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If we had to commission all new art for the hundreds and hundreds of different cards in the Rise of the Runelords set, the art budget would make the product unfeasible. That said, there's a fair amount of brand-new art here (including the all-new Wayne reynolds cover painting for the Base Set box). You're going to want to check out the Paizo Blog on May 30...

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Alrighty is a lot of it Iconic art or action scene type art?
There are many characters, locations, and items prominently featured in the Rise of the Runelords AP that don't have good illustrations in the book (and, when it comes to locations, maps don't count as good illustrations for this purpose). Most—but not all—of the new art for the card game falls into those categories.

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You're going to want to check out the Paizo Blog on May 30...
It turns out the blog post I was talking about got moved forward a week. You can see it now!

DrSnooze |
Yep, they are releasing on the exact same day barring some act of god or something.
Thanks for your response (at 4am on Friday?!). I have a followup question. I'm going to order some sleeves for these cards. How many do I need for the base set + expansion? Are they "standard" size (2.5" x 3.5")?

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The cards are standard poker/TCG size... but I do not recommend you sleeve them.
The first problem is volume: if you wanted to keep *all* your cards sleeved, assuming you purchase all the expansions, we're talking 1025 sleeves just for the cards with standard backs. There are another 130 double-sided cards which would either need clear sleeves or no sleeves.
The second problem is that the box contains a tray that's designed to hold all of the cards, and using the tray dramatically speeds up the setup process. If you sleeve your cards, they'd no longer fit in the tray, so storing, organizing, and setting up the game would all become dramatically suckier... unless you're crafty enough to build your own jumbo replacement tray, which would need to be *very* large.
If you just want to sleeve the cards that you're going to use in a single session, you'd still need hundreds of sleeves (the actual number varies by the number of players), and sleeving and unsleeving those hundreds of cards would add a *lot* of time to setup and putaway. Even if you're enthusiastic about sleeves, I think you would tire of this quickly.
If you just want to sleeve your character deck and nothing else, that's a bit more feasible. Depending on your character's advancement, you begin a scenario with 15 to 25 cards, but you'll be adding cards to and removing cards from your deck as you play; every time you acquire a card or lose a card, you'll need to sleeve/unsleeve it. There's no limit to the number of cards you may have in your deck during a session, so even if you start with 25 cards, you could have 35 or more in your deck during play. (You could probably manage to do all your sleeve manipulation during other player's turns.)

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The image did change a bit... you can still see the mock-up version at BoardGameGeek.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

An excellent question. There's nothing currently announced, but if you demand it, we can make it happen!
Consider it veritably demanded! I want to see character cards for all of the Advanced Players' Guide classes, along with the Magus and Gunslinger. The Ninja and Samurai aren't QUITE as important to me, since they're alternate classes as opposed to new base classes, but the iconics exist so I don't see why not!

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I've looked bu I haven't seen this answered anywhere. So apologies if this is a redundant question.
Are the cards going to be printed with different rarities, like in a CCG? Or is this adventure card game something different?
It's a fixed set of cards, ableight spread across 8 boxes. There's no randomness on the purchasing side, so there's no need for rarities.

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Aberrant Templar wrote:It's a fixed set of cards, ableight spread across 8 boxes. There's no randomness on the purchasing side, so there's no need for rarities.I've looked bu I haven't seen this answered anywhere. So apologies if this is a redundant question.
Are the cards going to be printed with different rarities, like in a CCG? Or is this adventure card game something different?
Aah. Thank you.

Thazar |

As a subscriber and having played the game through the weekend with friends and family I will add my vote to the "yes more please" crowd for both additional character packs as well as additional adventure paths. I have actually set up a weekly Friday night game for campaign mode with 4 or 5 other folks. I had to stop my normal campaign on that night as real life and work cut too much into my prep time... but the card game lets us start a little later and still get together with less "host prep"
Another item that could be good is a "Rise of the Rune Lords Sandbox" set. Something with maybe some blank character cards and some fleshed out rules for making your own characters along with several more location, scenario, and adventure cards that would use the existing cards from RotRL Card game for monsters, items, spells, etc.

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Well, I just finished going through the first adventure. Also played through the first scenario around 4 times. First off, it's a great game.
A few comments:
1) Would love to see more character options.
2) If these could come out once a month, that would be much better.
3) Would like to see the Sandbox idea above. Blank character cards, or even cards with the normal back, so custom cards can be added.

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The tough thing about the character cards might be that, with loads of additional character options, it may make it difficult to differentiate the characters from one another. They probably also want to save the really good characters for next year's base set to give you an incentive to make that larger purchase rather than having customers skip that and stick with a less-expensive $20 add-on pack for Rise of the Runelords.

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I can kind of see that, but I'm not going to spend $60 to get "that really good character." I'll spend $60 to for the whole package, but not just to get a few cards. I would spend 20 though.
I'm not a marketing person or anything, but I think people who will invest in multiple $60 boxes are those that "love" this game. If you play every once in a while $60 is a huge investment. However smaller $20 dollar boxes would be appealing to both those that love this game and those that play less often.
While there is a lot of randomness within the box, there is only limited character/scenario type options. As I posted above my group has already played maybe 6 to 8 games already. (That includes the three times it took to beat the black fang one.) We're going to start on Burnt Offerings and I can easily see us doing most of that before the weekend ends. I realize its a long weekend and we're playing more often then most groups can, but at a hour a session, most groups could do maybe 2-3 games in a normal "table top session" span.
What I am concerned with is, the game, while great, has limited options for replay, without going homebrew on the scenarios. I am nervous about doing that because this is rather new and I don't want to break the mechanics.
My group is already feeling invested in the characters they've played. So restarting is going to frustrate some of them. On the other hand we're quickly running out of in-box scenarios.
Long term, I think the $60 + $20 idea is great, I would just like to see something that is a little more generic (could work with any adventure path that gets published) containing additional stand alone scenarios and/or adventures plus extra villains. I think the other categories are good with what it comes with. This would allow groups to throw in a couple extra scenarios here and there to fill in the gap.
Otherwise I can see my group burning through the box and then wanting to move onto another product.

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Love the game. Though, my hope is next year, if they release another "Base Set" (which I think is both a great and terrible idea), that they will not release another Character Add-On and just make include everything in the core box for 6 players. I'm hoping that with the success of this one, it'll be easier to make that happen.

Mike Selinker Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Designer |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

The game is awesome and the expansion pack is great. My daughter absolutely loves Lini....however the lack of a snow leopard has her in a confused state. So as a father who loves playing non digital games with his children I humbly ask for a snow leopard in some sort of expansion.

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In addition to the 4 new character cards and their corresponding feat and token cards, the following cards are unique to the Character Add-On Deck:
Weapons: Greatsword, Icy Longspear +1, Deathbane Light Crossbow +1, Allying Dart +1
Items: Sage's Journal, Amulet of Mighty Fists, Crown of Charisma, Eyes of the Eagle
Allies: Dog, Snake, Sabretooth Tiger
Monster: Satyr
Barrier: Secret Stash
...so 25 of the 110 cards are exclusive to this set.
It also contains additional copies of the three generic henchmen from the Base Set (because when you have two more players, you have two more locations, so you need two more henchmen). Then there are more copies of cards that are especially useful to the new character classes, and some cards that you just need a couple more of when you have more players, including Cure and a variety of blessings. And a couple banes for flavor.

Ilby |
The cards are standard poker/TCG size... but I do not recommend you sleeve them.
I think I am either going to have to sleeve them, or you guys are going to have to offer replacement cards somehow. Between drinks, food and little ones, Pathfinder game character sheets are easily replaceable, but bendy teary absorbent Pathfinder game cards are not. :-)
PS: Absolutely hate, and by that I mean LOATHE card games. However, this one, I have to admit, has been played a few times by our group. Three, 3-player games went smoothly. Two, 5 player games ran us into some difficulty. Interesting concept and kudos to the developers.

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So I bought my friend the core set for his birthday and aside from a few issues with the clarity of the rules we really really enjoy the game.
I have a question though, what about this add-on makes the game 6 player? Or better yet, what DOESN'T the core set have to NOT be 6 player?
The core set is missing duplicates of several weapons and items that multiple players will want to use, and I believe it also has two more of each of the base set Henchmen. Honestly, though, the best part of the character add-on deck are the characters. The Druid and the Monk are incredible.

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Has there been any thought to Scenario Add-On Packs? Something like taking a module "Dragon's Demand?" and just throwing in the basics? Maybe not new items or anything, just a scenario card, villians and henchmen. That would increase the replay-ability to the game, while keeping cost low. if you do an average say 15 card pack, you could charge $5 or so and put them out on opposite months from the AP decks. To tell the truth, I mostly play the game by myself. I finished Burning Crusades twice with the Rouge, Once with the Fighter and Sorcerer, yet never with the Cleric or Wizard... I really don't get your prgressions with character advancement, so I normally just drew a random card from the box. (Closed eyes and put my hand on a stack, then drew.)

Cheiron |

Recently purchased(yesterday) the Base set and Character addons. All of the cards in the character addon set are roughly 1mm smaller in length than those of the base set (same width). Did I get a weird batch or are they all like this? Are the additional adventure packs the same size as the base set or the character addons? Just curious.
Looking forward to playing it this coming week with friends.

PurifiedAwesome |

I have the same issue. I purchased the Character Add-On pack on Dec 28 and all the cards are about 1mm shorter than the cards in the base set. This makes them harder to shuffle as the shorter cards make groups of cards stick together. Also, many of the card backs are lighter in color than the base set. I picked up Adventure Packs 2 and 3 at the same time, but the cards in those sets are the same size as the base set. Any chance a Paizo rep could respond? If it's a printing error, I'd like to send the smaller cards back and get a replacement set.
Recently purchased(yesterday) the Base set and Character addons. All of the cards in the character addon set are roughly 1mm smaller in length than those of the base set (same width). Did I get a weird batch or are they all like this? Are the additional adventure packs the same size as the base set or the character addons? Just curious.
Looking forward to playing it this coming week with friends.

Arma virumque |

I have the same issue. I purchased the Character Add-On pack on Dec 28 and all the cards are about 1mm shorter than the cards in the base set. This makes them harder to shuffle as the shorter cards make groups of cards stick together. Also, many of the card backs are lighter in color than the base set. I picked up Adventure Packs 2 and 3 at the same time, but the cards in those sets are the same size as the base set. Any chance a Paizo rep could respond? If it's a printing error, I'd like to send the smaller cards back and get a replacement set.
Cheiron wrote:Recently purchased(yesterday) the Base set and Character addons. All of the cards in the character addon set are roughly 1mm smaller in length than those of the base set (same width). Did I get a weird batch or are they all like this? Are the additional adventure packs the same size as the base set or the character addons? Just curious.
Looking forward to playing it this coming week with friends.
Has anyone else had this problem, with either the character add-on pack or the other expansion packs?
As pointed out, it becomes really difficult to shuffle when the cards are different sizes. The only solution is to sleeve the cards, which I don't want to do, particularly if sleeves prevent me from storing the cards in the original box as intended.

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With the success of the game, we've been able to move card printing to the US instead of China. The US cards are about half a millimeter shorter than the Chinese cards, though they're the same width. The difference in length is slight enough that you can't spot them on a stack unless you're trying really hard—that is, you've squared up the deck and are actively looking for a difference. Since this is a cooperative game, not a competitive one, that should not be an issue in play.
As for shuffling, if you square up the cards first and put the squared-up ends together, they should interleave just fine.
The US printer should hopefully be able to deliver more consistent color as well—there was a fair amount of color variance in the Chinese cards.
When we're shipping the US printing of a product, it means we have sold out of the Chinese printing of that product.