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Introducing the Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

I'm currently in Reno attending the GAMA trade show. It is our chance to meet with many retailers and present seminars on all things Paizo. We also have a booth on the exhibition floor where attendees can try out the new Starfinder Beginner Box, talk with the team about Pathfinder Second Edition and try a demo of the revised Adventure Card Game. So far, feedback from the floor is highly receptive on all fronts.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Organized Play Pathfinder Society

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A New Way to Play the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

It's hard to believe that the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game was released almost five years ago now. The game has evolved through four full base sets and dozens of character and add-on decks, and has been the focus of a successful organized play campaign.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Free RPG Day Goblins Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Horror Adventures

Making the Most of Character Unlocks

Ever since the first Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Class Decks were released, you have been able to use Adventure Path characters of the same class as your deck in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild. This has been a great way to add more variety to PFSACG character options (in case the 88 Class Deck characters aren't already enough for you!).

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Class Decks Organized Play Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society

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A Call to Vol II—Gen Con 2018!

This weekend, badges for Gen Con went on sale. We sent the message out that our volunteer call would go live on Wednesday. So here it is! As the program continues to grow and evolve, we make changes from year to year to streamline processes and help the convention run smoothly. With over 300 volunteers and around 1700 tables of organized play games running, Gen Con is easily our largest event. This means even more attention on processes and efficiency. The changes below are the same adjustments we made to PaizoCon and are aimed at bringing all the large conventions into the same logistical umbrella.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Conventions Gen Con 2018 Organized Play Pathfinder Society Starfinder Society

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These Are a Few of Our Favorite Things (of 2017)

This past year has been a big wild ride. We launched Starfinder to great success, had a busy Gen Con watching the book fly off the shelves, and put out some amazing books that aren't set in space. We've even had some changes in our line-up, with changing job titles and responsibilities that helped a number of us take a step up. 2017 has been full of excitement (and a little chaos, but what creative endeavor doesn't have at least a little chaos?). It's been a busy year for everyone here at Paizo, and I wanted to give the developers and designers a chance to talk about some of the projects they've worked on this year that they've enjoyed working on the most. Being a creator can be rough sometimes, and it's important to feel pride about the things you've helped make.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Ironfang Invasion Organized Play Paizo Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Society Ruins of Azlant Starfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Starfinder Society

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A Call to Vol—PaizoCon 2018!

The new season brings with it several Paizo-sponsored conventions with a large organized play presence. PaizoCon, Gen Con, Origins, as well as travel to other shows such as UK Games Expo, PaizoCon UK, and PaizoCon OZ. Planning for these conventions started several months ago. Over the past few months, Paizo staff worked hard on updating the Attendance policy. With it completed and ready for release, tickets sales are soon to follow. One of my goals includes offering volunteer slots for Paizo-sponsored conventions before the ticket sales open. This allows volunteers to make plans with their friends before purchasing tickets. Thus, we moved the call for volunteers from its usual February timeslot to today.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Conventions Organized Play PaizoCon PaizoCon 2018 Pathfinder Society Starfinder Society

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Homebrew Special: The Little Dragons That Could

We continue our Pathfinder Adventure Card Game homebrew series with a look at True Dragons of Absalom by David Jacobson (Theryon Stormrune) and newly crowned Pathfinder Society ACG Online Play venture-captain Tyler Beck (Cartmanbeck).

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Tags: Adventure Card Game Homebrew Adventure Card Guild David Jacobson Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Tyler Beck

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Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild #4-P1—Murder in the Marketplace PDF

A Look at PACG's Murder in the Marketplace

Season of Factions' Favor, our current—and weirdest—Adventure Path for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game is well underway. Designed by Keith Richmond with story by Katina Davis, Adventure 1, Chasing Yellow Sails, kicked off at Gen Con, leading the adventurers into the slave markets of Okeno in pursuit of a captured criminal. It's a rollicking adventure, and the upcoming Adventure 2 is also a mindbender.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Character Decks Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Exploring Factions' Favor

In the pursuit of ancient secrets and unclaimed treasures, the Pathfinder Society doesn't just make discoveries; it also makes enemies. A cast of the campaign's greatest villains has conspired to take their revenge against the Pathfinder, bringing war to the footstep of the great city Absalom and chaos to the Inner Sea region. For years, factions within the Society have championed their own agendas, fought for recognition, and accumulated resources. At last they have a chance to prove themselves—an experience that could leave these organizations changed forever in Season 9 of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild: the Year of Factions' Favor.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Giorgio Baroni Organized Play Pathfinder Society Year of Factions Favor

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OPC Log—5 Erastus, 4017

The sun beats down on the northern hemisphere, while the southern hemisphere enjoys its cooler season. While some folk enjoy the heat, I'm thinking the 117 Fahrenheit in Las Vegas is just a wee bit too hot. Soon I'll return to the Pacific Northwest, but not for long. July finds us halfway through the summer convention season, which launches with the plethora of conventions on Memorial Day and ends with the Labor Day extravaganza! Which means lots of travel and meeting new players.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Organized Play Pathfinder Society Starfinder Society

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Stay Alert, Holy Plasma Cannons Ahead!

PaizoCon manages to land on near-perfect holiday weekends with bright and glorious sunshine making the first signs of summer at the forefront of minds in the Pacific Northwest. And as we all know, that means that convention season has begun—with local cons, big ones, and the Best 4 Days in Gaming (Gen Con) looming around the corner! I'm taking a few minutes here at the nice and quiet (and empty) Paizo offices to give those of you who didn't make it out the PaizoCon 2017 Preview Banquet last night a glimpse of some of the fun you can expect this summer (and beyond!).

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Organized Play PaizoCon PaizoCon 2017 Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Society Starfinder Starfinder Society

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Gen Con 50 Events

Last week, I previewed some of the offerings in store for PaizoCon 2017 attendees. The lottery ran and we are in the open event selection period until next Monday. If you have May 26-29 free and want to travel to beautiful Seattle, you can still pick up a badge in-person at the PaizoCon Convention store.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Conventions Gen Con Gen Con 2017 Pathfinder Society Starfinder Society

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Pathfinder Adventure Path #84: Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh (Mummy's Mask 6 of 6) (PFRPG)

Season of the Plundered Tombs, The Story So Far

Brave Pathfinder Agents have investigated lost tombs, translated hidden runes, smashed undead guardians, and dispersed elementals, all in service to the Pathfinder Society. There may have been some amount of plundering also happening, based on the fine historic artifacts exhibited by those agents, but that is clearly secondary to the far more altruistic pursuit of knowledge.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Mummy's Mask Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society Season of Plundered Tombs

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News Flash! Adventure Card Guild Gets Retail Incentive Program!

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Adventure Card Game blog to announce some exciting news! Last September, the Pathfinder Society unveiled a Retail Incentive Program for the Roleplaying Guild, aimed at rewarding purchases made at Friendly Local Game Stores or other retail establishments that offer Pathfinder Society space for games. At the time, we indicated that we'd look at options for an Adventure Card Guild version. The RPG Incentive Program concludes its fourth month in a few days, and it has proven well-received by players and stores alike. We are now pleased to announce the launch of the Adventure Card Guild version of the Retail Incentive Program.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Empty Graves Adventure Deck (Mummy's Mask 2 of 6)

'Tis the Season of Plundered Tombs

The Season of Plundered Tombs is upon us! This third season of the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild just kicked off last week, so it's a good time to discuss the many horrible fun things we have planned for it!

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Maichol Quinto Mummy's Mask Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society Season of Plundered Tombs

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Pathfinder Cards: Pathfinder Society Face Cards

OPC Log—18 Lamashan 4716

In the Pacific Northwest, our weather turned and rain now envelopes our Redmond office in a mist. Falling temperatures, transitioning leaves, and blustering winds replaced the bright sunshine and warm weather. The rough storms of the past weekend left us tossed about and quite a bit of debris and detritus blown about, but all are accounted for. For other Pathfinders, the inclement weather patterns of the past few months test their resiliency and survival skills. While we have heard from Venture-Officers and players on the eastern seaboard of the US, they still face difficulties with flooding and power outages. Though divided by location and language, we are all one huge family. If possible, where possible, consider offering a helping hand or a dry towel.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Community Conventions Pathfinder Society Roberto Pitturru Season of Plundered Tombs

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OPC Log—10 Lamashan 4716

Last week I spent the latter half of the week in Las Vegas on holiday spending my birthday. I appreciated the break and am back, rested and refreshed, to continue working on projects. Over the next few months, I'm traveling to Book & Board Con in Akron, Ohio, and Extra Life in Spokane, Washington. Come out and play!

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Community Conventions Pathfinder Society

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Get Ready to be Goblified

Get Ready to be Goblified Tuesday, August 30, 2016 Last year, while planning the class deck schedule, a most Gobtastic plan was concocted. In addition to supporting Organized Play using Ranzak, Ekkie, and our newest promo goblin Tup, we could create playable versions of all the main goblins from the We Be Goblins! RPG modules. To celebrate, we could also do a short Season of the Goblins (then called We Be Card Goblins!) based on the first couple of adventures. Little did we realize that two...
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Tags: Adventure Card Game Homebrew Adventure Card Guild James Martin Jeff Carlisle Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Season of the Goblins!

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OPC Log—30 Arodus, 4716

Hello from Redmond! After weeks of travel I'm back at the Paizo office, catching up on events and developments in the world of Pathfinder. Which accounts for the lateness of this blog, as I tried to touch base and get a status report on some ongoing projects.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Community Conventions Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Academy

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Gen Con and Thanks for All the Fish

Gen Con 2016 is in the books (and Delta's computer failure gave me and many other Paizonians a lovely bonus day or two in the fabulous airport waiting areas of Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Indianapolis, Minneapolis-St. Paul, and/or Salt Lake City) and what a show it was! Demos of the upcoming Mummy's Mask Base Set were a huge hit in the exhibit hall, with 10 tables of action running basically at capacity for four straight days. Many thanks to Dominick Trascritti and his skilled demo team for giving fans old and new an excellent introduction to Mummy's Mask.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Conventions Gen Con Gen Con 2016 Paizo Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Gunslinger Class Deck

Lock and Load!: The Gunslinger Class Deck Preview

Players who joined us last week at Gen Con had an early opportunity to play the Gunslinger, but for those who missed the mayhem, I’m here to deliver everything you need to know about the Gunslinger Class Deck.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Class Decks Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Suzanne Helmigh

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Goblins, Promo Cards, and the Adventure Card Guild

Short blog this week as preparation for Gen Con intensifies! Starting next week, all promo characters will be legal for play in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild organized play program. This means Ranzak, Ekkie, and Tup will be able to join in the fun at your local game store, convention, or even home play of the various Adventure Card Guild seasons.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Pathfinder Society

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Season of the Runelords—The Story So Far

Time to catch you up on the story so far in Season of the Runelords! (There be plot spoilers below.) While I'm discussing SotRu, allow me to apologize for the persistent delays in its release schedule. We're working hard to improve the process for subsequent products, and the entirety of the season will be available for play at Gen Con.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Pathfinder Society Season of the Runelords

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Goblins Burn! Class Deck

Goblins Again?!

Before I jump into this week’s preview of the upcoming Goblins Burn! deck, I would like to mention that several Paizo products have been nominated for ENnie awards, including the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Card Game Base Set. I encourage you to visit the ENnies 2016 Election page to cast your votes.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Goblins Javier Charro Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society

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PaizoCon 2016 Pathfinder Society Announcements

PaizoCon 2016 has come to a close, but the Pathfinder Society team is gearing up for tons of new programs and material that we showed off at the Paizo Preview Banquet Saturday evening. Organized Play Coordinator Tonya Woldridge announced these to a packed ballroom, and today I'd like to share the news with you.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild PaizoCon Pathfinder Society Pathfinder Society Academy Roberto Pitturru Season of the Goblin Season of the Mummy Year of the Stolen Storm

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Horror Adventures

Pulling Back the Curtain—PaizoCon 2016 Announcements!

Last night's PaizoCon Preview Banquet was an amazing event, full of exciting new reveals and announcements, including the unveiling of Paizo's next roleplaying game project, Starfinder, the next hardcover volumes of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, and where Pathfinders will be headed next in Pathfinder Adventure Path and Pathfinder Society organized play. I cannot stress enough how fun and palpable the excitement is during the Banquet, and how cool it is to see folks react in person. But, if you didn't make it out to the show, read on!

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Curse of the Crimson Throne Pathfinder Adventure Path Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Society Starfinder

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Goblins Fight! Class Deck

A Wild PaizoCon Appears!

PaizoCon attendees will get the opportunity to play Season of the Runelords all the way up through Adventure 3: Into the Mountain and will even get a sneak peek at Adventure 4: Abjurant Halls of Envy. I just wrote the mechanics for a scenario currently called "Look! A Monkey!" which I expect to be the start of a long and extended death-glare aimed in my direction by you, the fans. Just remember that you're the ones who went into something called the Abjurant Halls of Envy, and complaints can be delivered directly to me. I'm the one who looks like Mike Selinker.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Community Conventions Litos Lopez Rodriguez PaizoCon PaizoCon 2016 Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society

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Gen Con, Baby!

We've got tons of material on tap for organized play fans at this year's show. First, the known info: Season of the Runelords, our third season of the Adventure Card Guild, wraps up in August 2016, and avid players will be able to triumphantly complete the season in the Sagamore ballroom. You'll be able to play any or all of the scenarios in SotRu at the show, and we'll even keep a copy or two of Season of the Righteous and Season of the Shackles tucked away for folks who want to catch up or try some new adventures.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Community Conventions Gen Con Gen Con 2016 Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Inquisitor Class Deck

Pawn Parade, PaizoCon Preview, and (P)Art (P)Spoilers!

How's everybody doing? Sitting down with your Barbarian, Oracle, and Alchemist Class Decks and getting blown up by goblins in Season of the Runelords? Well, keep sitting down, 'cause I've got lots of goodies to share. But before I do, go and vote in the PACG accessory contest!

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Class Decks Conventions Felipe Escobar Jorge Fares Kent Hamilton PaizoCon Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Pawns

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OPC Log—11 Gozren 4716

This weekend volunteers and Paizo staff came together to run Pathfinder Society events in the Sheraton Grand Ballroom. Except for the early morning hours, we consistently filled our tables and worked hard to get games going quickly. Some of our attendees enjoyed the Adventure Card Game so much they came back the next day to play through the Season of the Runelords Adventure 1. Several other groups went directly from our tables to on-site retailers and bought the Rise of the Runelords Base Set with the intent to start playing back home.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Community Contests Conventions Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Society Guide

Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Simultaneously

Hello, Pathfinders, Tanis here! This week we've got two fantastic blogs for you in one jam-packed edition. First up is Organized Play Coordinator Tonya Woldridge with a con report from Con of the North and Winter Fantasy, and the launch of Season of the Runelords. Then, we've got lead designer Mike Selinker with an announcement and a tease for Obsidian's digital Pathfinder Adventures. But enough from me. On with the show!

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Licensed Products Obsidian Entertainment Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society Rise of the Runelords Season of the Runelords

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Goblins Fight! Class Deck

A Little Comic Relief

We have been working hard on the soon-to-launch Season of the Runelords (we're previewing it this weekend at Winter Fantasy in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and it's not too late to get in on that!) and we're trying something a little different this time.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Class Decks Conventions Goblins Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Comics Pathfinder Society Season of the Runelords

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December Adventure Card Guild Updates

It was a long ride over heaps and hordes of demons (and probably more than a few brave crusaders), but Season of the Righteous is finally coming to its glorious end. Let's recap the story so far with a whole lot of spoilers:

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Class Decks Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Season of the Righteous

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Alchemist Class Deck

We're Not Staying Mum(my) Any Longer

During PaizoCon 2015, we stood onstage with designer Liz Spain and revealed that the next Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Adventure Path would be Mummy's Mask. And we said that we'd be releasing it in February. As it turns out, we're right an even 50 percent of the time.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Class Decks Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society Rise of the Runelords

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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Paladin Class Deck

You Must Be This Good to Ride This Dog

When people find out I've been to 31 consecutive Gen Cons in the Midwest, they're always gobsmacked. "Mike, you must be so lucky," they say in unison, "to get to go to such an awesome show year after year!" And I am. But every year, I am reminded that Gen Con has a dirty little secret: It's a germageddon. If you're not lucky, you can bring a nasty little bit of Gen Con back with you.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Class Decks Paladins Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea NPC Codex (PFRPG)

25 New Reasons to Attend a Convention

Every season since the Year of the Ruby Phoenix at Gen Con 2011, the we've released a new set of convention-exclusive boons that Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild players can win. The next year I wrote the Season 4 boons as a volunteer, making a few rewards that have reappeared over the years: Expedition Manager (what if a boon let you do real archaeology?), Treasure Map, Missing Mentor (can a standalone boon tell its own story?), and the infamous Xenophobia (what if there was a boon that ate all of your race boons?). I have no doubt that boon writing played an important part in my being hired by Paizo, so you can understand that I have a special fondness for the process.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Alexandur Alexandrov Conventions Pathfinder Society

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Season of the Righteous—The Story So Far

This week marks the start of the third chapter of the Season of the Righteous storyline for the Adventure Card Guild. Season of the Righteous is a complementary story to the cataclysmic events of the Wrath of the Righteous. The heroes who brave its dangers are fully as powerful and important to the plot as those who go through the main AP, but they deal with other events of the Fifth Crusade.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Anna Christenson Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Season of the Righteous

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Faith and the Sword—New Class Decks Headed Your Way!

We've got an exciting new announcement for you this week, but first, I want to talk about the characters from the new August release, the Paladin Class Deck. Meet the band:

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Class Decks Paladins Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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"I Also Attack Butt-First"—PaizoCon 2015 and the Adventure Card Game

Another PaizoCon is in the books, and I'm happy to say we mostly survived (R.I.P., Sad Ezren). This was the biggest con yet for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game and the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild. More people then ever are getting involved!

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Conventions PaizoCon Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Here There Be Demons

Welcome to "The Worldwound Incursion", the first adventure of the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path for the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. (I think I just about used up my allotment of capital letters there, but I'll try to soldier on.)

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Come Together—Adventure Card Guild and Summer Conventions

As we head into summer here in the Northern Hemisphere, convention activity is heating up. Let's talk about the Adventure Card Guild at a convention near you!

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Community Conventions Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Season of the Righteous

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Announcing the Season of the Righteous

We hope you're enjoying the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild's "Season 0" trial run, Season of the Shackles. All six adventures will be available for purchase as of April 15, and we'll soon be making a Season of the Shackles deck available for purchase as a print-on-demand product at DriveThruCards.com. That deck will feature all the new cards we created for the season, so you won't have to use proxy cards if you don't want to. The Adventure Path loot reward Councilor's Ring will also be available at DriveThruCards.com at the same time.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Season of the Righteous

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S(More) Story of the Season of the Shackles

Hello, Pathfinders! The inaugural season of the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild marches on, and I thought you might like an update on how the pirate PCs are progressing.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Bryan Sola Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Battles Season of the Shackles

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Season of the Shackles Updates

Hello, Pathfinders. I hope the Price of Infamy Adventure Deck is treating you well? And by "treating you well," I of course mean thoroughly beating you up before you battle back and achieve exciting victory.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Battles Season of the Shackles

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Season of the Shackles: The Halfwayish Point

The inaugural season of the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild is underway, and players across the globe are testing their mettle against not-so-lone sharks and a very frisky dragon turtle. Curious about the story so far? You’ve come to the right place!

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Season of the Shackles Skull & Shackles

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Tips for Holiday PACG-ing

Can you smell the season's tidings in the air? No, not the crisp-cold scent of pine logs in your neighbor's fireplace in the wintry morning breeze. It's the smell of fresh ink and cardstock. Welcome to that special time of year, boon and bane to gamers everywhere.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Skull & Shackles

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Dispatches from the Front: Adventure Card Guild in the Wild

Last night, the Lone Shark crew and I headed to Uncle's Games in Bellevue for a soft launch of the Adventure Card Guild. Despite short notice, we had several people come out to play games with us, and we all got to sit down and play with fans.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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Secrets (and Setbacks) Revealed: Adventure Card Guild and Iconic Heroes Miniatures

Bad news, to me, is like mayonnaise—unpalatable on its own, but a mere unpleasant surprise when it sneaks into the middle of an otherwise delicious sandwich. So your mayo in this blog post can be found in the middle, surrounded by tasty fixins'.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Miniatures Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Battles Pathfinder Society Season of the Shackles

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I'm pleased, proud, and exhausted to announce that the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild Guide to Organized Play is now available for download! The card game team and our estimable Venture Officer community have put in many hours to bring this document to you, so we hope you enjoy it. We'll have printed copies available to read for those of you playing in the program at Gen Con, but for now, grab the PDF and get to reading!

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Conventions Gen Con Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Pathfinder Society Skull & Shackles

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Late to Class

Unfortunately, we've had some very bad news this week from our card printer. They had a problem with one of their presses, and many of the Class Decks they printed had to be destroyed. As a result, the retail release date for the Class Decks is moving from August 14 to September 3, and we won't be able to ship paizo.com preorders until shortly before that. And because you must have a Class Deck to participate in the Pathfinder Society Adventure Card Guild, that means that retailers won't be able to launch the program until September 3.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Class Decks Conventions Gen Con Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

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The Usual Suspects: Class Decks Preview

Gather round, Pathfinders. I've got some secrets to share with you. It's the story of an unlikely group of adventurers whose journeys took them into the Eye of Abendego, out to the Worldwound, and beyond. How does the story end? Well, that's up to you to decide...

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Alex Tooth Class Decks Diana Martinez Eva Widermann Florian Stitz Jorge Fares Kostja Schleger Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Tim Kings-Lynne

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Think Different: A Look at Some Changes to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

Apologies in advance, as this blog entry is going to get a bit arcane. No, I don't mean it's not rechargeable by a Divine spellcaster—I mean this article is meant for Pathfinder Adventure Card Game rules enthusiasts. I'm going to define the differences between the PACG rules a year ago and the ones we have now, possibly in excruciating detail. You've been warned.

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Tags: Adventure Card Guild Class Decks Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Skull & Shackles

See Also: