WOTC 2008 Product Schedule


I don't know, it looks to be a bit Spartan next year for WOTC. I wonder if this will affect The Second Darkness AP since the 4e players handbook and DM Guide isn't schedules till June? As I recall the powers that be were unsure if it was going to be 3.5 or 4E.

http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=products/dndlist&brand=All&yea r=2008&tablesort=1

Oops lets try this one.



Scarab Sages

That's a pretty thin selection...

just looks thin as there aren't as many novels added into it. And I've a feel WoTC might add more at a later date perhapse. But even not, out of that list 4e will be costing me $230.00 so I think that's enough. And that isn't including what ever I'll be paying for Paizo lol.

I've just had a look. They're releasing the first 4E adventure a month before the ruleset?!!

Perhaps they've decided that game world fiction is s***, so have decided to stop publishing the "novels".

Of course, that would get them less money money money (summoning Sebastian, CEO of Hasbro), so I doubt they'd do that!

And what's the Star Sisters? Sounds bad.

Liberty's Edge

They're missing the Icon Minis you can find on Amazon (Orcus, Dracolich).

Either they'll add them later or they've been scrapped (and no one told Amazon).

Not a fan of 4th edition..But Having the core books and then an adventure every month or so is a heck of alot better than what WotC did to 3rd edition. A MINIMUM of 1 hardcover a month was rediculus and I feel the never endign flood of books was one of the reasons people think 3rd edition is to crouded with garbage.

Scarab Sages

WotC always continues to add things to the list over the course of the year. In fact, they will probably still be adding stuff through at least next September or October. The list so far is missing novels and miniature products. I know of at least 6 novels coming out in 2008 that aren't listed yet.

As for the Star Sisters thing, I believe that is some kind of pre-teen female friendly "literature". Think of it along the same lines as Confessions of a Part-time Sorceress. They advertised some in 2007.

Scarab Sages

And here is a LINK to the page.

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