Pathfinder Battles: Iconic Heroes Set #3

4.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

Our Price: $29.99


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Iconic Heroes is the latest release in the Pathfinder Battles series of pre-painted plastic miniatures from WizKids Games and Paizo Publishing.

Iconic Heroes Set 3 includes six all-new miniatures featuring legendary characters from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game universe:

  • Alahazra, Iconic Oracle
  • Damiel, Iconic Alchemist
  • Imrijka, Iconic Inquisitor
  • Alain, Iconic Cavalier
  • Balazar, Iconic Summoner
  • Padrig, Eidolon

Each Iconic Heroes set also includes exclusive Cards (one for each miniature) for use in the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game! These special Cards are only available in this Pathfinder Battles product!

Additional Product Images

(click to enlarge)
IconicHeroes-Alahazra IconicHeroes-Damiel IconicHeroes-Imrijka IconicHeroes-Alain
IconicHeroes-Balazar IconicHeroes-Padrig

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Average product rating:

4.70/5 (based on 3 ratings)

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A solid set


These new minis are a worthy inclusion to the Iconics line.

I'm a little disappointed in Alahazra's bendy staff, but as she looks amazing, it isn't enough to ding a star.

Not as good as Set 1 - but still great for the price!


Balazar and Padrig look almost exactly like the computer renderings (both look better than the Dungeons Deep versions and those were good).
Alahazra is very close to the computer rendering.
The bodys, equipment and clothing etc. of all 6 minis are very detailed and without painting errors.
No bendy weapons - they finally got it right!

The faces of Damiel and Alain are plain looking and not as detailed as a player character or iconic could and should be, they are however as good as a normal good looking mini pulled from a booster of Dungeons Deep.

Imrijka´s face is nothing like the one shown.
You can almost not make it out under the hat and when you look closely it is very ugly - not like a charismatic half-orc women but more like a real ugly deformed orc with charisma 3.

All in all a solid set but one can see the quality has gotten lower since set 1. None the less a great buy for the price.
If Imrijka´s face would be better i would have rounded it up to 5 stars.

Amazing minis!


These are great minis with lots of details. Alahazra has become my new fav. These aren't your regular figs and are worth the price; plus extra cards for the PACG!

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

--Balazar, Iconic Summoner
--Padrig, Eidolon

~squuee!!~ <3

So three sets announced and still no Lem. Poor little guy. But I see no reason that him and Feiya+Fox (the final APG iconic) shouldn't be in Set #4, likely with most of the Ultimate iconics (Seltyiel, Lirianne, and either Reiko or Hayato). After that, I suppose it is on to the Advanced Class Guide iconics. I really need to budget for these sets and have my local store preorder them for me....

Anyway, yay Damiel!!

Paizo Employee Publisher, Chief Creative Officer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

We'll get to ALL of them eventually. From here on out the mixes are pretty random.

Liberty's Edge

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No love for Donahan...sigh.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
Robert Little wrote:
No love for Donahan...sigh.


Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Just thought you should know, the mini pictured for Alain the Cavalier is the mini from the regular Battles set, not the Iconic Heroes Set.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Charles Scholz wrote:

Just thought you should know, the mini pictured for Alain the Cavalier is the mini from the regular Battles set, not the Iconic Heroes Set.

Thanks for the spot—I've updated it to the correct one.

Loving the looks of these sets
However somewhat upset that by set three we'll have 3 characters that are not yet usable in the card game, and still missing 6 characters from the first 2 sets so at least 2 more Iconics sets just to have all the characters from the first 2 campaigns.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

One of the balancing acts Erik had to do when selecting the mix for the sets involves spacing out the small minis. (This is complicated by the fact that many of the smalls are companions for specific iconics, and must appear in the same set as that iconic.) Lem didn't make the cut for the first two because the smalls were filled by Lini and Harsk (or more accurately, Harsk's badger), and for this set, Balazar wanted to appear with his friends from the Advanced Class Guide. (And PACG players will want him for Wrath of the Righteous!)

For Set #4, I say .....

(Core Rulebook)
The Bard

(Advanced Player's Guide)
The Anti-Paladin .... why not?

(Ultimate Magic)
The Magus

(Ultimate Combat)
The Gunslinger
The Ninja
The Samurai

We'll get one less small figure, which is one extra medium figure. I'll pay a tiny bit more for that. JUST GIVE ME MY NAKAYAMA HAYATO!! (this is just torture for me)

Samurai632 wrote:

(Advanced Player's Guide)

The Anti-Paladin .... why not?

Because the witch is more important and the anti-paladin is not an iconic.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

pluvia33 is correct—we don't count the antipaladin as an iconic character.

So Witch and Fox, Bard, Magus, Gunslinger, and Warpriest? (Just kidding, probably Samurai)

Grand Lodge

Having the Fox and Bard in a set would break the pattern of 1 small per pack.

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

shame these are so expensive. I could maybe swing it for $25, but $30 is just too expensive for 6 minis.

j b 200 wrote:
shame these are so expensive. I could maybe swing it for $25, but $30 is just too expensive for 6 minis.

You are a Roleplaying Game Subscriber, so you should get a discount on them as a subscriber.

If not, or for whatever reason, there are other places with competitive pricing on them. I'm sure Paizo would be happier you buy them somewhere then not buy them at all. So if another retailer is a bet choice for you, don't be afraid to make that choice. Paizo has basically said as much multiple times.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Amazon sells these for $26.50 and Prime. I saw other sites with them for about $22/$23 plus shipping. Even with only 15% off, these come to $26.50 as a Paizo subscriber. Only $21 with the Battles subscriber discount, so that is how I will be purchasing these in the future now that I am a subscriber. In my opinion, these are seriously wonderful paint jobs and well worth the higher price per miniature compared to other prepainted miniatures.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:
You are a Roleplaying Game Subscriber, so you should get a discount on them as a subscriber.

The only subscriptions that offer a discount on the iconic packs are the AP subscription (Pathfinder Advantage 15% discount on everything) and the Battles case subscription. The RPG subscription doesn't offer a discount as a perk, only a free PDF.

Scarab Sages

j b 200 wrote:
shame these are so expensive. I could maybe swing it for $25, but $30 is just too expensive for 6 minis.

Miniature Market sells these sets for $20.00 (33% discount). There are a number of retailers that discount the sets.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Joana wrote:
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
You are a Roleplaying Game Subscriber, so you should get a discount on them as a subscriber.
The only subscriptions that offer a discount on the iconic packs are the AP subscription (Pathfinder Advantage 15% discount on everything) and the Battles case subscription. The RPG subscription doesn't offer a discount as a perk, only a free PDF.

The 20% Card Game Subscriber discount also applies. (So, $24.)

Liberty's Edge

Nate Z wrote:
Robert Little wrote:
No love for Donahan...sigh.

Donahan is Alain's horse.

Erik Mona wrote:
We'll get to ALL of them eventually. From here on out the mixes are pretty random.

I wish they would be released more along the lines of the existing adventure paths so we can use them in our current campaigns.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Robert Little wrote:
Nate Z wrote:
Robert Little wrote:
No love for Donahan...sigh.
Donahan is Alain's horse.

Since the other animal companions, familiars, eidolons, etc. are getting a mini, any chance of getting just the horse without Alain? (It would be nice, because then it could also substitute for a PC's horse).

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Not in the Iconic Heroes sets, which only contain Medium and smaller figures.

Scarab Sages

Kelvar Silvermace wrote:
Robert Little wrote:
Nate Z wrote:
Robert Little wrote:
No love for Donahan...sigh.
Donahan is Alain's horse.
Since the other animal companions, familiars, eidolons, etc. are getting a mini, any chance of getting just the horse without Alain? (It would be nice, because then it could also substitute for a PC's horse).

There is already a Mounted Alain mini, which is in the Wrath of the Righteous Battles set. Do we really need another large sized Cavalier on a horse mini? For just a horse by itself, I find that a toy store farm/zoo set works wonerfully for animals. A medium sized one, in a future Battles set, would be nice for those of us who have the Halfling or Wayang Cavaliers.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
WiseWolfOfYoitsu wrote:

There is already a Mounted Alain mini, which is in the Wrath of the Righteous Battles set. Do we really need another large sized Cavalier on a horse mini? For just a horse by itself, I find that a toy store farm/zoo set works wonerfully for animals. A medium sized one, in a future Battles set, would be nice for those of us who have the Halfling or Wayang Cavaliers.

I *do* want just a horse--a horse with a saddle, bridle, saddlebags, etc. that looks like it could be a PC's (or NPC's) horse. I hear what you're saying about being able to find horses elsewhere, but they never look quite right and rarely have the right tack or equipment to look like they belong in a fantasy game. They also always have such a different aesthetic. I don't know, maybe I'm too anal about such things.

I understand Vic's point, though, and even if it were otherwise, it probably would be too much to ask for such a focused themed product as the Iconic Heroes line. In the regular Pathfinder Battles line, however. . . (crosses fingers)

Silver Crusade Contributor

Kelvar Silvermace wrote:
WiseWolfOfYoitsu wrote:

There is already a Mounted Alain mini, which is in the Wrath of the Righteous Battles set. Do we really need another large sized Cavalier on a horse mini? For just a horse by itself, I find that a toy store farm/zoo set works wonerfully for animals. A medium sized one, in a future Battles set, would be nice for those of us who have the Halfling or Wayang Cavaliers.

I *do* want just a horse--a horse with a saddle, bridle, saddlebags, etc. that looks like it could be a PC's (or NPC's) horse. I hear what you're saying about being able to find horses elsewhere, but they never look quite right and rarely have the right tack or equipment to look like they belong in a fantasy game. They also always have such a different aesthetic. I don't know, maybe I'm too anal about such things.

I understand Vic's point, though, and even if it were otherwise, it probably would be too much to ask for such a focused themed product as the Iconic Heroes line. In the regular Pathfinder Battles line, however. . . (crosses fingers)

If you look around, you might be able to find one of these.

A quick eBay search showed three or so available, at $11-12 each (including shipping).

Hope this helps. :)

Unfortunately the D&D horse mini is among the most lifeless they actively posed mount from a better sculpt is preferable.

jjvreed wrote:
Unfortunately the D&D horse mini is among the most lifeless they actively posed mount from a better sculpt is preferable.

I agree, as long as it does not require one of those dumb clear pegs in the chest like they did to the Alain horse.

On a side note, I do use both the DDM horse and toy horses. What I would like to add to my set would be a mule with supplies.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Any word on future sets yet? Curious to see how they're doing and whats in store for sets 4 onward

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

When Erik has more to share about future sets, you'll almost certainly learn about it in the Paizo Blog some fine Friday.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Yeah I know but I always have that little hope that I can squeeze out some extra info if I ask. Ever hopeful.

The Exchange

How is shipping looking on this set? Port delays holding this one up, or do you have them already? Just want to know if delivery expectation is correct :)

Vic Wertz wrote:
When Erik has more to share about future sets, you'll almost certainly learn about it in the Paizo Blog some fine Friday.

I do hope there are new sets in the schedule. I love how these first two have turned out and am looking forward to the 3rd one soon.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Did they mean to set this to "Unavailable"?

yronimos wrote:
Did they mean to set this to "Unavailable"?

I wondered that as well, but noticed that any questions regarding this line have been met with vague unanswers. Hope it is not a problem.

I take it the vagueness comes in second-hand due to the fact that this is actually a Wizkids product that isn't directly in the hands of Paizo, so we get the sanitized/user-friendly version of what's going on after Wizkids tell Paizo what's up.

I'm guessing it's probably not a problem - someone meant to update the page and selected the wrong option, for example. I don't think it would be the first time - Wizkids' and/or Paizo's folks are allowed to roll the occasional 1 from time to time, just like the rest of us :)

In any case, I've been waiting for a month or so for this set to become available, so I can order the first two at the same time, and it was real easy to notice when it disappeared from my shopping cart, so a clarification would help me decide whether to wait a little longer, or just go ahead and order the first two, and come back for Set 3 when/if a Set 4 is available (assuming the Iconic Heroes line isn't discontinued, which would be unfortunate).

Community Manager

yronimos wrote:
I'm guessing it's probably not a problem - someone meant to update the page and selected the wrong option, for example. I don't think it would be the first time - Wizkids' and/or Paizo's folks are allowed to roll the occasional 1 from time to time, just like the rest of us :)

Something like this, yes. Combine that with the fact that since this is not a Paizo product, some things get updated automagically when they shouldn't. It is *currently* available to add to your shopping cart, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

Liz Courts wrote:
Something like this, yes. Combine that with the fact that since this is not a Paizo product, some things get updated automagically when they shouldn't. It is *currently* available to add to your shopping cart, and I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you.

That was fast - thank you very much! :)

Has anyone seen Wizkids announce a street date for set 3?

Dark Archive

kunger00 wrote:
Has anyone seen Wizkids announce a street date for set 3?

All i could find is this: 0&mc_eid=37cc15a35c

Set 2 came out on april 22nd - if you add 4 weeks set 3 could come out as early as may 20th.

I hope i could held you a little. ;-)

Set 3 is officially on shelves now. So, is there any new on set 4?

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

My guess would be if they're planning on announcing anything, they'll be doing it at the Paizocon banquet this weekend.

Iammars wrote:
My guess would be if they're planning on announcing anything, they'll be doing it at the Paizocon banquet this weekend.

I agree, last year there were a few reveals that were fun.

So as a PACG player...$30 for 6 cards?


Micronian wrote:

So as a PACG player...$30 for 6 cards?


If you only want the cards, you just need to find people that only want the miniatures. There have been a few people that only want the miniatures that have posted on the Paizo forums looking to find people to sell the cards to (Example 1 Example 2. You could watch out for one of those posts. Or you could buy the product and sell the miniatures on ebay or somewhere.

But honestly, the miniatures are awesome and are a great accessory for the card game.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

It worked for me. I've sold all three cards sets to the same person here on the boards. He wants card, but I want minis, so it works out.

Hawkmoon is right though: keep an eye open here and on eBay. You'll certainly be able to get the cards for less than $30.


thanks for the suggestions!

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Hawkmoon269 wrote:
But honestly, the miniatures are awesome and are a great accessory for the card game.

If I could represent my groups going through the AP entirely in minis, I would be.

(Missing Seltyel for one group, and Jirelle and Oloch for the other - still working on S&S)

Grand Lodge

Picked up my set today and my Alahazra is missing her belt and the clothing that us attached to it. Is this a common issue or is it just my set? And how do I get it replaced?

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