Pathfinder Adventure Path: Giantslayer Player's Guide (PFRPG) PDF

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The Giantslayer Player's Guide gives players all the spoiler-free information, inspiration, and new rules they'll need to create characters prepared for delving into the adventure and intrigue of the Giantslayer Adventure Path.

Within, players of this campaign will find everything they need to create character backgrounds tied to personalities and events vital to Pathfinder Adventure Path's exploration of some of the many ancient tombs and dangerous locations in the Mindspin Mountains, along with new campaign—specific traits to give bold adventurers the edge they'll need to take on the strange and deadly threats faced on their quest. This player’s guide also features a view of the town of Trunau where the adventure begins, as well as various class options and advice for heroes ready to dive into a Giantslayer campaign.

Adventurers don't need to set out unprepared! Gather your allies and let the Giantslayer Player's Guide start your trip into the thrill and danger of taking down some gigantic foes.

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4.50/5 (based on 2 ratings)

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Very good


Read my full review on Of Dice and Pen.

On the whole, the Giantslayer Player’s Guide does its job well. It offers an introduction to the campaign and provides players with the tools to make characters who fit the adventure path and will remain relevant throughout.

One of the best player guides.


REALLY good player guide. Seriously, for player and GM this is just awesome. All the traits are good and have character. Trunau-article is good, and I really like this town already! All the tips and whatnot look good to me.

This got me REALLY excited for the adventure path!

Paizo Glitterati Robot

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Now available!


W00t !!!!!

Dark Archive

I was wondering earlier today when this would be available.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

can't download at work, anyone give a quick recap of the innards?

Dark Archive


j b 200 wrote:
can't download at work, anyone give a quick recap of the innards?

Coming Together: advice on how the PCs start the adventure

Character Tips: suggested classes, archetypes, bloodlines, mysteries, familiars, animal companions, favored enemies and terrains, origins, races, religions, skills, feats, and traits
Campaign Traits: Artifact Hunter, Dragonfoe, Dwarf-Trained, Giant-Blooded, Giantslayer Scion, Orphaned by Giants, Roll With It, Student of Giantkind, Truneau Native, Vexing Defender
Truneau Gazetteer: history, daily life, map, major NPCs
Environmental Considerations: modifiers for hill and mountain terrain and rules for travel through them

can't wait to play this path

Why do I believe Vexing Defender will be very popular?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I think every martial will be Giant-Blooded given some many people's fascination with oversized weapons. Couple that trait with Titan Fighter and you can wield over-sized polearm with only -3 to hit.

I really enjoyed this Guide, it took all the information from Towns of the Inner Seas presented on Trunau and put it into the Guide. This allows folks to use the guide to make a character from Tranau without having to access a bunch of other sources.

I really like the Dwarf on the cover. She looks like she is ready to take out a giant.

Paizo Employee Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

From the blood on the blade, I think she already has. She's ready to take out the *next* giant. :)

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

*looks at the figure on the left in the cover*

Dear God No! It's Ramsay Bolton! Run!

I'm told that Mikaze was a writer for the Belkzen book, and that he was contributing a good-aligned orc tribe. Is it possible to play as members of that tribe in Giantslayer?

zergtitan wrote:

*looks at the figure on the left in the cover*

Dear God No! It's Ramsay Bolton! Run!

Well, run/pray when he runs out of enemies to torture... er, flay... er, slay.

Dark Archive

Joana wrote:
Campaign Traits: Artifact Hunter, Dragonfoe, Dwarf-Trained, Giant-Blooded, Giantslayer Scion, Orphaned by Giants, Roll With It, Student of Giantkind, Truneau Native, Vexing Defender

There are some sexy traits here, particularly for melee characters (less so for spellcasters). For a crit-meister, Orphaned by Giants could be fun.

Alex G St-Amand wrote:
zergtitan wrote:

*looks at the figure on the left in the cover*

Dear God No! It's Ramsay Bolton! Run!

Well, run/pray when he runs out of enemies to torture... er, flay... er, slay.

This is what comes of sharing a flat with Magneto and Emperor Claudius.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh, already.

It might be that I am going with a bit low expectations into this AP. Not because I think the writing will be poor, but because I think that it will be a tad too easy for players. AP's with a designated enemy almost always are, since the players can prepare so easily for them. Bane weapons exist and make a big difference.

Paizo Employee Developer

Axial wrote:
I'm told that Mikaze was a writer for the Belkzen book, and that he was contributing a good-aligned orc tribe. Is it possible to play as members of that tribe in Giantslayer?

If the GM and players were down for that I could see it working with a few small changes, but the AP isn't written assuming the PCs are orcs.

magnuskn wrote:

Oh, already.

It might be that I am going with a bit low expectations into this AP. Not because I think the writing will be poor, but because I think that it will be a tad too easy for players. AP's with a designated enemy almost always are, since the players can prepare so easily for them. Bane weapons exist and make a big difference.

APs are made with the assumptions of: 4 PCs built with 15 PB each, players won't meta, PCs don't buy what they want, but what is available, etc...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

But bane weapons are for martials, and everybody knows that The Only True Way Of Playing Pathfinder By Remotely Intelligent Beings is with a party of Cleric/Druid/Wizard/Arcanist... ;-P

Shadow Lodge

Hell, I'd take that over Paizo's idea of Monk/Monk/Bard/Bard.


Gorbacz wrote:
But bane weapons are for martials, and everybody knows that The Only True Way Of Playing Pathfinder By Remotely Intelligent Beings is with a party of Cleric/Druid/Wizard/Arcanist... ;-P

I'm pretty sure I'd sell a body part to play in that party. I'm so tired of being the only one willing to play a career in my group. Hopefully I can get some martial joy out of running this campaign and the lack of caster will show itself.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Alex G St-Amand wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

Oh, already.

It might be that I am going with a bit low expectations into this AP. Not because I think the writing will be poor, but because I think that it will be a tad too easy for players. AP's with a designated enemy almost always are, since the players can prepare so easily for them. Bane weapons exist and make a big difference.

APs are made with the assumptions of: 4 PCs built with 15 PB each, players won't meta, PCs don't buy what they want, but what is available, etc...

Crafting is an official part of the rules and Golarion (Golemworks, etc). Player characters are normally exceptional people, some with exceptional intelligence and wisdom. You really want to tell me that it would be "meta" of them to get giant-bane weapons when it becomes clear that they are constantly facing that kind of enemy?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Which buildings are considered downhill from 15?

That elf on 14 has REALLY long legs

Are Halgra's children (both in number and race aside from two with half-orc fathers) intentionally undefined for PC use or are they in the AP?

magnuskn wrote:
Alex G St-Amand wrote:
magnuskn wrote:

Oh, already.

It might be that I am going with a bit low expectations into this AP. Not because I think the writing will be poor, but because I think that it will be a tad too easy for players. AP's with a designated enemy almost always are, since the players can prepare so easily for them. Bane weapons exist and make a big difference.

APs are made with the assumptions of: 4 PCs built with 15 PB each, players won't meta, PCs don't buy what they want, but what is available, etc...
Crafting is an official part of the rules and Golarion (Golemworks, etc). Player characters are normally exceptional people, some with exceptional intelligence and wisdom. You really want to tell me that it would be "meta" of them to get giant-bane weapons when it becomes clear that they are constantly facing that kind of enemy?

Crafting takes time. Yes, PCs are exceptional, but they still have limits.

Writers can't think of everything players can come up with (even if they did, pages/words count would prevent them for writting counters to all of them).

Also, APs' assumptions don't take MIN-MAXing into consideration, nor are they made with house rules in mind.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
deuxhero wrote:

Which buildings are considered downhill from 15?

That elf on 14 has REALLY long legs

Are Halgra's children (both in number and race aside from two with half-orc fathers) intentionally undefined for PC use or are they in the AP?

Almost all of them North (I.E. higher on the page) of the place. Why do you think so many townsfolk put up a fuss about it?

It's a half-elf (You can tell from the eyes), and yes, yes, they do.

To my knowledge, the only one of Halgra's children to ever be named is Oloch, the Iconic Warpriest. I know none of them are named in Towns of the Inner Sea & it doesn't look as though any more mention is made of them in the Player's Guide than in the Trunau article in TotIS. Of course, you pretty much have to take the Trunau Native Campaign Triait, but if you were thinking of playing one of her brood, you were probably going that route anyhow. The more I think of it, the more I like the idea of an 'all Halgra's spawn' party...
Now how do I make that happen?..

edit: Also, Damnit Paizo! here you go making another hot 1/2 Orc woman & then you go & have her be in a happy, committed relationship! Now I gotta go mack on that brawler from the back cover of Bastards of Golarion again...

Silver Crusade

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
edit: Also, Damnit Paizo! here you go making another hot 1/2 Orc woman & then you go & have her be in a happy, committed relationship! Now I gotta go mack on that brawler from the back cover of Bastards of Golarion again...

There is still the possibility of the poly option! (currently reading Tanya Huff's The Fire's Stone, so OT3's are on the mind)

Definitely empathize though. Sara Morninghawk pretty much ticks a lot of boxes I like, and not only is she married but the PC I have planned for this AP is already in a committed relationship. And also gay. C'est la vie. :)

(like the other awesome half-orc NPC you're likely referring to, I actually do like her marriage and would hate to change that. Although unlike that other one, I probably would be open to portraying Sara and Agrit as potentially poly for interested/frustrated players. Paying it forward and glancing over at Azaz Arafe and Idorii here.)

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Mikaze wrote:
Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:
edit: Also, Damnit Paizo! here you go making another hot 1/2 Orc woman & then you go & have her be in a happy, committed relationship! Now I gotta go mack on that brawler from the back cover of Bastards of Golarion again...
There is still the possibility of the poly option! (currently reading Tanya Huff's The Fire's Stone, so OT3's are on the mind

Fun fact, I almost made a friend of mine snorfle her beer last Tuesday at Irish dance class. Another mutual friend of ours explained to yet a third friend that she (the second friend) practiced Polyamory, at which the first friend commented "She likes a girl named Polly." Which immediately prompted me to reply, "& a girl named Marie."

<thread derail off>

Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal wrote:

edit: Also, Damnit Paizo! here you go making another hot 1/2 Orc woman & then you go & have her be in a happy, committed relationship! Now I gotta go mack on that brawler from the back cover of Bastards of Golarion again...

Mikaze wrote:

There is still the possibility of the poly option! (currently reading Tanya Huff's The Fire's Stone, so OT3's are on the mind)

Definitely empathize though. Sara Morninghawk pretty much ticks a lot of boxes I like, and not only is she married but the PC I have planned for this AP is already in a committed relationship. And also gay. C'est la vie. :)

(like the other awesome half-orc NPC you're likely referring to, I actually do like her marriage and would hate to change that. Although unlike that other one, I probably would be open to portraying Sara and Agrit as potentially poly for interested/frustrated players. Paying it forward and glancing over at Azaz Arafe and Idorii here.)

Actually, I believe that the one on the back cover of Bastards of Golarion (who is also on p. 10 of that product) so far is both nameless and "backstory-less", so she could easily not be married. :)

Good to have those free things in life.

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