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Runelord - Envy

Religious Quarrel

Rallying Anthem vs Dirge of Doom

Barbarian second reaction

Difficulty advice needed as GM.

Help me understand Familiars, Kineticist ed.

One action spells on the Occult List

Exemplar advice, combos, and guides

Inventor - Class Feat: Reverse Engineer

Warpriest 2.0 - build input welcome

Lizardfolk fighter (Shield blocker, mounted, intimidation build)

Goblin Avdol

Need some character advice for a Dual-class campaign.

My first "Inventor" character: Is "Searing Restoration" an unlimited font of healing?

Charon as a Witch Patron

Monk with Druid archetype

Some assistance understanding panache

Identical Runes except for one property Rune

Vindicator's Mark Adjudication

Magnificent Menagerie: A PF2e Remaster Familiar Guide

1st and 2nd level go to prepared spells

Ranged strike reaction

The BBEG Escapes to Fight Another Day!

Tarondor's 2025 Guide to the Pathfinder Adventure Paths

GM Help: Consequences for poor planning, or just getting back to the game?


Warrior muse build?

Potential Builds for Phoenix Wright?

How to build / create a character, a personal guide.

What Spells don't have Manipulate?

Gunslinger Bard Help / Advice

Good staffs / spells for Kuneticust with Kinetic Activation?

Does Elf Step Do Anything if You Have the Mobility Feat?

Synaptic Pulse and Paralyze

2nd Edition Guide to the Guides!

How is the Remastered Oracle?

Unconventional Bard, will he be very productive?

What are your favorite cantrips for Animist?

making a god

Exemplar Question re flowing spirit strike

Tarondor's Guide to the Pathfinder Second Edition (Remastered) Cleric

Ravingdork's Crazy Character Emporium (Second Edition)

One for all, what's the big deal?

Treasure Advice

Build Help: Monster Hunter with a Crossbow

Ending doomed, prolonged combat without robbing players?

Change Shape monster ability

How to play resources for kids?

Escaping from grapples

Building a witch starting at level 10 going to 20

Players about to hit level 20, thinking of letting them spend excess XP above 20 for mythic destinies. How much XP per feat?

Quick question not sure which thread it belongs to

Blaster caster optimization

Free Your Mind: A Guide to the PF2e Psychic [Remaster]

Tarondor's Guide to the Pathfinder Second Edition Rogue

Ability that lets you apply critical specialization effects on hit

Composite vs Plate Armor Specialization? (Piercing or Slashing)

Champion reactions

Pricing question

Should GMs call for Recall Knowledge Checks?

Inserted a New Town on the Keld River For My Home Game any Thoughts?

Balancing Options and Experience

Dual Classing Advice

Drawing as a free action

Best Warpriest buffs (divine list)

The best way to make a full on gambler?

Use Cases for Juggler

Thaumaturge with Champion or Marshal?

Favorite Dual Class Characters

Best Dual Class Blaster

Tarondor's Second Pathfinder Adventure Path Poll

Remastered oracle build guide

Starting Build for a Champion of Desna?

Tarondor's Guide to the Pathfinder Second Edition (Remastered) Rogue

Guide to the Caster Summoner

Can a warpriest be a main healer ?

Plant Eidolon - Weapon, Trip or Grapple, and other Level 2 Feats

What is the best build for an Elven Curve Blade?

What are your Advanced Alchemy and Quick Alchemy options?

Feedback on Champion of Kurgess Build (Not Min-Max)

Tips for making dwarf fighter for someone who’s beginning to learn the 2E rules?

How is the remastered investigator?

How is the remastered alchemist?

Increasing bulk capacity

Gortle’s Sorcerer Guide

Gortle’s Guide to Druids

Does burn it! and other spell buffs apply to impulses?

Boxxo, the adventuring vending machine

Building a Gish Animist / Adapting an existing character to PF2

Help me build a cloistered cleric under weird table rules

Level 20 Encounters

Barbarian Guide

Praise the Champion: A Guide for the Second Edition Champion

What are the best cheap items?

A Guide to the Pathfinder Second Edition Swashbuckler (Remastered)

Undead cleric and sorcerer dedication

It's what my character would do.

New Player Help: DEX-WIS Cleric

Rascal Swashbuckler Role Thoughts

Level 17 caster

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