No. It is not normally possible to use lethal grenades or missiles to deal nonlethal damage.
No, the attack automatically hits. This includes using ranged injection weapons to deliver biohacks, weapons with the shield property, or two willing characters engaged in a rowdy punching contest. Note that an attack roll is not automatic when it's against a creature who is willing only because of a mind-affecting effect, but such creatures may still be willing to accept beneficial effects that require an attack roll.
Tiny and diminutive characters take up less than 1 square of space and have a natural reach of 0 feet. A creature with a reach of 0 feet can only attack another creature using a melee attack if they occupy the same square as that creature or are being grappled by that creature. Tiny or smaller characters can occupy the same square as other creatures, but entering or leaving the square of an enemy with a natural reach of 5 feet or more provokes an attack of opportunity. You can use the tumble action to attempt to move into a space threatened by an enemy without provoking attacks of opportunity.
Most weapon fusions do not apply to other weapons attached using an accessory such as a bayonet bracket (Starfinder Armory page 58). However, the called fusion is an exception and, when installed on a weapon with attached weapons, will teleport both the primary and attached weapons into your hand. If the fusion seal is installed on the weapon attached to your firearm, the attached weapon will become removed and teleport into your hand without the firearm.
The titan shield armor upgrade extends three squares worth of distance, even if used by a large creature.
In most cases these abilities will only target one creature, and therefore the attack resolves as though only one creature (the target of your ability) is affected. In the case of the explode weapon property, the attack roll only applies to the attack against the grid intersection, but additional damage can be applied to the creature closest to the targeted intersection (the same creature that would take extra damage if you scored a critical hit). Note that as per the existing FAQ, you must still use the creature with the highest CR to determine the DC of your skill check with trick attack.
The target is flat-footed only against the single attack modified by the trick attack. This means the target cannot use reactions triggered by the attack, but can still use a reaction triggered by any other action the operative takes that turn. Once the operative is 4th level and gains the debilitating trick class feature (page 94), the operative can additionally cause the target hit by a trick attack to have the normal flat-footed or off-target condition until the beginning of the operative's next turn.
Yes. It is assumed that all species have access to rations that can sustain those species with the same bulk and price.
If multiple effects would reduce or ignore hardness, apply only the effect that reduces or ignores the most hardness.
NPCs with the encumbered or overburdened conditions have their speeds reduced, take a –5 penalty to Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks, and ignore the reduction to maximum Dexterity bonus to Armor Class (an NPC's Armor Class is not calculated the same way as a player character's).
Yes. For example, to deal additional damage with the plasma sheath revelation (a photon revelation), a solarian must be photon-attuned.
First and foremost, the GM can usually quickly decide whether a creature has cover based on the circumstances of the encounter. Common sense rules the day!
If the GM is unsure, they can use the rules for measuring cover provided in the Core Rulebook. For these purposes, a measuring line that passes along a wall (but not a creature) is considered to pass through a square or border that provides cover.
When you use the overcharge mechanic trick with a powered melee weapon, subtract 3 rounds (18 seconds) from the powered weapon’s duration (instead of using additional charges). This trick can’t be used if the weapon’s battery does not have at least 3 rounds of duration left.
When an effect describes Hit Point damage or a loss of Hit Points, that value is subtracted directly from a character’s Hit Points and does not affect their Stamina Points.
Fusions can be placed on any ammunition; such a fusion functions until the standard number of charges/cartridges (listed in the ammunition's table entry) have been used. For example, a fusion on a high-capacity battery lasts for 40 charges and then is destroyed, regardless of whether or when the battery is recharged.
Fusions placed on ammunition cease functioning if used in a weapon disallowed by the fusion, or if used in a weapon when the total levels of the weapon and ammunition's fusions exceeds that of the weapon.
Fusions with limited usage apply to ammunition as well and are considered on a per-weapon basis. For example, a given weapon can benefit from the entangling fusion only once per day, whether that fusion is on the weapon itself or its ammunition.
Yes, until the telepathic creature ends communication.
The special unarmed strike made with powered armor does not count as archaic and can be improved by the Improved Unarmed Strike feat.
A character with multiple unarmed strikes can choose which to use, though note that Large or larger powered armor requires the use of all of a character’s hands, and that may restrict some characters to certain unarmed strikes.
The armor storm soldier’s hammer fist ability is optional; the soldier can use other unarmed strikes available to them instead.
Armor upgrades installed in light armor do not function while their wearer is wearing powered armor. Augmentations function normally.
Effects (including abilities and spells) that change a creature’s speeds do not affect the speeds of powered armor that creature is wearing; the powered armor's speeds replace the creature's. A creature wearing powered armor can use the speeds (both type and distance) only of its powered armor.
Yes. If a creature moves or is moved out of its space, it provokes attacks of opportunity (unless otherwise stated).
No. Once you have stabilized, you no longer lose Resolve Points (unless you take damage again). The full rules for Injury and Death on page 250 are correct.
The entry on page 167 is correct. You can carry up to half your Strength score in bulk without being encumbered.
No. When determining what abilities affect an android, and how, replace the first sentence of the constructed ability with the following. "For effects targeting creatures by type, androids count as both constructs and humanoids (whichever type allows an ability to affect them for abilities that affect only one type, and whichever is worse for abilities that affect both types)."
Yes. If you spend 1 Resolve Point when using this ability, you grant +2 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls against all enemies who are within 60 feet.
Once per day, a mechanic can take 10 minutes to repair their drone, which then recovers 10% of its Hit Point maximum. Additionally, any time a mechanic takes a 10-minute rest and spends a Resolve Point to recover their Stamina Points, they can also choose to repair their drone as part of that same time period. This is an exception to the normal rule that you cannot perform any tasks while taking a 10-minute rest to recover your Stamina Points. The repair drone mechanic trick increases the amount the mechanic's drone recovers when it is repaired (in either way) to 25% of its maximum Hit Points.
No, a hover drone is an exception to the normal rules for weapons built for Tiny creatures. Combat, hover, and stealth drones with melee weapon arms or weapon mounts can use weapons designed for Small or Medium creatures without penalty for their size.
A drone that takes the flight system mod twice gains perfect maneuverability. This allows hover drones to hover.
The target is flat-footed only against the single attack roll of the trick attack. Once the operative is 4th level and gains the debilitating trick class feature (page 94), the operative can additionally cause the target hit by a trick attack to have the normal flat-footed or off-target condition until the beginning of the operative's next turn.
Yes, you can use any appropriate skill (those granted by the trick attack ability or your specialization anytime you attempt a trick attack) to determine if your trick attack does extra damage and applies any penalty.
If you have debilitating sniper, or any other special ability that specifically allows you to use trick attack with a sniper weapon, using trick attack with a sniper rifle counts as taking a move action to aim the weapon to use the range increment listed in the sniper weapon special ability. You can do this even with unwieldy sniper weapons.
You must attempt the bull rush to get the fire damage. You cause the fire damage even if the bull rush fails.
Creatures take the fire damage for every square they enter that is part of the trail of flames.
An armor upgrade from this bonus slot sells at 10% of the reduced cost. If you move an armor upgrade from this bonus slot to another slot, you must pay the difference between the armor upgrade's reduced cost and its normal cost.
Either skill can identify hybrid items, using the same DCs as for technological (for Engineering) or magic (Mysticism) items.
Thrown weapons includes all weapons with the thrown special weapon property (such as carbonedge shurikens), and all weapons that note they are thrown weapons in their description (such as grenades). Thrown weapons add the attacker's Strength modifier to attack rolls, and calculate the save DC of any critical effect or explode special property as 10 + half the weapon's item level + attacker's Strength modifier, unless they specify otherwise.
The exception to the normal rules for calculating the save DC of thrown weapons is grenades. As stated on page 183 in the description for grenades, the save DC for a grenade equals 10 + half the grenade's item level + attacker's Dexterity modifier.
No. Each personal upgrade you have must apply to a different ability score.
The save DC of a spell from a spell ampoule or cast from a spell gem equals 10 + spell level + the modifier of the user's key ability score.
No. Grenades are single-use weapons that are destroyed when used.
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