Faceless Stalker wrote: The Slime-Shrouded Master wrote: Faceless Stalker wrote: In the hidden sanctum of the Slime-Shrouded Master, the panicked faceless stalkers stammer and stutter their report of strange invaders from the Upper World...
Gribble fnargle blib murgh!!
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The Slime-Shrouded Master was startled by this report... This was unacceptable! His minions were merely to return with food and tribute from the shipwreck, not news of fierce and capable explorers approaching the palace!
Telepathic communion with faceless stalkers: WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'FIERCE INVADERS'!? ARE THEY APPROACHING THE PALACE? HAVE THEY FOUND THE BLACK PYRAMID!? In Aklo: Yes!! Yes!! They are coming, master, what do?? What do?? Stay here, my faithful hounds, and protect me until I think of a plan to deal with these intruders from above!
Faceless Stalker wrote: In the hidden sanctum of the Slime-Shrouded Master, the panicked faceless stalkers stammer and stutter their report of strange invaders from the Upper World...
Gribble fnargle blib murgh!!
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The Slime-Shrouded Master was startled by this report... This was unacceptable! His minions were merely to return with food and tribute from the shipwreck, not news of fierce and capable explorers approaching the palace!
In its lair within a flooded chamber of the royal palace, the ancient Slime-Shrouded Master, an evil aberration that was swimming the primordial sea before even prehistoric Atlantis of the Golden Age, sends out its servitors to hunt down the shipwrecked sailors and bring them back to it, to be enslaved by the Master...
The Slime-Shrouded Master reaches out with its thoughts and finds the two particular slave-minds it seeks....
One sleeps, dreaming idiot dreams of petroleum-powered chariots and promiscuous females of his pathetic species.... But this other one is quite awake, and quite angry.... Yes, a most incredible rage burns within him.... A delicious bloodthirsty madness.... He has destroyed those worthless assassins sent by The Great Shark.... I wonder how their leader fares?.... The resistance is formidable at this.... Pandora's Box.... I sense that the angry one has friends there even more powerful than his fellow Fierce Ones.... And now the cowardly barracudas swim away with their tails nipped off!.... I must inform The Daemon-Lord of the Silver Tower that The Great Shark has failed.... And that a matter of dire importance develops in the Everglades that His Dread Tyranny would do well not to ignore....
NO!! The Fierce Ones were weakening.... Useless, simpering cravens! A few seconds more, and the warriors in front would fall, but no!! A few displays of fire, and my worthless, cowardly minions scurry like bugs!
Enraged, The Slime-Shrouded Master withdraws deeper into the canal, and the projected image he had been observing, casting, and speaking through fades away like a nightmare with the break of dawn....
The great fish-like monster half emerging from the canal forms words with a deep, bubbling voice....
Surrender, Fierce Ones.... You cannot hope to stand against The Slime-Shrouded Master....
It attempts to dominate Dwayne Lee.... Will DC 22!
Yes.... That one looks feeble of will....
The Slime-Shrouded Master sees the raging giant storm to the bridge and knock the heads off two skum with a wild swing of his massive hammer, and perceives a deadly threat that must be turned against its allies.... It casts dominate monster on Koran, who must succeed on a DC 22 Will save or be dominated!
Radsworth wrote: Radsworth considers the .. thing.. the Slime Shrouded Master. He observes it's movements, it's aura, it's demeanor... and considers what he might have learned about this sort of beast in his
Even as he considers the creature, he invokes the foul gutteral language of necromancy, enhancing a round inside of Traveler. As the bullet leaves the chamber, it leaves a black smokey trail behind it.
Radsworth feels a sense of dread wash over him as he considers the slimy horror half-emerged from the canal, and a terrible word comes to his mind--aboleth. According to ancient grimoires he has perused, aboleths are an ancient race of evil aquatic aberrations of great intelligence and malign nature, whose foul experiments have led to the creation of various other aberration races--among them, these skum, sinspawn, and faceless stalkers the team has been fighting....
As the magic bullet strikes the aboleth, it hisses and twitches....
Radsworth, make a Will save please....
The water in the canal just on the south side of the bridge churns and splashes as a huge, slimy, finned monster, like a whale-sized catfish with three blood-red eyes, stacked in a vertical line along its snout, and long slimy tentacles whipping at its sides rises halfway out of the water and hisses at The Fierce Ones!
Initiative 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Very good, my children.
The Slime-Shrouded Master dismisses its faceless stalkers to their task, and sinks back down into the impenetrable gloom of the canal....
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Go and learn more of these heroes, my children. Use your devious gifts to become close to them.... Intimate with them.... Learn of their weaknesses.... Learn of their desires....
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A deep rumble of alien laughter, like a hammer pounding red iron on an anvil, disturbs the water around The Slime-Shrouded Master....
Oh, how I dearly wish I could have seen that with my own eye, my dear children! That would give me such amusement as I have not had in long, terrible aeons. These are strange tidings you bring me, my children. Strange.... Yet also....amusing....
The evil laughter continues, burbling in the dark water of the canal.
Speak freely, my children. What is this alarming news you bring?