Rynjin |

Yup! No problem, Mikey.... I think they're still technically alive, thanks to Radsworth's mythic magic, right, Rad?
Perception vs DC 30 to spot Hastur as he casts mythic enervation through his image on Grimm....1d20+18
Daisy points out the true King in Yellow, about 300 ft away atop a dockside warehouse....the very one where he has inscribed the Yellow Sign....
All can automatically locate him now, but chances of accidentally glancing at the Yellow Sign increase to 25%
Daisy sees the sign on a 1-5....1d20 d'oh!
Will save vs DC 40 YS 1d20+22.... Oh no.... oh, gods, no....
Force of will and spending MPs to reroll saving throw 1d20+22 plus maximized surge +10 = 38.... +2 from protection from evil = 40! Whew!!
Oh my god.... That was close....
Unless Daisy doesn't have a Cloak of Resistance, Protection From Evil won't be granting her a further +2.

Rynjin |

Well...s#!$. Guess it gives us time to heal up/prepare? A little. He'll bust out next round for sure.
Should totes put a Blade Barrier around him and make this a cage match. Main problem is that blasted Sign, and it's really hard to remove. Maybe. Can we just destroy the little warehouse building to remove it?

Dr. Allison Jones |

I blocked the sign from view. So we should be good on that front for the rest of the fight. I can maintain concentration on my illusion as a swift action and keep the sign hidden until KiY is finished

Derrik Stonesmith |

hmm... Can I intentionally fool myself? Or better plan, (if MJ is ok with a slight bit of retcon) I will use tangible illusion and make the wall real.
Couple of issues there, One you know its an illusion, Two you have True seeing anyway, Three It requires a full round action to make real and Four you have to be within touch range which is very much into OMG AURA + KiY smackage.

Dr. Allison Jones |

Sersi wrote:hmm... Can I intentionally fool myself? Or better plan, (if MJ is ok with a slight bit of retcon) I will use tangible illusion and make the wall real.Couple of issues there, One you know its an illusion, Two you have True seeing anyway, Three It requires a full round action to make real and Four you have to be within touch range which is very much into OMG AURA + KiY smackage.
So as all of this was being done in the few round break from combat, I will make my actions more solid (pun!)
Before KiY returns:
Turn 1: Standard Action: Cast Project Image.
Turn 2: Standard Action: Cast Silent Image on Sign (Save vs seeing Sign success). Move Action: Fly image over to iron sheet image.
Turn 3: Swift action to maintain concentration on illusion. Full-Round Action to use Tangible Illusion on wall making it real for next 80 minutes.
Turn 4+: Readied spells (Fireball and Maze) to be used on KiY (already resolved).
Yikes... down to 4 Surges left for the day...

Derrik Stonesmith |

.. And then Insanity galor would fall upon you.. If you DID move over there his aura would get you first.. or worse.. Even if he is resting unless he suppresses it and allowing you to cover the sign. Now to target the sign.. you would have to look at it,.. which is an issue there.. though I guess Derrik could guide you kinda.. So really you'll need only one save against the Sign;

Derrik Stonesmith |

You can remote control it but the range is WITHIN his aura. Gotta remember he is still intelligent its best not to assume he will not just dispel your stuff.. which could ruin your whole plan, and then you smack dap in front of the sign. Also you cant use Mythic power though the image. Only spells.

Marcus Greer |

Marcus cracks his knuckles.
"All right! Let's get this sucker!" Marcus says, grinning.
Activating Divine Metamastery, all metamagic Feats I know up to a +3 level adjustment are free to use for the next minute.
He points his Caduceus in Hastur's direction and unleashes holy fire on his area.
Maximized Empowered Mythic Piercing Fire Storm. That makes it a 28d8 Fire Storm, Maximized to a flat 224 damage, Reflex save DC 30 for half, and his Fire Resistance only applies to half of it. His SR is 35 for the purpose of this spell.
Spell Resistance 1: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (6) + 27 = 33
Spell Resistance 2: 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (11) + 27 = 38

Turuko Dai-Oni, ogre mage |

Yes, this way, Dr Yamamamoto! Do not worry about Anguirus.... He can keep up with us easily! Heeheeheeheeeee!!!
The oni flies to the top of Krakatoa, an active volcano on an island situated in the Sunda Strait between the islands of Java and Sumatra in Indonesia....
A great, white plume of smoke billows from the caldera, and lava casts a reddish glow around the rim of the volcano....
Here is where Rodan slumbers, my dear doctor.... Caution! He can be very cranky when awakened from his decades-long naps! Heeeheeheeheeheeee!!!!
The oni extends a powerfully-muscled blue-skinned arm, pointing a yellow talon at the massive, slumbering pterodactyl-like kaiju nestled in the glowing caldera....
As you can see, Rodan does not mind the heat! Heeheee!!!

Dr Yamamoto Hiro, mad scientist |

In Japanese: Ai! Yamamoto-San.... What have you gotten yourself into?.... You are playing with the gods!.... The King in Yellow has taken you under his tattered fold, and will help rid the Earth of Cthulhu and the other Great Old Ones.... But at what cost to your sanity, Yamamoto-San?.... At what cost?....
The gyrocopter buzzes after the flying, blue-skinned ogre, which may or may not be a figment of the demented doctor's imagination....

Anguirus the spiky kaiju |

The sea churns and buckles in the path of the great, spiky-backed, saurian kaiju....
Dis bettah be good, wherever we're goin'.... I was havin' me a nice nap in da sand til dese knuckleheads come an' wake me up!!! Deh bettah be buildins ta smash an' trains ta crash.... I like crashin' dem trains, heheheh.... I like when dey go "WOOO-WOOOOOOOOOO!!!.... Den I smashes 'em.... smashes 'em up good....

Hastur, The King in Yellow |

It is a terrible shame.... We fight the same enemy.... Yet we must contest amongst ourselves like dogs fighting over scraps.... The Squid planned this all along.... Playing us against each other like ignorant apes scuffling over a banana.... Don't you see that, Fierce Ones?.... Don't you see how you have been pawns in Cthulhu's game from the very beginning?....
In the length of time it takes Hastur to say all of this, he strolls briskly through the maze to its completion.....

Chesterfield the Top Hat |

Don't you listen to him, Professor Radsworth! The King in Yellow is a crafty rascal, by Jove! My creator.... Who made me swear a vow of secrecy pertaining to his identity....had dealings with this Hastur around the turn of the century....1900, I believe was the year.... He's just as evil and hellbent on entropy as Cthulhu.... Doont let the Yellow Blighter fool you, sir!

Mikey Jay |

I'm with the hat. This guy's jibber jabber ain't cuttin' it.... He'll manipulate us like a bunch of puppets if we start listening to him.... We should cut him down before he finishes his spiel!
Takes another 3d6 ⇒ (6, 3, 4) = 13 electricity damage from the electrified water as he flies up this round with Yingzen over his shoulder from the sea floor....

Sieg Alfbrecht |

Well, since it's his only real option, time for a spectacularly bad idea!
Sieg charges in at Hastur immediately after Marcus' fire abates.
Will vs Insanity: 1d20 + 26 ⇒ (14) + 26 = 40
Woo for barely making it wooo
So, moved 180 feet toward Hastur. Should be able to reach him next turn.

Dr. Hugo Grimm |

Grimm hastily launches three Blinding bombs at Hastur.
attack 1: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (17) + 19 = 36
attack2: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
attack 3: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
I don't know his touch AC, but bombs do 9d6+12 plus fort save or be blinded.
damage: 9d6 + 12 ⇒ (5, 2, 3, 6, 1, 1, 5, 6, 2) + 12 = 43
damage: 9d6 + 12 ⇒ (2, 3, 5, 4, 3, 3, 5, 3, 3) + 12 = 43
damage: 9d6 + 12 ⇒ (6, 3, 5, 1, 3, 1, 3, 2, 2) + 12 = 38
Potentially 124 damage and possible blindness.

Merlin the Wild |

At the bottom of round 5, Merlin teleports onto the sea wall with a rugged-looking outdoorsman-type packing a pair of revolvers....
Fierce Ones! May I introduce to you Xavier of the Outback, a mythic hero who once was King David, Jack the Giant-Slayer, and the famous outlaw Jesse James.... Sorry for the short notice, but I think you will welcome his skills and formidable guns! Carry on!
Xavier, go ahead and roll initiative for round 6: you are fighting Hastur, and possibly Gojira in another couple rounds....
Merlin perches himself on a nearby rooftop to watch the spectacular rumble unfold....

Dr. Allison Jones |

So I think we are ready for Round 6?
Allison's Projected Image flies over to within 70 ft of Hastur and rapidly fires two narrow beams of energy from her index finger...
Channeled Mythic Finger of Death deals 15 damage per caster level +50% for 405 damage to the King on Yellow bypassing SR and giving a -4 penalty to the save. Costs Allison 2 surges
Mythic Finger of Death side rolls: 3d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (2, 2, 6) + (1) = 11
A reflex save (DC 32) lowers that to 3d8+18 +50% (so 42) plus 1d4 (1) Con damage plus 1 round staggered...
Now, I might need a Ruladi verification on this one... But if I am reading the Metamagician Legendary Item ability correctly, I can use up legendary surges in place of spell level increases when applying metamagic feats. Assuming that is the case:
Allison spends 4 Legendary Surges from her headband to cast Quickened Mythic Finger of Death on the King in Yellow.
Channeled Quickened Mythic Finger of Death deals 15 damage per caster level + 50% for 405 damage to the King on Yellow bypassing SR and giving a -4 penalty to the save. Costs Allison 2 surges
Mythic Finger of Death side rolls: 3d8 + 1d4 ⇒ (8, 5, 5) + (3) = 21
A reflex save (DC 32) lowers that to 3d8+18 +50% (so 54) plus 1d4 (3) Con damage plus 1 round staggered...

Hastur, The King in Yellow |

Grimm hastily launches three Blinding bombs at Hastur.
[dice=attack 1]1d20+19
[dice=attack 3]1d20+9
I don't know his touch AC, but bombs do 9d6+12 plus fort save or be blinded.
Potentially 124 damage and possible blindness.
The first bomb narrowly misses the King in Yellow, skim in a tattered lash as it arcs into the bay....
The next two bombs are more easily dodged by the nimble great old one....

Hastur, The King in Yellow |

Please, Dr Dr Jones.... Did you really think the King in Yellow would be susceptible to your mortal necromancy? I AM death, incarnate, my lady.... Shall I give you a glance at my true face? The face behind this pallid mask?
Hastur flies with a double move 160 ft closer to Allison, perceiving the true doctor with his constant true seeing....

Dr. Allison Jones |

Hmm... Didn't think that one through. So would be be immune to it even though it isn't a death effect? It deals damage and just has the death descriptor.
Also, I think I am still hidden from him as my headband gives me Undetectable: "When invisible and in contact with this item, the bonded creature can't be detected or scryed by any method."

Michael Johnson 66 |

Hmm... Didn't think that one through. So would be be immune to it even though it isn't a death effect? It deals damage and just has the death descriptor.
Also, I think I am still hidden from him as my headband gives me Undetectable: "When invisible and in contact with this item, the bonded creature can't be detected or scryed by any method."
Doesn't the death descriptor indicate a death effect?

Rynjin |

Hmm... Didn't think that one through. So would be be immune to it even though it isn't a death effect? It deals damage and just has the death descriptor.
Also, I think I am still hidden from him as my headband gives me Undetectable: "When invisible and in contact with this item, the bonded creature can't be detected or scryed by any method."
A Death effect is specifically "Anything that says it is a Death effect" and also anything with the [Death] descriptor.

Hastur, The King in Yellow |

There are magical treasures worth a hundred times their weight in gold just lying there in my treasure vault.... Going to waste, essentially.... Think of the use they might be put to by a band of courageous heroes of your caliber against Cthulhu....
If only you would stop this uneccessarry and pointless attempt to destroy me.... A futile task if there ever was such.... I have magic rings of protection of the strongest magic lying idly in goblets of jeweled gold.... Cloaks of resistance of the greatest quality draping priceless statues made from famous petrified mortals.... Bejeweled belts of potent magic to enhance your physical capabilities to their maximum potential lying like serpents upon mounds of gold coins.... Suits of armor forged by the dwarves of Nidvallr in the dawn of creation, of purest adamantine or mithral, bearing the strongest enchantments known to wizardry.... Weapons of the finest craftsmanship, honed to impossible sharpness and enchanted with fell magics of the oldest grimoires.... And I have no use for any of it.... But you could use it to empower yourselves against Cthulhu.... All you need do is lay down your arms now, and make truce with the King in Yellow....
Hastur heals 25 more hp and dimension doors to a new nearby hiding spot....
DC 30 Perception to spot him before he hides....