The Waiting Beast

Cloaker in the parking garage's page

7 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


About a score of cloakers observe the arrival of the FOs in the arena from the tiers....

Excalibur carves the monster's nervous system out with a ruthless flick of Derrik's wrist, and the beast falls in a massive, sprawling heap!

The cloaker (on initiative 13 in round 3) begins to emit an eerie moaning....

Kepler must succeed on a DC 15 Will save or be overcome with stupor (as hold monster, duration 5 rounds)....

MJ's bullet grazes the cloaker, causing it to snarl....

Kepler's claws rake the cloaker's black flesh, drawing blood and a rattling hiss of pain from the monster!

From the level above them, the cloaker glides out into the sunlight, dips, and swoops down to ground level, where The FOs are assembled....

Double-move flight, bringing the cloaker to about 60 ft east of The FOs....

Initiative 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

What have the otyughs stirred up now? Hmmm.... Perhaps they bit off more than they can chew?....