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Pathfinder Tales: Hellknight

Hellknight Sample Chapter

In Hellknight, dive deeper than ever before into the brutal organization of warriors and spellcasters dedicated to maintaining law and order at any cost. For devil-blooded Jheraal, a veteran Hellknight investigator, even the harshest methods are justified if it means building a better world for her daughter. Yet things get personal when a serial killer starts targeting hellspawn like Jheraal and her child, somehow magically removing their hearts and trapping the victims in a state halfway between life and death. With other Hellknights implicated in the crime, Jheraal has no choice but to join forces with a noble paladin and a dangerously cunning diabolist to defeat an ancient enemy for whom even death is no deterrent...

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Tags: Jason Rainville Liane Merciel Pathfinder Tales

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #96: Shadow of the Storm Tyrant (Giantslayer 6 of 6)

A Hellishly Good Winter Ahead: July and Winter 2015 Releases!

As we double- and triple-check our Gen Con prep lists, our warehouse is also busily sending out the latest and greatest Pathfinder releases to your doorstep! Check out this overview of this month's releases, as well as what's heading your way this November!

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Tags: Hell's Rebels Jason Rainville Pathfinder Accessories Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Tales

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Introducing the Core Campaign

As the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign and the Pathfinder RPG itself has developed over the last several years, players have expressed increasing concerns about the availability of replay, new players being overwhelmed or overshadowed by over-optimized characters, Chronicle sheet rewards not having much meaning, and other concerns related to the sheer amount of information and options available to PFS players. With the help of our dedicated venture-captains, the team here at Paizo has developed a solution designed to solve all of these problems—and more. We call this solution the Core Campaign, a new mode of PFS play that utilizes all of the campaign's current scenarios and resources—only with a significantly lower barrier to entry. Here are some of the highlights:

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Tags: Grafit Studio Jason Rainville Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Monster Codex (OGL)

2014 Art Review

As we close out 2014, I wanted to end on a high note and give you one last year-end blog. I went to our Managing Art Director Sarah Robinson and Senior Art Director Andrew Vallas to get some help rounding up some favorite illustrations from the past year. Seeing how great their selections were, I also asked various members of our editorial team to pick a few of their own favorites to add. So here are some of our best illustrations from 2014!

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Tags: Ekaterina Burmak Eric Belisle Igor Grechanyi Jason Rainville Johan Grenier Kerem Beyit Kiki Moch Rizky Maichol Quinto Matias Tapia Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Campaign Setting Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Tales Ralph Horsley Subroto Bhaumik Tim Kings-Lynne Wayne Reynolds Yu Cheng Hong

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Stories from the Field: What to Do When New Players Arrive

With several new changes to improve Pathfinder Society Organized Play on the way over the next several months, one of the things I want to do to add to that improvement is feature venture-officers' knowledge about coordinating and organizing game days, as well as tips and tricks for all aspects of organized play. It's one thing to offer advice from here in Redmond, Washington. It is another to offer advice from the field. At least once a month, I hope to feature a blog, titled Stories from the Field, that is written by a venture-officer who wants to give back to the community through the Pathfinder Society weekly blog.

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Tags: Jason Rainville Lydia Schuchmann Pathfinder Society

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Monster Mash

If you have not heard yet, the newest addition to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game is hitting subscribers and game stores now. The Monster Codex is a mighty tome, filled with some of the most iconic foes in the game. Each of the 20 monster types appearing in this book has an expanded ecology, new rules, and 7 pages of new stat blocks across a range of CRs. Each one gives you plenty of ideas and awesome crunch to make these monsters the feature of an entire adventure or even a portion of your campaign, while saving you the time it takes to come up with the mountain of stats needed to make it happen.

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Tags: Damien Mammoliti Goblins Jason Rainville Kobolds Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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PaizoCon 2014 Announcement Round-Up

Missed the annual PaizoCon Preview Banquet? Enjoyed too many cocktails while there to remember what we showed off? This post is your one-stop shop for all the important announcements you may have missed!

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Tags: Alexandre Chaudret Ben Wootten Bugbears Drow Gnolls Goblins Hobgoblins Jason Engle Jason Rainville Licensed Products The Lost Coast Maichol Quinto Monsters Orcs PaizoCon Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Online Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Roberto Pitturru Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Combat (PFRPG)

Who Doesn't Like A Little Conflict?

The release of Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Combat is approaching, and it's a book I'm particularly proud of. Since I've taken over the Pathfinder Campaign Setting line, we've released a number of books, but this one is perhaps the most jam-packed with amazing new rules and thematic elements of the lot. Just about every page has something on it that makes me want to run a new campaign or build a new character. If only I had the time to do so! But as a developer, I often game vicariously through the players and GMs who use the content I have a hand in delivering, and I can't wait to hear what fun you fine folks have with this one!

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Tags: Jason Rainville Kim Sokol Pathfinder Campaign Setting

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #69: Maiden, Mother, Crone (Reign of Winter 3 of 6)

You Are Not Forgotten!

We here at Paizo HQ are deep in the throes of birthing a number of incredible products for release at Gen Con in August, and that means it's an all-hands-on-deck scenario. John and I are being called upon to assist with development and editing of products outside the Pathfinder Society Scenario line, and that means less time to devote to Pathfinder Society blogs on Mondays. So that you aren't left in the lurch, however, here are a few pieces of art from some of this month's Pathfinder releases, set to start going out to subscribers in the next week or so. Some of these images may even be useful for GMs who like visual aids for their Pathfinder Society games, though I won't give any more info than that!

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Tags: Amiri Filip Burburan Harsk Hayato Iconics Jason Rainville Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Modules Pathfinder Player Companion Pathfinder Society Reign of Winter Xia Taptara

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #68: The Shackled Hut (Reign of Winter 2 of 6) (PFRPG)

Welcome to Whitethrone!

Enjoy the splendid weather! Taste the local flavor!* Meet new and interesting people!

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Tags: Dmitry Burmak Jason Rainville Miguel Regodón Pathfinder Adventure Path Reign of Winter

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex (OGL)

NPC Codex Art Preview

The Pathfinder RPG NPC Codex is set to release on tomorrow, Wednesday, November 21. Each of the NPC Codex's pages features a full-body illustration by one of many Paizo artist favorites. Here's a sneak peek at some new characters to add to your Pathfinder game!

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Tags: Chris Seaman Jason Rainville Jorge Fares Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Scott Purdy

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: NPC Codex (OGL)

NPCs on the March!

NPCs on the March! Monday, October 1, 2012 We're still a couple of months out from the release of Pathfinder RPG: NPC Codex, but all of the awesome art in that book refuses to be contained! Check out a sampling of 10 fantastically deadly characters by 10 fantastically talented artists. Also, be sure to watch this space in the coming weeks for in-depth previews of Pathfinder RPG: NPC Codex—releasing this December. ... F. Wesley Schneider ... Editor-in-Chief ...
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Tags: Alex Tooth Branko Bistrovic Chris Seaman Damien Mammoliti Jason Rainville Jorge Maese Lydia Schuchmann Mauricio Herrera Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Roberto Pitturru Scott Purdy

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The Year of the Risen Rune Launches at Gen Con

The Year of the Risen Rune Launches at Gen Con Monday, July 30, 2012 ... Illustrations by Miguel Harkness and Jason RainvilleAs players and GMs familiar with the Pathfinder Society Organized Play program surely know after four full seasons of adventure, each year a new season of the campaign launches at Gen Con, and this year is no different. Over the last few seasons, we’ve worked to increase the amount of continuity within the campaign such that each season has a clear theme and plot arc,...
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Tags: Gen Con Goblins Jason Rainville Miguel Harkness Ogres Pathfinder Society

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