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Pathfinder Battles: Bestiary Unleashed Again

We have a new release date from WizKids for their Pathfinder Battles: Bestiary Unleashed pre-painted plastic miniatures—October 6. You can find them at your favorite local game store and the Paizo Store soon!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Second Edition

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Pathfinder Battles: Bestiary Unleashed Set List

The next set of Pathfinder Battles pre-painted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids is just a few weeks away, and that means that we’ll be generating orders for our Pathfinder Battles case subscribers sometime early next month. It’s not too late to sign up for a subscription if you’d like a full case (or two!) sent straight to you from our warehouse. Keep on the lookout for previews of individual figures and unboxings of boosters and bricks in the coming weeks (which we’ll make sure to post about on our various social media channels).

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Second Edition

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Darklands Rising: From the Vaults

This week, we conclude our preview of the forthcoming Pathfinder Battles: Darklands Rising set of prepainted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids. Before we get into looking at the final figures in the set, I wanted to provide an update on Darklands Rising’s release. Due to a number of logistical issues, some game distributors have not received their orders of Darklands Rising, so WizKids has pushed the release date back 2 weeks to February 3, 2021. This should give the remaining product time to make it to distributors and then to retail stores in time for everyone to have the same street date. We hope this won’t cause anyone any problems, and thank the community for your understanding.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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The Last Minis Preview (of 2020)

The Paizo offices (or our home offices, I guess) may be closed for the holidays, but that doesn’t mean we can’t show off some of the great new minis coming next month in WizKids’s Pathfinder Battles: Darklands Rising set of prepainted plastic miniatures.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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A Few Nightmares Before Christmas

We’re just a few days from the most magical day of the year, but for Pathfinder players, every day is filled with magic, be it a healing potion, consecrated ground around a Pharasmin temple keeping the restless dead at bay, or a tactically cast wall of fire spell. As we delve deeper into the Pathfinder Battles: Darklands Rising set of prepainted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids, it’s hard to think about all that right now. I’m downright terrified of some of the creatures that lurk below. So, of course, I’m going to share some of them with you now!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Those Who Dwell in the Depths

Last week we got our first glimpse into the myriad creatures included in the forthcoming Darklands Rising set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids. But there are still such wonders to explore in these unplumbed depths! There’s no rest for the wicked—especially among demon-worshiping drow and daemon-loving urdefhans—so let’s dive in!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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What’s Better Than One Large Mini in a Booster?

It’s been a while since I last previewed a set of Pathfinder Battles pre-painted plastic miniatures from WizKids, but I’m back for a year-end surprise. A few weeks ago, I got an email from one of our primary contacts at WizKids that Pathfinder Battles: Darklands Rising, originally announced for an April 2021 release, was actually going to be in and ready for release in January. “Would that be a problem for you?” he asked. No. No it wouldn’t. The more minis we can get, the sooner we can get them, the better!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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New Pathfinder Battles Deep Cuts Are Here!

This week, our partners at WizKids released the thirteenth wave of Pathfinder Battles Deep Cuts unpainted plastic miniatures. Thirteen! I can’t believe our little baby is a teenager already. As we approach the darkest, coldest (and likely most socially distanced) part of winter, I imagine a lot of folks are going to have some free time to paint minis, and we’ve got you covered!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Pathfinder Battles: Bring Your PC to Life!

Fans of prepainted plastic gaming miniatures are no doubt familiar with the high-quality premium figures from our partners at WizKids, most notably the various Iconic Heroes sets we’ve released over the years. With the finest attention to detail of any mini in the Pathfinder Battles line, these figures raised the bar of what a prepainted miniature could be.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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New Minis for the Big City

The Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens, Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens Premium Figure Adult Red & Black Dragons, and Pathfinder Battles: Thieves Guild Premium Set, prepainted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids, are now available!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Don't Go Beyond The Wall

Well, Pathfinders, we did it. We’ve made it to the final preview blog of the forthcoming Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens set of prepainted plastic miniatures from our friends at WizKids. As each of our previews thus far have featured a theme, I couldn’t resist finishing out the series with a look at some of the monstrous inhabitants of the Isle of Kortos who can challenge parties venturing beyond Absalom’s impenetrable walls.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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These Are The People In Your Neighborhood

We’re more than halfway through our blog series previewing the forthcoming [Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens set of pre-painted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids, and I think players are going to love this particular batch of minis especially (though GMs should find plenty here to use from their side of the screen as well). This week we look at the humanoid figures in the set, featuring a variety of ancestries perfect for any urban campaign!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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More Premiumer Than Ever Before!

Last week I promised that we’d have a blog showing off the premium figures coming out in next month’s Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens set of prepainted plastic miniatures from WizKids. Unlike a normal set, which comes with a single premium figure (or scene set) that’s directly tied to the purchase of an entire case of minis, this set features not one, but two different premium products.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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The City Below The City

Last week we started our look at the myriad figures in the City of Lost Omens set of prepainted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids, and I left you with the promise of divulging the denizens of the many layers of man-made, monster-made, and natural caverns below Absalom this week. Let’s dig in, shall we?

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Tags: Extinction Curse Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Minis at the Center of the World

It seems like it’s been forever since I made one of these preview posts, and I guess it has (and not just because every day seems like a month since everyone started working from home). There’s been a long wait for the next set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids, but the wait is soon over. Pathfinder Battles: City of Lost Omens is slated for late June, and every indication I’ve heard so far points to it releasing on time. So without further ado, let’s get into it, shall we?

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Tags: Lost Omens Gods & Magic Miniatures Pathfinder Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Trick or Treat! October New Releases

Whether haunted, fumbling, flooded, subterranean, consumed, flaming, or maniacal—we have concocted some goodies for you this month!

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Tags: Age of Ashes Attack of the Swarm Dawn of Flame Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Starfinder Roleplaying Game

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Beasts of Legend

Here we are at the last preview of the forthcoming Pathfinder Battles: Legendary Adventures set of pre-painted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids. Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen all the Huge creatures and the player character- and NPC-appropriate figures in the set, but we’ve still got some of the set’s most menacing foes to show off today!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles WizKids

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Ancestries Abound

Over the last few weeks, we’ve looked at a number of monsters featured in the upcoming Pathfinder Battles: Legendary Adventures set of pre-painted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids, but we haven’t yet jumped into the many player-character options the set supports. Luckily, when we were gearing up for the launch of Pathfinder Second Edition, we asked iconic Pathfinder artist Wayne Reynolds to produce some concept art of what the various ancestries of the game would look like if designed from the ground up. This resulted in some slight changes in proportions among halflings and dwarves, for example, that we wanted to make sure were reflected in the earliest set released after Second Edition’s launch.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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It Takes A Village

Last week we started looking at the forthcoming Pathfinder Battles: Legendary Adventures set of pre-painted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids. This week we’ll explore the Goblin Village premium set that releases alongside the Huge booster-based set.

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Tags: Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Legendary Adventures Await!

Back in February, we announced the next set of Pathfinder Battles pre-painted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids—Legendary Adventures—and showed off a handful of the figures in the set, including the Huge dragon turtle and some of the pieces of the Goblin Village premium set releasing at the same time.

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Tags: Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game WizKids

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Pathfinder Battles: Remembering the Fallen

Now that we've shown off all the figures in the standard Ruins of Lastwall set of prepainted plastic miniatures over the past few weeks, that leaves just the premium set for today's blog. Over the history of the line, we've switched between extra-large figures like dragons and giants and hydras and themed dungeon dressing like the Rusty Dragon Inn and the Court of the Crimson Throne. For Ruins of Lastwall, we suggested a cemetery set to WizKids, who at first seemed hesitant to do it (we later learned that they were doing a similar set in their Icons of the Realms product line). When they heard the pieces we wanted to include, however, they got really excited. The end result is one of the most impressive sets of dungeon dressing I think I've ever seen.

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Tags: Licensed Products Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Ruins of Lastwall

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Pathfinder Battles: Undead Hoard

Yes, yes, I know. That's not the right version of "horde." But hear me out! No army of undead is complete without a veritable dragon's trove of minion figures to inundate the battlefield with. So while the minis represent a horde of undead, you, dear reader, are going to amass a hoard of these phenomenal figures from the forthcoming Pathfinder Battles: Ruins of Lastwall set from WizKids (now due out in May).

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Pathfinder Battles: Hail the Living God!

This week's preview of Pathfinder Battles: Ruins of Lastwall examines the faith of one of Golarion's newest deities. Fewer than 50 years ago, the masked man known as Razmir appeared in the River Kingdom of Melcat, and declared himself a god after having passed the Test of the Starstone. Since that fateful day, he has raised a nation in Melcat's place that bears his name—Razmiran—and stretches all the way to the shores of Lake Encarthan. All who live there are required to worship him and pay harsh tithes to his church. Because PCs are likely lining up to join his growing cult, we thought we'd give them some minis to use!

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Pathfinder Battles: So Many Bugs!

Paizo is closed today due to inclement weather (better safe than sorry), but that won't keep me from showing off a few new figures from the forthcoming Pathfinder Battles: Ruins of Lastwall set, due out in April. I'll keep the commentary short, however, since everyone is working from home.

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Tags: Licensed Products Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Ruins of Lastwall

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex (OGL)

Pathfinder Battles: A Huge Announcement!

This week, WizKids—our longtime partner for prepainted plastic Pathfinder miniatures—announced the first set to be released after the launch of Pathfinder Second Edition in August of this year. Pathfinder Battles: Legendary Adventures features 44 figures ranging in size from Small to Huge based on all new concept art for the next evolution of Pathfinder, much of it by iconic artist Wayne Reynolds himself!

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Pathfinder Battles: Embracing Darkness

Well, we're at the halfway point of our series of blogs previewing the contents of the forthcoming Pathfinder Battles: Ruins of Lastwall prepainted plastic miniature set from WizKids. I've shown off the crusaders of Lastwall and their celestial allies, the agents of the lich lord known as the Whispering Tyrant, and the extraplanar exemplars of balance. Today we take a look at a handful of creatures that aren't necessarily involved in the conflict between the tyrant and the people of Lastwall but who nevertheless have embraced the forces of darkness.

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Pathfinder Battles: Champions of Balance

So far in our look into the forthcoming Ruins of Lastwall set of prepainted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids, we've seen the agents of undeath working to tighten the Whispering Tyrant's grasp on the Inner Sea region and the noble defenders of Lastwall who dedicate their lives to keeping the lich and his forces at bay. Today we look at the forces of balance caught in the middle of the conflict between good and evil.

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Pathfinder Battles: Agents of Undeath

Last time we looked at previews of April's Pathfinder Battles: Ruins of Lastwall set from WizKids, we saw the amassed forces of good defending the world from the Whispering Tyrant's minions. Those are all well and good (pun intended) for PCs and their allies, but what fun toys does the set hold for GMs?

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Tags: Licensed Products Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Ruins of Lastwall

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Pathfinder Battles: Shining Crusaders

Welcome to 4719, Pathfinders! We in the Paizo word mines are hard at work putting together a huge slate of new products for the year but that doesn't mean that I can't take a few minutes to show off some of the new figures coming out this April in the next set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids.

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Tags: Licensed Products Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Ruins of Lastwall

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Things Get Weird

Well folks, we did it. We made it to the final Pathfinder Battles: Kingmaker preview. Were there delays and complications along the way? Sure. But no kingdom rises from nothing without pain and struggle. And I couldn't have done it without you, fair citizens. Your taxes will go to the establishment of nothing but the finest of statues in my hon—...wait, it wasn't me that got king-made? That means I have to do my job and show off these last few minis, doesn't it?

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Tags: Kingmaker Licensed Products Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Brigands Abound

Why the River Kingdoms are called such has always puzzled me, given that rivers are only the second most plentiful resource in the region behind bandits and other ne'er-do-wells who find the largely lawless lands a safe place to practice their chicanery. Thus, no adventure set in the region would be complete without its fair share of cutpurses and footpads, and the Kingmaker Adventure Path is no exception. As such, it seemed only natural to include a number of these nefarious characters in the associated Pathfinder Battles: Kingmaker set coming out later this month.

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Untamed Wilderness

Much of the Kingmaker Adventure Path's story involves wilderness exploration and the taming of an untamable land. So of course we had to include a lot of "wilderness monsters" in Pathfinder Battles: Kingmaker.

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Heavy Weighs the Crown

First, we have the Stag Lord, a Medium uncommon figure, who is in charge of the Stolen Lands when the PCs first arrive to settle the region. A sadistic and cruel bandit king, the Stag Lord is the first major threat the Kingmakers must defeat before they can establish their own barony in the River Kingdoms.

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Tags: Kingmaker Licensed Products Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Undead Threats

Two weeks ago, we announced the next set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures from WizKids, Ruins of Lastwall, set for release next spring. But you don't have to wait much longer to get new undead minis to torment players in your Pathfinder campaigns! We have a bunch of them coming in Pathfinder Battles: Kingmaker next month!

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Announcing Pathfinder Battles: Ruins of Lastwall (and more Kingmaker previews)!

Last week, our partners at WizKids announced the next set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures: Ruins of Lastwall! Scheduled for an April 2019 release, Ruins of Lastwall is the last full set of Pathfinder Battles miniatures before the advent of Pathfinder Second Edition in August of next year. As such, it offers a great opportunity for us to fill in as many of the remaining gaps in the series from our iconic first edition sourcebooks, and the chance to tie in with one of the most highly anticipated adventure paths in the history of the game: Tyrant's Grasp.

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Tags: Kingmaker Licensed Products Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Rad Moon Rising

Among the first minis we previewed from the forthcoming Pathfinder Battles: Kingmaker set way back when we announced it in the spring was the werewolf, a staple of the fantasy and horror genres for ages. But that's not the only figure in the set with a tie to the moon.

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Things Aren’t Always What They Seem

Now that Gen Con is behind us, it's time to once again resume our weekly look at the next wave of Pathfinder Battles pre-painted plastic miniatures from WizKids, October's Kingmaker!

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Tags: Kingmaker Licensed Products Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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The Last Cut is the Deepest

This week, we look at the final batch of Pathfinder Battles Deep Cuts miniatures coming out in the July wave, wrapping up a brief series on the unpainted plastic miniatures from our partners at WizKids. Each of the figures below is sold individually, and is pre-primed for your painting pleasure.

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Tags: Deep Cuts Licensed Products Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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A Short Blog Post

Each wave of Pathfinder Battles Deep Cuts unpainted plastic miniatures comes with both monsters and player character-appropriate figures, usually around a shared theme. Each blister pack of characters comes with two figures—one low- and one high-level—which can either represent the same character across his or her career or two completely different adventurers. The ancestry featured in July’s release wave is none other than gnomes, specifically gnome spellcasters.

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Elemental Invasion!

Last week, we announced the Kingmaker set of Pathfinder Battles pre-painted miniatures and the associated case incentive figures: Huge earth and water elementals. But they don't come out until October! What will fans of elementals do until then?

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Announcing Pathfinder Battles: Kingmaker!

Now that we're done with previews of Jungle of Despair—which releases next week—I'm excited to announce the next Pathfinder Battles miniatures set from our partners at WizKids.

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The Ultimate Evil

Well, folks, we did it. We made it through the Jungle of Despair, and with a whole month to spare before the Pathfinder Battles set releases at the end of April! Along the way, we faced many challenges, from monsters and Darklands societies to pit traps and summoning pillars, but the greatest threat we faced was the final one, remember? Let me refresh your memory.

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On a Wing and a Prayer

We're almost out of the Jungle of Despair, but we've still got two more previews to go. This week, we look at four winged inhabitants of our jungle, before we tie up all the loose ends next week.

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No Bears, Oh My!

Hail and well met, Pathfinders! We're getting close to the end of our trek through the Jungle of Despair, and we'll be free and clear with a month to spare before its May release. No jungle is complete without animals to call it home, both benign herbivores like the slow-moving sloth and docile deer, and more deadly predators. What fun is a mini of a sloth, though? Let's take a look at some of those hunters!

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They Came From Below!

The journey into the Jungle of Despair continues this week with a look at some of the myriad threats that may face your party in the Darklands below the jungle, such as in the final two volumes of the Serpent's Skull Adventure Path.

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Rituals and Rivals

I know there's a lot of excitement in the Pathfinder community these days, and I'm proud to be at the center of it with the most adamantly followed announcements of them all—Jungle of Despair previews!

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Fiendgully: The Last Painforest

It's just been a bit since our delayed look at the set's creepy crawlies, but a short detour in our journey through the Jungle of Despair won't prevent me from at least trying to stay on schedule. This week we examine some of the fiends featured in the set: daemons and qlippoth!

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Covered in Creepy Crawlies

Happy Friday, Pathfinders! We're now well on our way through our exploration of the forthcoming Jungle of Despair miniatures set from WizKids, due out in May. This week, I set aside my instinctive reaction to snakes and spiders and show off some of the figures in the set most likely to make your players' skin crawl.

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It's Dangerous to Go Alone

Okay, so I need to get this off my chest. We all know the classic line from the cave hermit at the start of The Legend of Zelda. "It's dangerous to go alone! Take this." Cool. But how does taking a sword address the fact that Link is still going alone? Sure, he has something with which to fight the danger inherent in solo adventuring, but wouldn't it be better for the old dude to also advise Link to take some friends along? That worked really well for 15 core Final Fantasy games.* I'm just saying.

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Nature's Protectors

We're now a full month into our journey through the Jungle of Despair, the next set of Pathfinder Battles miniatures from WizKids, and this week I get to show off some of my favorite figures in the set. So without further ado, let's begin!

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Dressing on the Side

We're now on week three of our ongoing safari into the Jungle of Despair, and things are not looking good for our survival. We overcame the murderous vines, shambling refuse heaps, creeping tendrils, and pygmy plant people that plagued us last week, but it seems our trials are only beginning!

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When Plants Attack!

Last week, I previewed a few of the figures from the forthcoming Jungle of Despair set of Pathfinder Battles miniatures from WizKids, including the case incentive Hydra.

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Enter the Jungle of Despair!

It's been a while since the last Pathfinder Battles preview blog, in part because the blog, like the proverbial torch, has passed to a new patron: Me! As Paizo's Franchise Manager, I work closely with all of our licensors to ensure that their products are the highest quality and accurately reflect both the Pathfinder and Starfinder brands. This includes, of course, the Pathfinder Battles line of pre-painted plastic miniatures from our longtime partner, WizKids!

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Tags: Jungle of Despair Jungle of Despair Licensed Products Pathfinder Battles

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I am the Law

Hello and welcome to this week's miniature unveiling! We continue with Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes Box Set 8. This week, we have the Noble Aric and his alter ego the Red Raven. These miniatures were really fun to work with because it made me notice all the small, similar details between the two that I had not noticed before. See if you can spot them.

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My ESPN Isn't Working

Now that we are finished with Maze of Death unveilings, I'm jumping into unveiling the sculpts from Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes set 8! To kick it off, I am starting with my favorite Iconic from Occult Adventures, Rivani the Psychic. The detailing on this lady is exquisite. I love the texturing on the border of her robe and on her sashes. You may notice that she is not floating, as she is in her textual depiction. We made that change to have a wholly accurate character representation, while changing her stance to be more generic.

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All That Ends Well, Something Something

All That Ends Well, Something Something Monday, October 16, 2017 Hello and welcome to the last set of reveals for Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death! This includes the rest of our rare figures, dungeon dressings, and the elemental lord case incentives. We'll start off with Talmandor, a rare medium figure, whom those familiar with the Pathfinder Campaign Setting will recognize. If not, this miniature is a good stand-in for any avoral agathion, or feathered player character. And if that's not...
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You Don't Vote For Kings!

With the release of Maze of Death nigh, this week, we are revealing the remaining common and uncommon sculpts for the set. So buckle up!

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Scaly Doom

Hello and welcome to this week's Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death preview! This week we are looking at scaly horrors from the swamps, bogs, and other dark and scary places. To start this week, we have the Lizardfolk Warrior, a common medium. This miniature is based off of the art from the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, and I think Wizkids did a great job changing the pose and keeping it looking awesome.

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The Devil's in the Details

Happy Monday! Welcome to another installment of our Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death previews. Releasing next month, Maze of Death is full of wickedly cool figures for you to encounter in your Pathfinder campaign. Up first this week is the Pitborn Fighter, a common medium based off of artwork found in Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends. I think he looks rad, especially for a common. The horns and spikes on his face are great, and I really love the armor.

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Big Things in Little Packages

Hello, this blog heralds the return of licensing blogs since the chaos of GenCon and a certain other, fairly large product release! This week we will be focusing on pint sized miniatures from the Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death set, which will release in November of this year. These critters may be small, but they pack a big punch, starting with the "Pretty” Goblin, a small common figure. The first thing you might notice is her hair. You might think, "wait, Pathfinder goblins don't have hair! Whats going on here”. I think you know...

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The Maze Doesn't Sleep

Hello, and welcome to this week's Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death preview! The march to Gen Con continues, but we've taken a break from preparations to show off six new sculpts from November's Pathfinder Battles set. This week we begin with three undead creatures that are sure to give your players (and their characters) waking nightmares. To start, we have the Juju Zombie, medium uncommon, based off of artwork from the Strange Aeons Adventure Path.

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Beware the Sea and Garden

Hello and Happy Friday! This week we're diving in with aquatic and marshy foes found in November's Pathfinder Battles: Maze of Death set. Let's start off with the giant moray eel, a large uncommon miniature.These guys are scary enough in real life, let alone when they are twelve feet long. This mini fills out its large sized base, and is coiled to strike at any PC foolhardy enough to come too close.

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Pack an Iconic Punch

As we have recently moved past the days of curses and thrones, we begin the unveiling of characters so iconic that we call them iconic. The first of these appears in Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes Set #7 this November, is Erasmus, our iconic medium. Wizkids nailed the details, and I think this miniature is going to be an awesome addition to the iconic line of iconics. I think my favorite details are the crystal ball, which looks fantastic, and the ouija board and case on his left hip.

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Tags: Iconics Licensed Products Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Enter the Maze of Death

Happy Friday, all! After some delay in our blog schedule, I am super excited to begin showing you some of the awesome figures in the next Pathfinder Battles set, Maze of Death. This next set releases in November 2017, and is chock full of awesome creatures, villains, and heroes. So, without further ado, here is this week's unveiling!

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Tags: Licensed Products Maze of Death Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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The End is Nigh

Happy Friday! To polish off Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs set, this week we are starting with the Reclamation Squire, a medium common. This gal take putting down evil seriously. Based off of art from the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path, the shield and chainmail detailing are awesome. It is also always nice to see a woman warrior in combat appropriate armor, with a combat appropriate haircut. Bad to the bone.

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Dressings for the Dungeon

This week I will be showing you the Dressing pieces for the Crown of Fangs set. They are all really cool, and will add to the environment of your game, whether your players are in a dungeon, or in the great outdoors. The Dressings are split into two sizes, medium, and large. Ill start with the medium's. First, we have the Totem. This could also work as a marker, statue, or whatever else you feel would work

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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The Queen's Court

This week we're showing off the Court of the Crimson Throne Case Incentive for next month's Crown of Fangs set! Fully stocked with food and dressing, the Court of the Crimson Throne lets you set the scene for a decadent evil court. Starting with your own plate of food and an entire cooked turkey.

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Here Comes the Cavalry

Happy Friday, everyone! This week in Pathfinder Battles, we start with the reclamation cavalry miniature, which is a large rare in the upcoming Crown of Fangs set, and is based off of art from the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path. I love the in motion look of this miniature. It makes an awesome miniature for any armored fighter, or cleric, war priest, or paladin of Iomedae!

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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They Come in All Shapes and Sizes

Happy Friday, and welcome back. This week we are starting with the Wereboar, a Medium Uncommon figure. If you like Lycanthropes, then you definitely need to big the big guy up so that he can give your players a hug. This figure is based off of art from the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path.

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Diamonds in the Ruff

Happy Friday. As there may, or may not (there was) some confusion on my part as to what had already been revealed in previous posts, this week you all will get 4 unveilings. Remember to not judge by appearances, as beauty is within. On that note, lets get this week's Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs show off session going!

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Here Comes the Riffraff

For this week's unveiling of fantastic Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs miniatures, we are starting with the Emperor's Thug. This mini is a medium common in Crown of Fangs, and is highly versatile. Easily useable as a fighter, ranger, rogue, woodsman, trapper, of whatever you need a gruff, slightly bedraggled miniature for.

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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The Darkness Looks Back

Hello, and welcome to your weekly download of Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs reveals. This week I'm starting with the Deacons of the the Horseman of Pestilence. Everyone in the office is sick, anyway, so what's the worst that could happen? The Leukodaemon is a large, uncommon, and looks fantastic. If you ever tire of giving your players nightmares with devils, we suggest using this guy. You are welcome.

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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The King is Dead! Long Live the Queen!

Welcome to the next installment of Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs reveals. This week, I'm starting with the Gray Maiden Captain. This figure is based off of art from the newly released Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path Omnibus. WizKids did a great job in getting the details right for her plate mail. Great for anyone looking to play a female badass, whether it be cavalier, fighter, inquisitor, cleric, or war priest. The Gray Maiden Captain is an uncommon medium in the Crown of Fangs set.

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Dirty, Cheating Halflingsesss

This week in the lead up to Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs, I will regale you with tales of second breakfasts, elevensies, and supper, along with a miniature that would likely enjoy man flesh (if it wasn't a miniature). To start, we have the Halfling Rogue. This dapper fellow is based off of art from the Hell's Vengeance Adventure Path, and was a member of the Bellflower Network. But whether you are battling the house of Thrune, or merely picking your party member's pockets, this miniature is highly versatile for any small folk character or NPC. The Halfling Rogue is a small common.

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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The Dead Walk

Happy Friday everyone! This week we will be exploring what happens when necromantic energy and humanoid soldiers mix in Crown of Fangs. All of the miniatures this week are based off of art from Curse of the Crimson Throne. Specifically, the original cover artwork (and character artwork) for Pathfinder Adventure Path #11: Skeletons of Scarwall. First, we have the Skeleton Infantry. The Skeleton Infantry is full of great detail and can be used as your standard skeletal swordsmen or a graveknight.

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Creepy Crawlies

Hellooo! With this week's Crown of Fangs preview I decided to try and trigger as many of your arachnid responses as I possibly could. If you don't like alien creatures that need to be purged with fire, I'd skip this week.

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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The Dead, the Big, and the Evil

So we had half a foot of snow here, and the first official snow day that I can remember. But here at Paizo we like to say "neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom..." Anyway, this for this week's Crown of Fangs preview we start with the Fungal Guardian! This guy can be used as any type of skeleton you like, or even as an undead genie... He is a medium common figure in the set, and I love the mushrooms growing on him!

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Bring Out Your Dead

This week in our previews of Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs, we are going to turn (too soon?) to undead, starting with the geist. The geist is basically my favorite undead miniature. It shows you just enough to get your own imagination to creep you out. These things can control haunts, as well as panic you with their terrifying laugh (always necessary). This miniature is good for any campaign were undead are featured, and can be used as wraiths, specters, poltergeist, or whatever creepy incorporeal thing you are throwing at your characters. The geist is a medium, common figure in this set.

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Servants of the Mantis God

Alright folks, looks like I made it to round two. I am sure that Erik being out of the building has nothing to do with it! This week will be a treat, as long as you haven't recently done anything to anger He Who Walks in Blood. If you don't know who that is, then that is a start, but not likely to be a full proof out.

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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The Grey Maidens Have Arrived

Well, hey there! You're all in for a treat. Erik is out on vacation (we make him do that every so often), and he has asked me to let you all see some of the awesome miniatures coming out in Pathfinder Battles: Crown of Fangs. Buckle up!

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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A First Look at Crown of Fangs

By now I hope you've had a chance to check out Deadly Foes, the hot new Pathfinder Battles set of pre-painted plastic gaming figures from WizKids that's in stores and shipping from the paizo.com warehouse RIGHT NOW! Deadly Foes contains a wide variety of commonly encountered creatures from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, and looking at the production-run figures, I think it's one of our finest sets to date. In fact, following up Deadly Foes is a bit intimidating.

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Tags: Crown of Fangs Curse of the Crimson Throne Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Deadly Foes on the Loose!

We're just a few short weeks away from the November 23rd official release date for Deadly Foes, the newest release in our prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles line from our partners at WizKids! As I write this, the Paizo warehouse elves (almost certainly drow) are unpacking minis to be sold as singles, prepping case subscriber orders, and overall getting our act together to release everything on time. Meanwhile, I've been sneaking in and stealing figures left and right. What value is there in absolute power if you don't allow it to absolutely corrupt you, at least a little bit?

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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The Last of the Deadly Foes

Deadly Foes, the next set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures, releases next month! Over the last few months, I've been using this space to preview new digital sculpts for the figures, and this week I've got the final two miniatures for the set! The Paizo Warehouse Runelords tell me that our shipment of packaged product from WizKids hits our office soon, so I also hope to provide a few first-looks at actual production figures in the weeks between now and the set's official release date in the middle of November.

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Two for the Road!

We've got four more figures to preview for November's Deadly Foes set of prepainted plastic gaming miniatures, but just to be mischievous, I'm going to split them into two previews of two figures each. To draw things out a bit longer, next week I'll be on-site at New York Comic Con, and there will not be a Friday Publisher Preview (though I do hope to keep up my new Worldscape Workbook blog column while I'm on the road. If you haven't yet checked out my new column, which gets into the nitty gritty of my design decisions when putting together official Pathfinder RPG stats for legendary heroes like Red Sonja and John Carter, I urge you to do so at the above link. I've had a ball writing the blog series, as well as writing the Pathfinder Worldscape comic itself, which hits newsstands Wednesday, October 19th. If you enjoy my writing here on the Paizo blog or enjoy the Pathfinder comics in general, please consider setting up a Pathfinder Comics Ongoing Subscription.

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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A Haughty Horse and Some Funky Furniture

It's the end of another exciting week here at Paizo Inc., and what better way to celebrate than by revealing a few new miniatures from November's Deadly Foes set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures! Time is short today, so I'm going to jump right into it with four exciting new reveals!

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Three More to Go!

By my count, we've got 11 figures left to preview for November's Deadly Foes set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic gaming figures. I've decided to break down those figures over three different previews in the coming weeks, with this being the first of the "home stretch." After that, I have piles and piles of even newer stuff to show off, but that's getting a bit ahead of myself. Some of my favorite figures in Deadly Foes have yet to make their preview debut, so before we get to 2017 stuff, let's take a breath and appreciate the wonders yet to come in 2016.

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Back in the Saddle!

I'm back from Dragon Con with a handful of new preview images from November's Deadly Foes set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures! And thanks to one friendly Dragon Con panel attendee, I've decided to add a FOURTH figure to this evening's preview, in part to make up for the last couple of weeks with no updates and in part to show her that dreams really do come true, sometimes much more rapidly than you can imagine!

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Tags: Deadly Foes Hell's Rebels Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Two Cave Creatures

The bulk of the convention season is behind us, and it's time to jump back aboard the weekly Pathfinder Battles preview train! And I've got to say, Gen Con was just the thing to re-ignite my excitement about the product line and all of the amazing stuff we have coming out in the next year or so! Before we get into this week's Deadly Foes preview, please allow me to list a few items that are stirring my excitement, including some behind-the-scenes stuff you might not be aware of!

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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It's that magical time of year again when I break my time into 30 minute chunks as I leap from state to state and country to country for the annual ritual of level-draining known as "Con Season." I only just returned to the States from (the absolutely wonderful, it must be said) PaizoCon UK, and here I sit in my office with only a few more working hours before it's time to head out to the big one—GEN CON!

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Tags: Deadly Foes Gen Con Gen Con 2016 Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Here Come the Hobgoblins

One of my favorite moments in the development of any Pathfinder Battles set is the day when WizKids brings in the paint master and I get to see the figures for what amounts to the first time. Sure, I've carefully selected the reference images and approved digital sculpts, but it's not until you can actually hold the figures in your hand that they truly become "real." And oh, boy did we have a "real" experience looking at Deadly Foes!

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Tags: Deadly Foes Hobgoblins Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Friday Publisher Preview: Feelin' Crabby

It’s been a long, long week filled with sick days and budgets and other things that make Erik a dull boy, so here at the end of Friday, with the prospect of Saturday staring me in the face, I thought it might be fun to focus on a couple of miniatures that seem well suited to my current mood. Nothing makes me feel better than miniatures (ok, well, almost nothing), and this week’s previews are especially tasty. Both are from the new Deadly Foes set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures that is currently slated for an October release.

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Greetings from Hellywood

As I write this blog, I'm sitting in a writer's room in Hollywood working on a secret Pathfinder project. Everyone here thinks I'm taking notes, but in fact I'm making good on my mission to provide you, the Miniatures Fiend, a weekly preview of upcoming Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures from October's Deadly Foes set. It'll be a short update this week—it's an exciting meeting—but excitement is no excuse for no update at all.

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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PaizoCon Reveals Up-Close!

Last week we revealed a number of figures for October's Deadly Foes set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles figures, and the response at the show has been fantastic. I've seen a few of the images show up online from cameraphones in the audience, but today I'd like to reveal the four new figures I showed off at the preview banquet here on the blog, to give you all a MUCH better look at them!

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Big Guns

Friday brings the smell of fresh plastic wafting on the winds, a sure sign that it’s time again to preview some digital sculpts for October’s Deadly Foes set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures! As we prep for PaizoCon next weekend, we’re heading into a big week for Paizo, so I wanted to take the time to focus on a couple of “big” miniatures in the set—namely two of my favorites!

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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The Devils in the Details

Once upon a time, October's Deadly Foes set of prepainted plastic miniatures from the Pathfinder Battles line had a much heavier focus on fiends vs. celestials, with a huge emphasis on the devils of Hell. Probably too much of an emphasis, if I'm being completely honest. Eventually we toned down some of the diabolical content and replaced it with other creatures to give the set a more general appeal, but some of that infernal impetus still remains, and there are PLENTY of devils left in Deadly Foes.

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Good Guys!

Last week we revealed a couple of bad guys from October's Deadly Foes set of Pathfinder Battles miniatures, so it seemed only fitting that this week we tip the celestial scales back in favor of good! Only this time, because the Sun is shining in Seattle and I'm ready to leave work behind for a relaxing weekend, I want to OVER-tip the scales, so as a special Spring bonus I'm going to reveal three "good" minis today!

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Bad Guys!

Up first this week is the Technic League Captain, a villainous lout from the barbaric land of Numeria, where the remnants of a huge spaceship that crashed long ago still fuel the people with weird liquids and technological debris. Our friend the Technic League Captain, culled from the pages of the Inner Sea World Guide, has made that technology work for him in the form of a cool futuristic sword. Is it a ghost touch weapon? A brilliant energy blade? You decide! The Technic League Captain is a Medium, rare figure.

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Good Bad Dogs

It’s been a long week of hard work and hard business travel (ok, fun business travel), so at the end of the day here on Friday, the thing I’m most looking forward to doing is heading home and hanging out with my dog. I got my first pet—a wonderfully chubby pug named Tiny—about 5 years ago. Before that I didn’t really understand compassion. While I always (sort of) enjoyed hanging out with my friends’ dogs, I never knew why people liked them so much. Then I got one of my own, my heart melted, and I guess you could say I’m a better man than I ever was before.

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Winged Warriors (Big and Small)

Hard to believe it's already Friday, which also means it's already time for another sneak peek at new minis from the upcoming Deadly Foes set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles gaming figures from our friends at WizKids! This week I've decided to focus on two winged figures, one quite small, and the other very large! Let's take to the air and see what all the fuss is about!

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Two for the Road

I'm leaving for a much-needed vacation to the ruined ancient cities of Mexico in about an hour, so I'm going to make this week's Pathfinder Battles preview short and sweet. The sun is shining, I've got packing to do, and this is no time to be at work.

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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The Clear Choice

This week I’ve got two figures from October’s Deadly Foes, the next set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles gaming figures! This week’s choices allow me to show off figures tied to one of my favorite features—clear plastic.

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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More Iconic Promos!

We’re just laying down the final versions of the Mummy’s Mask promo cards this week, which reminds me that we have more promos to talk about! Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes Set #6 has just been released, complete with an extra miniature and an extra promo card. (See? Don’t say we never gave you nothin’.)

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Tags: Free RPG Day Iconic Heroes Licensed Products Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventures Pathfinder Battles

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News from the GAMA Trade Show!

Greetings, everyone! I'm writing to you today from the floor of the GAMA Trade Show, the game industry's annual convocation of manufacturers, distributors, and retailers in lovely Las Vegas, Nevada. GAMA is not only a great chance to meet up with industry friends and business partners, but it's also a great place to pick up exciting news from the attending publishers. This year, Paizo and Pathfinder are no different! You've probably also seen the news about our new paperback Pathfinder RPG Pocket Editions of the Core Rulebook and Bestiary, as well as the exciting announcement of September's Curse of the Crimson Throne hardcover Adventure Path. You may not have seen the great news about Pathfinder miniatures, however, so I wanted to carve out some time from my busy convention schedule to bring you up to speed.

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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A HUGE Announcement: Deadly Foes!

I'm thrilled to announce that the next set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic gaming figures will be Deadly Foes! Deadly Foes is a 45-figure "full" Pathfinder Battles set with 6 pieces of bonus "dungeon dressing" randomly inserted into standard 4-piece booster boxes. The set's general theme allows for a huge variety of high-utility monsters and allies, with a focus on key creatures we've not yet produced and some exciting new surprises.

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Tags: Deadly Foes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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The Magnificent 7 of Set 6

It's Friday, and I've got some delightful news to share with you! I'm pleased to report that last week, WizKids sent Paizo the first batch of digital sculpts for our next, as-yet-unannounced Pathfinder Battles set, and they are PHENOMENAL. A few of our editors looked over my shoulder as I flipped through them the first time, and one even suggested that this may turn out to be the best Pathfinder Battles set yet. I certainly agree that, at the very least, it's in the same league as some of our very best sets!

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Tags: Feiya Hayato Iconic Heroes Lem Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Quinn Reiko Seltyiel

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Iconic Heroes Set 5—THE REAL DEAL

Howdy, minis hounds! Last week, while I was trapped in the dreaded Paizo Conference Room (CR 23), the able Chris Lambertz took the wheel to show off digital renders of WizKids' incredible Iconic Heroes Set 5 for the Pathfinder Battles line of prepainted plastic miniatures.

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Tags: Adowyn Enora Iconic Heroes Kess Miniatures Oloch Pathfinder Battles Zadim

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Out Adventuring, Be Back Soon

Hey, Pathfinder Battles fans! Erik is currently sequestered in meetings and other important Paizo happenings, so I'm stepping in to take the blog wheel this week.

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Tags: Adowyn Enora Iconic Heroes Kess Miniatures Oloch Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn Zadim

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Pull Up a Stool (The Rusty Dragon Inn Debrief)

The Rusty Dragon Inn set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles fantasy gaming figures is officially out and available in the wild! You can pick them up from your local retailer order the figures by case or brick, or select your favorites from the list of singles available from the set. I've been hearing from folks with an Ongoing Case Subscription that subscriber cases have begun to arrive, and as you're all opening your minis or deciding which ones to get, I'd like to take a moment to look at the set as a whole and share some of my thoughts about how it came together, and how it turned out.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn

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The Rusty Dragon Inn is Open for Business!

Welcome to the first 2016 edition of the Friday Publisher Preview, where I show off upcoming Paizo releases, usually (but not always!) for the Pathfinder Battles line of prepainted plastic gaming figures. While I don't have any brand new images of upcoming miniatures to show this week, I do want to pop the cork off a bottle of champagne and celebrate the official release of The Rusty Dragon Inn, the latest set!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn

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A New Look at Some Old Friends

With the January release date for The Rusty Dragon Inn right around the corner and everything entering "pause" territory for the upcoming holiday, I don't have any new figures to show off for this week's Pathfinder Battles previews. I DO, however, have a few new images of some old friends to show off, so in the holiday spirit, I thought I'd share a look at actual final figures from December's Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Set 4. (These figures hit the Paizo warehouse too late to go out with December subscription shipments, and will be fulfilled in late-December/January)

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Tags: Iconic Heroes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Stocking Stuffers

It's been a crazy week here at Paizo as we put the final finishing touches on the Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue hardcover before sending it to the printer. That coupled with the fact that we're "between sets" and I don't have any digital sculpts to show off for the next set yet OR photos of production figures from The Rusty Dragon Inn, this week's Publisher Preview is going to be a bit of an outlier.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Singles Bar

Do you have a favorite bar? I do. It's called The Rusty Dragon Inn, and it's coming your way in prepainted miniature form in January! Over the last few months, I've been previewing figures from the upcoming Pathfinder Battles set, and with last week's preview, I've revealed all of the new sculpts in The Rusty Dragon Inn set.

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Tags: Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn

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In the Cargo Hold

Today I've got the final three figure previews for January's The Rusty Dragon Inn set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles, and by a happy coincidence, it's easy to use all three to create a mini-encounter set in the hold of a ship! Two of these items are "dungeon dressing," while the third is an oft-requested character that I consider one of the strangest figures we've done to date. Let's take a look!

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Tags: Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn

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Seat Yourself at Any Table

As the Halloween weekend approaches, and fancy dress parties loom on the very near horizon, I find myself getting a bit thirsty for the cavalcade of beer and alcohol that's just around the corner. That brings me, naturally, to The Rusty Dragon Inn, the next set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles gaming figures! The set, now scheduled for a January release, adopts a "tavern" theme, with many of the figures in the set being appropriate for tavern-based encounters and battles. Early reaction to news of the set had some folks worried that maybe the set would include too much bar stuff, or too many NPCs, and over the last several months worth of previews I've done my best to assuage those concerns with previews of all manner of generally useful creatures and characters, whether your heroes are in the tavern or not.

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Tags: Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn

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Rusty Dragon Grab Bag!

Let's start off this week's Friday Publisher Preview with the bad news. The Rusty Dragon Inn, the next set in the Pathfinder Battles line of prepainted fantasy miniatures, has been officially moved from a November release to a January, 2016 release. So we're all going to have to wait just a little bit longer to receive these amazing miniatures. Having seen the paint masters at this point, all I can say is that I can assure everyone the wait will be worth it. There's a little bit of knock-on fluidity with the upcoming Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes boxed sets as well, but I don't have final confirmation and I don't expect a significant delay on that front. I'll let you know more when I know more. Again, those sets are incredible, and the wait will be worth it.

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Tags: Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn

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More Denizens of the Rusty Dragon

The next set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures is getting closer and closer, and I've still got such sights to show you! This week I want to focus on previews of three figures from The Rusty Dragon Inn set!

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Tags: Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn

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Large and In Charge

Greetings and salutations from New York Comic Con, where I have braved halls choked with cosplayers to bring you another Friday preview! I had to escape from the terrible Cobra Clutch of Sgt. Slaughter himself to bring today’s blog to you, so let’s make it a good one!

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Tags: Conventions New York City Comic Con Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn

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A Rare Farewell

It's Friday, which means it's time for your (mostly) regularly scheduled preview of upcoming figures from the Pathfinder Battles line of prepainted fantasy gaming figures. Up this week are three early looks at digital sculpts for November's The Rusty Dragon Inn set. I should add here that while these are digital sculpts, I've actually seen and approved all of the paint masters for this set, and they look phenomenal. Because so many of our figures include stamped-on additional details (called "tampos" in the lingo of the business), I don't tend to photograph paint masters, even when I really want to. Once we begin to receive early production samples, we'll shoot several of them and show them off here. But for now, we're still looking at digitals.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles The Rusty Dragon Inn

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Short and Sweet

This week's figures come from The Rusty Dragon Inn set of prepainted fantasy Pathfinder Battles miniatures. With amazing paint masters, great digital sculpts, and lots of creatures and NPC types not previously available in prepainted plastic, The Rusty Dragon Inn is shaping up to be one of my favorite sets ever!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles The Rusty Dragon Inn

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Bugbear Brigade

I can't believe it's already Friday, which means it's time for another installment of the Friday Publisher Preview! I'm still a bit giddy from our recent in-office review of the paint masters for November's The Rusty Dragon Inn set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles miniatures. The set looks absolutely fantastic, and I couldn't be happier with the communications and production standards WizKids and Paizo have been able to achieve with this set. It really feels like we are firing on all cylinders at the moment, and I'm thrilled to think of what the future has in store.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles The Rusty Dragon Inn

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More from the Rusty Dragon

It's a gorgeous Friday afternoon in Seattle, and I'm on vacation. After an utterly amazing PAX Prime weekend in which we ran more than 3,000 Pathfinder demos in four days, I'm exhausted and reveling in a genuine four-day weekend away from work.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles The Rusty Dragon Inn

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More from the Rusty Dragon

I’m writing this from the floor of PAX Prime, where we’re running thousands of gamers through Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and Adventure Card Game demos here in our home town of Seattle. It’s always a blast to rub shoulders with gamers at this convention, as it has a youthful, joyful buzz that makes it the perfect way to (pretty much) end the summer convention season.

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Tags: Conventions Miniatures Pathfinder Battles PAX Prime Rusty Dragon Inn

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Around the Inn

With Gencon behind us, it’s time to get back to weekly previews of upcoming Pathfinder Battles releases! Today I spotlight three figures from November’s The Rusty Dragon Inn set.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Rusty Dragon Inn

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Iconic Heroes Set 4, Part 2

Last week, I revealed three digital sculpts for the upcoming Iconic Heroes Set 4 boxed set of prepainted plastic gaming figures. This week we complete the set with a look at the final three figures, as well as a look ahead to a special promotional repaint figure that will be available free with $50 purchase at Paizo's booth at Gen Con next week.

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Tags: Iconic Heroes Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Iconic Heroes Set 4, Part 1

Last week, WizKids announced the release dates for the next two Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes boxed sets of premium-quality prepainted plastic figures for use with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game or the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. This week, I'd like to take a closer look at three of the figures from Iconic Heroes Set 4, which features familiar faces from the Advanced Class Guide and Ultimate Combat.

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Tags: Hakon Iconic Heroes Jirelle Lirianne Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Innside and Out!

Welcome to another edition of the Friday Publisher Preview, and another look at November's The Rusty Dragon Inn set of prepainted plastic gaming figures! Before we get to this week's reveals, I'd like to update everyone on the status of our popular Pathfinder Iconic Heroes sets. The first three sets are currently available, and ever since they hit shelves, people have been asking for more! I'm happy to report that WizKids has just announced official release dates for Iconic Heroes Set #4 and Iconic Heroes Set #5, which will be released in November and January, respectively. We're also at work on a Set #6 (and possibly more beyond that!), but we're not quite ready to announce release dates, yet.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles The Rusty Dragon Inn

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Dungeon Dressing Singles Online!

Welcome everyone to the Friday Publisher Preview, and another look at some of the sweet Pathfinder Battles miniatures coming up in November's The Rusty Dragon Inn set of prepainted plastic gaming figures. Before we get to that, however, I'd like to talk a little bit about the PREVIOUS set, Dungeons Deep. Specifically, I'd like to discuss dungeon dressing.

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles The Rusty Dragon Inn

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Crazy Good Commons

One of my favorite things about November's The Rusty Dragon Inn set of prepainted Pathfinder Battles figures is the strength of the common figures in the set. Picking the right rarities for figures is both an art and a science, and we've been doing our best to get the balance correct since the start. I'm very pleased with how things shook out for The Rusty Dragon, and hope that you agree!

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles The Rusty Dragon Inn

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Men and Monsters

I'm pleased to see that our current Pathfinder Battles set, Dungeons Deep, is arriving in stores and in the hands of collectors, and early reaction to the set has been very encouraging. We put a lot of effort into making Dungeons Deep the best and most useful set of figures we've done to date, and with tons of high-utility figures, it looks like we either achieved or came very close to that goal (hey, we've done some great sets in the past too, so the competition is fierce!).

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles The Rusty Dragon Inn

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One Last Look at Dungeons Deep

Last week, I previewed some Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic figures from the upcoming set, Dungeons Deep that had originally leaked to the Internet thanks to trade show photos, which often don’t reveal the figures in the best possible light, or even from a decent angle. And, while I’m eager to show off a bunch more figures from Dungeons Deep now being shipped to paizo.com customers and appearing in retail stores, today seems like the best time to make up for that omission.

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles The Rusty Dragon Inn

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Catching Up, Looking Ahead

Whew! What a roller-coaster the last few weeks have been here at Paizo HQ and beyond! Two weeks ago from this moment we were deep in the throes of PaizoCon 2015, which is rapidly earning a place in my heart as the best PaizoCon to date! It's always such a wonderful experience getting to spend a weekend with Pathfinder players tossing dice and throwing back beers, and this year's show was no exception.

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles The Rusty Dragon Inn

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PaizoCon Product Announcements and Sneak Peeks!

One of the exciting parts about PaizoCon for a lot of our attendees, fans, and onlookers are the juicy spoilers and announcements that come out of the show (whether it comes from one our RPG or Adventure Path panels, or the Preview Banquet). So, let's take a look at what's coming this November and beyond!

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Tags: Hell's Rebels Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Summon Monster X

We're getting closer and closer to the June release of Dungeons Deep, the latest, greatest set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles miniatures from our friends at WizKids! By my count, we've revealed nearly the entire set so far, but I've been holding off on two figures in particular, waiting for the right time to show them off. Lots of folks have been asking if Dungeons Deep will have any iconic characters, now that we're also releasing those characters in the form of the spectacularly detailed Iconic Heroes Base Sets. The answer, my friends, is a resounding YES, and this set's iconic hero rounds out the ranks of the iconic characters we featured in our second class-centered RPG release, the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide.

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Tags: Balazar Dungeons Deep Iconics Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Summoners

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I Can See Clearly Now

We're now a little over a month away from the release of the Dungeons Deep set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic figures, and I'm getting very excited! I can see the set clearly on the horizon, so today let's talk about some of the "clear" figures in the set!

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Happy Birthday to Me!

As I mentioned in last week's preview, Wednesday was my birthday, so for this week's preview blog, I want to be a bit selfish and focus on three of MY personal favorite figures from June's Dungeons Deep set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic gaming figures.

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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This week I'm revealing two amazing figures from June's Dungeons Deep set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic figures. The idea behind this set is to present high-utility figures based around a rough "dungeon" theme. This allows us to include whatever figures we want to, rather than attempting to adapt a specific adventure or Adventure Path. That's resulted in a few "dealer's choice" selections, letting us pick whatever we want for no reason other than "we think it looks cool."

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Two from the Codex

We've already revealed a ton of cool monsters and dungeon dressing from June's Dungeons Deep set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures, and there are more to come in the weeks between now and the set's release. But Dungeons Deep has more than just creepy crawlies, and this week I'd like to focus on two figures from the set that are drawn from the fantastic art in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex.

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Things That Should Not Be

We love H. P. Lovecraft. The old gentleman not only wrote some of the most chilling and flat-out awesome horror stories of the Twentieth Century, but he also knew how to get his monster on. Fantasy author China Miéville, one of my personal favorite modern writers, was one of the first to point out to me that fantasy fiction monsters could basically be divided into pre-Lovecraft and post-Lovecraft, and my own obsession with reading early Twentieth Century genre stuff suggests he has a point. Before Lovecraft, monsters in fiction were usually giant animals, human-animal hybrids, or basically animals with multiple limbs. A few writers, like Edgar Rice Burroughs, mixed things up enough to invent awesome stuff like plant men with mouths on the palms of their hands, but for the most part you were looking at a field of giant animals.

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Deeper into the Dungeon

We're just a few days away from next week's GAMA Trade Show, where I intend to show off about half of June's Dungeons Deep set for our Pathfinder Battles line of prepainted plastic gaming figures. In preparation for that, WizKids sent us a very early production set of the figures, and I've got to say, I'm absolutely THRILLED with how this set has turned out!

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Short But Sweet!

With ToyFair behind us and the hobby game industry's annual GAMA Trade Show only about a week away, things here at Preview Central are busier than a four-armed girallon in a handshaking contest. Expect a few more trade show photos to leak at GAMA, but until then, I wanted to show off a digital sculpt of two figures I'm very excited for in June's Dungeons Deep set.

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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ToyFair (Part 2)

I've been in the office only 5 days since returning from my ToyFair trip, but that time has gone by like a flash. When I think back to my time at ToyFair, it seems like only yesterday that I was checking out the latest action figures, playsets, statues, and other cool stuff on display. And I'm especially pleased that this year, we had a nice display of Pathfinder items to show off at the show, as well.

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Iconics Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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ToyFair (Part 1)

Last weekend I was in New York City for ToyFair, the annual trade show for the toy business that sees hundreds of manufacturers and thousands of buyers (but no kids!) gather for four days of meetings, buying sprees, and other assorted activities. Paizo had a nice display of our gaming stuff at the Diamond booth, as Diamond distributes our books and games into bookstores and comic shops. Diamond's sister company, Diamond Select Toys, makes a number of Pathfinder toys, including Pathfinder Minimates and an incredibly cool vinyl goblin bank, which comes out late next month.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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ToyFair Eve

I just landed in New York City in advance of ToyFair, the annual toy business trade show that launches tomorrow. While Paizo does not have a booth at the show (yet!), it's become an invaluable stop for me to catch up with some of our licensing partners, including the fine folks at WizKids, who manufacture the Pathfinder Battles line. I've got it on good authority that WizKids will have an entire production-run set of Dungeons Deep on hand for their display, and I hope to snap a few key photos to show off what some of the figures look like in hand. Next week's blog will, I hope, feature some images of upcoming Pathfinder Battles figures, and perhaps some additional surprises as well!

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Iconics Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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S(More) Story of the Season of the Shackles

Hello, Pathfinders! The inaugural season of the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild marches on, and I thought you might like an update on how the pirate PCs are progressing.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Bryan Sola Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Battles Season of the Shackles

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Endless Chest

I'm still on vacation in Hawaii, but that seems like a rotten reason to deprive you of previews from the upcoming Dungeons Deep set for Pathfinder Battles. As I've mentioned in previous blogs, Dungeons Deep features a new type of figure we're calling dungeon dressing—props and "stuff" beyond creatures to help you flesh out your tabletop combats. We've previously revealed a Sarcophagus, Bubbling Cauldron, and Burning Brazier.

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Season of the Shackles Updates

Hello, Pathfinders. I hope the Price of Infamy Adventure Deck is treating you well? And by "treating you well," I of course mean thoroughly beating you up before you battle back and achieve exciting victory.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Battles Season of the Shackles

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You Guys, You Guys!!!

I just got out of the final paint master approval meeting for June's Dungeons Deep set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures, and my jaw still hasn't come up from the floor.

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Here There Be Dragon!

Last week I revealed the next big set for Pathfinder Battles: Dungeons Deep! The new set includes 51 figures, counting 6 pieces of "dungeon dressing" like the Bubbling Cauldron I revealed last week. That total also includes the amazing limited-edition case incentive figure for the set, the Gargantuan Red Dragon.

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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New Year, New Set: Dungeons Deep!

Welcome back to the first 2015 installment of my weekly Publisher's Preview blog! As diligent readers know, I've been eager to share news of the next big Pathfinder Battles set with you, and I'm pleased to say that the day has finally arrived! The next full set of Pathfinder Battles figures will be Dungeons Deep, a 51-figure set inspired by the deadly dungeon dwellers of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game! The all-new set is expected to debut in June 2015.

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Tags: Dungeons Deep Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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I Got Some Cards. Wanna See 'Em?

Today we'll talk about some cards that are exclusive to the new Iconic Heroes miniatures sets that hit stores at the end of this month, and a tasty new mechanic that comes along with them. Shiny!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Battles

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Starting in January we've got at least six monthly Iconic Heroes Sets, each featuring six premium sculpts with premium paint jobs and six exclusive cards for use with the smash hit Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. We've already revealed the contents of the first three sets in digital form. For the first set, we've shown every step in the process, from digital sculpt to paint master to final production figures. I'm looking at my own sample of those final figures right now, and I'm still amazed we were able to pull of the quality of detail on the set. It's really going to set a new standard for paint application on prepainted figures.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Iconic Heroes Set #1 Final Photos (Part 2)!

We're just about a month away from the first release in our Iconic Heroes line of premium prepainted plastic figures. We've already shown the first in-hand photos of the finished figures for three of the figures in the set: Valeros, Seoni, and Sajan. This week we'll round out the set with looks at the final three figures.

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Tags: Iconics Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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We interrupt this regularly scheduled weekly Pathfinder Battles preview to deliver on something I've been promising for a while. We've finally managed to sort a bunch of our unused promotional repaint figures from 2013 and 2014, and I wanted to share them with you as soon as I could! All six are currently available for ordering exclusively on paizo.com. Like previous promo figures, these will not last forever. I think they make great "stocking stuffer" gifts for fellow gamers, so I wanted to get them up in time for the holidays (and because people keep reminding me I've been promising to do so for ages). We'll pick up with the Iconic Heroes Set #1 in-hand photo previews next week. For now, let's look at what Santa has in store in the promo department!

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Tags: Goblinworks Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Online

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Iconic Heroes Set #1 Final Photos!

It's a rainy Friday here in Washington state, but my spirits are high above the darkened clouds thanks to a very special package that arrived from our partners at WizKids this week. The simple cardboard box contained a single "final" version of Pathfinder Battles Iconic Heroes Set #1, the first in a series of monthly non-random iconic character sets that hit stores in January 2015.

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Tags: Iconics Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Sajan Seoni Valeros

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Lost Coast Now Shipping!

The newest full set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic gaming figures is NOW SHIPPING from the paizo.com warehouse in advance of the set's formal November 19th release date. This is your first opportunity to enjoy the new Ongoing Case Subscription Benefits like 30% off cases, singles, and other Pathfinder Battles releases, as well as 75% off the limited-edition case incentive Shemhazian Demon figure.

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Tags: The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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One Last Look at the Lost Coast

With The Lost Coast set releasing in about a week and a half, things are really picking up on the Pathfinder Battles front. I've already showed off the entire The Lost Coast set in several of my recent Friday blogs. I've also revealed the first twelve figures in our upcoming Iconic Heroes Sets. The other figures for following sets are still in development, and will appear in this space when they are ready.

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Tags: The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Friday Publisher Preview: Second Look at Iconic Heroes Set #3

The happiest of Halloweens to all of you out there in Previewland! We're a little under three weeks from the November 19 release of The Lost Coast, the newest 45-figure Pathfinder Battles set. We've recently simplified our Pathfinder Battles Case Subscription, so if you want to make sure you don't miss a single figure setting up a subscription in the next week or so before we start shipping them is your best bet. I brought home a case of my own this week, and I'm really happy with how the set turned out. The giant Shemhazian Demon Case Incentive figure is fantastic, and the set includes lots of other favorites like Lamashtu cultists, Lamashtu herself, and the stupidest (and I mean that in a GREAT way) Hill Giant Chieftain ever created in prepainted plastic. I think you guys are really going to enjoy this one.

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Tags: Balazar Iconics Imrijka Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Friday Publisher Preview: Iconic Heroes Set 3 (Part 1)

Hard to believe it's Friday already, and time for another look at upcoming Pathfinder Battles miniatures!

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Tags: Alahazra Alain Damiel Iconics Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Friday Publisher Preview: Improving the Iconics

I'm writing today's blog from Times Square in New York City, where I'm staying while taking in New York Comic Con. NYCC is one of my favorite events of the year. For starters, the convention is the second largest event of its kind, bringing in more than 100,000 fans from all over the world. The show floor is like a marketplace out of a geek's dreams, filled with action figures old and new, original comic art, wandering nerd culture celebrities, back issues, original art, you name it. It's like four Gen Cons smooshed together, with an artist's alley off to the side that fills a room that could host most conventions. There aren't, alas, a lot of tabletop (or even video) game companies exhibiting at the show yet, but the fandoms are very, very similar and of course there's a ton of crossover with gamers. For me it's a chance to visit with East Coast business partners like Dynamite, publishers of the Pathfinder Comics range, as well as most of our book business distribution partners.

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Tags: Iconics The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Sajan Seelah

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Friday Publisher Preview: Iconic Heroes Paint Masters

I've already spoken at length about our plans for the monthly series of Iconic Heroes Boxed Sets that begin in January. I've mentioned that WizKids intends to produce these figures at the highest possible standards, with premium sculpts and paint jobs.

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Tags: Iconic Heroes Lini The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Seoni Valeros

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Friday Publisher Preview: Catching Up

I was out sick last Friday, so we’ve fallen a bit behind on our scheduled previews of new figures from The Lost Coast set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures, which is set for a November release. I’ve got six figures to show off today, so let’s not waste time!

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Tags: The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Secrets (and Setbacks) Revealed: Adventure Card Guild and Iconic Heroes Miniatures

Bad news, to me, is like mayonnaise—unpalatable on its own, but a mere unpleasant surprise when it sneaks into the middle of an otherwise delicious sandwich. So your mayo in this blog post can be found in the middle, surrounded by tasty fixins'.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Society Season of the Shackles

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Friday Publisher Preview: Out Sick

Erik has been hit with some mighty fierce crud and is currently engaging in battle with the invading germs at home. In the meantime, you can check out the winners of this year's Gen Con Costume Contest in today's earlier blog. Be sure to stop by next Friday for more awesome Pathfinder Battles miniature previews!

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Tags: Andrew Hou Goblins Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Iconics Rise Again!

This time we're going to take a look at the digital sculpts for Iconic Heroes Two, which is set for a February 2015 release. The set will contain five of Pathfinder's iconic characters, plus one associated creature. This is the second of several such sets to release monthly starting in January. Check out the preview of Iconic Heroes Set One I posted a few weeks back for a look at the first six figures. Iconic Heroes sets are "visible" sets, meaning you'll know exactly what figures are in each "fixed" set. They retail for $29.99. WizKids is making every effort to ensure that the figures receive "premium" sculpts and paint jobs.

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Tags: Iconics Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Friday Publisher Preview: Three for the Road! Friday, August 29, 2014...

I’m currently at Dragon Con in Atlanta with Jason Bulmahn, attacking the Southern Front while several Paizonians are defending the homeland at PAX Prime in Seattle. The last long weekend of the summer means conventions, conventions, conventions, so in the interest of making it to my next panel on time and letting the Paizo web team get to PAX, I’m going to keep things short and sweet this week.

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Tags: The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Leapin' Lizards (Part 2)

Several months ago, among the earliest Lost Coast preview blogs, I revealed a few of the set's scaly denizens. This week we return from Gen Con with three more reptilian foes heading your way in November.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Friday Publisher Preview: Iconic Heroes Return!

Ever since our very first Pathfinder Battles release, Beginner Box Heroes, Pathfinder's iconic characters have been an important part of the product line. Each of our large sets has included at least one iconic character, and these heroes are often among the best-detailed figures of the bunch. They're also often the first to sell out, and command some of the craziest prices on the secondary market.

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Tags: Iconics Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Friday Publisher Preview: Feeling Iconic

As of this morning, we've officially crossed over into August, which means that Gen Con Indy is THIS MONTH. Please pardon me while I go curl up in a fetal position in the corner of my office and suck my thumb for a bit.

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Tags: The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Friday Publisher Preview: All Hail Lamashtu!

This evening the entire Paizo crew is headed to a local winery for our annual summer party, and everyone at the office right now is either diligently working nose-to-desk to finish that last bit of work before the weekend or goofing off counting down the hours until a bacchanal of all-you-can-drink wine. It's a tough life, folks, I have to tell you.

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Tags: The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Friday Publisher Preview: Three Giant Reveals

With the recent PaizoCon announcement of next year’s Giantslayer Adventure Path, it’s safe to say that we have giants on the brain here at Paizo HQ. November’s The Lost Coast set of prepainted fantasy miniatures from our partners at WizKids gave us the perfect opportunity to add a few more giants to the growing ranks of Pathfinder Battles Large monsters. The set is technically “generic” in that it does not support a specific Adventure Path, but as I’ve mentioned in previous Friday blogs, the Lost Coast location gives us plenty of opportunity to revisit some familiar characters and concepts.

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Tags: The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Friday Publisher Preview: Of Strong Character

It's hard to believe that PaizoCon is just a week behind us. In the mad rush to ship files for the product catalog and the Pathfinder RPG Monster Codex to the printer by the end of the day today, this week has been every bit as busy as the one preceding the convention, if not a little bit busier.

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Tags: The Lost Coast Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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PaizoCon 2014 Announcement Round-Up

Missed the annual PaizoCon Preview Banquet? Enjoyed too many cocktails while there to remember what we showed off? This post is your one-stop shop for all the important announcements you may have missed!

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Tags: Alexandre Chaudret Ben Wootten Bugbears Drow Gnolls Goblins Hobgoblins Jason Engle Jason Rainville Licensed Products The Lost Coast Maichol Quinto Monsters Orcs PaizoCon Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Online Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Roberto Pitturru Wayne Reynolds

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Friday Publisher Preview: It's PaizoCon!

We've been ramping up for PaizoCon all week here at the Paizo offices, which hasn't left much time for miniatures previews. But rest assured, we've got one major reveal scheduled for the traditional Saturday Preview Banquet. We'll include that image along with our other product announcements in a news roundup post on Sunday after the banquet, but for now here's a hint at what we have in store:

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Tags: Miniatures PaizoCon Pathfinder Battles

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Friday Publisher Preview: Erik Trolls the Internet

We're less than a week from PaizoCon, and the office is exploding with activity required to get ready for the Big Show. I'm franticly working on the Preview Banquet presentation in another window, we've just sent the on-site book to the local printer, and the warehouse team is packing up the products that will appear in our on-site Paizo Store. Upstairs, our CEO Lisa Stevens is playing the just-released Alpha Build of Pathfinder Online, and the editorial team is, as usual, working nose to the ground to hit its regular deadlines.

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Tags: The Lost Coast Miniatures PaizoCon Pathfinder Battles

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Friday Publisher Preview: The Runes Shall Rise Again!

One of my favorite things about the "open" theme of November's The Lost Coast set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles figures is that it allows me to do pretty much whatever I want. Unlike sets based on a specific Adventure Path, The Lost Coast does not require a certain number of Russian soldiers, or very specific and unusual monsters key to an important encounter in a campaign. The loose theme of "wilderness area in Varisia" is enough to play home to high-utility figures based on amazing drawings, with pretty much no other restrictions on what to include in the set.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Rise of the Runelords

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Friday Publisher Preview: Denizens of the Lost Coast

I'm writing today's blog from the Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Ohio. Origins is one of the longest-running gaming conventions in the country, and this year a small contingent from Paizo is at the show running demos of the Skull & Shackles Base Set for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, playing some Pathfinder Society Organized Play games, and hob-nobbing with other game industry folks. Last night, I had a chance to introduce some friends from Wizards of the Coast's D&D team to the glorious wonders of White Castle hamburgers, and just a few minutes ago I finished up a fun PFS table at which our own Jason Bulmahn played an obnoxious priest of Razmir, the fak—er, "Living" god. Good times.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Leapin' Lizards!

The next set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures, The Lost Coast, revisits the land of Varisia, the setting of several Pathfinder Adventure Paths and other sourcebooks. As we've show in previous previews, this gives us the opportunity to fill in a few gaps from previous sets like Rise of the Runelords and Shattered Star, but tidying up old set lists and satisfying my OCD and completionism is not the main goal of the set.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Rounding Out the Elements

We're only a couple of weeks from the release of the Reign of Winter set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures! In recent months I've previewed all 45 figures in that set, and I'm hoping you're looking forward to it with eager anticipation. I know I can't wait to add the set to my personal collection.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Lost & Found

With the Reign of Winter set scheduled for release next month and the last three figures from that set being previewed last Friday, it's time for a very special event here on the Friday preview blog—it's time to reveal the next set!

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The End of Winter

I don't know what the weather's like where you live, but I'm looking out my office window at a gorgeous, sunny 71-degree day that feels a lot like summer. The forecast calls for rain this weekend, but after two beautiful Spring weeks on vacation in France and the sun beating down on me for five days in a row here in Seattle (!), I'm ready to declare the end of the winter season for real!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Au Revoir!

Next week I'm off to the great nation of France to celebrate the 10th anniversary of our partners at Black Book Editions, who publish Pathfinder in French. I'll be taking a little vacation at the end of the trip, so the Pathfinder Battles Preview will go on a two-week hiatus following today's preview. I usually try to post these updates from the road, but this time I'm going to let vacation be vacation. I hope to come back to finish out the last few Reign of Winter figures, and that should coincide with some previews (and heck, an announcement!) for the next set.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Ch-ch-ch-changes

Before we get to today's Reign of Winter miniature reveals, I want to focus on a couple of important general changes to the Pathfinder Battles line that will begin with this set, both in terms of the number of figures per set and in terms of the subscription benefits offered to ongoing Pathfinder Battles Case Subscription.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: One More Tri

In my Las Vegas-fueled GAMA Trade Show enthusiasm of last week, I somehow missed the fact that the upcoming Reign of Winter set includes at least three more alien creatures from the frigid world of Triaxus, as featured in the fifth Reign of Winter Adventure Path adventure, The Frozen Stars. Check out last week’s preview blog for a sense of some of my original trepidation about including “furry elves” in the miniatures set.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Tri, Tri Again

This week was the GAMA Trade Show in Las Vegas, where about 350 of the top hobby games retailers in the world gathered with game manufacturers to discuss new products, new organized play initiatives, and the gaming business in general. Over the last several years, GTS has gotten more and more healthy, reflecting a revitalized hobby game retail environment. It's always great to meet face-to-face with retailers, and this week a lot of the discussion focused on Pathfinder Battles and the upcoming Reign of Winter set.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: When Animals Attack

We've already previewed several animals from the upcoming Reign of Winter set of prepainted Pathfinder Battles figures. We've seen a Falcon, a Goat, an Owl, a Fox, and more, making Reign of Winter the most animal-friendly set of figures we've produced today.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: In from the Cold (War)

I'm writing this Friday morning sitting in gate B1 of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport, waiting for a flight that will take me to Austin. While I'm in town I will be spending a lot of time hatching plans with Brandon Hodge, one of my favorite Pathfinder authors. Brandon is the mad genius who brought us the fan-favorite Rasputin Must Die! in the fifth volume of the Reign of Winter Adventure Path.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Short Blog, Big Dragon

WOW! Today has been so crazy busy here at the Paizo offices that I only now realized that I needed to write a preview blog for the Reign of Winter set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures! The set is scheduled for a May release, and since time is short and our web team certainly wants to get out of here before Midnight, I'm going to keep today's preview short and very, very sweet by giving you your first good look at the set's limited edition "case incentive" figure: the Gargantuan White Dragon!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Player Proxies

As we keep marching toward the May release of the Reign of Winter set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic figures, I want to take a little break from the usual parade of monsters and creepy creatures to focus on four figures that work great to model player characters, even if that was not their original intent.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Monster Miscellany

Winter continues its cruel embrace across the United States this week (well, just about everywhere but here in balmy Seattle, that is), and our Reign of Winter miniature reveals for May's Pathfinder Battles set just keep on coming!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Short and Sweet

It's been a crazy busy week here at Paizo, so in deference to my overloaded schedule I hope you'll forgive a relatively brief set of previews this week. These figures are from May's Reign of Winter> set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures.

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Ice, Ice Baby!

As we here in Seattle gear up for what we hope (and expect) will be a fantastic Super Bowl victory for our heroes on the Seattle Seahawks this weekend, the weather has taken a slight turn for the better. It's a bit difficult to believe, but I can actually see sunlight outside my office. But all it takes is another cold day, and we'll be back into the dreariness of winter in Washington state, where the line between rain-slicked highways and icy death-slides is only a few cold degrees.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Behind the Scenes

In the comments thread to last week's Pathfinder Battles preview, user Pigraven asked several questions about the Pathfinder Battles product line that might be good fodder for a blog. The community thought that would be a good idea, and so do I. So in addition to posting three more figures from the upcoming Reign of Winter set of prepainted plastic gaming figures this evening, I thought I'd also go through Pigraven's questions and provide some quick answers.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Winter is Coming

We've previewed all of the figures in the Wrath of the Righteous set, which officially releases next week! As a special treat this week, I want to show off three figures from the NEXT set, Reign of Winter, which is currently slated for a May 14 release.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Last of the Righteous

We've only got two more minis to reveal for this month's Wrath of the Righteous set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures. Before I show off photos, however, I need to make an important update to the set's actual release date. Due to inclement weather across virtually the entire country last week, we've had to delay the official release of the Wrath of the Righteous set to January 22. So update your calendars (and your expectations) for this new release date, please.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Last of the Evil Horde

We're about two weeks from the official release date of the Wrath of the Righteous set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic figures, which means our previews for this set will soon come to an end. This week we focus on the final six figures in the 55-mini set, leaving next week for a final, triumphant look at the demon lord Deskari, the case-incentive limited edition promotional figure for this set.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Good Girls, Bad Guys (?)

I've been threatening to reveal a few more "good guys" from January's Wrath of the Righteous set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted figures, and now that I'm sitting here in the Minneapolis airport about to fly back to Seattle from my holiday vacation, it appears that there are somewhat fewer heroes in this set than my memory had earlier suggested. As in, there's only two more.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Arise, Agents of Evil!

We're getting closer and closer to the mid-January release of the Wrath of the Righteous set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures, and already the agents of evil gather with sinister designs on your player characters!

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Did I Mention There Are Demons?

We're about a month away from the official January release date of the Wrath of the Righteous set of 55 prepainted Pathfinder Battles miniatures, and I've got to tell you—I am starting to get seriously psyched. This week WizKids stopped by the Paizo offices to deliver the first brick of sealed boosters for the Wrath of the Righteous set, and I'm happy to say that the quality on the final figures is phenomenal.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Five for Fighting

We're less than a month away from the January release of the 55-figure Wrath of the Righteous set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures! These figures support the pulse-pounding Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path, but the set contains enough monsters and heroes to make it a great resource for any fantasy campaign.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Two for Turkey Day!

As the joy of Thanksgiving fades and the chill winds of winter creep in from the far corners of the world, icy terrors shudder ever closer to your gaming table! This week we take a break from the regularly scheduled previews of figures from the upcoming Wrath of the Righteous set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic figures to embrace the frigid winds with two titans of the tundra.

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Fiendish Friday

Another Friday is upon us, and I’ve got five more sweet, sweet figures from January’s Wrath of the Righteous set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic figures to reveal!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Random Chaos

In the "Woe is Me" department, I'm being paid to play Pathfinder all day today for generous donors to the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter effort from last year, so I've got precious little time for this blog today. There are characters to kill, after all, and we can't keep Pharasma waiting too long for their tortured souls.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Demons, Demons, Everywhere

Time marches on toward the scheduled January release of the Wrath of the Righteous set of Pathfinder Battles miniatures! This week I want to focus on many of the demons in the set, particularly some of the "rank and file" types placed at the more common rarities. WizKids did a wonderful job on the sculpts for these badboys, and I am fairly confident that by the time we’re done with this set, less than a tiny handful of official Pathfinder demons will be without representation in prepainted plastic. Praise the dark lords of the Abyss!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Around the Horn(s)

As I write this, the brand new Legends of Golarion set is in retail stores and in the hands of or on the way to subscribers. WizKids is hard at work on the next set, January's Wrath of the Righteous, and today they've also announced the NEXT full set in the Pathfinder Battles line, Reign of Winter. Reign of Winter is set to release in April, and will contain 55 figures inspired by that wintry Adventure Path. It will also include a brand new Gargantuan White Dragon figure as a promotional case incentive piece, but I'll talk more about that when I have an actual image to show you. Suffice it to say for now that the figure will be based on one of the most gorgeous and impressive pieces of draconic art in Paizo's arsenal of awesome art.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: First Looks at Wrath of the Righteous!

This month's Legends of Golarion set of prepainted plastic Pathfinder Battles miniatures is in stores now and on its way to subscribers as I write this blog. I hope you're enjoying that collection of creatures and NPCs inspired by the Pathfinder campaign setting. It was certainly great fun putting it together.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Power Preview

This week sees the official release of the Legends of Golarion set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic figures, and I couldn't be more excited. This set is extra special to me, because unlike previous sets, it takes its inspiration not from one of our Pathfinder Adventure Path campaigns, but instead from the whole breadth of all Pathfinder releases to date. This set, more than any of its predecessors, includes lots of original Pathfinder creatures like the Sandpoint Devil, Seugathi, and Marsh Giant.

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Kobolds, Kobolds Everywhere

I'm visiting family in Minnesota this week, but even the ties of blood cannot stop the inexorable march of Pathfinder Battles previews! This week we continue our look at this month's Legends of Golarion set of prepainted plastic miniatures. Unlike previous sets like Rise of the Runelords, Shattered Star, or Skull & Shackles, Legends of Golarion does not focus on a specific Pathfinder Adventure Path. Rather, the set travels around the whole of Golarion to cover monsters and characters from the entire breadth of Pathfinder products.

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Monkey Business

A few months ago, when I started thinking about what figures to include in the specifically Pathfinder Campaign Setting-themed Legends of Golarion set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures, I came upon a revelation. We seem to really like monkeys, gorillas, and apes. And since we decided to include several of these creatures in the set, I thought it would make for a good theme for a Friday preview blog. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a sensational simian sneak peak to last you through your Saturday and Sunday!

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Red Dragon Evolution

I can hardly believe it's already Friday again. It seems like only yesterday I was writing last week's preview blog, but that's life at Big Gaming. There's always so much cool stuff coming across my desk that whole weeks seem to go by in a flash. It's a good problem to have, though, so enough complaining. Let's get onto the main event, a preview of December's Red Dragon Evolution Encounter Pack!

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: I Dream of Genies (and Other Stuff)

It's Friday, which means a new raft of previews of the upcoming Legends of Golarion set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures! But first, an update: The Legends of Golarion set's official release date is now OCTOBER 16. The set will formally release well in time for marathon Halloween game sessions, and just in time for you to give out the coolest Halloween treats on the block!

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Tags: Legends of Golarion Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Pathfinder Originals

One of my favorite things about the upcoming Legends of Golarion set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures is that it gives us a chance to focus on some creatures that are either original Pathfinder RPG creations or that came from mythology but otherwise made their debut in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

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Tags: Legends of Golarion Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Something Evil This Way Comes

Three figures to show off this week from the upcoming Legends of Golarion set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures! This time I wanted to show off some of the set's more... eeevil antagonists, in particular those associated with my personal favorite nation of the Pathfinder world: CHELIAX!
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Tags: Legends of Golarion Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Ssssssuper Miniatures!

We're finally back from the madness of Gen Con, and the coming of another Friday means it's time for another preview of miniatures from October's Legends of Golarion set of 55 prepainted Pathfinder Battles miniatures! We showed off about 30 figures at the Paizo booth at Gen Con last weekend, and I've been seeing candid photos posted all over the internet. The best gallery of Pathfinder Battles goodness comes from the fine folks over at Crit to Hit, who captured the entire display with nice high-res images.

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Tags: Legends of Golarion Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Second Look at Legends of Golarion

Most of you probably won't start seriously thinking about Gen Con Indy until next week, but for Paizo, it's only a matter of hours away. Many of us (including yours truly) leave for the Big Show on Monday morning, making today the very last office day before we head out for Indianapolis.

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Tags: Legends of Golarion Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Last Look at Skull & Shackles

We've finally revealed all 55 figures in the Skull & Shackles set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures. It seems like only a few short months ago that we raised the sails on the first reveal and set out upon the open seas, and yet here we are at our final destination, with the set's formal release at Gen Con Indy less than two weeks away. Time really does fly when you're keelhauling scallywags!

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Tags: Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Final Reveals!

The August release date of the Skull & Shackles set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures is getting closer and closer! We've already showed off 52 of the set's 55 figures, so this week we're going to finish off the set with the final three reveals!

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Ladies, Ladies, Ladies

We're only a few weeks away from the August release of the Skull & Shackles set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures, and we've saved some of the coolest figures for the last few previews!

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Good Ship Pathfinder Battles

Avast, me hearties! The Good Ship Pathfinder Battles has passed the intriguing Isles of PaizoCon and soon we will be upon the great continent of Gen Con. We've recently seen the release of the We Be Goblins! Builder Series, the White Dragon Evolution Encounter Pack, and the Konkrud convention special promotional figure (which we'll also have at Gen Con). Just this last weekend at the PaizoCon Preview Banquet we announced the next full set of 55 figures, entitled Legends of Golarion, scheduled for release in October. Rumors abound of an additional set by the end of the year, and the sea-salt smell of new announcements is in the briny air.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Introducing Legends of Golarion

Saturday night at the PaizoCon Preview Banquet, we announced the release of our next Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures set, Legends of Golarion! This 55-figure set is scheduled for an October 2013 release. It features monsters and characters inspired by the Pathfinder Campaign Setting and Pathfinder releases going back to the very beginning. Long-time Pathfinder fans will discover miniatures of old friends from classic Adventure Paths and Pathfinder Modules, while gamers new to Pathfinder will discover a set packed with high-use creatures like orcs, kobolds, and awesome monsters from the Pathfinder Bestiaries.

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Gone to the Con!

Today is the first formal day of PaizoCon, which runs throughout this weekend here in Seattle. About 700 of our best friends are gathered at the Seattle Airport Marriott as you read this, playing games, throwing dice, and having a great time.

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Back Into the Water!

After two weeks of focusing on the Undead Horde, it's time to get back into the water for more previews from August's upcoming Skull & Shackles set of 55 prepainted plastic miniatures!

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: More of the Undead Horde!

This week brings the final six reveals for the upcoming Pathfinder Battles Undead Horde Builder Series, which is set for a September debut. This set of 12 figures features new sculpts and repainted favorites to help you swell the legions of undead in your Pathfinder campaigns. Figures come one per pack, with 24 $2.99 packs in a single "gravity feed" display. Our first Builder Series release, We Be Goblins! came out last week, and reviews have been very positive. We think you'll like the Undead Horde just as much!

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Unleash the Undead Horde!

This week I'm pleased to announce the latest release in the Pathfinder Battles line of prepainted plastic fantasy gaming figures: the Undead Horde Builder Series! Our first Builder Series release, We Be Goblins, just came out this week, and has been receiving positive reviews both online and here at the Origins Game Fair, where I'm writing today's blog. In September, we plan to follow up this week's set with a new release packed with 12 sculpts of classic undead creatures, including four all-new sculpts and new paintjobs for popular undead figures from previous sets.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Undead Horde

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: It’s All My Fault

The August release of the Skull & Shackles set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures is only a couple of months away. WizKids has delivered final production samples of all 55 figures in the set, and it's pretty amazing how they continue to raise the bar on sculpting and painting with each Pathfinder Battles release. It's always amazing to see creatures and characters we created in our minds finally taking form as three-dimensional full-color objects we can hold in our hands. I often consider it one of my greatest powers as a publisher, in fact, and this week's preview fittingly covers four figures that probably would never have existed if it wasn't for yours truly, even if I did not directly invent any of them.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: On the Road!

Greetings, Miniatures Fiends! I am on the road in New York City for the annual Book Expo America show, where Paizo joins the ranks of hundreds and hundreds of publishers to show off its wares to book buyers and librarians. That means I'm about 3000 miles from my archive of Pathfinder Battles photos, but mere distance is not sufficient to keep me from the holy calling of showing off new Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures sculpts from August's Skull & Shackles set!

Last week our friends from WizKids brought over production samples of the entire set of 55 figures, including the massive Gargantuan Skeletal Dragon. Many a squee was heard from the Paizo conference room, as all in attendance agreed that WizKids has raised the bar AGAIN, producing a set that exceeds the standards of its predecessors in both sculpt and paint quality. The final paint jobs are just amazing. "THIS IS A COMMON!??!?" was probably the most-heard phrase of the meeting, and we're all very excited to spread that enthusiasm for the final product beyond the hallowed walls of Paizo when the set releases in August.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: More Monsters of the High Seas

With the sun high in the sky here in Seattle, it must mean that summer is just around the corner. And summer means the release of the Skull & Shackles set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures! This week I'd like to show off three more monsters coming your way this July!

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Devils of the Sea

The Skull & Shackles Adventure Path features a lot of "proper" devils from the Hells, but it also features a LOT of SEA devils. While these aquatic menaces are not lawful evil outsiders proper, their sharp teeth and evil looks make the name fit quite well. WizKids did a great job translating these creatures into prepainted plastic for the Skull & Shackles set of Pathfinder Battles figures, and I'm thrilled to show them all to you today.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Strange Cargo

The summer release of Pathfinder Battles: Skull & Shackles is just over the horizon. Already you can hear the sea shanties of pirate crews carried on the salt-saturated air, and was that a shark fin that passed by just now? We've previewed almost half of the 55-figure set so far here on the Paizo Blog, and excitement is building for what is shaping up to be one of our best Pathfinder Battles sets yet! Designed to support the popular Skull & Shackles Adventure Path, the set includes creatures encountered in that campaign as well as aquatic and pirate-themed figures usable in any fantasy adventure.

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Devil in the Details

Today is a crazy busy day at Paizo, as the entire staff works to finalize the last little details of nearly a dozen books, all within a week of being shipped off to the printer so that we can get them to you in time for Gen Con Indy in August. It's our last chance to make sure these books are absolutely perfect in every detail. As a celebration of our meticulous, lawful activities, I've decided to dedicate today's Pathfinder Battles preview blog to devils.

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: A "Huge" Announcement

This week we interrupt our usual schedule of previews for the upcoming Skull & Shackles set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures to bring you an update on exciting Pathfinder Battles developments related to other product releases.

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Small Wonders

They say good things come in small packages, and in the case of this summer’s Skull & Shackles set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures, they’re definitely right!

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Shark Week

This summer's upcoming Skull & Shackles Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures set contains scoundrels and scallywags from the water's surface, but some of my favorite figures in the set actually live below the waves. One of the reasons we wanted to create this set in the first place was to finally get some aquatic creatures into the world of prepainted plastics, and WizKids has done a great job bringing the briny deep to life before our eyes.

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Shoot 'em Up!

With its piratical theme, the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path is a perfect campaign for gamers looking to add a little gunplay to their fantasy. This summer's Skull & Shackles Pathfinder Battles miniatures set therefore includes a few pistol-packing figures that will help you bring your black powder fantasies to life on the tabletop.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Grindy High, Grindylow

This week I'm in Las Vegas for the GAMA Trade Show, an annual meeting of game manufacturers and retailers wherein game publishers show off their new stuff, hatch massive conspiracies with one another, and work with retailers to be better partners in getting our cool game products into the hands of consumers. This year's show has been a wonderful experience, and over the last few days I've spoken with hundreds of retailers with questions, comments, and criticisms about Paizo's products. That's meant a lot of chatting about the Pathfinder Battles miniatures, and I'm pleased to report that the word from folks here is that customers are really loving our figures. The trade show has been an educational experience, and it's convinced me that the next few years are going to be even more exciting for Pathfinder fans than the last few!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Motley Crew

WizKids secret agents have been making multiple weekly trips to Paizo these days, and each time they show up they have a chest full of pirate's treasure. Ok, that's not true, but for nerds like me it's pretty close. In fact they've been bringing over the latest paint masters for figures in this summer's Skull & Shackles set of Pathfinder Battles miniatures, and man, they shine like the brightest gold to these old pirate eyes!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Hoist the Black Flag: Skull & Shackles!

I am pleased to announce today that the next major Pathfinder Battles release will be a full 55-figure set inspired by Paizo’s popular Skull & Shackles Adventure Path! Skull & Shackles casts players in the role of a gang of pirates with their own ship, struggling to make a name for themselves in the treacherous southern seas of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting!

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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Skull & Shackles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: At Last, the Goblin Mystic!

Way back when we first announced Heroes & Monsters, the very first Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures set, we knew we needed to include Pathfinder goblins from the very start. It’s an open secret that about half of that set was already in development at WizKids when we got involved, and a lot of the specifically Pathfinder creatures came relatively late in the process. Some of the figures, such as the Human Rogue and Orc Brute bear an uncanny resemblance to classic Mage Knight figures from the first era of prepainted plastic miniatures, whereas others like Seelah and the Ogre were more or less direct ports of Pathfinder art to miniature form.

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: I Drop the Bomb on You

We've already previewed four figures from the set on previous Fridays, which leaves four more for upcoming weeks. But I've got to churn through them FAST, because we are at the very doorstep of the announcement of the very next full set. WizKids brought the first round of paint masters for THAT by the office this week, and they are better than anything we've seen from them before. But that's getting ahead of myself. Onward my goblin soldiers!

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Tags: Free RPG Day Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Goblins on the March!

May sees the release of the new Pathfinder Battles Builder Series We Be Goblins set, a collection of 12 goblin minis sold in a blind-packed, single-figure packages. The release is timed to coincide with Free RPG Day (June 15th), and our cool new free adventure, We Be Goblins Too!

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Tags: Free RPG Day Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: We Be Goblins!

Ever since we introduced the little buggers way back in Pathfinder Adventure Path #1, the lowly goblin has become a sort of mascot for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. With several new attributes like hatred of dogs, fear of horses, and a delightful penchant for singing (and a fresh new visual design from superstar artist Wayne Reynolds), Pathfinder goblins are a great symbol of what we're trying to accomplish with Pathfinder in general—providing new and exciting spins on classic elements of fantasy and sword & sorcery.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Gang's (Almost) All Here!

The brand-new Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic figures officially released on Wednesday of this week, and reactions from those lucky enough to have received them already have been very positive!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Rounding Third, Heading for Home

We’re less than a week away from the January 23rd official release date for the Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy figures! But with all the crazy Kickstarter stuff going on over the last month, we’ve still got a few figures left to reveal from the set.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Pathfinder Online Promo Figures

The big Pathfinder Online Kickstarter Campaign wraps up this upcoming Monday, so before we head out for the weekend, I wanted to interrupt our normal Pathfinder Battles preview schedule to give a look not just at the seven figures we’ve already revealed, but also the two remaining figures that are likely to be unlocked this weekend as we push toward the project’s ambitious $1,000,000 funding goal.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Online

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Elementally, My Dear Watson

We're now less than three weeks from the January 23rd release date for the new Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures! So far we've revealed nearly 40 of the set's 55 figures, but a little math will tell you that from now until the release date, we've got to reveal a decent number of figures to show them all off before you can buy them yourselves in the store.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Dog Days of Winter

We're less than a month from the formal release of the Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures! Here in the Paizo offices, things are very, very quiet, as it seems just about everyone but me remembered to take the day off to have a continuous holiday between Christmas and New Year's Day. Well, my mistake is your reward, as all this silence in the office during the "Winter Break" has given me more than enough time to whip up a brand new Pathfinder Battles Preview Blog!

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Do Clockwork Kings Dream of Electric Golems?

So here it is, Paizo fans! The Clockwork Reliquary, finally unveiled after 10,000 years of slumber, risen from the waves and ruins of Thassilon to claim the lives of your PCs before moving onward to world domination at the head of its clockwork army! Can they stop it, or will all of Golarion once again kneel before the skymetal tyrant? Erik was right last week when he called this figure "the coolest mini in the whole set, possibly the most complex and awesome-est prepainted plastic mini ever made for any set." I couldn't agree more, and I know your wait was worth it.

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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: OMG, It's the Wyvern

Pathfinder Battles Preview: OMG, It's the Wyvern Friday, November 16, 2012 Work has been so busy lately I can hardly think straight. So here I am at 4:00 on a Friday afternoon, and I only now realized that I forgot to put together a preview blog for January's upcoming Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures! ... I want to keep this week's preview short and sweet, and honestly the best way to do that is to focus on one of the set's sweetest miniatures: the...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Water, Water, Everywhere

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Water, Water, Everywhere Friday, November 9, 2012 In what seems like a first for these late fall Pathfinder Battles preview blogs, it's actually not raining outside our Washington State offices as I write this. But don't worry, I'm sure it soon will be. These last few weeks have shown us all the devastating power of nature, so I thought it might make a good occasion to show you two water-themed creatures from January's Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: It's Raining Cats and Frogs

Pathfinder Battles Preview: It's Raining Cats and Frogs Friday, November 2, 2012 It’s been raining cats and dogs here in Seattle lately, so I decided to take that as inspiration for this week’s preview. And since I don’t have a great photo of the set’s two awesome canine figures yet, I’m substituting a frog-like thing instead to preserve the delicate rhyme structure of my pun. ... I speak, of course, of the Boggard! ... Boggards have been with Pathfinder for a long time, and finally get their...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Cosmic Horror Halloween!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Cosmic Horror Halloween! Friday, October 26, 2012 Halloween is less than a week away, so it's finally time to deliver on the cosmic horror I've been teasing for the last several weeks. ... You've already seen the enormous Gug, which I've included again below since it is so awesome and fits the theme so well. ... But the Gug is only one of THREE mythos monsters included in January's Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures. He happens...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Gray Days

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Gray Days Friday, October 19, 2012 The Halloween season is about more than just scares. Here in Seattle, the approach of Halloween means the end of nice weather and a months-long descent into the gray, a series of cloudy, rainy, dreary days often strung together 40 or 50 at a time. It's not the dreariness that gets you, or the dampness. It's the monotony of it all. The same day, every day, for days and days and days and days (can you tell I just got back from a...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Scary Monsters

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Scary Monsters Friday, October 12, 2012 It's October, and as Halloween approaches it seems appropriate to focus on some of the scarier creatures in the upcoming Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures! ... I'm technically on vacation this week, but hey, no rest for the wicked. I can't let my personal need for a couple of days off get in the way of your personal need for more cool Pathfinder Battles previews. As a wise man once said,...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Big Blue

Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Big Blue Friday, October 5, 2012 I'd planned to spend the next few weeks leading up to Halloween on some of the spookier figures in the upcoming Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures, but this week our doorbell rang here at Paizo, and our partners at WizKids delivered one of the greatest pre-Halloween treats of all in the form of the final paint master of the Gargantuan Blue Dragon, the special case incentive promotional figure for the...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Living Dead

Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Living Dead Friday, September 28, 2012 Last night we finished up session 35 of James Jacobs's office campaign, which has morphed into an adaptation of Gary Gygax's classic fantasy Egyptian superdungeon, Necropolis. James has done a lot to make the adventure his own, including transporting it to the nation of Osirion in the Pathfinder world, and adding several devious traps and monsters not in the original adventure. ... But we're still in ancient tombs and...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Golems' Got It!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Golems' Got It! Friday, September 21, 2012 Earlier this week WizKids brought by the case incentive miniature for the upcoming Shattered Star set of prepainted Pathfinder Battles miniatures. In the previous set, Rise of the Runelords, the incentive miniature was the enormous Rune Giant, which lorded over the rest of the set and looked absolutely amazing doing it. ... I can't say what the case incentive figure will be for Shattered Star yet (because I want to...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Feel the Burn!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Feel the Burn! Friday, September 14, 2012 We've just finished laying out the packaging for the upcoming Shattered Star set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic fantasy gaming miniatures, which means we'll very shortly have the product up for pre-order! These figures support the new Shattered Star Adventure Path, but are of course usable in any fantasy campaign. ... At this point, all of the sculpts have been approved, and the only figure still in painting is...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: That's a big sword!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: That's a big sword! Friday, September 7, 2012 Last Friday, the poor Paizo Blog was bereft of a Pathfinder Battles preview on account of yours truly running the Pathfinder demo room at PAX Prime. PAX is an enormous Seattle-based convention with a primary focus on computer games, which means that the 70,000+ attendees are all decked out with the latest trends in wireless gaming and handheld mobile devices. This has the side effect of train-wrecking internet access...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Very Important Column

Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Very Important Column Friday, August 24, 2012 We’re back from Gen Con, and holy cow things went great for Paizo at this year’s show! I was very pleased at the reception of our new Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic fantasy miniatures, as con-goers surrounded our display of all the unboxed figures throughout the exhibit hall hours, and I kept seeing the figures (along with our new Bestiary Box Pawns) all over the 95 tables of Pathfinder...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Opening Big

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Opening Big Friday, August 10, 2012 We're tying up all the final loose ends before heading to Indianapolis for Gen Con next week, so because I'm so busy, I'm going to let my favorite freelancer write a fun description of the creature depicted in today's blog: ... It was a paw, fully two feet and a half across, and equipped with formidable talons. After it came another paw, and after that a great black-furred arm to which both of the paws were attached by short...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Starting Small with the Shattered Star

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Starting Small with the Shattered Star Friday, August 3, 2012 August is upon us, and we've finally reached the release month for the Rise of the Runelords set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures! We'll debut the set at Gen Con Indy, which means that the complete shipment is currently sitting in our warehouse, which has picked up a distinctive smell of fresh plastic. I love the smell of fresh plastic in the morning. It smells like... Victory. ... Anyway, you...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Shattered Star

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Rise of the Runelords Round-Up

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Rise of the Runelords Round-Up Friday, July 27, 2012 We're still in the process of photographing the paint masters for the next Pathfinder Battles set, which ties into the Shattered Star Adventure Path. The first installment of that campaign debuts in just a few weeks at Gen Con Indy, where we'll also debut the Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder Battles set. ... While our cameras are clicking in anticipation of future blogs, I thought it was high time to reveal the...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Rise of the Runelords

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Spirit of the Season

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Spirit of the Season Friday, July 20, 2012With the glories of PaizoCon behind us, the Paizo editorial department finds itself deep in the throes of that fabulous annual event called Gen Con Prep. The office is abuzz with the work of getting ready for the Big Show. All of Gen Con's big releases (Ultimate Equipment, the Bestiary Box, etc.) were finished long ago, of course, but there's still a ton of stuff to do before we can head to Indianapolis next month. We've...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Rise of the Runelords

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Shine On, You Crazy Diamond

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Shine On, You Crazy Diamond Friday, July 13, 2012First off, did you know that our first set of Pathfinder Battles minis, Heroes & Monsters, was just nominated as the Best Miniatures Product of the year for this year's Gen Con/EN World ENnie Awards? We're enormously proud of such a strong showing with our very first set, and given the leaps and bounds of improvement on sculpts, painting, and packaging we've experienced since then, I'm very excited to see how the...
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Tags: Eric Belisle Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The (Goblin) Dog Days of Summer

Pathfinder Battles Preview: The (Goblin) Dog Days of Summer Friday, June 29, 2012It's 2:25 PM and I still haven't written today's Pathfinder Battles preview blog. ... MUST BE SUMMER! ... I love the arrival of summer here in the Pacific Northwest, which for the other 9 months of the year likes to keep itself cloaked in a mantle of soggy gray misery. Finally, the sun peeks over the mountains and through the otherwise ever-present clouds, and a bit of happiness returns to the world. ......
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Runelord's Apprentice

Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Runelord's Apprentice Friday, June 22, 2012This week I want to show off another never-before-seen miniature from the upcoming Rise of the Runelords set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy figures. We've come very close to revealing the entire set, but we still have a small handful of beasties and bad-guys still to be revealed. ... So let's start with a bang by revealing the one and only Khalib, apprentice to Runelord Karzoug himself! This high-level...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Sing, Sing, Sing!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Sing, Sing, Sing! Friday, June 15, 2012The August release date of the new Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder Battles miniature set approaches, and you can tell by the rising sound of chittering and singing on the horizon. Goblins chew and goblins bite! Goblins cut and goblins fight! the chanting goes, growing nearer and nearer. Your dog begins to bark with anxiety, casting watery eyes toward the back door. Out in the yard, you hear your horse whine in fear. ... The...
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Tags: Goblins Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Get Your Free RPGs!

Get Your Free RPGs! Thursday, June 13, 2012Free RPG Day is this Saturday! Be sure to swing on by your friendly local game store to get your copy of Pathfinder Module: Dawn of the Scarlet Sun, written by our very own James Jacobs, along with tons of other free offerings from the greatest in gaming. Our offering this year, Dawn of the Scarlet Sun, is built to tie in perfectly with the Pathfinder Battles: Champions of Evil Encounter Pack, which, along with the pregenerated characters included in...
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Tags: Free RPG Day Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Modules

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Golem's Got It

Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Golem's Got It Friday, June 8, 2012I've spent the week in New York City at Book Expo America, chatting with booksellers and distributors about Paizo's exciting upcoming products. I was very pleased to receive an early print sample of the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path Anniversary Edition hardcover to bring to the conference, and it was fun to watch everyone's mouths fall agape as they took in the gorgeous book. I don't think it's much of an exaggeration...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Bone Chiller

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Bone Chiller Friday, June 1, 2012This week I'm revealing one more prepainted plastic miniature from the upcoming Rise of the Runelords set in our Pathfinder Battles line produced in conjunction with WizKids. We're in the home stretch now, with only a few miniatures left to reveal, so I'm slowing down the pace a bit to make up for the explosion of early reveals over the last few months. As my mother and work supervisors have always told me, I've got to learn to pace...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Big Bads (Volume 2)

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Big Bads (Volume 2) Friday, May 25, 2012Here we are on the precipice of a three-day weekend, and I got so excited I completely forgot to put together a blog for today's Pathfinder Battles preview! So let's cut to the chase and get to the previews of two of the Big Bads from the Rise of the Runelords set of prepainted Pathfinder Battles miniatures! ... Both of these characters come from the fifth volume of the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path, “Sins of the...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Small Update

Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Small Update Friday, May 11, 2012We're getting to deep into the previews for the Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder Battles set that I've almost run out of pictures to show you! A handful of minis remain yet to be revealed, but I'm pleased to report that some of them are among the coolest in the set! ... Today I'd like to show off two Small miniatures from the set that leave a very big impression. ... Up first is the dreaded Kobold Champion! This lizard-like...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Gross, the Bad, and the Ugly

Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Gross, the Bad, and the Ugly Friday, May 4, 2012We're getting close to having revealed all of the miniatures in the upcoming Pathfinder Battles set, Rise of the Runelords! It seems like only a few weeks ago that I started showing of sculpts and paint masters, but in fact it's been months, and as I type this the production run of miniatures is trundling through the factory. All of the paint schemes have been approved, all the decisions have been made, and now...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Behold the Black Arrows!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Behold the Black Arrows! Friday, April 20, 2012I'm on the road this week, so today's preview will be short and sweet. ... In recent weeks, we've showed off a lot of monsters and villains from the Rise of the Runelords set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures. This week, I'd like to show off a trio of key NPCs that might prove to be enemies OR allies in the course of the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path, the notorious Black Arrows rangers! ... I'm really...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: In the Lair of the Lamias! (Also: Storm Giant)

Pathfinder Battles Preview: In the Lair of the Lamias! (Also: Storm Giant) Friday, April 13, 2012We've already revealed the dreaded Lamia Matriarch and the Huge Lamia Harridan, but the Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition has even more lamias to slay player characters everywhere, and we're pleased to reveal two more in today's preview blog! ... Up first is the Lamia, a creature with ties to ancient Greek mythology and a strong pedigree in fantasy roleplaying games. Appropriately placed...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: We Be Goblins!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: We Be Goblins! Friday, April 6, 2012 Goblins chew and goblins bite. ... Goblins cut and goblins fight. ... Stab the dog and cut the horse, ... Goblins eat and take by force! Goblins race and goblins jump. ... Goblins slash and goblins bump. ... Burn the skin and mash the head, ... Goblins here and you be dead! Chase the baby, catch the pup. ... Bonk the head to shut it up. ... Bones be cracked, flesh be stewed, ... We be goblins! You be food! —The Goblin...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Big Reveal

Pathfinder Battles Preview: The Big Reveal Friday, March 23, 2012Ardent followers of our Friday Pathfinder Battles preview blog surely noticed its absence last week, when necessity pulled me away to the wild frontier of Las Vegas for the GAMA Trade Show, an important game industry event that draws publishers, distributors, and retailers from around the country. While at GTS, I had a chance to sit down and chat with my counterpart over at WizKids, and our discussion covered where the...
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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Burnt Offerings

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Burnt Offerings Friday, March 3, 2012The Paizo office is abuzz with activity as the schedule shifts into overdrive in advance of the big summer releases. We're shipping the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide today, and final pages of the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path Anniversary Edition are spooling off the new color printer and into the hands of eager editors. Most of you will enjoy the fruits of our recent activity later this summer, perhaps at Paizo Con...
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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Ogre the River and Through the Woods...

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Ogre the River and Through the Woods... Friday, March 2, 2012One of the best parts of working at Paizo is getting to see the brand new art fresh as it arrives in the office. When a new Wayne Reynolds cover painting makes its way to the art department, editors and developers flock to the big monitors to check out the latest masterpiece. It's become a sort of ritual around here. ... Five years ago, when we first launched the Pathfinder Adventure Path, we marveled as...
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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Spoiler Alert!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Spoiler Alert! Friday, February 24, 2012There's just no two ways about it. If you read through this Pathfinder Battles Rise of the Runelords preview, you're putting yourself at risk of some plot spoilers. If you plan to play through the campaign, I highly recommend that you do not look super-closely at the miniatures I'm revealing today, as they could spoil a couple of fun surprises in the Adventure Path. ... Our new Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path Anniversary...
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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Familiar Faces

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Familiar Faces Friday, February 17, 2012 So far we’ve revealed plenty of monstrous menaces soon to appear on your game table as part of this summer’s new Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures set. This week, we’ll bring things back to earth with a look at some familiar friends you just might recognize from the Pathfinder world. ... Before I get into the new miniature reveals, I need to point out that we still don’t have all of the specifics...
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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Large and In Charge

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Large and In Charge Friday, February 10, 2012 A short and sweet preview blog this week, focusing on some of the Large miniatures in the upcoming Rise of the Runelords set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted plastic miniatures. We’re still sorting out the fine details of product format and exact release date, so again, there’s no product page for this set, although I have reason to believe that we’ll have good news to report on that front shortly. ... In the meantime,...
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Tags: Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Second Look at Rise of the Runelords

Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Second Look at Rise of the Runelords Friday, February 03, 2012 Last week I previewed several miniatures from our upcoming Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniature set, scheduled for an early summer release. WizKids is still finalizing the details on the product mix and exact release date, so while we do not yet have a product page for the set, I DO have some more really cool images to show you of paint masters! ... To recap, a “paint master”...
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Tags: Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: A First Look at Rise of the Runelords

Pathfinder Battles Preview: A First Look at Rise of the Runelords Friday, January 27, 2012 These last few weeks it’s seemed like even the weather has been conspiring to delay a big preview of Rise of the Runelords, the next set for our Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures line. I snuck an image of the shaggy Yeti in last week’s preview blog, but until today, the stars have not quite been right to begin our previews in earnest. ... No longer! The Runelords have been slumbering for too...
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Tags: Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: When Hell Freezes Over

Pathfinder Battles Preview: When Hell Freezes Over Friday, January 20, 2012 ... Say, how long does it take to thaw out a goblin? ... Illustration by Liz CourtsWith the arctic devils locking Paizo HQ in sheets of ice and the staff responsible flung to the far corners of snow-locked Seattle, I'm afraid to report that there can be no Pathfinder Battles preview blog today (or blog of any kind, sadly). ... Pray for the weary souls of Paizo, cut to the bone with cold, trapped within their mountain...
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Tags: Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Last Look at Heroes & Monsters

Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Last Look at Heroes & Monsters Friday, January 13, 2012The first set of Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures, Heroes & Monsters, formally released this Wednesday. Many of you probably already have your miniatures, or are eagerly anticipating their arrival. Looking over the previews we’ve posted over the last few months, there are still a few minis we haven’t yet shown off in their final form, so if you’ll indulge me, I’d like to take one more pass through...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: One More Look at the Bad Guys

Pathfinder Battles Preview: One More Look at the Bad Guys Friday, January 6, 2012January 11th is the official release date for Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters, our first big set of prepainted miniatures produced in cooperation with WizKids! That means we have only two more chances to show off the final sculpts of minis we've previously revealed only as digital renders or pre-production samples. A few commenters on last week's preview blog also suggested some size comparison shots, which...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: From Digital Renders to Final Product

Pathfinder Battles Preview: From Digital Renders to Final Product Friday, December 30, 2011When we first started revealing images from the Pathfinder Battles Heroes & Monsters set, all we had to show off were the very earliest computer-rendered images from the first few weeks of production. These gave a good idea of the quality we were shooting for with this first set of prepainted miniatures, but the digital renders lacked some of the depth and paint steps of the final miniatures. ... Now...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Taking Another Look

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Taking Another Look Friday, December 16, 2011The official release date for Heroes & Monsters is now only a few weeks away, and by this point I’ve revealed every miniature in the set in one form or another. Later today our friends at WizKids will be bringing over first-run outputs of the approved sculpts for the next set, Rise of the Runelords, so my mind is already on the next amazing set. But those previews will have to wait until next month, as I want to take one...
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Tags: Animals Iconics Lizardfolk Miniatures Orcs Paladins Pathfinder Battles Seelah Undead

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Gaggle of Goblins and Gargoyles

Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Gaggle of Goblins and Gargoyles Friday, December 8, 2011Today’s preview blog marks an important milestone for the Heroes & Monsters set of prepainted Pathfinder Battles miniatures. With this preview, we’ve revealed all 40 miniatures in the set! In the few more weeks leading up to the formal release of Heroes & Monsters (looking like very early January, at this point), I’ll go back through the set and show off painted versions of early unpainted preview sculpts...
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Tags: Goblins Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Rounding Out the Set!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Rounding Out the Set! Friday, December 2, 2011The official release of Heroes & Monsters, our first Pathfinder Battles prepainted miniatures set, is approaching! Over the last few months, I’ve used this weekly space to reveal sculpts and final images from the set, and with this post, I will have revealed all but one of the miniatures here on the blog! (You’ll have to wait for the Gargoyle, alas, as I forgot to ask the art department to photograph him this week....
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Tags: Miniatures Monsters Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Frosty Black Friday!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: A Frosty Black Friday! Friday, November 17, 2011The Paizo offices may be closed for the Thanksgiving holiday, but nothing can stop the relentless march of preview images for the upcoming Heroes & Monsters set! ... This week’s preview blog is a special treat in that it features only one miniature. But for my money, I think it’s the coolest miniature in the entire set! I’m talking about the Frost Giant! ... The Frost Giant towers over the other miniatures in the set,...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Spidery Secrets!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Spidery Secrets! Friday, November 17, 2011With the very first Pathfinder prepainted miniatures, Pathfinder Beginner Box Heroes, in stores now, interest in the Pathfinder Battles miniatures line has really heated up. Now that many of you have our first four miniatures in hand, it should be clear that WizKids is shooting for very high quality sculpts and paint jobs on all of the Pathfinder Battles miniatures. I think Heroes & Monsters keeps up (and in some cases...
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Tags: Miniatures Monsters Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Crazy-Good Commons

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Crazy-Good Commons Friday, November 4, 2011Just yesterday, the fine folks from WizKids stopped by the Paizo offices to drop off the final batch of Pathfinder Battles Heroes & Monsters miniatures. I now have, sitting on my desk, actual production-run copies of all 41 miniatures in the set, from the lowly Goblin Warrior to the mighty Huge Black Dragon. Looking at them all lined up on my desk, I’m very impressed with the quality WizKids brought to bear on this set,...
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Tags: Miniatures Orcs Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Spooky Salutations!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Spooky Salutations! Friday, October 28, 2011All-Hallow’s Eve is almost upon us, so I’ve decided to shake up the regular preview regime and show off a few spooooooooky Pathfinder Battles miniatures from the forthcoming Heroes & Monsters set, regardless of their distribution rarity within the set. ... First up is the Zombie, one of the most iconic horror creatures of all time. We figured that most GMs would appreciate a horde of these undead critters, so we’ve placed...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Undead

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Uncommon Courtesy

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Uncommon Courtesy Friday, October 21, 2011I’m pleased to report that I have now seen preproduction samples of all 41 miniatures in the Pathfinder Battles Heroes & Monsters set, and I am thrilled with how they look! At long last we have discovered the “perfect” goblin skin tone, and the big meaty Ettin finally has the proper ink wash to make him a truly menacing brute. Things are really coming together, and folks around the Paizo office are blown away by the quality...
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Tags: Dwarves Half-Elf Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Battles Heroes & Monsters Preview: Getting Into Character

Pathfinder Battles Heroes & Monsters Preview: Getting Into Character Friday, October 14, 2011Things are moving rapidly on the Pathfinder Battles front! This week, our partners at WizKids sent us 13 pre-production samples from December’s Heroes & Monsters 40-miniature set. These figures are very similar to the final production-run, so we’re within 95% of the final look of the miniatures. These figures are not yet attached to bases, but beyond that, they’re pretty close to done. We’ve spent the...
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Tags: Druids Miniatures Pathfinder Battles Rogues Wizards

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Pathfinder Battles Heroes & Monsters Preview: Common Courtesy

Pathfinder Battles Heroes & Monsters Preview: Common Courtesy Friday, October 7, 2011I don’t have any color previews to show you today, so instead I’ve decided to share three “behind the scenes” shots of unpainted preliminary sculpts for miniatures in the forthcoming Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters set. The complete set features 40 miniatures plus the premium Huge Black Dragon miniature. Of those 40 minis, 13 are packed in the common rarity. ... When deciding which miniatures to assign...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Goblins on the March!

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Goblins on the March! Friday, September 30, 2011When we put together the set list for our first major Pathfinder Battles set, Heroes & Monsters, we knew it needed to contain several goblins. Ever since James Jacobs and Wayne Reynolds reimagined these classic monsters in the very first Pathfinder Adventure Path volume, “Burnt Offerings,” these little green-skinned bastards have been sort of unofficial mascots for the Pathfinder brand. They just had to be represented...
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Tags: Goblins Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Preview: Heroes & Monsters Behind the Scenes

Pathfinder Battles Preview: Heroes & Monsters Behind the Scenes Friday, September 23, 2011So far we’ve revealed the digital sculpts for 11 of the prepainted miniatures in our Pathfinder Battles: Heroes & Monsters base set, including the mighty Huge Black Dragon! Digital sculpts give us the chance to see what a miniature will look like in full color, and allow us a chance to make minor (or even major) adjustments to ensure that the miniatures accurately model the characters and creatures that...
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Tags: Eric Belisle Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Pathfinder Battles Subscriptions Go Live!

Pathfinder Battles Subscriptions Go Live! Tuesday, September 13, 2011Ever since we announced our Pathfinder Battles prepainted fantasy miniatures line in partnership with WizKids, members of the Paizo community have wanted a way to subscribe. Due to the special nature of randomly assorted blind-packaged miniatures produced by another company, it’s taken us about a month to pull together the appropriate website code to make it happen. I’m pleased to announce that today we are ready to reveal...
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Tags: Miniatures Pathfinder Battles

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Gen Con Announcement Recap!

Gen Con Announcement Recap! Wednesday, August 10, 2011 ... ENnie Awards: Product of the Year ... (for the Advanced Players Guide)Whew... another Gen Con over and done with! We had a great time at the show, in no small part due to the incredible support of our fans and customers. You all are the BEST! ... In a Gen Con filled with highlights, though, for me one of the most incredible moments came about 15 minutes after the Ennie Awards wrapped up, when we went up to the Pathfinder Society...
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Tags: ENnies Gen Con Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Tales