Thoth, Egyptian god of magic's page

1 post. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


After Radsworth retires to his private room to sleep, he is visited by a divinity.... None other than the Egyptian god of magic and lore, ibis-headed Thoth!

The god appears in his classic form, a humanoid with the gray head of an ibis, clothed in a white tunic and holding a golden ankh in his hand....

Thoth touches Chesterfield the top hat, who seems stunned or awed to silence, with the ankh in his right hand, imbuing it with a new power....

In ancient Egyptian: Hereafter, whosoever wears the hat Chesterfield shall be warded by mind blank.... So let it be!.... The worthy wizard Radsworth shall be first to wear this new ward....

With this boon, Thoth leaves Professor Radsworth and Chesterfield the top hat, lending his divine aid for the sake of mankind in his hour of need....