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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

Am I Evil? (Yes, I Am.)

What makes a villain? You get to answer that question in our latest Design Challenge, featuring our most well-known characters: our Iconic heroes.

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Tags: Community Design Challenge Eva Widermann Hell's Vengeance Pathfinder Adventure Path

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races (PFRPG)

Where Are You From?!

This Inner Sea Races art preview focuses on human ethnicities. Our next preview will be non-human humanoid races. Enjoy!

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Tags: David Alvarez Eva Widermann Golarion Keri Ruediger Mariusz Gandzel Nemanja Stankovic Pathfinder Campaign Setting

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races (PFRPG)

10 Secrets from Inner Sea Races

Today we take a look at 10 little known facts about the races and cultures of Golarion. Check out Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Races, releasing this month, for more!

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Tags: Eva Widermann Golarion Pathfinder Campaign Setting

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Fair Winds and Following Seas

Last October the Venture-Officers became aware of some family health issues that caused a change in my employment status at Paizo and I was allowed to telecommute. This change led my family and I to make the move from Seattle to the New Orleans area. This has worked fairly well for almost a year as I traveled to Paizo from New Orleans regularly but, as with most situations, things continue to evolve and my work status is changing yet again.

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Tags: Eva Widermann Paizo Pathfinder Society

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The Usual Suspects: Class Decks Preview

Gather round, Pathfinders. I've got some secrets to share with you. It's the story of an unlikely group of adventurers whose journeys took them into the Eye of Abendego, out to the Worldwound, and beyond. How does the story end? Well, that's up to you to decide...

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Alex Tooth Class Decks Diana Martinez Eva Widermann Florian Stitz Jorge Fares Kostja Schleger Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Tim Kings-Lynne

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New Options

The Year of the Sky Key, Season 6 of the Pathfinder Society Organized Play campaign, is approaching, and that means the new Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play is on its way. It's still a few weeks before we preview the new guide, but we can share a few new options available at the start of Season 6. In fact, there's something for players and something for GMs and organizers.

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Tags: Eva Widermann Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Adventure Path: Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition (PFRPG)

Pathfinder Legends: A Visual Companion

Right after the debut Pathfinder Legends full-cast audio drama was released, my wife and I got stuck in an unexpected traffic snarl (which shouldn't have been too surprising, living in Seattle, and all). To kill the time, I put on the CD, and my wife—Shelyn bless her—obliged me by listening. It didn't take very long before she was getting into the story and following closely. There were a few instances when she made me pause playback, however, so that I could explain what certain locations, creatures, and characters looked like. It hit me then that not everyone listening to Pathfinder Legends may play Pathfinder or be familiar with some of the fantasy tropes that those of us who've been playing D&D or variants thereof for decades can sometimes take for granted. One of the reasons the audio drama is so captivating is that it doesn't include a lot of exposition dumps or narration, meaning some of the physical descriptions one might expect in a novel or RPG experience just aren't there.

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Tags: Andrew Hou Eric Belisle Eva Widermann Maichol Quinto Noah Bradley Rise of the Runelords

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Pathfinder Pawns: Bestiary Box

Demons Invade the Community!

Paizo's Community Use Policy is a great tool for members of the community to use to share their passion for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder campaign setting. Whether such projects take the form of fan fiction, a wiki cataloguing the continuity and canon of the setting, or a series of handouts or posters to advertise a local convention or game day, the CUP allows for non-commercial use of Paizo's intellectual property, including some pieces of art. Many of these art resources can be found in the Community Use Package here on paizo.com, but also on this very blog.

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Tags: Andrew Hou Ben Wootten Community Use Policy Eric Belisle Eva Widermann Tyler Walpole

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Chronicle of the Righteous (PFRPG)

Righteous Indignation

I know that many of you are anticipating Chronicle of the Righteous, which introduces the forces of good and covers over 50 empyreal lords, mystery cults, and celestial beasts. While you'll have to wait until late May for the full book, Wes has agreed to share a preview of what's to come with Chronicle of the Righteous's cover boy, Ragathiel, General of Vengeance. Enjoy!

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Tags: Eva Widermann Pathfinder Campaign Setting

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Pathfinder Companion: Qadira, Gateway to the East (PFRPG)

Pathfinder Society in Turkey

Pathfinder Society in Turkey Monday, September 10, 2012 ... Illustration by Eva WidermannI had a great time at Dragon•Con two weekends ago and then spent several days in Birmingham working some things out with Books-A-Million. It’s going to be an exciting time for Pathfinder Society in 2013. One topic that came up in both Atlanta and Birmingham was international play of Pathfinder Society. It seems many people are genuinely interested in reading about Pathfinder Society Organized Play all...
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Tags: Eva Widermann Pathfinder Society

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Mid-year Report of the Pathfinder Society Campaign

Mid-year Report of the Pathfinder Society Campaign Monday, March 26, 2012 ... Illustration by Eva WidermannToday is my six-month anniversary at Paizo. The time has flown since September 26, 2011. Usually, State of the Union/State/County/City addresses are given on an annual basis. In the future, I will most likely present this report at the yearly Pathfinder Society Members’ Meeting at Gen Con. However, this being my first year and with all the changes that have taken place, and in light of...
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Tags: Eva Widermann Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Dragon Empires Gazetteer (PFRPG)

Dragon Empires Gazetteer Wallpaper!

... Illustrations by Eva Widermann and Wayne Reynolds. Widescreen version here. Dragon Empires Gazetteer Wallpaper! Thursday, December 22, 2011Check out this great wallpaper for the Dragon Empires Gazetteer, courtesy of two of the nicest and most talented artists in the business—Wayne Reynolds and Eva Widermann! ... James L. Sutter ... Fiction Editor ...
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Tags: Eva Widermann Pathfinder Campaign Setting Wallpapers Wayne Reynolds

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Rival Guide (PFRPG)

Golarion Day: Report from Kintargo—Rival Guide

Golarion Day: Report from Kintargo—Rival Guide Thursday, March 10, 2011It's been quite a few weeks since my last report. I've learned a lot since then... too much to reveal to you all in a single report, but I wanted to make sure those idiot Thrunies weren't on to me. Looks like I'm safe, though. I've kept an eye out for Thrune agents since my last report, but haven't seen or heard anything. Which means it's safe for me to start sending regular reports! ... One thing I noticed in the...
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Tags: Eva Widermann Golarion Thursdays Pathfinder Campaign Setting Snagged From the Vault

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: The Inner Sea World Guide (PFRPG)

Dancing with a Monster in the Pale Moonlight

... Illustration by Eva Widermann ... Dancing with a Monster in the Pale Moonlight Wednesday, December 22, 2010Early last year a promise was made, a promise to those GMs who go beyond the call of duty. The promise was a special scenario, exclusive to 4-star Game Masters and Venture-Captains. Hints were dropped by Mark Moreland back in October that something special was coming, and now I can tell you that the special 4-star GM scenario will be released in January and enjoyed worldwide soon...
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Tags: Crystal Frasier Eva Widermann Inquisitors Monsters Pathfinder Society Undead Ustalav Wallpapers

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)

Mega Monster Meltdown!

Mega Monster Meltdown! Tuesday, October 26, 2010All these Bestiary 2 monsters are CR 20 or higher. Deal with it! ... If you can. ... Illustration by Eric BelisleIllustration by Eva Widermann ... Illustrations by Jorge Maese ... Wes Schneider ... Managing Editor ...
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Tags: Agathions Dragons Eric Belisle Eva Widermann Giants Jorge Maese Monsters Nightshades Pathfinder Roleplaying Game

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bestiary 2 (OGL)

Vanquished Beasts!

... Vanquished Beasts! Friday, October 1, 2010If you've been paying attention over the last few weeks, you've probably noticed a lot of talk about the whole office putting great effort into wrapping up the forthcoming Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2. Well, as of the end of the day Wednesday, the beasts—over 300 of them— were successfully wrangled into line, made to look sharp, and shipped off to the printer. Look for Bestiary 2 in bookstores, hobby stores, and on paizo.com...
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Tags: Agathions Craig J Spearing Dragons Eric Belisle Eva Widermann Hector Ortiz Mercanes Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Vermin

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

GameMastery Guide Preview: More Art!

... Illustration by Alex Aparin ... GameMastery Guide Preview: More Art! Friday, June 4, 2010To celebrate the return of our globetrotting senior art directorix, this week's preview takes another look between the words of the GameMastery Guide at more awesome art! Welcome back, Sarah! ... Illustration by Christopher BurdettIllustration by Eva Widermann ... Next week, the wait's almost over, so it's time for the penultimate GameMastery Guide preview! ... Wes Schneider ... Managing Editor ...
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Tags: Alex Aparin Castrovel Christopher Burdett Eva Widermann Game Mastering Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Wallpapers Witchwyrds

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

GameMastery Guide Preview: Things Get Weird!

... GameMastery Guide Preview: Things Get Weird! Friday, May 21, 2010 ... Let me let you in on one of the guiding philosophies of the GameMastery Guide. We didn’t make this book to let you run my game, or a “Paizo-brand” game, or any sort of game anyone here thinks you should run. We created the GameMastery Guide to give you the tools you need to run your game the way you want. For example, let me note a few entries in the index: Airships; Evil Characters; Extraterrestrials; Gambling;...
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Tags: Amiri Anti-Paladins Barbarians Dwarves Eva Widermann Florian Stitz Game Mastering Harsk Iconics Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Rangers Seelah

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: GameMastery Guide (OGL)

The GameMastery Guide: Mascots & Masterpieces!

... The GameMastery Guide: Mascots & Masterpieces! Thursday, May 6, 2010Aside from a metric ton of advice, new rules, charts, tools, and the like, one thing the GameMastery Guide has in spades is awesome new art! As you might have seen on the snippet from the credits page last week, a horde of fantastic artists contributed to this tome. We also did something a little unusual. Rather than illustrating every topic with our iconic heroes or scenes of battle or whatever have you, Andrew Hou...
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Tags: Andrew Hou Eva Widermann Ezren Florian Stitz GameMastery Goblins Iconics Monsters Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Sarenrae Wizards

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Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays Wednesday, December 23, 2009With most of the Paizo editorial staff being transplants from across the country, the holidays tend to be the one time of the year where we put aside talk of goblins and statblocks and deadlines for a few days (or at least try to). With much of the crew making treks across the country to spend a few days with much neglected family members, things might get a little spotty here on the blog up through the New Year. Even with the dedicated folks...
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Tags: Eva Widermann Iconics Seoni Sorcerers Wallpapers Yeti

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Pathfinder Chronicles: Book of the Damned—Volume 1: Princes of Darkness (PFRPG)

Book of the Damned: Heresy Devil and Erinyes Queen on Labor Day

... Book of the Damned: Heresy Devil and Erinyes Queen on Labor Day Monday, September 7, 2009Ahh, Labor Day! A day to relax, share the company of friends, and enjoy one of the last summer weekends in the northern hemisphere. Of course, if you're this heresy devil from Princes of Darkness, Book of the Damned Volume I, you've probably never had an honest day of work in your life—just beers, bratwurst, and corrupting existing religions to evil. He's really let himself go, the guy probably...
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Tags: Devils Eva Widermann F. Wesley Schneider Hell Monsters Pathfinder Campaign Setting
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Pathfinder Adventure Path #21:

The Pathfinder Wiki

... Artist: Eva Widermann ... The Pathfinder Wiki Tuesday, March 10, 2009Hello Paizonians! I would just like to take a moment to talk about, for those of you who are not already aware, the Pathfinder Wiki. The Pathfinder Wiki is a community project run by our forum's very own yoda8myhead, and to date has over 1,100 articles related to Golarion and various Pathfinder-related products. If you haven't had the pleasure, you should hop on over there and check it out. Or, if you're interested in...
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Tags: Community Eva Widermann Interns Pathfinder Wiki Portraits
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Pathfinder Chronicles: Campaign Setting (OGL)

Off to Press!

... Off to Press! Wednesday, June 18, 2008So now that we sent all our Gen Con releases off to the printer (thanks to some pretty crazy hours worked last week), things seem weirdly calm and relaxed here at Paizo. Which is dangerous! We don’t want to fall behind again so soon after we just got caught up! ... For my part, much of the last month has been spent buried in Pathfinder’s Adventure Paths, so it was pretty exciting over the last week to finally come up for air (even if that was merely...
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Tags: Eva Widermann Portraits

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