Smaar Janderfut

Malcolm the Distiller's page

5 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Will save 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

Malcolm sits entranced by Kailin's performance, mouth agape....

Oy, you sly dog, you! Congratulations!

Malcolm elbows Grimm, smiling....

Cheers for staking those bloody vamps, mates! I'd like you to take a few kegs of my finest with you as thanks! I'm sure you get awful bloody thirsty in the Grand Canyon....

Right! A wizard, of course! Silly me, heheh.... Um, my name is Malcolm....

By the amused and puzzled look on his face, it is clear the man is humoring Merlin about being a wizard, and yet he is starting to wonder....

Well, no matter how you got here.... If you're here to stop that bloody vampire and his Nazi thugs, you're more than welcome.... I'm certain we can find you all a bite to eat and a good strong drink to wash it down.... Come with me, Merlin and friends....

Malcolm leads the way to a roof access door.

The bearded man at the still stands and greets Merlin and The FOs, a confused smile on his face.

Ah, yes....Merlin, of course.... But.... How the bloody hell'd you get up here without us seeing you all come through the roof door?