Marcus Greer |

Hrmph. Spent more time covering my own ass in that fight than helping. Must remedy that problem.
Marcus looks contentedly at the shattered corpses of Cthulhu's servants.
But, it was a good day's work I suppose.
He looks uncomfortable at Daisy's crying, but doesn't know quite what to do (or if he SHOULD do anything as they barely know each other).

Daisy Eagle-Feather |

Daisy sighs and stops crying as an inexplicable coolness, somehow comforting, passes over her back....
Professor Dirge.... I will come with you to help you convince the chieftains. My father is on the council of chiefs.... I know I can at least sway him....

Professor Solomon Dirge |

Dirge favors the brave young Navajo woman with a rare smile....
Thank you, Daisy. You are a hero among your people.... Your voice will be listened to and not merely heard....
He extends a hand to Daisy, which she takes, and with an uttered incantation, teleports away with the young cleric to try to convince the Navajo tribes to abandon their ancestral land and seek with Pandora's Box a new home elsewhere....

Dread Cthulhu |

The Great Old One, Dread Cthulhu, reaches out through the ether with its alien mind and finds its minion, the Daemon-Lord of the Silver Tower....
The piscodaemon's mind perceives the psychic impressions as a language it knows--Aklo....
In telepathic Aklo: The thorn in your side has been temporarily removed.... Should you fail to complete the ritual now, my worthless spawn.... There would be no reason not to let the qlippoth replace you.... Complete the ritual, open the ways, and redeem yourself in my sight.... Or feed your successor with your own immortal flesh....

Daemon-Lord of the Silver Tower |

Wracked with unaccustomed horror, the Daemon-Lord falls to its chitin-plated knees and mentally grovels before the telepathic presence of its liege....
In telepathic Aklo: I'll not fail you, My Liege.... The ritual shall soon be complete.... Though the interlopers delayed us, we shall double our efforts.... And with the Spinning Dodecohedron recovered by my Morays from the gulf known to mortals as the Gulf of Mexico, the ritual is guaranteed to succeed! Your hordes will swell with daemons and qlippoths when the eldritch ways are opened! No other shall ever be able to stand before you, then.... Ithaqua shall bend its hairy knee to Dread Cthulhu! Hastur, the so-called "King in Yellow", shall be but one of your vassals! And should the witch from Dunwitch succeed in calling Yog-Sothoth to this world, you shall have the might to drive it back to whence it came!

Dread Cthulhu |

In telepathic Aklo: Fool! If the witch brings Yog-Sothoth here, no daemon-horde of any size would be able to withstand its relentless power.... The witch must be found and destroyed.... But I have sent more capable servants than the likes of you to see to that vital task....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Tongan over heard the conversation between Daisy and the professor and decides to follow them. To see if he can help.
MJ remind me what happened to the Elves
Yingzen sets out quietly for the camp where the chieftains meet when decisions must be made.... It takes him about ten minutes on foot, and when he arrives, he finds Dirge and a Daisy already there, and a few chieftains have already arrived, as well.... More Navajo people arrive each minute.... Evidently, a summons has been sent out.

Prof. Naomi Levinson |

As she slipped the Rod of Faust into her haversack, Levinson decided to keep Mephistopheles' rather uncomfortable mental incursion to herself. Although her mental links to Wormwood and Kepler made it impossible to hide it from them, at least she could keep the other Fierce Ones from feeling ill at ease.
The summoner found herself feeling more exhausted than ever before and couldn't remember the last time she slept on a comfortable mortal plane bed, but for now laying back on the hard Arizona ground would have to suffice as the others discussed the team's next move.
"So Derrik, satisfied? Or do you still question my loyalties?" the professor called over to the armored hero.
"Also it's good to finally see you again, Professor Radsworth. Feels like it's been years," she adds with a smirk.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Soon, all of the chiefs have arrived, and a great number of the Navajo people as well, for they are curious and fearful following the raid on their ancient home by foul things of Cthulhu....
First, Professor Dirge does his best (considering his dry and bookish personality, unaccustomed to making diplomatic overtures) to plead the case for relocating the tribes. He is met with some resistance, as he feared, and with many stony, silent faces.
Then Daisy speaks, somewhat more eloquently, despite her youth and lack of education as compared with Dirge, for she speaks the language of her people--not just the grammar of Navajo, but the spirit of her people.... She manages to sway a few of the chiefs, who begin to argue in favor of relocating....
Now it is Yingzen's turn to speak....

Yingzen |

Yingzen stands before the chieftains and nods at each of them and speaks to then in Navajo.
Brothers I stand before you in this time of great distress. I feel we are faced with an evil that we alone can not push back. This does not speak ill of the strength of the Navajo nor the bravery of such an honorable and brave people. It speaks of the evil and Cowardice that is our foes. Let me reach out to my Elven father and seek to aid and the aid of the elves. Because our foes can not stand up to the combined strength of the Navajo and elves, for they lack the heart and strength to face two honorable and brave preppy.
Yingzen stands there looking at them waiting for their response

Michael Johnson 66 |

The chiefs converse for a moment. Then, the eldest of them, white-haired old Chief Scratching-Bear rises unsteadily from his seat, aided by his much-younger wife. He speaks in a raspy, wheezy voice, but all the Navajo quietly listen, for Chief Scratching-Bear is greatly respected by all....
In Navajo: Let Raven speak with his foster father.... The Folk of the Forest are an honorable and ancient people, lovers of the land and deadly in battle.... They would make good allies and good neighbors.... And our people would flourish in the hidden, pristine forest where the Folk of the Forest dwell.... My old eyes have never seen one of the Folk, not their green forest realm, for it lies across the Great Water, in the ancestral lands of the white man..... But I have heard the songs sung of them, and if Raven says his foster father's people can help, then Chief Scratching-Bear believes him!
Another chief, Chief Running Fox, then rises and adds his support to the idea....
In Navajo: Chief Running Fox agrees! Let Raven speak to the Folk of the Forest! I have heard they can vanish from mortal sight while in the forests, and that they exceed even the Navajo in archery!
Impressed murmurs ripple through the Navajo crowd....
In the end, all seven chiefs on the council unanimously agree to relocate to the elven realm hidden deep in the Black Forest of Germany....if Yingzen/Raven can convince the elves to host them....

Professor Solomon Dirge |

Dirge looks at Yingzen for a moment, clearly impressed with the usually-silent tengu's eloquence.
Well done, Yingzen.... I can facilitate transport for you and a few others to the Black Forest.... Or Merlin can.... He might be a better co-emissary to accompany you to visit the elves....

Yingzen |

nods to the professor
you just might be right about that professor, let's pray the leaders of the elves can see reason as well. I believe they well, but few have been aloud in our first home. And if there is one thing elves hang their lives on its tradition.

Radsworth |

Radsworth initially says little to Levinson, other than a mumbled response. That one had often left him unable to say much. Still, that he managed to extract himself from her presence while only sounding a tad foolish was a win in his book.
He was glad to see her, to be sure, but the woman was so darn sharp and fiercely attractive that he feared she would examine his speech for overtures where there were none or miss any he had cleverly thought to implant.
He leaves the decision making to Solomon and the others. He cared for keeping the Fierce Ones alive and well to continue the fight, and it sounded like flight from here was already decided.
He was pleased with the decision.

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" |

Koran does his best to stay out of levinson's way, obviously something is bothering him.
He walks over to Marcus and extends a massive hand. I don't know you. What's your name.
You can tell he's new at this.

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" |

Ah, well met. The names Koran, I just got back from a semester abroad. Sorry I missed class.
Koran slaps Marcus on the back, pulling his blow at the last second when he realizes he doesn't want to concuss the poor man.

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik relaxes his grip upon his rifle the runic magicks and divine surge of power leaving the weapon and reverting it to the original state. He holsters the gun upon his back and walks slowly over to Levison, the tired summoner, with Dawnbringer in hand reaching about 10 ft from her before stopping. To which he gives a steel stare and a curt nod.
" You proved you will fight against our enemy today, but you still find use in evil as well. You should know more than anyone else Levinson, the phrase 'The road to Hell is laid with Good Intentions.' I will choose to trust you for now.. I however do not trust the power you wield. Otherwise.. " pacing over to her and giving a kind gesture of comradery by placing his hand out " I welcome you back to the Fierce Ones, Seeker of the True art of Summoning. "
You can almost feel a warm smile by this eyes come through the maw-eye slit in his helmet.
Derrik however sees the aftermath and is saddened. Once again people would lose their homes, once again they must flee.. Why could they not bring that tower down? Every day they did not another artifact could be found and defiled, more people feasted upon. No.. this next time he would not run, even if he had to clear the Tower himself.. and afterward.. the entire Island... he would rid it of every Sinspawn, Ghoul, evil.. Some place that would be safe. Getting lost in thought he speaks out to the rest
" What now my fellow Fierce Ones? These people will have to leave thier ancestral home because of us and the dangers that hound our existence, how will we make up for such? What should we do about our enemy? For there are other evils as well.. but what if this was simply a tactic to stall us? "

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik's armored form looks over to Koran, up towards his head " Koran you forget, Fear is not a bad feeling and can be used tactically, believing they try something out of fear as a win will cloud your eyes to true motive behind said stalling "

Koran "The Hammer of Thor" |

That may be Derrik, but let me tell you something about fear. Fear often leads to anger or hostility, something I have a great deal of experience with. Anger can make you more powerful, drastically so in my case, but it also makes you dumb and more likely to slip up. If they're afraid then they'll be angry, and that leaves them vulnerable.

Prof. Naomi Levinson |

Naomi raised an eyebrow at Radsworth accompanied with a faint but soft smirk, For such a brilliant man, he sure can be odd at times. But I suppose the brilliant ones often are...
Looking to the newest member of the Doctoral Fierce Ones, Levinson replies, "Nonsense, Professor Greer, the world will always need those with terminal degrees. When we clean up this mess, I think the intelligentsia will be more vital than ever in repairing the damage to civilization.
"Derrik, I'm glad to have regained your trust, even if it is probational. I think it is vital we head back to the Silver Tower and finish what we started there. We are much more capable now, and I don't like the idea of such a dangerous threat looming on the surface.
"If the others are in agreement, I think we can leave the matter of relocation to Professor Dirge and Merlin while we handle the unfortunate task of pest removal."

Michael Johnson 66 |

Merlin brings Yingzen and Daisy to the heart of the Black Forest in Germany via greater teleport. There, in the deep gloom of the forest, Yingzen leads them along secret trails to a moss-and-lichen-clad hillside with a narrow cave entrance, which is actually a portal to another world--Alfheim, realm of the Elves.
The dozen elves set to guard the entrance are hidden among the trees and foliage around the green hillside, but soon make their presence known with a hail of warning arrows that are fired to form a bristling ring of fletched shafts that encircles the three interlopers!

Merlin the Wild |

In High German: We are friends of the Elves! I am Merlin Wild, wizard and advisor to Arthur, King of the Britons.... These are my companions, Daisy Eagle-Feather, shaman of the Navajo people....and Yingzen the tengu, who was born and fostered among your people, noble elf! We seek audience with your leaders, for times are dire, and we are in great need of your aid....

Tringalath Talianen |

The captain of the guards leaps down from his perch in the oak tree and steps closer, examining all three, but especially Yingzen.... He smiles and returns his arrow to its quiver.
In High German: Ah, yes! I recall this fellow....our feathered foster brother has returned, eh? What aid do you seek of the elves?

Tringalath Talianen |

Tringalath is silent for a long moment, then he addresses Yingzen in Elvish:
Welcome home, foster brother! You shall have your chance to speak before the Lords and Ladies of Alfheim!
He then beckons the three visitors to follow, and leads the way through the narrow cave mouth into the hillside, which soon opens onto another world--the verdant and mystically beautiful realm of Alfheim!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Alfheim is a land of rolling green hills, luxuriant forests alive with the choruses of birds, sparkling streams and misty waterfalls tumbling down from purple mountains capped with snow, and inviting pools where nixies splash and frolick with nymphs and kappas....
Unicorn herds run freely over the green hills and meadows, griffons soar among the purple peaks, and motes of light in the dark woods indicate the presence of pixies and other fey....
Truly, this is a Fairyland of great beauty and magic!
Tringalath escorts Merlin, Daisy, and Yingzen toward a fortress of gleaming, graceful, emerald spires in the distance....

Michael Johnson 66 |

At length, the three visitors are brought to the emerald-and-amethyst fortress of the elves, where they are escorted by Captain Tringalath to the elven court. Here, seven elf lords and seven elf ladies hold court. Among them is Lord Morthoron Caliador, Yingzen's foster father. He smiles when he sees his prodigal foster son enter the court.
Tringalath announces the visitors, and explains that they seek a great favor of the elves, then steps back to let the visitors plead their case....

Yingzen |

in elven Yingzen address his foster father Father my heart soars with joy to see you but weeps with sadness for the reason of this visit, the young lady with me if daisy my Navajo sister, and I come on their behalf because their ancestral homeland is about to be lost to the enemy that's haunting the world. Her people are a proud and honorable people. They're brave loyal and friends and guardians of nature. They share the same values as us father and I feel if the elves and Navajo join forces then the evil that seeks to destroy us will fail.

Radsworth |

Radsworth watches the thundering Unicorn and soaring Griffons with intense scrutiny. He trusted little these days, but if he deemed them passive enough he would resolve to bring Sun Mi here to see them.
That this place existed at all without discovery in the world that science and man thought they had crawled every inch of was mindboggling, though he pondered that a non-detection spell could easily defeat the most hi tech of satellites.
"Pardon me, my good friend Chesterfield. How is it that these creatures had never been discovered by man?"

Chesterfield the Top Hat |

On the contrary, Professor Radsworth.... Such beasts of the fey realm have indeed been spied in olden days by men of this world, or their likeness would not so accurately be depicted in ancient works of art.... The griffon adorns many an ancient ruin in Arabian lands as well as in Europa, as does the unicorn, Pegasus, and many other such creatures thought by modern man to be mere myth and fancy.... In more recent ages, such creatures as these we see in abundance here in Alfheim have been hunted to extinction in our own world, and the gates between the world of fairy and that of mankind are narrow and well-guarded by magic to prevent their discovery by all but the most intrepid and determined....

Michael Johnson 66 |

The elven lords and ladies deliberate for well over three hours, while the FOs await their decision in a separate chamber, comfortably furnished and provided with excellent elvish food and drink.
Finally, the FOs are escorted back into the court to hear the lords and ladies decision:
The elves will host Pandora's Box in a keep not far from the palace, and the Navajo people will be welcome to dwell in a vast meadow around the keep. The mission is a success!

Merlin the Wild |

Excellent! Let us return to the Grand Canyon and inform the chieftains and our colleagues at Pandora's Box of the elves' generous decision!
Captain Tringalath escorts the FOs back to the gate and out of Alfheim into the Black Forest, and bids them farewell.
Merlin beckons for the FOs to join hands with him, and casts greater teleport to return all to the Grand Canyon....

Merlin the Wild |

Now.... I shall see to the relocation..... It is bound to prove considerably more difficult this time, as we have many more bodies to transport, and to a far greater distance than from the Everglades to the Grand Canyon.... But leave this problem for myself and the wise ones of Pandora's Box.... Ye Fierce Ones, I believe, have an even more daunting task before ye.... The Silver Tower must be sieged again, and it's evil extinguished forevermore!
Merlin prepares to cast another teleport to transport the FOs back to the Silver Tower....

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik nods, having absorbed much of the Elven culture and scenery during their small foray into the mystical land. Hopefully this land.. guarded by powerful magicks and Fey warriors would be the last time the people need be forcefully moved. His heart emblazoned with the duty he set out to accomplish, this shall be the end of the Silver Tower.
" I am prepared Merlin, May I see you once again when the taint of the Tower is extinguish and re-purposed for Humanity.. Fierce Ones, Ready yourselves.. for nothing short of Cthulhu himself will stop us! And if we run into Devils again they will be dealt with one way or another " His head turning towards Prof. Levinson and nodding once more.
He prepares himself for the Blitzkrieg of the Silver Tower .. the etchings in his armor lengthening, the fierceness of the second pair of eyes adorning the top his eye-slit deepening and the Red hue against the blackened Armor radiating.
Re-cast Heroism and Perceive Cues; Casting See Invisibility

Marcus Greer |

"Alright let's go! Unfinished business await!" Marcus says excitedly.
"Tell me before you poof us there though because I'm tired of getting scorched..." he grumbles.
Casting Resist Energy: Fire right before we go. He also has Communal if others want it, but that will of course be a much lower duration.