Pawn Parade, PaizoCon Preview, and (P)Art (P)Spoilers!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Greetings, Pathfinders!

How's everybody doing? Sitting down with your Barbarian, Oracle, and Alchemist Class Decks and getting blown up by goblins in Season of the Runelords? Well, keep sitting down, 'cause I've got lots of goodies to share. But before I do, go and vote in the PACG accessory contest!

Pathfinder Society Pawn Pwnage

I squeed briefly about this product last week, but I've got a little more space to expand on my happiness. Several months ago, Paizo Project Manager Jessica Price came to the Pathfinder Society team and said, "We've got a whole Pathfinder Pawns product just for PFS. What do you want to put in it?" After the cackling and rubbing of hands died down, John Compton, Mark Seifter, and Linda Zayas-Palmer started coming up with lists of characters. And lists, and lists, and lists. Then we rochambeau'd for who got to put in how many of their favorites. I won a lot, because I fight dirty. Mark's still a little afraid of me.

Illustrations by Jorge Fares and Kent Hamilton.

All three of the promo goblin characters are in the set! Even Tup the Terrible, who hasn't even been released yet (Free RPG Day, June 18th, at a game store near you)! All the non-iconic bards, clerics, fighter, rangers, rogues, sorcerers, wizards, monks, druids, paladins, barbarians, oracles, alchemists, inquisitors, witches, and gunslingers from their respective Class Decks are in this pawn collection. If I did my math right, that's 42 tokens for your Adventure Card Game characters! You can't beat the savings! (The iconics are in the NPC Codex Box and the Inner Sea Pawn Box.)

PaizoCon Event Preview

Those of you attending PaizoCon this year are in for a treat. In addition to a special event in which I put you through the woodchipper ACG Open 2016, forum stalwarts and Venture-Officers cartmanbeck and Theryon Stormrune have teamed up to bring you a very unusual opportunity: a convention-exclusive custom version of the We Be Goblins trilogy. Theryon and I will be running special tables of cartmanbeck's new design during the afternoon slots, so keep your eyes peeled when the lottery goes live. (There will be a pouring-out of one for cartmanbeck, who isn't able to join us at the show this year.) Players will receive a one-off PFSACG reward whose potency depends on how long they live.

New Recurring Thing: Art Preview!

Now that we're sending the current batch of Class Decks to the printer, I am swimming in oceans of absolutely tremendous art that I can't wait to share with y'all. Each week, I'll give you a glimpse at one of my favorite pieces from an upcoming ACG product. This week, it's the Blessing of the Eternal Rose, from next month's Inquisitor Class Deck.

Illustration by Felipe Escobar

Tanis O'Connor
Adventure Card Game Designer

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Adventure Card Guild Class Decks Conventions Felipe Escobar Jorge Fares Kent Hamilton PaizoCon Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Pawns
Silver Crusade

An inquisitor of Shelyn? Now THAT I want to see!

Awwww, I'm sorry you can't attend this year, cartmanbeck. I'll try to take pictures?

Also, I'm interested to see what the alternate Shelyn blessing is going to be like.

(Also really interested in the We Be Goblins event, but duh.)

Dark Archive

Nice! It adds a lot to have a snazzy pawn.

I would buy the pawns if you will have a complete set of all PACG characters.

Why dont you offer a special "PACG pawn set" where every character is included till now. Every year a new update set. That would be cool.

What should I do with the 200-42=158 pawns? There is no use for in PACG except making the world climate much more hotter ;-)

Myfly wrote:
What should I do with the 200-42=158 pawns? There is no use for in PACG except making the world climate much more hotter ;-)

Find a local PFS game and drop them in some lucky GMs lap?

GinoA wrote:
Myfly wrote:
What should I do with the 200-42=158 pawns? There is no use for in PACG except making the world climate much more hotter ;-)
Find a local PFS game and drop them in some lucky GMs lap?

If i do a 158 lap drop, then half a year later, some of those dropped will be used in some class deck and i will be unhappy again. So a special PACG set for this use only would be ideal. Otherwise you have to collect and keep all pawns because you never know which character will be next.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

I appreciate you guys thinking of me while you run through the goblins scenarios... I think everyone lucky enough to get into those slots will have a TON of fun with them!

Since I designed the characters for this, I figured I could give you my own preview of a few of their more interesting powers! (Disclaimer: these versions of the characters are of my own design and don't in any way suggest what the official versions from the Goblins Fight! or Goblins Burn! class decks will look like!)

Poog of Zarongel is what I would call the epitome of a goblin cleric... He will heal you, but you have to give him a card to do so!

Reta is a switch-hitter fighter, and would give Valeros a run for his money when it comes to weapon use!

Finally (for now), Chuffy is a finesse rogue who can distract his enemies by bursting a disgusting pustule on his face at them, then run away!

In a few days I'll jump on here and give you a preview of a couple more goblins. :-D

Grand Lodge

zeroth_hour2 wrote:
(Also really interested in the We Be Goblins event, but duh.)

ME TOO! (but duh ...) ;-)

Tanis- how does one "fight dirty" during a Rochambeau? Can it get worse than the initial game specs? Is there a towel involved?

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, PF Special Edition, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Myfly wrote:

I would buy the pawns if you will have a complete set of all PACG characters.

Why dont you offer a special "PACG pawn set" where every character is included till now. Every year a new update set. That would be cool.

What should I do with the 200-42=158 pawns? There is no use for in PACG except making the world climate much more hotter ;-)

You can get the non-iconics in the set linked in the blog, and the iconics in the NPC Codex Box (which if you're strictly getting it for the ACG is an even worse deal than the PFS one). The obvious solution (to me) is to branch off and start an RPG group as well to make use of the extra pawns!

I'm definitely picking this one up at least, even though I otherwise have zero interest in the Pawns line (unless they suddenly start shipping a zip file with all the images already in a VTT-friendly format along with the pdfs, then I'll grab it in a heartbeat, but that's getting off topic here).

Sovereign Court

Please tell me the WBG special will be at GenCon!

Myfly wrote:

If i do a 158 lap drop, then half a year later, some of those dropped will be used in some class deck and i will be unhappy again. So a special PACG set for this use only would be ideal. Otherwise you have to collect and keep all pawns because you never know which character will be next.

So, you're unhappy because it comes with extra pawns you don't want, but you don't want to give them away, because you might need them later and be unhappy that you gave them away. You can't have it both ways, man.

Hey, here's a solution. I'll buy it, and I will sell you the class deck pawns for $1 a piece. You have only the ones you need, because heaven forbid a product has utility for someone other than you, and I have some extra cash.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tanis wrote:
Then we rochambeau'd for who got to put in how many of their favorites. I won a lot, because I fight dirty. Mark's still a little afraid of me.

I can truly say I empathize with Mark.

Gleaming Terrier wrote:
Myfly wrote:

If i do a 158 lap drop, then half a year later, some of those dropped will be used in some class deck and i will be unhappy again. So a special PACG set for this use only would be ideal. Otherwise you have to collect and keep all pawns because you never know which character will be next.

So, you're unhappy because it comes with extra pawns you don't want, but you don't want to give them away, because you might need them later and be unhappy that you gave them away. You can't have it both ways, man.

Hey, here's a solution. I'll buy it, and I will sell you the class deck pawns for $1 a piece. You have only the ones you need, because heaven forbid a product has utility for someone other than you, and I have some extra cash.

Man, that is a great deal!

Buying the current set for 24 USD and sell me 42 pawns for 1 USD each.

Grand Lodge

Andrew L Klein wrote:
Please tell me the WBG special will be at GenCon!

I'm not sure. I think cmb and I need to talk to Tanis since we'd want it to be in the Sagamore ballroom with the rest of the PFS stuff. I'll broach the subject.

Sovereign Court Organized Play Coordinator

Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Andrew L Klein wrote:
Please tell me the WBG special will be at GenCon!
I'm not sure. I think cmb and I need to talk to Tanis since we'd want it to be in the Sagamore ballroom with the rest of the PFS stuff. I'll broach the subject.

The WBG special is not at Gen Con. It is a PaizoCon exclusive. But there are other offerings to tempt PACG players in the Sagamore. Watch the blogs for more info!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

skizzerz wrote:
You can get the non-iconics in the set linked in the blog, and the iconics in the NPC Codex Box.

Close. The iconics that debuted in the Rise of the Runelords are in the NPC Codex Box, but the ones that debuted in Skull & Shackles and Mummy's Mask are in the Inner Sea Pawn Box. (The Inner Sea Pawn Box also contains 4 of the 6 characters from the upcoming Goblin decks.)

If you know your iconics' RPG origins, the NPC Codex box includes the 11 from the Core Rulebook, while the Inner Sea Pawn Box includes the 19 from the Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Combat, and the Advanced Class Guide. The 7* iconics from Occult Adventures and Ultimate Intrigue, which have not yet appeared in the card game, have also not yet appeared in pawn form.

*8, if you count the two identities of the vigilante separately.

Grand Lodge

Vic Wertz wrote:
Close. The iconics that debuted in the Rise of the Runelords are in the NPC Codex Box, but the ones that debuted in Skull & Shackles and Mummy's Mask are in the Inner Sea Pawn Box.

Mummy's Mask hasn't debuted over here in ACG-land. And/or didn't you want to include the Iconics from Wrath of the Righteous in the Inner Sea Pawn Box?

Also, I think you meant Puppy's Mask.

I bought all the Iconic Heroes sets but I'm holding out on getting any Pawns until it is guaranteed all class deck characters will never get miniatures. I'd be sad if they don't because it's awkward for me to have some players using minis some pawns. Card tokens don't cut it for me anymore either.

I know some non-iconic characters have minis now, which is great but I too am hoping for a PACG bundle as well. That way I don't have to give/sell minis or pawns I won't use.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

James McKendrew wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Close. The iconics that debuted in the Rise of the Runelords are in the NPC Codex Box, but the ones that debuted in Skull & Shackles and Mummy's Mask are in the Inner Sea Pawn Box.
Mummy's Mask hasn't debuted over here in ACG-land. And/or didn't you want to include the Iconics from Wrath of the Righteous in the Inner Sea Pawn Box?

D'oh! MM on the brain. I meant Wrath.

We haven't revealed the full character list from MM, but of the 11, 1 is in the NPC Codex Box, 4 are in the Inner Sea Pawn Box, and 6 don't have a pawn yet.

Sovereign Court

Tonya Woldridge wrote:
Theryon Stormrune wrote:
Andrew L Klein wrote:
Please tell me the WBG special will be at GenCon!
I'm not sure. I think cmb and I need to talk to Tanis since we'd want it to be in the Sagamore ballroom with the rest of the PFS stuff. I'll broach the subject.
The WBG special is not at Gen Con. It is a PaizoCon exclusive. But there are other offerings to tempt PACG players in the Sagamore. Watch the blogs for more info!

That might be the most disappointing thing I'll hear about GenCon. My first Con and the one event that has ever caught my interest like this isn't there... If you don't mine my asking, why? I can't see any benefit to only having it at one and shutting out everyone who can't make it to that one location at that one time, and lots of downsides.

Adventure Card Game Designer

Codcake wrote:
Tanis- how does one "fight dirty" during a Rochambeau? Can it get worse than the initial game specs? Is there a towel involved?

"First, I kick you in the—OWW!"

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vic Wertz wrote:
James McKendrew wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Close. The iconics that debuted in the Rise of the Runelords are in the NPC Codex Box, but the ones that debuted in Skull & Shackles and Mummy's Mask are in the Inner Sea Pawn Box.
Mummy's Mask hasn't debuted over here in ACG-land. And/or didn't you want to include the Iconics from Wrath of the Righteous in the Inner Sea Pawn Box?

D'oh! MM on the brain. I meant Wrath.

We haven't revealed the full character list from MM, but of the 11, 1 is in the NPC Codex Box, 4 are in the Inner Sea Pawn Box, and 6 don't have a pawn yet.

That... Is very interesting. We're either looking at a lot of occult characters or more than one non-iconic. Which would be a little disappointing, cuz I'd like to see all the iconics first. But I accept that not everyone feels the same.

Grand Lodge

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
That... Is very interesting. We're either looking at a lot of occult characters or more than one non-iconic. Which would be a little disappointing, cuz I'd like to see all the iconics first. But I accept that not everyone feels the same.

Who're the iconics who don't have pawns yet? I count Urgraz the Antipaladin, Red Raven the Vigilante... And then the Occult classes: Yoon the Kineticist, Erasmus the Medium, Meligaster the Mesmerist, Mavaro the Occultist, Rivani the Psychic, and Estra the Spiritualist.

So, yeah, either lots of non-iconics, or at least four Psychics.

Personally, I wanna see Urgraz and Seelah in a party together, 'cause, good times.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Andrew, I think the reason deals with the event structure of GenCon vs PaizoCon. Since Paizo has to bend to the will of GC's event scheduling machine, including this event at this point might just be too much.

Silver Crusade

James McKendrew wrote:
Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
That... Is very interesting. We're either looking at a lot of occult characters or more than one non-iconic. Which would be a little disappointing, cuz I'd like to see all the iconics first. But I accept that not everyone feels the same.

Who're the iconics who don't have pawns yet? I count Urgraz the Antipaladin, Red Raven the Vigilante... And then the Occult classes: Yoon the Kineticist, Erasmus the Medium, Meligaster the Mesmerist, Mavaro the Occultist, Rivani the Psychic, and Estra the Spiritualist.

So, yeah, either lots of non-iconics, or at least four Psychics.

Personally, I wanna see Urgraz and Seelah in a party together, 'cause, good times.

Urgraz is an iconic villain, and there are 5 more of these without pawns. Other than that, it's the 6 occults and the vigilante. Since the vigilante just came out a month after Mummy was originally supposed to appear, I'm guessing we won't see him. But. Mummy is also still playtesting and subject to change.

But iconics with pawns we have not seen include Quinn, Reiko, Hayato, Hakon, Zadim, and Kess, and it doesn't look like we're seeing all of those in Mummy.

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:

But iconics with pawns we have not seen include Quinn, Reiko, Hayato, Hakon, Zadim, and Kess, and it doesn't look like we're seeing all of those in Mummy.

If memory serves, we've had it confirmed that Zadim is in MM, and that at least one of the characters is from a Pathfinder Tales book, and at least one is a non-traditional race (and these may or may not be the same character). Ezren, I think, is the one in MM from the NPC Codex box, and Damiel and Alahazra are also in it.

Don't have time to fetch the link(s) where we found all that out -- at least one was a Best Character Ever blog post about Damiel.

Silver Crusade

I thought the Pathfinder Tales ones were referring to their appearance in the Season of the Runelords? But I suppose they could show up in the MM set as well.

Vic Wertz wrote:
James McKendrew wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
Close. The iconics that debuted in the Rise of the Runelords are in the NPC Codex Box, but the ones that debuted in Skull & Shackles and Mummy's Mask are in the Inner Sea Pawn Box.
Mummy's Mask hasn't debuted over here in ACG-land. And/or didn't you want to include the Iconics from Wrath of the Righteous in the Inner Sea Pawn Box?

D'oh! MM on the brain. I meant Wrath.

We haven't revealed the full character list from MM, but of the 11, 1 is in the NPC Codex Box, 4 are in the Inner Sea Pawn Box, and 6 don't have a pawn yet.

So MM have to wait until the 6 missing pawns are released - else it is unplayable *lol*

Scarab Sages

Eliandra Giltessan wrote:
That... Is very interesting. We're either looking at a lot of occult characters or more than one non-iconic. Which would be a little disappointing, cuz I'd like to see all the iconics first. But I accept that not everyone feels the same.

The do they get boring. Three Lems is three too many; tat energy would have been far better served by designing new and different characters that do different things. Some of my coolest and most favorite characters to play - and the ones that get the most chatter on the boards here - have been the ones from class decks that are a lot different from the iconics. Lem is OK, but man - Meliski's re-roll ability is sweet. Kyra...meh. But Tarlin, and Zarlova? Very cool. Rooboo, Gronk, and that pink-haired wizard lady - all cool. More please!

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Calthaer wrote:
The do they get boring. Three Lems is three too many; <snip> But Tarlin, and Zarlova?

I disagree. Tarlin's honestly my least favorite cleric of all six that I've seen. I would, every time, choose Class Deck Lem for a Divine/healer over Tarlin, or maybe any Paladin/Fighter if I needed muscle.

I love me some non-Iconics, don't get me wrong. But the Iconics are iconic for a reason. They're danged good at what they do. A somewhat-typical approach to their given class? Sure. But VERY fun to play.

Gimme ALL the Lems! ALL! OF! THEM!

Sovereign Court

Theryon Stormrune wrote:

Andrew, I think the reason deals with the event structure of GenCon vs PaizoCon. Since Paizo has to bend to the will of GC's event scheduling machine, including this event at this point might just be too much.

Part of hopes that's not it, only because it means I'm missing an event so epic it somehow doesn't even work with GenCon's special system. As long as any rewards someone might get from it are available outside of PaizoCon somehow. It's one thing to have con rewards, but one of the worst things a game can do is rewards limited to a specific con.

Grand Lodge

Andrew L Klein wrote:
Theryon Stormrune wrote:

Andrew, I think the reason deals with the event structure of GenCon vs PaizoCon. Since Paizo has to bend to the will of GC's event scheduling machine, including this event at this point might just be too much.

Part of hopes that's not it, only because it means I'm missing an event so epic it somehow doesn't even work with GenCon's special system. As long as any rewards someone might get from it are available outside of PaizoCon somehow. It's one thing to have con rewards, but one of the worst things a game can do is rewards limited to a specific con.

That's not a new occurrence. RPGs have had con-exclusive adventures for organized play, along with exclusive rewards for those events, for many years. Some of the best Pathfinder Society rewards have come from PaizoCon only events like the Grand Convocations of the past.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

@Andrew: I hope we can meet up sometime in the near future so I can run the scenarios for you, even if it's unofficially. :)

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