: Item+2, Blessing+1, Armor+2, Weapon +2, Ally+1
Weapons: Seaborne Trident+1, Humanbane Gladius+2, Furious Broadsword+2, Falchion+3, Adamantine Trident+3, Venomous Pike+2, Keen Rapier+3
Spells: n/a
Armors: Reflecting Buckler, Fortified Breastplate, Breastplate of the Deep, Hellknight Armor
Items: Topaz of Strength, Besmara’s Tricorne, Totem Necklace, Jolly Roger
Allies: Old Salt x2, Pierce Jerrell, Master of the Gales
Blessings: BoAchaekek x2, BoCaydenCailean x2
Ship: Abrogail’s Fury


Character Name: Feiya, witch
Role Card: Sea Witch
Skill Feats: Intelligence+4, Constitution+2
Power Feats: +2 Hand size; check to acquire a spell or defeat a monster (*or barrier)… reduce difficulty by [*2]; Recharge BoHshurha; When you Close a location, you may move; You may recharge ally with animal trait to return spell from discard pile to hand;
Card Feats: Spell+4, Item+2, Blessing+2
Weapons: n/a
Spells: Wall of Fire, Freezing Sphere x2, Resist Energy x2, Dimension Leap, Quickened Ray, Tsunami, World Wave, Shapechange
Armors: n/a
Items: Jalhazar’s Wheel. Sapphire of Intelligence, Impossible Bottle, Ring of Regeneration
Allies: Old Salt, Pteranodon, Mase Darimar
Blessings: BoHshurha x5, BoPharasma
Ship: Abrogail’s Fury


Character Name: Lini, Druid
Role Card: Aquamancer
Skill Feats: Wisdom+4. Strength+3
Power Feats: +2 Hand size; Weapon Proficiency; Light Armors proficiency; put animal allies on top of deck; Recharge a card to reduce Acid, Cold Electricity, or Fire damage deal to you by 2;
Card Feats: Weapon+1, Spell+2, Ally+2, Blessing+2, Item+1
Weapons: Flaming Falcata+3, Venomous Pike+2
Spells: Cure, Black Spot, Holy Feast, Control Weather, Shapechange, Vengeful Storm
Armors: Fortified Breastplat)
Items: Bag of Sticks, Immortal Dreamstone,
Allies: Parrot x2, Dodo, Pteranodon, Rotgut, Monkey
Blessings: BoSivanah x2, BoNorgorber x2, BoAbadar x2
Ship: Abrogail’s Fury


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