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Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Hunter's Handbook (PFRPG)

Identify, Approach, Kill, Repurpose

Any adventurer can swing a blade, but it takes planning and training to fell the greatest beasts. Today we're sitting in on a crash course on monster hunting to show off some of the new Pathfinder Player Companion: Monster Hunter's Handbook!

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Tags: Amiri Crowe Ezren Forrest Imel Hellknights Kent Hamilton Mavaro Merisiel Pathfinder Player Companion

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Pathfinder Player Companion: Heroes of the High Court (PFRPG)

We're So Fancy, You Already Know

Amanda Hamon Kunz and Jason Keeley teamed up as the lead developers of Heroes of the High Court, a Pathfinder Player Companion that takes adventurers to the royal courts and noble houses of Golarion. Let's see what they have to say about the lords and ladies of high society.

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Tags: Bryan Syme Javier Charro Mavaro Occultists Pathfinder Player Companion

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Mummy's Mask Character Add-On Deck

That One Time I Lied About My Best Character Ever (Spoiler: It's Really Mavaro)

Hello again, everyone! Last time I got the chance to write a blog for Paizo, I said that Alahazra was my favorite character. However, I have a confession to make: I lied. At the time I wrote that blog, Alahazra was no longer my favorite character. You see, I was one of the lucky few to get in on early playtesting of Mummy's Mask, and the first time I ran through the scenarios, I played as Mavaro, the Occultist from the Mummy's Mask Character Add-On Deck. And Mavaro, my friends, is truly the Best. Character. Ever.

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Tags: Mavaro Mummy's Mask Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Mummy's Mask Character Add-On Deck

Treasures That Lie Behind Closed Doors

The land shifted from soft sand dunes to rocky hills that battered the feet of the caravaneers. With rhythmic plodding punctuated by errant grunts, the camels trudged at a lumbering pace and did not seem affected by the terrain. Though the morning breeze still held a breath of cool night air that kissed their necks, the cicadas danced in anticipation of the climbing sun.

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Tags: Mavaro Mummy's Mask Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Occult of Indy

Many of us are heading out to Indy next week for Gen Con 2015. In the Paizo booth there will be a huge display made from Pathfinder RPG books, and the latest of them's going to be Occult Adventures. Here's a last preview at the fantastic art before it officially releases on July 29! See you in Indy!

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Tags: Caio Maciel Monteiro Estra Federico Musetti Iconics Igor Grechanyi Investigators Mariusz Gandzel Mavaro Meligaster Merisiel Mesmerists Occultists Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Quinn Rogues Spiritualists Subroto Bhaumik Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Open Your Eyes—Occult Adventures Art Preview

Subscribers are beginning to get a peek at the gateway to the unseen world in Occult Adventures, which officially hits game store shelves and the convention floor at Gen Con on July 29! Since our art department has been keeping a fairly low profile, I wanted to take over and give you another preview of the artwork gracing the pages of this book. Enjoy these selections from Occult Adventures!

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Tags: Alexandru Sabo David Alvarez Iconics Igor Greganyi Ivan Troitsky Mavaro Meligaster Mesmerists Monks Occultists Oloch Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Psychics Rivani Sajan Subroto Bhaumik Wallpapers Warpriests Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Occult Adventures Class Preview: The Occultist

The world hides many secrets, some strange, some wondrous, and others far too terrible for the rational mind to contain. In just over a month, we'll be unveiling some of these secrets with the release of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures. Within the pages of this mysterious 272-page book, we'll uncover the secrets of the occult and detail those who wield its might. In the meantime, we'll be previewing all six of the book's new classes, and investigate a new type of spellcasting power to add to your game—psychic magic!

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Alexandru Sabo Iconics Mavaro Occultists Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures (OGL)

Meet the Iconics: Mavaro

Starting today, we'll be introducing you to the six new iconic characters featured in Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Occult Adventures as part of our Meet the Iconics series. This week we'll start off by meeting Mavaro, the iconic occultist!

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Tags: Iconics Mavaro Meet the Iconics Occultists Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

See Also: