Ashak was the runt of the litter, youngest and smallest of all the children in his village. The young hobgoblin, while small and weak, was quick in body and mind. As young ones he was able to hold his own in competition with the others. When the children started to grow larger and stronger though, the difference was no longer minor. Ashak couldn't get away with just being a little smarter and faster, and he quickly fell behind. His peers berated and bullies him, but little Ashak kept pushing, determined that one day he would be a fine warrior. It was not to be, one day Ashak was cornered by a group of the larger, meaner, variety of youths. They hit him, and cut him, and when he thought they were finally done, the leader poured lantern oil over his head and lit a spark. Ashak's peers walked away laughing as his writhed on the ground, screaming in anguish. Somehow he managed to crawl to the nearby river and douse his body before he dies, but he was left with terrible burns all over his body and his eyes were severely damaged, losing eyesight entirely in one.
Ashak ran from his village that day, determined that he would grow strong and return to seek vengeance on his tormentors. When he finally stumbled into the nearest city, Ashak was on the brink of death. A group of urchins found him lying in the street, covered in his own filth and gasping for water, his burns were terribly infected, and they only barely managed to bring him back. Ashak stayed in the new city for a few months, living and learning with the other urchins. He learned how to cut a purse and pick a lock, how to climb a stone wall, to tumble from high roofs. Importantly he learned how to hold his own in a fight, learning to use his agility and quick wits instead of trying to win through brute force. A kind half-elf girl name Alina taught Ashak to dance, he liked Alina more than the actual dancing but still he excelled. Satisfied with his new skills Ashak set off again but not back to his village. He was done with that place, his tormentors back home would never hurt him again and so he set off to explore the world and enjoy it for himself.
Ashak traveled all over, earning coin dancing for travelers, pilfering food when need, and purchasing it when he could. For a time he travelled with a group of minstrels. Now and again he would pull a more organized heist with a local thieves guild, earning a minor name for himself in the low-life community. The longest place Ashak stayed was in a very large city, he fought in an underground pit-fighting ring there. Ashak won of few matches on his own before he ran into none other than Alina. She too had left, not long after him, to seek her fortune and as luck would have it they both found themselves in the same place. Alina and Ashak started fighting as a pair, at first only every once and while, and then every match. Alina never quite returned Ashak's affections, and due to a lack of social tact, and doubt that anyone would stand the sight of him, he never did tell her. One fateful evening Alina fell in the ring, to a nasty pair of half-orcs. Ashak nearly died as well taking a spear clean through the gut as he landed the killing blow. That was Ashak's last pit fight. After he recovered he packed up, collected his winnings and set out for a new adventure. Just recently Ashak saw the Sirensong perform and felt a calling to find his feet as a dancer once more.
Ashak is shy, and not particularly keen on conversing with strangers. In his experience between his race, scars, and general lack of social awareness people aren't too fond of him. Despite this the hobgoblin does make up for much of what he is lacking in charm with quick wit and keen understanding. Ashak is relatively upbeat once he is comfortable, although he can come across as a bit crude. The way he fights and dances is an impressive mix of beautiful fluid motion and furious violence. He is deathly afraid of fire, not so much that he can't function, but he would definitely rather avoid it.
Height: 5'
Weight: 120 lbs
Eyes: one black, one cloudy
Hair: none
Skin: gray-green, burned
Ashak is small and not particularly fearsome looking for a hobgoblin. His clothes are simple, loose grey cloths beneath a very nice, if a bit worn out suit of studded leather. A heavy sash, and large brown scarf obscure much of his figure. Ashak appears to be unarmed and traveling light, he carries only a small bundle on his back with bedroll, tent, rope, torches, and a water skin. Those traveling with Ashak are aware of quite a few knives stashed various places on his person, although it's unclear exactly how many.