Djarrus Gost

Hooty the helicopter pilot's page

21 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Radsworth! No f@+$ing way! You guys killed Ithaqua!?.... The Fierce Ones killed a Great Old One!?.... If I wore a hat, I'd take it off to you, Professor!

The sound of Hooty's chopper grows louder as he approaches the FOs' position.... The Tomahawk appears overhead through gaps in the canopy of the forest opened by the brief forest fire....

Hooty tilts the cockpit groundward, and gives a thumbs up as he realizes that the FOs have survived, and either defeated or driven Ithaqua away.... He shouts through the loudspeaker....

I'll be damned! You guys are still alive! Hehehehe! I'll meet you bad-asses back at the highway....

Hooty salutes the FOs and pilots the chopper back east to Highway 22....

Suddenly aware that he has left the area of the storm, Hooty dares to look back....

Ithaqua had given up the chase!

Dammit. It's going after the Fierce Ones.... F@!*! F**~! F@~+! F$$*! F+@%!.... I can't leave them.... F%+~!

Hooty circles back around, and now pursues the storm....

I must be out of my f@%+ing mind....

Hooty pilots the Tomahawk in a daze of fear....

Profession (pilot) 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34....

His skill might save him.... The distance between the chopper and it's pursuer increases....

A growing sense of impending doom galvanizes Hooty into action....

He fires up the propellers and pilots the Tomahawk skyward....

In a state of near panic, he pushes the helicopter to its limits, too frightened of what he might see to look back....

Profession (pilot) 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (12) + 15 = 27

Hooty watches the torrential rain pelt the cockpit window and listens to the dull roar of rain drumming on the hull of the Tomahawk....

Where the hell did this storm come from!? This isn't natural....

Back at the chopper, Hooty hears the beastly howls and sees the red glow of fire through the trees, and the plume of dark smoke rising above the canopy of the forest....

Oh, s#+~.... They're gonna burn this whole park down.... There's a lot of forest around here.... Hope they know what they're doing....

Hooty pilots the Tomahawk in a broad circle about 200 ft above a vast stretch of forested parkland centered around a large lake....

Here we are, folks.... That's Lake Meridian, and Meridian State Park.... This is where I saw a bunch of the bigger ones.... We'll take a look around from up here, see if we can spot any of 'em.... Then I'll set down on the highway there, and let you do your thing....

The Tomahawk makes a clockwise circuit around the borders of the state park, and then crosses directly above Lake Meridian, but no sign of anything besides the occasional furtive deer can be seen.... Hooty lands the chopper on highway 22, right next to the northeast entrance to the park, where State Park Road accesses the highway....

Good luck, guys and gals.... And be careful.... I'll wait here, and if I see you running back with scared looks on your faces, I'll have this bird fired up lickedysplit!

Prof. Naomi Levinson wrote:

Levinson looks out the window of the helicopter as she turns her new found ioun stone over again and again in her hands. She had made sure both her and the imp (who returned immediately after the fight was over praising the glorious victory of the Fierce Ones) were stocked with a couple vials of silvercloud oil.

She fondly recalled her meeting with Dr. Hoffman as he handed her the specially commissioned flasks because he threw in another vial with half a dozen Molly "for good luck." But already the peaceful time in Alfheim seems like another distant memory on this never ending quest against the Old Ones.

Levinson released the cracked dusty-rose prism when then took to orbit 1d3foot from her head. "Well team... here we go again. Hooty, do you at least have any good tunes to play for the rest of the ride?

I got some classic rock on my iPod....

Hooty turns on the speakers in the cockpit and cargo hold, and the stomp-stomp-clap that begins Queen's We Will Rock You fills the chopper....

The really disturbing thing about the weresquatches I saw last week is that they were much bigger than the first ones I saw about a month ago.... Those first ones I saw were as big as some of the really big guys in the NBA.... These others I saw most recently were as big as grizzly bears, easily.... It seems like Ithaqua is somehow breeding them bigger now.... Or has figured out a way to make the original ones bigger....

Marcus Greer wrote:


Well I know where I want to go.

Marcus, upon hearing the word "Weresquatch" perks up considerably.

"Wait wait wait, you're telling me that there are lycanthropic SASQUATCHES?" he excitedly turns into a Sasquatch again himself and starts bouncing up and down in his seat.

"Can we go? Pleeeeeaaaaaseeeee?"

"I mean, I'm sure the horrid nightmares about undead monstrosities can wait."

About how much cash do we have to craft/buy with?

Yeah, man.... Don't ask me where these things are coming from.... My best guess is that an Old One known as Ithaqua, or Wendigo, is infecting the native 'squatches with lycanthropy.... Massive strength coupled with wolf-like cunning and predatory instincts.... Pretty deadly combo!.... May be that Ithaqua is building a horde of his own to duke it out with Cthulhu's horde.... A monstrous war for possession of North America!

Hooty is relieved by the festive atmosphere, following his harrowing flight from Ithaqua....

The dancing, music and laughter seems to be a balm to his shaken soul....

We'd be f$#@ing monster-food right now if we'd waited a second longer, Dwayne, and you know it!.... Look, maybe.... Maybe he found a safe place to hide and is making his way home as we speak....

Hooty keeps the Tomahawk speeding on course for the Grand Canyon, hoping the Great Old One has decided to give up the chase....

After another few minutes that seem like an eternity, the whirlwind is no longer visible behind them....

Vash appears out of the night sky riding on Glaza's back, on the starboard side of the chopper, and waves....

There's Vash, looks like he made it.... But I have a bad feeling about Nate....

Hooty turns the Tomahawk southeastward and flies at full speed, beads of sweat glistening on his brow....

Jesus Christ.... It''s following us.... That....that's not a tornado back there....

Nate's a f*+#ing owl, Dwayne, I think he can get away better than we can right now! Get in the f~*&ing chopper, now! I'm not waiting around to get chewed on by a Great Old One for any of you m#$!!!!&#&#@s, dammit!!

Hooty throws open the cockpit door and vaults into the pilot seat....

Perception 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15 succeeds in hearing the warning screech....

I heard it, too! I don't speak owl, in spite of the name, but that sounded like "Get the hell out of there" to me!

Hooty the Helicopter Pilot leaps up and runs to the Tomahawk....

Ah.... If so, I should fire up the chopper and get us the hell out of here, pronto....

Hooty is as pale as a ghost after hearing the monstrous howl in the distance....

Well, there's this place in The Grand Canyon they won't ever find.... It's where I got all those blankets, and medicine bags, and the peyote from.... Several dwindling tribes of American Indians still hold out there against Cthulhu and his monsters.... I'm sure if you offered what resources and skills you have here....they would take you in.... I could take one or two diplomats to ask 'em if its alright to bring the whole lot of ya.... Not like they don't have plenty of room to hide in those canyons....

Good! I'll have a cold Heineken waiting for ya back at The Box! Over and out!

The helicopter buzzes away southeastward, toward a bank of gray clouds. It appears to be raining inland.

The helicopter circles overhead, descending to hover about a hundred ft overhead. A voice amplified by a megaphone hails The Chuul's Folly.

Hiya, Kermy! Glad to see you're still hopping around down there.... Everything okay?