Post Apocthulhu Pathfinder RAW

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

The PCs are survivors in a version of modern Earth ravaged by Cthulhu and his minions.

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Seeing its pack-mate slain by the fierce, cawroaring eidolon, and feeling the pain of its own wounds, the remaining hell hound turns with tail between its legs and races off southward, yelping in fear!


Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)

After Yingzen

Lay on Hands: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Derrik, horribly bloodied from the last few battles but not asking for help, attempts to stand to face these creatures. His wounds seal up slightly as he punches the ground with his left hand that glows and gives off a burst of positive energy that flows through him. His punch adjusts him over a bit as he rises to strike at the Moray threatening both him and MJ. He provokes from both of them, not knowing their reactive speed but counting on it as he attempts a counterstrike when they are fully extended, to lead them into Excalibur's blade, less fearsome than before due to his weakened state and need to draw ire.

" I ... Will not... FALL TO YOU! "

Flanking Two Handed Excalibur: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 201d8 + 9 + 2d6 ⇒ (8) + 9 + (5, 5) = 27

Move action stand provokes from at least one of them, if the other has combat reflexes him too and the 5ft step to flank, standard to attack twohanded

Male Aasimar (muse-touched) Bard (Lotus Geisha) 8

Sorry haven't posted in while. Kailin Plays up the now familiar tune on his flute filling the FO's with the courage to fight on.
(+2 Atk/Dmg)

Male Tiefling Wild Rager 8

Koran jumps to his feat and takes a step forward before making a powerful downward swing at one of the morays.
Power attack: 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (8) + 24 = 32Damage: 3d6 + 1d6 + 24 ⇒ (2, 1, 2) + (6) + 24 = 35

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

At the end of round one (after Kailin and Radsworth, before Yingzen starts round two):

Emboldened by the sudden arrival of obviously formidable rescuers, the captives take the opportunity to assist their saviors by attempting to grapple their captors!

The young man tries to grab the Moray's sword arm and pin it down, provoking an AoO from the Moray.... Grapple 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 fails....

The elderly woman attempts to tackle the other Moray looming over Derrik, provoking an AoO as well.... Grapple 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10 fails....

AoO on the young man attempting to grapple.... Elven curve blade 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12 slashes the young man across the chest for 12 damage, drawing blood and a scream of pain, but not a fatal wound....

AoO on the elderly woman attempting to grapple.... Elven curve blade 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6 slashes the elderly woman across her shoulder, wounding her, but not fatally....

Derrik rises as the Morays flanking him are momentarily distracted by their former captives and draws Excalibur down across one's back, releasing a shower of blood! The Moray screams and turns its attention back to Derrik, but succumbs to its wounds, collapsing to the street!

Koran's swing smashes into a Moray's side, knocking the wind from its lungs, but it still stands....

Morays (3 left)!

Eeeeek!! Eeeeeeeekkkk!!!!!

The Morays fight on with desperate fury....

Elven curve blade against Koran 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7....slashes the big wild rager for 7 damage....

Elven curve blade against Derrik 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6....crashes down on Derrik's shoulder pauldron without harming the inquisitor-paladin....

Elven curve blade against MJ 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = parried by the swordsman's blade....

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263

MJ makes two mighty swings at the Moray engaging him....

Powerful hacking "BJ" 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (9) + 13 = 22 2d6 + 19 ⇒ (5, 6) + 19 = 30 plus 2d6 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5 vicious; backlash deals 1d6 ⇒ 5 damage to MJ....lops the Moray's right arm off at the elbow! The Moray screams and falls to the street, writhing in pain and quickly losing consciousness....

Powerful backswinging "BJ" at the Moray facing Derrik 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14 2d6 + 22 ⇒ (5, 5) + 22 = 32 plus 2d6 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11 vicious; backlash deals 1d6 ⇒ 2 damage to MJ....misses....

Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Hit Points: 187/167, AC 19, CMD 17, Mythic Power 19/21

Radsworth watches the fight, fairly sure more magical aid is not needed. He does observe however, that Derrik has been healing himself with some regularity in his last few encounters. He makes note to give one of his healing wands to Derrik when finished here.

Almost as an afterthought, he raises Traveler and fires.

Attack vs Touch AC: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7

male tengu swordmaster (Rogue) lv 19 trickster tier 9

Yingzen tumbles towards the nearest enemy

Yingzen is using his monkey trance to move 5ft to the next target

acrobatics: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (5) + 15 = 20 vs their cmd

attack: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21damage: 1d10 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Radsworth's bullet takes the badly wounded Moray facing Koran in the neck, finishing it off.... It gurgles and collapses, clutching its blood-spraying throat....

AoO against the tumbling Yingzen (their CMD is greater than 20)....

Elven curve blade 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19 1d10 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 misses....

Yingzen ends his tumble in a monkey stance, curve blade slicing deep into the Moray's stomach.... It doubles over and gasps in pain, but keeps its feet under it....

Only two Morays remain standing, both wounded. Seeing that they have lost the fight, both make complete withdraws, one from Yingzen, the other from Derrik and MJ, and flee southward, toward the causeway leading to Lido Key....

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263

THAT'S RIGHT, COWARDS!!! RUN!!! WE'LL FIND YOUR SLIMY ASSES!!!.... We'll just follow the smell of rotten fish....

Male Top Hat Intelligent wondrous item

BRAVO!! BRAVO, I say! Bloody good show, that, good madam and sirs! Had I hands, they would be enthusiastically applauding you, good madam and sirs!

The British-sounding voice comes from a flying top hat, inverted to allow what appears to be a miniature marble elephant to ride inside of it....

Male Marble elephant Figurine of wondrous power

I, Mahatma, second the opinions of Mister Chesterfield! A most glorious showing of heroics on your parts, good lady and gentlemans!

This East Indian-sounding voice, tinny and high-pitched, seems to come from the little marble elephant figurine riding in the flying top hat....

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263

Um.... Are you guys seeing the flying, talking top hat and little marble talking elephant riding in it, too, or did Dr Hoffmann mix some LSD in my meds?

Male Top Hat Intelligent wondrous item

I can assure you, we are no hallucinations, my good sir! As Mister Mahatma, my pygmy pachyderm chum here, has stated, my name is Chesterfield, and I am very pleased to make your acquaintances!

The top hat seems to dip in an upside-down bow, accidentally dumping the marble elephant figurine onto the street!

Oopsy! Oh, my dear Mahatma, I do beg your pardon, mate! Are you quite alright? Didn't chip a tusk or anything, I hope, old chum?

Male Marble elephant Figurine of wondrous power

AIIIEEE!!! Do try to be more careful, if you please, Mister Chesterfield! I am a marble elephant, not a bloody adamantine elephant!

The marble elephant bounces and tumbles, coming to rest at Levinson's feet.

Salutations, fair lady! I am Mahatma, companion and steed of heroes, and heroines! I am at your service, my lady! Let us vanquish the forces of evil together!

Male Top Hat Intelligent wondrous item

The top hat rights itself, and a monocle that seems magically bound to its brim rolls around to regard Radsworth, with a twinkle of what might be admiration!

And you must be the American chap whose masterful incantations I heard focused in the manner of the classic spellslinger wizards of the late 19th century! I have been biding my time up in that miserable temple of Cthulhu ever since those wretched cretins murdered my former associate a few days ago, and brought me there against my will, no doubt to be sacrificed along with their many poor captives come the Summer Solstice.... Biding my time until another worthy chap came along! And I see you even have splendid taste in hats! Would you care for a partner who is an expert in several areas of lore, arcane and mundane, and fluent in a dozen languages, not to mention various spells I can cast for your benefit?

Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Hit Points: 187/167, AC 19, CMD 17, Mythic Power 19/21

Radsworth stares at the flying hat, not quite sure what to say. His mouth moves, but no words come out.

He takes another glance out the window, just to make sure there isn't a cultist somewhere magically gallivanting this hat about.

He removes his top hat, looks it over, and tosses it out the window.

"I would like nothing more, Chesterfield. I warn you, you are binding yourself to a novice, only exposed to the finer arts since Cthulu invaded this world. As such, my studies have been fairly limited. If you are a lover of divination or abjuration...or enchantment or illusion, I fear you will find my magics dull-drum at best! I can read and use those languages, but I stutter through them like a barbarian learning his first cantrip."

Radsworth peers out the window again, watching Arthur and Excalibur... then remembers Mjolnirs tremendous powers...

"But I don't mean to dissuade you, Chesterfield! I am not defenseless without spells, as Traveler here has seen heavy use. And I can change matter and explode enemies as well as any wizard could I suppose. I only wished to make sure you know my limits. Cooperation built on misinformation is quick to fail. I would be honored to have you as an ally."

Male Aasimar (muse-touched) Bard (Lotus Geisha) 8

Chesterfield you said right? Do you know the way back to where you were being held? I'm sure there are others there're others there who need our help.

Male Top Hat Intelligent wondrous item

Oh, indeed, sir!

Chesterfield sails over to land comfortably upon Radsworth's crown, suddenly opening hitherto unknown neuroarcane pathways in the novice wizard's brain! Vistas of knowledge open before his mind's eye, and an almost frightening depth of wisdom and esoteric understanding open in his soul.... Hitherto unknown intuitions into human nature, and the nature of reality itself unfold in Radsworth, silencing him, humbling him, momentarily overwhelming him....

There are others there that would be better put to use in skillful hands, sir, hands like yours! Chesterfield's monocle flashes at Kailin Kros....

Are you familiar with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera Die Zauberflote, sir? Known in English as The Magic Flute? Well, its not just a bit of musical fancy, I assure you, good sir! There sits upon the vile altar of Cthulhu on the top floor of this silvery edifice, The Magic Flute of which Herr Mozart wrote his wonderful opera! It has powers of enchantment unparalleled in the hands of a competent flautist, and you, sir, or more than that, I dare say! Splendid heroic tune you were piping just now, good sir! Jolly good!

Male Marble elephant Figurine of wondrous power

And see, Mister Chesterfield! That noble Tengu wields an Elven curve blade, just like Gilathadar up on the vile altar! The very sword of the King of Fairyland, Oberon himself, stolen from His Fey Majesty by rascally gremlins in league with the Great Old Ones, and now awaiting a worthy hero to wield it and wrest sweet vengeance from their evil hides!

male tengu swordmaster (Rogue) lv 19 trickster tier 9

looks at the hat and elephant as they talk to the group
I say lets go ruin some of the old ones plans. I am rather hurt we were not invited to the party. By the way we shouldn't let those get to far.
points towards the fleeing moray

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263

Koran, if you would be so kind.... I'll bet a one-hour deep tissue massage they don't make it 300 feet before Mjolnir turns them into fish paste....

Male Tiefling Wild Rager 8

Your on!
Koran runs forward and hurls his hammer at the fleeing morays.
Thrown Attack: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (15) + 22 = 37Damage: 3d6 + 1d6 + 18 ⇒ (3, 5, 1) + (5) + 18 = 32
He continues his barrage (taking range penalties as they come) until he can no longer see them or he takes them both down.

more attack rolls. 1/per round unless someone else is stepping in and helping.
Thrown Attack: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (16) + 22 = 38Damage: 3d6 + 1d6 + 18 ⇒ (1, 2, 5) + (3) + 18 = 29
Thrown Attack: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (2) + 22 = 24Damage: 3d6 + 1d6 + 18 ⇒ (3, 6, 2) + (3) + 18 = 32
Thrown Attack: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (18) + 22 = 40Damage: 3d6 + 1d6 + 18 ⇒ (6, 4, 2) + (6) + 18 = 36

Mjolnir fells one of the Morays at 60 ft, and the other at 120 ft....

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

Each PC gains 12,285 XP....

I do believe that levels everyone up to 8th....

Female Human Summoner 11 / Diabolist 1 | Mythic Archmage-Guardian 4 (Lvl 12)

Naomi stares wide eyed at the elephant picking it up cautiously by the trunk as if it were a cobra that might bite her, Oy Vie ist mir...
She casts a nervous, sidelong glance over to Kepler who merely replies by shrugging all four shoulders.

Um... hi. I'm Professor Naomi Levinson and that's Kepler. I was a teacher, and he is... well... a giant monster of doom from beyond our reality.

Male Marble elephant Figurine of wondrous power

Ooh! Your Kepler is a fierce beast, indeed! Very impressive, my lady! If it please you, I shall show you how my dimensions can be magnified to the size of a true elephant!

Not awaiting a reply, Mahatma eagerly demonstrates his other form, growing almost instantly into a huge, marble-white elephant with long tusks,honed, gilded, and jeweled! The scent of Jasmine fills the air from the great elephant's anointed hide.

Mahatma the Great White Elephant inhales....

Male Top Hat Intelligent wondrous item

Oh, for the love of George, don't trumpet, now, mate!

Chesterfield seems to tense up on Radsworth's head as Mahatma inhales deeply....

Male Marble elephant Figurine of wondrous power

The great elephant lets out its breath as a sigh....

Very well, party pooper!

Female Human Summoner 11 / Diabolist 1 | Mythic Archmage-Guardian 4 (Lvl 12)

Um... well then... she stammers while looking up the massive creature, Welcome aboard?

Kepler meanwhile seems to scoff at the display and flops on the ground telepathically conveying a series of Yiddish swears to Levinson.

I can't say I match the skill and abilities of Derrick or Koran though, and I am somewhat confused as to why I would be chosen as your companion. But no need to look a gift, um, elephant in the mouth I suppose...

Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)

Derrik Seems less concerned with the amazing creatures, both hat and elephant alike; instead walking heavyfooted over to the two former captives the spray from both his wounds and the Morays covering his form as he sheathes Excalibur with a fine grace. He tries to come of less fearsome than he is, even soft one might say, as both his arms begin to bask in a warm light and touch both of the captives restoring their vitality and healing their wounds.

" You are safe... I am Derrik.. Incarnation of the Fabled Arthur, wielder of Excalibur. You have shown great courage in assisting us and fighting evil no matter how weak, young or old your current forms are. I come to tell you Hope is not lost. You have assisted that which will destroy the Evil in this tower at soon the Evil that plagues this world. Do not be afraid of my Visage, only such Evil will need to do so. Now.. Let me reward you for your deeds. "

The healing courses through them as he does so his Helmet turns to the Group and nods in approval somewhat.


Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
CLW on Young Man: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
CLW on Elder Lady: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12

Yes, that would level us far past our mark, though Im astounded at the amount of XP considering we need about 40K to get 5K split amoungst us

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

I award a small amount of XP (about half what you'd get for killing them) for every innocent rescued.... Adds up when you have taken responsibility for like 90 people....

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

The captives weep tears of joy at Derrik's words, and kiss his gauntleted hands. The elderly lady says a blessing over The Fierce Ones, and the young man shakes each FO's hand and thanks them for saving his life.

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

The young man rescued from the cult is named Todd Smith. He offers to lead the rescued captives the FOs have freed from The ST so far to a fortified camp of survivors he is friendly with in downtown Sarasota, so the FOs can get on with the business of adventuring, instead of protecting refugees.

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263

Now, just tell me that the talking elephant can fly, too, and I'll have seen everything....

MJ wears a bemused grin as he takes in the sight of Mahatma in his full-sized form....

Male Marble elephant Figurine of wondrous power

Well, yes, actually.... I can fly! Would you like to see? And I can easily carry two or three of you along, if need be!

Mahtma's trunk sways back and forth with pride....

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263

Are you freakin' kidding me!? This is so dank! The Great Old Ones will never see this coming....

MJ chuckles and pats Mahatma's trunk....

Who can stand against us when we have flying, talking elephants and top hats on our side?

Female Human (Navajo) Cleric 20; Mythic Hierophant tier 10; hp 176

Daisy appears at the front doors, steps outside to get a better look at Mahatma and the talking top hat atop Radsworth's head, and smiles in wonder at the great white elephant standing in the street....

Oh my God.... He's so beautiful!

Male Marble elephant Figurine of wondrous power

Mahatma's snow-white hide almost seems to blush for a second at Daisy's sincere compliment....

Oh, no, my lady.... You are far the more beautiful creature than I....

Mahatma bends his front knees in a gallant and surprisingly graceful bow....

Female Human (Navajo) Cleric 20; Mythic Hierophant tier 10; hp 176

Daisy notices Derrik's blood-streaked armor and produces her own wand of cure moderate wounds from her backpack.

You are hurt, Derrik....

She gently taps him with the wand, restoring 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (6, 7) + 3 = 16 hp....

Let me know when you feel better, hon....

She taps him a second time, restoring another 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (5, 3) + 3 = 11 hp....

....and again for 2d8 + 3 ⇒ (8, 5) + 3 = 16 more....

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6

The elderly lady the FOs just rescued shakes her head in disbelief, and then shrugs, remarking, "Well, at least some of the craziness that's happening in the world today is good craziness...."

Todd, the young man they rescued along with her, nods in agreement, smiling. "Yup! Some of the "monsters" are on our side!"

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263

MJ turns to Daisy, gesturing to Todd Smith....

Daisy, meet Todd, Todd, meet Daisy. There's a possibility that Todd might have a place we can bring all the rescued peeps to.... Not far from here, right, Todd?

Correct, sir. It's the old Royal Palms movie theater on Main Street, about 20 minutes walk from here.... My father is one of the leaders there.... We have lots of guns and ammo, and a pretty big stockpile of food there, too.... I'm sure we could find room and something to eat and drink for however many people you've got....

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(744 posts)
Primal Companion Hunter
Ashak the Acrobat

Male Hobgoblin Knife Master 3
(115 posts)
The Gamemaster

(632 posts)
Garuda-Blooded Aasimar
Kailin Kros

Male Aasimar (muse-touched) Bard (Lotus Geisha) 8
(67 posts)
Kinyama Urai

Male Kitsune Mysterious Stranger/Pistolero 3
(63 posts)
Koran "The Hammer of Thor"

Male Tiefling Wild Rager 11 / Spellbreaker 6 / Chevalier 3 / Champion 9 (current HP: 520/349)
(251 posts)
The Manyfaced One
Krar the Panther

Male Aasimar master of many styles/monk of the sacred mountain 4/savage barbarian 2
(77 posts)
Mage Sniper
Raphael Thorne

Male Dhampir Wild Rager 3 Init +3 (+4) / Perception +9 (+10) / CMB +7 (+8) / HP 32 / Current HP 3 / AC 18 (19) / CMD 18 (20) / Fort +4 / Ref +2 (+3) / Will +2 / (28 posts)

david barker

david barker

(323 posts)
Churgri of Vapula

kobold sorceror9/dragon disciple 10 archmage tier 9
(27 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak

male tengu swordmaster (Rogue) lv 19 trickster tier 9
(393 posts)


Derrik Stonesmith

Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)
(1,298 posts)
Tin Golem
Jaeger Legion Public Knowledge

(4 posts)
Lantern Bearer
Joachim Dobberkau

Male Half-Elf (German) Alchemist (Grenadier) 4 / Gunslinger 1 (Lvl 5)
(7 posts)
Kraid, Fallen Archangel

(3 posts)


Liberty's Edge meeko

Male Human (ulfen) Lvl 1 accountant / lvl 3 monk
(232 posts)
Vash, The stalker

male Half-orc (russian) ranger 6
(20 posts)

Michael Johnson 66

Michael Johnson 66

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
(8,175 posts)
Aghasura Asura

(12 posts)
Churgri of Vapula
Al'Torac DM substitute

(7 posts)
Allison Jones DM substitute

(2 posts)
Amber Lynn

Female Human Gunslinger 11
(14 posts)
Trinia Sabor
Amelia LeGrasse

Female Human Inquisitor 4
(4 posts)
Man with Only a Torso
Andy Cox, Master Engineer

(15 posts)
Angie Banshee

(2 posts)
Green Dragon
Anguirus the spiky kaiju

(8 posts)
Ezer Hazzebaim
Archangel Gabriel

(7 posts)
Goriath the Balor
Archduke Mephistopheles

(4 posts)
Gibrileth Demon
Argus that guards the key

(3 posts)
Astral Deva of Vatican City

(2 posts)
Gibbering Mouther
The Babbler in the Stairwell

Gibbering mouther Aberration 5
(41 posts)
Babylon Horror

Asexual Spawn of Yog-Sothoth Aberration (extraplanar) 14
(9 posts)
Bandersnatch of the Arena

(3 posts)
Bone Devil
Barbed devil of Silver Tower

(73 posts)
Barghest of the Cthulhu cult

(15 posts)
Barracuda assassin

(32 posts)
Black Dragon
Black dragon of Lake Hali

(13 posts)
Black pudding

(12 posts)
Boar summon

(1 post)
Lord Almir
Bob Rauh, Kilwin's proprietor

(4 posts)
Cannibal skank

(11 posts)
Captain Kermit

Male Grippli (bioengineered) Ranger 9
(71 posts)
Alastir Wade
Chesterfield the Top Hat

Male Top Hat Intelligent wondrous item
(57 posts)
Baby Chimera
Chimera door guardian

(6 posts)
Thin Man
Choker ambusher

(15 posts)
Doriana Irini
Cindy Rauh, Kilwin's proprietor

(5 posts)
The Waiting Beast
Cloaker in the parking garage

(7 posts)
Club-wielding cannibal

(43 posts)
Kaleb Hesse
Coal Withers

Male Rakshasa Outsider 10
(30 posts)
Cobb the Scarecrow

(6 posts)
Coyote the Trickster

(5 posts)
The Crawler Between Dimensions

Male Phase spider Aberration 5
(8 posts)
Boggard Champion
The Croaking Doom

Froghemoth Aberration 13
(2 posts)
Carmilla Caliphvaso
Cthulhu cultist

(52 posts)
Sandpoint Devil
Cthulhu-bred shantak

(14 posts)

(1 post)
Mind Flayer
Daemon-Lord of the Silver Tower

Male Mythic piscodaemon Outsider 11, mythic rank 5
(18 posts)
Almah Rovshki
Daisy Eagle-Feather

Female Human (Navajo) Cleric 20; Mythic Hierophant tier 10; hp 176
(350 posts)
Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath

(9 posts)

Dawnsaber, Feykingsword

(2 posts)
Hooded Man
Death Priest of Cthulhu

(10 posts)
Cold Rider
The Deathless Orca of Cthulhu

(1 post)
Derghodaemon of the Hall

(2 posts)
Derrik DM substitute

(15 posts)
Devil Ray of Cthulhu

(11 posts)
The Dour Dwarf

(3 posts)
Thevanan Quain
Dr Al Hoffmann

Male Human Alchemist 11
(21 posts)
Jakardros Sovark
Dr Hugo Grimm DM substitute

(33 posts)
Kelim Esteban
Dr Yamamoto Hiro, mad scientist

Male Human Alchemist 12/Expert 4
(38 posts)
Tentacled Horror
Dread Cthulhu

Male Great Old One Outsider 31 (aquatic, chaotic, evil, native)
(29 posts)
Verik Vancaskerkin
Drug Lord 'El Grande'

(4 posts)
Drug Lord Hector Beltran Leyva

(6 posts)
Nickold Starweather
Drug Lord Nazario Gonzalez

(5 posts)
Drug Lord Vincente Fuentes

(6 posts)
Gibrileth Demon
The Dunwich Horror

Asexual Spawn of Yog-Sothoth Aberration 14/Mythic Rank 5
(7 posts)
Fadil Ibn-Kazar
Dwayne Lee Hooker DM substitute

Male Human Gunslinger 8
(87 posts)
Kaerishiel Neirenar
Elflord Morthoron Caliador

(2 posts)
Chaos Beast
Faceless Stalker

(35 posts)
Gibbering Mouther
Flying polyp

(6 posts)
Froghemoth of the Hall

(14 posts)
Wil Save
Ghost of Brian Murphy

(2 posts)
Count Lucinean Galdana
Ghost of Doc Holliday

(8 posts)
Brienna Soldado
Ghost of Harper Murphy

(6 posts)
Cadimus Adella
Ghost of Jeb

(8 posts)
Ghost of Neferkaptah

(5 posts)
Ghul of the Silver Tower

(36 posts)
Glabrezu of the Hall

(14 posts)
Forest Drake
Gojira, King of Kaiju

(80 posts)
Orc Ranger
Great Kraken of Cthulhu

(10 posts)
The Great Shark

Male Human Ranger 5/Assassin 4
(13 posts)
Varisian Wanderer
Greg Bear-Strong

Male Human (Navajo) Two-weapon warrior 8
(30 posts)
Ury Sevenskulls
Grendel resurrected

(9 posts)
Grizzlegob, glabrezu ancestor

(6 posts)
The Waiting Beast
Gug of Babylon

(2 posts)
The Waiting Beast
Gug of the Green Crystal

(12 posts)
The Waiting Beast
Gug of the Silver Tower

(14 posts)
Hooded Man
Hastur, The King in Yellow

(48 posts)
Haystack the Scarecrow

(5 posts)
Goblin Dog
Hell hound of the Cthulhu cult

(8 posts)
Hell-No Kitty

Female Catfolk (bioengineered) Ninja 11
(7 posts)
Bounty Hunter
Hermes of Olympus

(6 posts)
Djarrus Gost
Hooty the helicopter pilot

(21 posts)
Horned Devil attacking Vatican

(6 posts)
Human crewmate of The Kraken

(73 posts)
Achaekek, The Mantis God
Ice Devil attacking Vatican

(5 posts)
Initiative Monkey

(601 posts)
Intellect Devourer
Intellect Devourer

(77 posts)
Abominable Snowmen
Ithaqua the Wind-Walker

Male Great Old One Outsider 30
(24 posts)
Vhalhisstre Vexidyre
Jewels Angelbaby

Female Orc (bioengineered) Barbarian 10
(32 posts)
Jolly Duff Greenbreeks

(7 posts)
Shel Lupescu
Kate Peace

Female Human Cleric 6
(191 posts)
Kepler DM substitute

(2 posts)
King Ezelgar
The King Under the Mountain

(1 post)
Kitty the Lamia

(15 posts)
Berserker Cannibal
Koran The Hammer DM substitute

(5 posts)
Kwan Yin, goddess of mercy

(4 posts)
The Lady of the Lake

(3 posts)
Belzken Monk
Lakra DM substitute

(5 posts)
Lavinia Whateley

Female Human lich Undead cleric 13
(40 posts)
Wyrm Sniper
Lebaron Davis

Male Human Gunslinger 4
(4 posts)
Abominable Snowmen
Leomund's Hairy Chest

Male Chest Chest hair 5th
(36 posts)
Levinson DM substitute

(4 posts)
The Lido Beach Horror

Chuul Aberration 7
(9 posts)
Simulacrum of Vraxeris the Illusionist
Loki the Trickster

(8 posts)
Mahatma the Marble Elephant

Male Marble elephant Figurine of wondrous power
(52 posts)
Smaar Janderfut
Malcolm the Distiller

(5 posts)
Paracount Julistar
Marcus Greer DM substitute

(1 post)
Marilith of the Hall

(12 posts)
Medusa resurrected

(8 posts)
Mephos, Whisperer of Secrets

(18 posts)
Merlin the Wild

(106 posts)
Jhofre Vascari
Mikey Jay

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263
(480 posts)
Denizen of Leng
Mister Leng

(16 posts)
Monkey Dude aka Raja Vanara

Male Vanara (bioengineered) Gunslinger 11
(3 posts)
Moray of Cthulhu cult

(70 posts)
Red Dragon
Morbenlok, ancient red dragon

(3 posts)
Morgan Le Fey

(8 posts)
Spider Eater
Mosura, also known as Mothra

(50 posts)
Mythic mummy

(9 posts)
Mythic sphinx

(8 posts)
Naga archon of Yig

(7 posts)
Nalfeshnee of the Hall

(9 posts)
Natalie Quesen

(7 posts)
Vine Wrangler Elf
Nature Boy

Male Elf Druid 8
(2 posts)
Danse Macabre
Necromancer of Cthulhu

(17 posts)
Goblin Dog
Nessian war hound

(4 posts)
Sea Dragon
Nessie, The Loch Ness Monster

(12 posts)
Goblin Snake
Night gaunt of Babylon

(4 posts)
Nosferatu of Paris

(12 posts)
Nymph Nessa

(5 posts)
Guiltgorger Giant
Ogre of the Silver Tower

(6 posts)
Otyugh of Kilwin's Chocolates

(21 posts)
Bone devil
Ozzy the Bone Devil

(8 posts)
Parking lot ghoul

(16 posts)
The Piper in the Hills

(9 posts)
Goriath the Balor
Pit Fiend attacking the Vatican

(4 posts)
Plad Rilfindar

Male Elf Magus 4
(26 posts)
Planetar Guardian of Vatican

(2 posts)
Verrin Tieruk
Pope Francis

(5 posts)
Toff Ornelos
Professor Solomon Dirge

Male Human Wizard 11
(31 posts)
Madge Blossomheart
Prue Silversmith DM substitute

(2 posts)
Rad's giant ant buddy

(4 posts)
Alastir Wade
Radsworth DM substitute

(18 posts)
Reba the Succubus

(24 posts)
Rodan the Pterodactyl-Kaiju

(6 posts)
Gibbering Mouther
Roper of the Hall of Trials

(26 posts)
Russell "Walrus" Owen

Male Human Wild rager 3
(2 posts)
Sacred Sorcerer of Cthulhu

(12 posts)
Saint Michael the Archangel

(26 posts)
Sergeant Gore Illa

Male Orc (bioengineered) Barbarian 11
(9 posts)
Serpentfolk Spy
Serpent folk priest of Yig

(8 posts)
Winter-Touched Sprite
Shobijin Fairy Lora

(13 posts)
Shobijin Fairy Moll

(9 posts)
Shoggoth of the Green Crystal

(7 posts)
Gibbering Mouther

(7 posts)
White Estrid
Sif, goddess of battle-skill

(7 posts)
Dwiergus, The Chrysalis Prince

(53 posts)
Sister Maria De La Rosa

Female Human Cleric 11
(8 posts)

(22 posts)
The Slime-Shrouded Master

(14 posts)
Snake-headed balor of Yig

(6 posts)
Sunlord Thalachos
Solar Guardian of Vatican City

(5 posts)
The Spitter of Nightmares

(13 posts)
The St Armand's Terror

Gibbering mouther Aberration 5
(12 posts)
Tentacled Horror
Star Spawn of Cthulhu

(18 posts)
Summoned dire ape "Kong"

(2 posts)
Summoned horn devil

(10 posts)
Black Milk Mother
Summoned hound archon

(1 post)
Summoned vrock demon

(3 posts)
Tentacled Terror of the ST

Asexual Chernobue qlippoth Outsider #, Mythic rank 6
(16 posts)
Lady Nightshade
The Thing on the Ceiling

(4 posts)
The Thing Under the Balcony

Male Drider Aberration 7
(24 posts)
Fire Giant
Thor's Ghost

(4 posts)

Thoth, Egyptian god of magic

(1 post)

(3 posts)
Todd Smith the young man

(4 posts)
Local Celebrity
Trey Roboto

Male Human Acrobat 3
(1 post)
Tringalath Talianen

(4 posts)
Sky Dragon
Tun Mi Lung, Typhoon Dragon

(9 posts)
Foo Lion
Turuko Dai-Oni, ogre mage

(24 posts)
Priest of Desna
Tyler Greene, former RAF pilot

(5 posts)
Larur Feldin
Udo Bierschlauffer

Male Dwarf Paladin (stone lord) 4
(12 posts)
Mistress Kayltanya
Ulfrid the Valkyrie

(3 posts)
Vampire spawn crewmate Kraken

(14 posts)
Thesing the Vampire
Vampire Wolfhart Von Ulrik

Male Human vampire Sorcerer 8
(12 posts)
Weresquatch of Ithaqua

Male or female Sasquatch werewolf Humanoid (shapechanger) 14
(46 posts)
Werewolf of Paris

(8 posts)
Flesh Golem
Wilbur Whateley, flesh golem

(8 posts)
Supreme Hunter
Wong Yu, Hong Kong fisherman

(2 posts)
Yig, Father of Serpents

(13 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak
Yingzen DM substitute

(21 posts)
Yog-Sothoth, Opener of Ways

(5 posts)


Sajan Gadadvara

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3
(28,550 posts)
Paracount Julistar
Marcus Greer

Human Dark Tapestry Oracle 15; Mythic Hierophant Tier 6; HP: 114/114
(260 posts)
Marie Greer

Level 1 Human (formerly figment)
(23 posts)
Marie's "Ghost"

(2 posts)
Loris Raknian
Sieg Alfbrecht

Monk (Tetori) 11/Fighter (Brawler) 4/Ulfen Guard 5; Mythic Champion/Guardian 10
(126 posts)


Dark Archive Sersi

Female Human
(194 posts)
Dr. Allison Jones

Female Aasimar (British-German) Oracle 1 / Sorcerer 8 / Mystic Theurge 10 | Mythic Archmage 9 (Lvl 19)
(146 posts)
Eagle Knight of Andoran
Jacques Remy

Male Half-Elf (French) Fighter (Lore Warden) 3 / Monk (Maneuver Master) 3 | Champion 3 (lvl 6)
(8 posts)
Priestess of Nethys
Prof. Naomi Levinson

Female Human Summoner 11 / Diabolist 1 | Mythic Archmage-Guardian 4 (Lvl 12)
(327 posts)
Wormwood the Imp

(16 posts)



(93 posts)
Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake

Male Svirfneblin (Bioengineered) Gunslinger (Pistolero) 9
HP:84 | Initiative: +8(10) | AC: 25 | Touch: 19 | Flat-Footed: 17 | CMB: +7 | CMD: 23 | Fortitude +13 | Reflex +16 | Will +10
Acrobatics: 17 | Craft(Alchemy): 13 | Perception: 16 | Stealth: 21

(136 posts)


Boggard Prophet

(455 posts)
Shoanti Tribesman
Aaron Crux

(8 posts)
Silver Crusade Azimuth World-Traveler

Monk 1 (Sohei), 8/13 Hp / AC15 / CMD 17 (5 subdual)
(39 posts)

Male Goblin Pajama Clan Fighter 9/9 HP AC 18
(137 posts)
Alastir Wade

Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Hit Points: 187/167, AC 19, CMD 17, Mythic Power 19/21

(529 posts)
Female Human
Sun Mi

Human Ninja 5 / Ranger 1 | 52/52 HP | AC 21 |
(22 posts)


Mephos - Subject 210

Male Tiefling Tattooed Sorcerer 5
(71 posts)


Jakardros Sovark
Dr. Hugo Grimm

Human Male Alchemist Beastmorph 18 Trickster 8 AC 28/19/21; HP 122/122; INIT +25; Per +24; FORT 10/REF 14/ WILL 9; CMB +14;CMD 33
(466 posts)
Chaos Beast
GM Gristle

Current map
(1,077 posts)
Son of Mercy

M Human Pistolero 1/ Oracle 3 /Lore Warden 2 AC 19/14/14 HP 4 /43 INIT +6; PER+8, F7;R7;W1
(322 posts)

Will Pratt

The Scribbler
Xavier Martin

Male Half-Elf Gunslinger 1, Urban Barbarian 1, fighter 15, Paladin 1, Champion 8
(36 posts)