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Iconic Encounter: Of Wasps and Whispers

Merisiel took a deep breath, held it, then let it out slowly as she tried to relax, her arms balanced, palms up, along the chair’s slender armrests. It wasn’t working. Her belly remained tight and crawling with gutwasps—the nervous feeling in the pit of your stomach that the church of Calistria called “the tingle you get ‘fore the trick is all set.” But this was no complex prank or long-planned vengeance that had the wasps doing their thing. It was something, Merisiel forced herself to remember, that she’d brought entirely upon herself.

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Tags: Iconic Encounters Iconics Kyra Merisiel Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Web Fiction

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Core Design: Kyra

We’ve been talking about the design of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set characters, including Amiri, Lini, Sajan, Seoni, Valeros, and Lem. Today, we’re going to talk about a character that is Melee-capable, good with armors, a top-tier Divine spellcaster, a strong healer, and especially good versus undead. We’re talking about Kyra, cleric of Sarenrae.

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Tags: Iconics Kyra Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Iconic Encounter: To the Last Breath

Glory to the Dawnflower! Today, Sarenrae answered the prayers of fans of Kyra, the iconic cleric! Enjoy the following piece of short fiction from James L. Sutter in the next entry into our series of Iconic Encounters—brief vignettes of the iconic characters showcasing the myriad stories you can tell with Pathfinder Second Edition.

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Tags: Clerics Iconic Encounters Iconics Kyra Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

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Iconic Evolution: Kyra

It's Tuesday, and that means it's time for our weekly Iconic Evolution! In this weekly video series, artist Wayne Reynolds takes Paizo's publisher and chief creative officer, Erik Mona, through his creative process in updating Pathfinder's iconic characters for the game's Second Edition, coming out this August. Check out this short video of their conversation for a glimpse into the mind of Pathfinder's most iconic visual artist and the first official look at the new version of Kyra, the iconic cleric!

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Tags: Clerics Iconic Evolutions Kyra Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Wayne Reynolds

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Cleric Class Preview

Clerics are the first spellcasters to get a preview, so you might want to look at the blog about spells before you proceed! We have a lot to say about this class, so let's cut to the chase!

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Tags: Clerics Kyra Pathfinder Playtest Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Horror Adventures

A Terrible Fate Awaits You in Horror Adventures

Nothing can prepare your characters for the nightmares that will be unleashed with Horror Adventures, set to release in just under two months. In the following weeks we will be looking inside this terrifying tome, giving you just a glimpse at the madness.

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Tags: Hazem Ameen Kyra Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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The Origins of Origins

Of the many pleasant surprises we at Paizo have run into since Pathfinder's inception, one of the biggest remains the popularity of our iconic characters. Perhaps we shouldn't have been surprised—after all, when Wayne Reynolds is doing the art, it's hard to not fall in love with whoever's getting painted. But when you get right down to it, the iconics were created to be tools. (And one might argue that some of them still are—we're looking at you, Alain!) The whole reason for their existence was to keep us from having to explain to each new artist what made a ranger a ranger and a rogue a rogue—we could just hold up Merisiel and say “draw her.” But people started asking questions about the backstories, and before long we were writing Meet the Iconics blogs and seeding little bits of iconic fiction in the hardcover chapter introductions. Yet we held off on doing more, always feeling like the time wasn't yet right.

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Tags: Iconics Kyra Pathfinder Comics Seoni

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Kyra's Helmet

At the conclusion of every costume production course at UWM, students are assigned a choice project that will fully illustrate the variety of techniques that they have learned throughout the semester, and explore techniques that they have not yet learned about in order to create a project that is uniquely tied to their interests. My interest in costuming is directly tied to my love of gaming and fantasy, so naturally I decided to build Kyra’s helmet.

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Tags: Clerics Costume Iconics Kyra

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign (OGL)

Ultimate Campaign: WAR! What is it Good For?

Sometime in the next week or so, Ultimate Campaign will be shipping out to a game store or mailbox near you. In anticipation of the release of this 256-page hardcover, we are taking a look at what you can expect to find inside. In the past three weeks, we have looked at character backgrounds, the downtime system, and rules for the GM to add to their campaign. This week, we are looking at the final chapter of the book, Kingdoms and War!

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Tags: Clerics Iconics Imrijka Inquisitors Jim Nelson Kyra Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box (OGL)

Beginner Box Sneak Preview

Beginner Box Sneak Preview Tuesday, September 6, 2011 Learning to play the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is about to get easier than ever before, as in just a few short weeks the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Beginner Box hits the shelves of a game store near you! With the imminent release of this mighty boxed set—filled to bursting with easy-to-master rules, multiple adventures, creature tokens, dice, a Flip-Mat play surface, pregenerated character sheets, tons of tools to start building...
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Tags: Clerics Iconics Kyra Monsters Ogres Orcs Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Undead

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Gen Con Facebook Roundup

Gen Con Facebook Roundup Friday, August 5, 2011In addition to the live blog coverage of Gen Con, our intrepid staff has been posting photos to the official Paizo Facebook page to the delight of fans everywhere (as well as those of us stuck back at the office!) ... We've rounded up some of their pictures from the show (so far) to show off for today's blog. ... Mark Moreland and the Pathfinder Society Venture-Captains dine at the aptly-named Pope Table.Dave Gross signs copies of the new...
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Tags: Clerics Dave Gross Dragons Elves Ezren Fighters Gen Con Kyra Master of Devils Merisiel

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Iconic Love

Iconic Love Monday, February 14, 2011 For some of us, Valentine's Day is just another day. We go to work, come home, maybe hang out with our significant others a bit or send the kids off to the sitter for a rare night out. For other people, however, Valentine's Day carries more significance, and flat-out demands acknowledgement. They see it as an excuse to truly cut loose, to go all-out with the romance and treat it like a real holiday. ... And then, apparently, there's a third type of...
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Tags: Alahazra Alain Alchemists Amiri Animals Barbarians Bards Cavaliers Clerics Community Damiel Druids Dwarves Elves Ezren Fighters Gnomes Halflings Harsk Iconics Kevin Andrew Murphy Kyra Lem Lini Magi Meet the Iconics Merisiel Monks Oracles Paladins Pathfinder Tales Rangers Rogues Sajan Sarenrae Seelah Seltyiel Seoni Sorcerers Valeros Wayne Reynolds Web Fiction Wizards

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #42: Sanctum of the Serpent God (Serpent's Skull 6 of 6) (PFRPG)

Snakes, I Hate Snakes!

... Illustrations by Kerem Beyit. Wallpaper design by Crystal Frasier. Widescreen version here. ... Snakes, I Hate Snakes! Friday, January 28, 2011I've been in the gaming industry for a decade now and I still get a smile on my face when new product arrives from the printer and I get to thumb through it for the first time. This week was a banner week as I got preview copies of Flip-Mat Village Square, the new Pathfinder Tales novel Plague of Shadows from sword and sorcery master Howard Andrew...
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Tags: Clerics Crystal Frasier Elves Iconics Kerem Beyit Kyra Merisiel Monsters Pathfinder Adventure Path Rogues Serpent's Skull Serpentfolk Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Lost Cities of Golarion (PFRPG)

It's a Bug Hunt

... Illustration by Daren Bader ... It's a Bug Hunt Wednesday, December 1, 2010When we ordered art for Lost Cities of Golarion, I criticized the wisdom of ordering a cover that was just Kyra fighting some bugs? ... Thanks to Daren Bader, I stand thoroughly corrected. ... Wes Schneider ... Managing Editor ...
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Tags: Clerics Daren Bader Iconics Kyra Monsters Vermin Wallpapers

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Oh Look, More Venture-Captains!

... Oh Look, More Venture-Captains! October 27, 2010A few weeks ago we announced 13 Regional Coordinators that we're calling Venture-Captains. Since then, Mark and I have been going through the entire Pathfinder Society program and starting the process of making sure Season 2 ends with a bang you'll all remember, making plans for Season 3 (which will be awesome, trust me), and going through all of the rules for the Society program itself. In between all of that, I've reviewed a number of...
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Tags: Asuras Clerics Iconics Kieran Yanner Kyra Monks Monsters Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Society RPG Superstar Sajan Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook (OGL)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #5

... Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Preview #5 Wednesday, June 10, 2009The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook is set to release on August 13th, 2009, and in anticipation, we are releasing a preview of the game each week until the game hits store shelves. This week, we are taking a look at Kyra, the iconic cleric. ... Kyra ... Female human cleric of Sarenrae 8 ... NG Medium humanoid (human) ... Init +3; Senses Perception +5 ... Aura good ... DEFENSE ... AC 19, touch 9, flat-footed 19 (+8...
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Tags: Clerics Iconics Kyra Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds
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Pathfinder #4 Cover... and Desktop!

Pathfinder #4 Cover... and Desktop! Thursday, August 30, 2007In the past, each time we've shown off the cover to a new volume of Pathfinder, we've been immediately deluged with requests for it as a downloadable desktop background, which we inevitably put up a few days later. This time we figured: why wait? After all, there's a long weekend coming up, and we wouldn't want your monitor to have to go without new Wayne Reynolds art for all that time. So here it is: the cover to Pathfinder #4,...
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Tags: Clerics Community Free Stuff Iconics Kyra Rise of the Runelords Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds
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Meet the Iconics: Kyra

Meet the Iconics: Kyra Monday, July 30, 2007 The priests of Sarenrae lead double lives. Known to her faithful as the Dawnflower, the Healing Flame, and the Everlight, she teaches temperance and patience in all things. Compassion and peace are her greatest virtues, and if enemies of the faith can be redeemed, they should be. Yet there are those who have no interest in redemption, who glory in slaughter and death. From the remorseless evil of the undead and fiends to the cruelties born in the...
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The New Kids

The New Kids Friday, July 13, 2007 Readers who've had a chance to check out D1: Crown of the Kobold King have doubtless noticed the pre-generated characters at the back. But whereas Valeros and Seoni both had pictures... we didn't have illustrations for our human cleric of Sarenrae, Kyra, or our stabby short-tempered elven rogue, Merisiel. Look for each of these two to get their own Meet the Iconics entries in our blog in a few weeks, but for now, these awesome sketches from Wayne Reynolds...
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