Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik Slams the Flat of his Blade into the newly split piece, as Cutting it is clearly not Working.. Going for the massive blunt force that everyone's guns seem to effecting it with.
Blunt Powerful Dawnbringer: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 221d8 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16
Reflex Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
He also strikes with Koran at the Piece that attempts to scurry away with the brunt of his Shield
Powerful Shield bash: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 111d4 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Reflex Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Black pudding |

Derrik Slams the Flat of his Blade into the newly split piece, as Cutting it is clearly not Working.. Going for the massive blunt force that everyone's guns seem to effecting it with.
The flat of Dawnbringer comes down on the black pudding still hungry for Koran's flesh with a wet smacking sound, causing the ooze to quiver....
He also strikes with Koran at the Piece that attempts to scurry away with the brunt of his Shield
His shield slaps the fleeing pudding at the same instant that Koran's earth breaker pounds it, splattering acidic goo everywhere and bringing the newly split monster's existence to an end.
Dawnbringer takes 2d6 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4 acid damage; the shield takes 2d6 ⇒ (5, 2) = 7 acid damage.

Merlin the Wild |

The musicians wrap their rousing tune up with a thrilling resolution, and Merlin applauds.
Jolly good show, Fierce Ones! You are truly named, indeed! Heheh!....
Stepping the rest of the way down the stairs, Merlin gestures to a very strange trio of musicians who follow him down into view....
These are some old friends of mine who were so kind as to show up to provide some lively musical accompaniment to your heroics....
Merlin gestures to a stunningly beautiful young woman with bright green eyes and lustrous copper hair that falls past her lovely pale shoulders, clad only in a dress of woven ivy leaves and a vine sash.... The lovely Nymph Nessa, whose voice could move Hades himself to tears.... At this complimentary introduction, the nymph blushes and smiles sweetly at Merlin.
Next, the old wizard gestures to the bagpiper, a little old man less than 3 ft high, clad in green tunic, checkered tartan and green breeks, pointy green shoes, and battered green cap. And this little chap is Jolly Duff Greenbreeks, a leprechaun and most excellent bagpiper on the Isle of Albion.... The leprechaun puffs up and grins.
Finally, Merlin indicates an obviously fey creature with a silver fife in hand, goat's horns on his shaggy head, and the wooly hindquarters and hooves of a goat. And this most excellent piper is the legendary Piper of the Hills, a satyr, as ye can see. The Piper takes a bow, grinning lecherously at Kate....

Merlin the Wild |

Noticing that Koran's armor is melted almost to scraps, Merlin pulls a scroll out of his handy haversack, unrolls it and reads its magical text aloud while touching Koran's breastplate with his free hand.... A bluish glow radiates briefly from the acid-scarred breastplate, and it is miraculously made whole once more!
I have some magical oil to repair your weapons with somewhere in here, too.... Ah, here it is.... And one for each of you....
Merlin pulls a pair of small glass vials from the haversack and gives one to Koran and the other to Derrik. Polish your weapons up with that oil, lads. They'll be good as new, I promise ye.

Black pudding |

Turn away Kate!
Grimm imbibes an elixir and begins to convulse and gag as a swarm of spiders come pouring out of his mouth and engages the new ooze.
The swarm of spiders suddenly disgorged from Grimm's mouth swarm the puddle of black ooze, seeking to devour it, but are in turn disintegrated almost immediately on contact with the highly corrosive goo!

Kate Peace |

Oh god that hurt. thanks Kate it's always good to have you around when I almost get melted. Koran gives kate a big pointy grin.
Kate grins back at Koran and gives him thumbs up.
Well, it's always good to have you standing in front of me when towers of acidic black goo attack!

Merlin the Wild |

Merlin and the three fey musicians lead The FOs up the stairs and out of The Lady's Keep, back into the sunlit world once more. The fog has been somewhat burnt off by the late morning sun, granting a clearer view of Loch Ness. Sunlight sparkles on the water, and waterfowl can be seen diving after fish.
Merlin points across the loch with his staff to where the gray stone ruins of an even larger castle rise over the mists.
Yon castle on the far shore overlooks a bay favored by the old lake orm, Nessie, as folk hereabouts have recently taken to calling her.... The Loch Ness Monster was always good enough in my day.... Anyway, 'tis she who guards the place where The Lady of the Loch lies in accursed slumber, under a powerful enchantment laid upon her by the same evil witch who laid such a hex upon me many centuries ago.... Morgan the Fey!
Merlin spits after he says the treacherous witch's name.

Merlin the Wild |

Take the folding boat you should've found in the trove--it's that wooden box with the ship engraved on it--and use the command words--"coracle" for the rowboat, "caravel" for the sailboat--to bring forth a most excellent vessel. Sail or row her, as skill permits, out to the middle of the loch, and I'm certain that's where The Lady must lie.... She'll awaken only if approached by Arthur, or in this age, Derrik.
Merlin then looks to the south, seeming to stare at something far off for a long moment, a troubled expression gradually darkening his weathered face....
While you are fetching Excalibur, I'm going to have a quick look at what's going on down in London Town.... Your eyes won't be able to see far enough.... But mine see exceptionally far.... And I don't much care for the looks of the storm clouds I see brewing over London.... Good luck, young friends....
Without waiting for a reply, Merlin chants words of conjuration magic and vanishes in a poof of smoke....

Jolly Duff Greenbreeks |

The leprechaun let's out a throaty chuckle.
Aye, that'd be old Merlin for ye.... Always hurryin' hither and yon, chasin' after dragons or giants, or the like.... If ye fine lads and pretty young lass would care for further accompaniment, we three'd be mighty pleased to oblige.... Especially if ye had any good, strong spirits to share?
The leprechaun gives his bagpipe a squeeze and plays a hopeful-sounding melody....

Nymph Nessa |

The beautiful nymph approaches Derrik, smiling an unmistakably seductive smile, her green eyes sparkling with the promise of unearthly erotic delight....
Is that really Arthur returned under that big, frightful helm, my brave knight?.... If so, surely you remember your sweet Nessa.... And the sweet delights of her arms?.... Did you ever tell Gwenevere about us?.... No, of course not.... She's long dead, now, my brave knight.... Or shall I call you "Your Majesty"?
She steps close enough to embrace Derrik, but stops just short of doing so, as if waiting for him to embrace her.... She looks up at him with her emerald eyes, which seem to sparkle with flames of undisguised desire....

Jolly Duff Greenbreeks |

Aye I could use a drink
Koran takes a flask form his hip and takes a good hearty gulp before handing it to the leprechaun.
The leprechaun takes the flask from Koran and tips his hat to the big tiefling, taking a hearty pull, and belching, wiping his beard on the back of his hand....
Ah, bless ye, lad! That's mighty powerful, 'tis.... Right proper libations for a hero to share with a humble bard.... Jolly Duff bows in thanks and passes the flask to Grimm....

Jolly Duff Greenbreeks |

Oh, Nessa, ye lusty lass, leave His Majesty alone! Hehehee! Ye can see he cannot remember 'is old life yet.... May be time for romance later.... For the nonce, he's a grave trial to undertake, and no time to waste!
The leprechaun grins and winks at Derrik, and begins to play some traveling music on his bagpipes, and sets off toward the loch....

Nymph Nessa |

The nymph sighs and pouts, her green eyes lingering longingly on Derrik for a moment. Then she draws a small dagger from a sheathe at her hip and clips a lock of her copper hair, binding it with a tiny green ribbon, and taking Derrik's gauntleted hand, presses it into his palm and closes his fingers over it.
She then blows him a kiss and turns to follow the leprechaun and satyr, taking up a small drum hanging at her side to accent the rhythm of the music played by her fey band mates, and lifting her voice in a traveling song....

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik gives Merlin his full attention amazed at the Grand Mage's power, and nods to each of their new "comrades" with great respect. As he is repairing his weapon and armor with the curative fluids provided by Merlin, Derrik is approached by Nessa.. and even with all his stubbornness, values and temperament, he had to admit to himself.. this woman was mindbogglingly attractive and beautiful; his body reacting more than his mental faculties..His armor felt tighter somehow.
As she approached even closer, Derrik stopped what he was doing stunned. Did he once experience the pleasure of meeting and more with this... woman? Was Arthur truly unfaithful as she said? How could he possibly react well to that.. And The Heavens above if ANY of the other women who went after him SAW her, Jewels was ready to fight from Amber.. Who knows what she would do here. Derrik had WAY too much going through his head and suddenly he felt as though he was hit with soothing effect and he saw Nessa.. in a different background.. and weather..his armor different.. cupping her face tenderly... This snapped out and Derrik was once himself again. He had begun to reach for her but was luckily stopped by JDG
" R-Right.. We shall speak later Nessa.. I am.. much.. much different than the Arthur you might have remembered.. and unfortunately time is a factor here based on Merlin's actions. I must retrieve The Sword of Kings, Excalibur. It was... a pleasure to meet again.. and for the first time as well "
Derrik gives a silent thanks to the older leprechaun but holds upon the hair longingly having to shake his head to focus once more.

Michael Johnson 66 |

The FOs follow the fey band in a strange parade down to the rocky beach on the east shore of Loch Ness, where Grimm retrieves the elaborately engraved wooden box Merlin called "the folding boat" from his handy haversack. Tossing it into the water, Grimm says, "caravel", and the box rapidly begins to unfold and expand at an amazing rate, quickly transforming into an impressive single-masted sailboat with five pairs of oars, and a figurehead shaped like a mermaid holding a trident! A gangplank lowers magically to rest on the shore....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Once all are aboard the ship, Jolly Duff and his fey band mates bring their song to an end, and Jolly Duff and The Piper raise the gangplank and the anchor, and Nymph Nessa hoists the sail. The Piper then takes the helm, Jolly Duff springs up on the aft castle to take the rudder, and Nymph Nessa takes hold of the line, and the ship is soon underway as a stiff breeze fills her brightly-dyed yellow-and-green sail.
The fey band sails the ship for the center of the loch, aiming the trident of the mermaid figurehead at the castle on the far shore....

Michael Johnson 66 |

A brief summary of the basic rules for underwater adventuring follows:
Creatures and characters with a swim speed can move through the water without need for a Swim check at normal swim speed; those without a swim speed must succeed on a DC 10 Swim check to move at one-quarter their normal land speed through calm water as a move action, of half their land speed as a double-move.
Attacks that deal bludgeoning or slashing damage are made at a -2 penalty on attack rolls, and deal half damage underwater. Attacks that deal piercing damage are made at no penalty to attack roll, and deal full damage.
Normal fire (including alchemist's fire) will not burn underwater, and spells with the fire descriptor fail unless the caster succeeds on a caster level check, DC = 20 + spell level; if the check succeeds, a steam effect is created rather than actual flames, but the spell otherwise has its usual effects.

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik warily scans the sea, knowing full well the trip was perilous going over the water.. and the warning Merlin told of the spell cast on Nessy, Especially that the Vile Cthulhu was around, could have been altered. It also did not help that he found it hard not to meat the eyes or body of Nessa with feeling warm.. and uncomfortable. Reaching into the bag Grimm was given Derrik's hands get a holds of the Mask. It's monstrous visage a wonder in realism and art. He turns it around.. perhaps to look through, not sure how he could make it function.. when it suddenly attaches to his helmet and in a small flash of light.. assimilates with it.. The mixture of steel, scales and demonic spikes, teeth rimming the visor of his Helmet and both his and the helmets eyes giving off a fierce expression.

Michael Johnson 66 |

By the time the magical ship has reached the center of Loch Ness, it is about 11:30 AM.
'Tis too deep for anchors here, mates, so we'll just circle about here at a leisurely pace whilst you go a-divin' for magical swords.... says Jolly Duff Greenbreeks.
Try not to kill the poor beast, if you can simply scare her off or put her to sleep for a short time instead, darlings.... says Nymph Nessa. She can't help that Morgan the Fey bewitched her to attack any who approach The Lady of the Lake....
Grimm unpacks the rest of the nautical treasures recovered from beneath The Lady's Keep:
A cloak of the manta ray;
Boots of water walking;
A helm of underwater action;
A coral sea horse figurine of wondrous power;
6 potions of beast shape I (aquatic animals only);
6 potions of water breathing;
A scroll of summon monster III.
Now is the time to distribute these magical treasures to their best use, and dive into adventure, literally....

Dwayne Lee Hooker DM substitute |

Dwayne Lee picks up a potion of beast shape I, turns it in his hand, and squints suspiciously at it for a moment.
Well.... I sure as hell ain't takin' my AR underwater.... And I always thought it'd be cool to be a gator....
He pops the cork and shrugs. Here goes....
Drinking the potion, Dwayne Lee suddenly drops to his hands and knees, gasping and coughing, and transforms into a man-sized alligator! Hissing with delight, the Dwayne-Lee-gator crawls overboard with a great splash....

Kate Peace |

Just before DLH drinks a beast shape I potion and becomes an alligator:
Save the water breathing potions for now.... I prayed for a few of my own this morning....
Kate casts water breathing and touches Grimm, Derrik, Koran, Dwayne, and Krar, granting them each 2 hours of water breathing. She casts a second spell, touching Radsworth, Mephos, and herself, granting each more than 2 hours of water breathing.
Okay, we should all be good for about two hours, no longer....

Dr. Hugo Grimm |

Grimm downs a feral mutagen and begins the convulsive and repulsive transformation into a giant maw and claws abberation.
I'd take the cloak, but wouldn't it be better for Koran to use?

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik tips his helmet to Nessa and looks at the rest as Croc-Dwayne drops in.
" I Promise on my soul that I will try everything in my power not to kill Nessy if it is possible. I have not broken my word even once, you can ask the rest of this team.. Derrik the Stubborn is no mere name. I Would hope both me and Arthur had that in common somewhat. "
He waits for any response before standing in his armor the placement of the plate-mail segmenting slightly to give him almost a Tail apparatus. The metal appearing much like Runic armored scales.. as he waves them off and jumps in.
Personally I was thinking the Helmet for Koran

Radsworth |

Seeing his big burly counterparts preparing to jump overboard, Radsworth quickly chants several arcane enhancements and places them upon his allies.
Koran, Derrik, and Krar are all given an enchantment that gives them a flat 30ft swim speed, which enables them to act as normal underwater. They can't breath through the spell, but their newly acquired magic items and potions should aid them with that.

Radsworth |

Not wanting to be the last one to join the party, Radsworth considers the remaining magic items. Laughing to himself, he is unable to resist. To no one in particular, he holds out his arms in a majestic sweeping motion from the front of the folding boat.
"I'm on top of the world!"
Grinning, he retrieves his scroll of Summon Monster III and chants loudly, letting the conjuration magics take life in the water below him. He considers the toothy shark, crackling with fiendish energy.
"I'm sure Derrik wouldn't approve of you good sir. Good for us he's underwater and won't have much to say!"
Finally, he selects the coral sea horse and channels it's magic. He peers down at the large seahorse, giddy with excitement. He quaffs a potion of water breathing before proclaiming.
"Onwards steed and shark! To Triton and Poseidon! There are Mermaids to ravage!"
Leaving his ammo belt and traveler on the boat, he removes his hat and jumps into the water. He mounts his watery steed and descends into the depths.

Nessie, The Loch Ness Monster |

Using her elusive special ability, Nessie is perhaps the stealthiest creature of any kind in Earth's waters.... Short of the most seasoned rangers, rogues, and ninjas, few have a shadow of a chance of detecting her approach in the water unless she chooses to be seen....
Stealth 1d20 + 56 ⇒ (12) + 56 = 68....
Perception checks would be pointless for all of The FOs, I believe?