Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Secrets of the Sphinx Adventure Deck (Mummy's Mask 4 of 6)

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The sun beats down upon you in this Mummy's Mask adventure! Crossing the Dunes of Death, you are beset by maftets, leonine creatures who worship Areshkegal, the mistress of riddles. Your pursuit of the Forgotten Pharaoh grows ever more dire. The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Secrets of the Sphinx Adventure Deck is a 110-card expansion that adds 5 new scenarios to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, and also includes new locations, villains, monsters, scourges, traders, loot, and more.

This deck requires the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Mummy's Mask Base Set, Empty Graves Adventure Deck, and Shifting Sands Adventure Deck.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-917-2


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We recently opened the fourth adventure, Secrets of the Sphinx, but there was no Adventure card. Presumably all the other cards were accounted for including 5 scenario cards; packaged in two cellophane wraps. I went through all the cards and then had my daughters double check but we didn’t see an Adventure card.

Could someone post (or email me) me a screenshot (or even just a description) of the Adventure Deck card – listing the scenario order, “During this adventure” criteria, and the Reward for completion?

Thank you in advance for your help!


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