Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Tempest Rising Adventure Deck (Skull & Shackles 3 of 6)

List Price: $19.99

Sale Price: $9.99

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Take Your Place as Pirate Lords!

Take your place as true pirate lords of the Fever Sea, earning a fat prize purse, and perhaps an island of your own! You'll need to impress the Pirate Council, face intrigue in Port Peril, and out-sail the other would-be pirate lords in the Free Captains' Regatta to earn the esteem of the Hurricane King himself. The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Tempest Rising Adventure Deck is a 110-card expansion that includes new villains, henchmen, locations, and more, as well as rare loot cards and 5 new scenarios that make up the complete Tempest Rising adventure. Continue your character's legend with the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Tempest Rising Adventure Deck.

This deck requires the Skull & Shackles Base Set and Raiders of the Fever Sea Adventure Deck.

ISBN-13: 978-1-60125-687-4


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Webstore Gninja Minion

Announced! Cover image is a mockup and subject to change.

Paizo Employee Developer

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Note to self: make sure we change the title on the box from "Island of Empty Eyes" to "tempest Rising" before we ship this to the printer...

Webstore Gninja Minion

Mark Moreland wrote:
Note to self: make sure we change the title on the box from "Island of Empty Eyes" to "tempest Rising" before we ship this to the printer...

Hah! :D

Will these new cards have the same top/right corner as the first game?
Say you're like me and use white card boxes with sleeves and the box falls and cards fly everwhere... Will you be able to tell the difference between ROTR Set 2 and S&S Set 2?

ViolentNny wrote:

Will these new cards have the same top/right corner as the first game?

Say you're like me and use white card boxes with sleeves and the box falls and cards fly everwhere... Will you be able to tell the difference between ROTR Set 2 and S&S Set 2?

They have already confirmed the the top left part of the cards will vary. Current set says Rise of the Runelords, if you look at the cards. So in this way you should be able to tell them apart.

Webstore Gninja Minion

Product image and description updated.

This deck's listing on Amazon says "not yet released", and has an availability date of July 7 2015. What's that about?

Amazon never seems to get the release quite right for Paizo products. Probably in about a week it will be available.

See this and this.

Is there some reason why it seems every supplier takes forever to get these products? I pre-ordered on amazon end of October and it still hasn't even shipped yet. My local comic/game store doesn't get them till at least a month after the site says its released. Should I just buy them here?

SetzerG wrote:
Is there some reason why it seems every supplier takes forever to get these products? I pre-ordered on amazon end of October and it still hasn't even shipped yet. My local comic/game store doesn't get them till at least a month after the site says its released. Should I just buy them here?

Well, if you subscribe from Paizo, you'll get the promo cards too. Which is nice. You also have a good chance (though not a guarantee) that you'll receive them before they are for sale anywhere else.

As to your more general question of why they show up when at other retailers, I get the impression that is an issue more related to the retailer and the distributor.

How Distribution Works:
In case you don't know, Paizo sells their products to distributors, who in turn sell them to retailers. There are multiple distributors a retailer might purchase them from.

It might be that a retailer only gets orders from a distributor on a certain day of the month. Or it might be that the distributor didn't purchase enough from Paizo to fill all their orders right away. The only way to know would be to ask the retailer and the distributor.

I will say that I've seen them show up some places on pretty much the exact street date. So I don't think it is an issue for every single retailer. But why it is an issue for the retailers you mention, I can't say.

Hawkmoon269 wrote:

Amazon never seems to get the release quite right for Paizo products. Probably in about a week it will be available.

See this and this.

Weird. I ordered the entirety of Rise of the Runelords via Amazon and never had any problem. Must've just been lucky. Or maybe it just went more smoothly because those decks were further apart...

Anyway, thanks for the reply. Looks like it's finally updated (even though the title of the product listing says "December 23rd" and then the order field says "in stock December 14th" LOL sheesh)

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