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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Inquisitor Class Deck

Nobody Expects the... Oh, Wait—You *Are* Expecting the Inquisitor Deck Preview?

I'm back with a peek at the May Class Deck release, the Inquisitor Class Deck. The iconic inquisitor, Imrijka, is a bad-ass half-orc with a heart of gold who debuted in the Wrath of the Righteous Base Set. She's lethal with a bow and, as a melange of ranger and cleric, Imrijka takes pleasure in smiting the unfaithful from a distance.

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Tags: Class Decks Inquisitors Mattias Fahlberg Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ultimate Campaign (OGL)

Ultimate Campaign: WAR! What is it Good For?

Sometime in the next week or so, Ultimate Campaign will be shipping out to a game store or mailbox near you. In anticipation of the release of this 256-page hardcover, we are taking a look at what you can expect to find inside. In the past three weeks, we have looked at character backgrounds, the downtime system, and rules for the GM to add to their campaign. This week, we are looking at the final chapter of the book, Kingdoms and War!

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Tags: Clerics Iconics Imrijka Inquisitors Jim Nelson Kyra Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Meet the Iconics: Imrijka

Meet the Iconics: Imrijka Thursday, October 11, 2012 ... Wails regularly echo through the eastern wing of Gravecharge, Pharasma's cathedral in the university city of Lepidstadt. Yet such aren't the breathless screams of the dead that so often ring through the corners of Ustalav, but rather the cries of life. Since its construction, Gravecharge has maintained a clean and well-supervised hospice for sick and orphaned youths. Just as the goddess Pharasma concerns herself with the transition of...
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Tags: Half-Orcs Iconics Imrijka Inquisitors Meet the Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide (PFRPG)

Dancing with a Monster in the Pale Moonlight

... Illustration by Eva Widermann ... Dancing with a Monster in the Pale Moonlight Wednesday, December 22, 2010Early last year a promise was made, a promise to those GMs who go beyond the call of duty. The promise was a special scenario, exclusive to 4-star Game Masters and Venture-Captains. Hints were dropped by Mark Moreland back in October that something special was coming, and now I can tell you that the special 4-star GM scenario will be released in January and enjoyed worldwide soon...
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Tags: Crystal Frasier Eva Widermann Inquisitors Monsters Pathfinder Society Undead Ustalav Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Misfit Monsters Redeemed (PFRPG)

Cats are away…it's time for little goblins to play!

Cats are away…it's time for little goblins to play! Wednesday, August 4, 2010Sara Marie: Hey Crystal! ... Crystal: Yes? ... Sara Marie: I just brought an order down to the warehouse and I realized something! ... Crystal: That cats do, in fact, float? ... Sara Marie: You are the ONLY person down there. ... Crystal: Yes, yes I am! ... Sara Marie: Know what else I saw? ... Crystal: The end, whereupon none were spared, not even the children? ... Sara Marie: The editorial pit. Unattended....
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Tags: Adherers Elves Flail Snails Iconics Imrijka Inquisitors Monsters Orcs Pathfinder Campaign Setting Prestige Classes Seltyiel Snagged From the Vault Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide Preview #2

... Pathfinder Advanced Player's Guide Preview #2 Thursday, July 8, 2010The start of Gen Con 2010 is four weeks away, which means in just one month, the Advanced Player's Guide will be hitting game stores and subscriber mailboxes. In anticipation of this mighty sourcebook, I am taking you on a guided tour, touching on some of the highlights each week until release. Last week we took at look at the races chapter and the new alternate favored class bonuses. This week we are diving into Chapter...
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Tags: Alchemists Cavaliers Damiel Elves Feiya Iconics Inquisitors Oracles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Summoners Wayne Reynolds Witches

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Introducing Rummy-Tum-Tugger!

... Introducing Rummy-Tum-Tugger! Monday, March 22, 2010Every other Thursday evening, I run my Shadow Under Sandpoint campaign for the editorial folks. I started the game several months ago for three reasons—as a team-building exercise, as a way for we editors to get more familiar with the game we created, and because it sounded fun. Several of the PCs from this campaign appear in the recently released NPC Guide, in fact... but not all of them. ... When Rob McCreary joined the Paizo...
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Tags: Community Eidolons Gnomes Iconics Inquisitors Orcs Paizo Pathfinder Campaign Setting Rob McCreary Sandpoint Summoners

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Advanced Player’s Guide Playtest, Bonus Round!

... Advanced Player’s Guide Playtest, Bonus Round! Tuesday, February 2, 2010Although the playtest of the six base classes set to appear in the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide was scheduled to be over yesterday, we have decided to extend it by two weeks to give you a chance to review and playtest the changes from the previous three rounds. We took all of your feedback and ideas and implemented a number of changes to the classes, combining them into one handy reference PDF. You can find...
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Tags: Alchemists Cavaliers Damiel Familiars Feiya Iconics Inquisitors Linnorms Monsters Oracles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Playtest Summoners Witches

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide (OGL)

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest, Round 3!

... Advanced Player's Guide Playtest, Round 3! Monday, December 14, 2009 ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... Illustration by Wayne Reynolds ... The playtest of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide is well underway, with the release of the final two classes slated to appear in the book, due out in August. In this round, we are looking at the alchemist and the inquisitor. The alchemist is all about using potions and arcane alchemy to increase your abilities. This works a bit like...
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Tags: Alchemists Damiel Elves Iconics Imrijka Inquisitors Orcs Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Playtest Wayne Reynolds
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Back from the Future, Part 2

... Back from the Future, Part 2 Friday, October 2, 2009One of the big highlights of Gen Con Australia 2009 was the What’s Next for Pathfinder? seminar that took place Saturday afternoon. The Pathfinder players at the show were so excited for this seminar that they took a break from their Pathfinder Society games to attend. Not surprisingly, it was pretty packed. ... Although much of what was covered during this seminar had already been announced, there were a few surprises in store,...
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Tags: Australia Conventions Gen Con Inquisitors Oracles Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Witches
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