Dwayne Lee Hooker DM substitute |

Sense Motive to determine if there's something "juicy" Merlin's not sharing about his encounter with Morgan Le Fey....1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Why, Merlin, you old devil.... You done got you some tail that quick? S++!, boy, it ain't been a whole minute! You wizards and witches work fast! Heheh!

Merlin the Wild |

Merlin blushes darker this time, and he seems flustered by DL's suggestion that he and Morgan engaged in amorous activities while on the Ethereal Plane....
What!? Uh.... Er.... Time flows differently where we were.... I mean to say, we did nothing of the, uh.... Let's stay focused on our quest, lads! Now, join hands for a teleport, quickly.... I've received a telepathic message from your Professor Dirge, with whom I've established a telepathic bond, among a few others.... It seems there are some of your allies in trouble back in Arizona, in the village of Tombstone.... We must get back to Pandora's Box in the Canyon and resupply for a rescue mission!
That said, The FOs link hands with Merlin and he casts teleport from a scroll, whisking them back to Pandora's Box in the Canyon....

Dr. Hugo Grimm |

Grimm face palms his sooty face. Sorry folks. I needed a break. I hope you are all okay. Kate. I couldn't stand to see you getting hit with those bullets, plus I'm almost out of bombs. I fear that there will be retribution. I hope the Londoners have some supplies. Hopefully, some giant wooden toothpicks.

Professor Solomon Dirge |

Back at the base, Professor Dirge informs Merlin and The FOs that a small scouting party sent to Tombstone to investigate rumors of evil outsiders and cult activity there have fallen into enemy hands and must be rescued! Only one member of the quartet escaped--a beautiful young Navajo woman named Eagle-Feather--and she reported that the other three members fell under the spells of a demoness and a lamia after engaging and destroying a pair of magically automated scarecrows, and are now being held captive inside The Oriental Saloon in Tombstone....
We can supply you with scrolls.... I'm sure your spell power is quite depleted after the adventures you've already had this morning.... But time is of the essence.... I'm afraid we can't afford to let you rest even a single night, for tomorrow may be too late for Bear-Strong, Professor Levinson, and Yingzen.... Will you go, Fierce Ones, and try to rescue them? You are their only hope....

Reba the Succubus |

yingzen moves towards the demoness his sword at the ready. He swings with a quick flick of is wrists
[dice=attack]1d20 + 9 for [dice=damage]1d10+4
vile beast you should die and go back from where you came
The demoness dodges Yingzen's blade with uncanny grace....
Yingzen was targeted at the end of last round by a charm monster spell cast by Kitty the Lamia. He must succeed at a DC 15 Will save or be charmed and regard the lamia as a friend.

Michael Johnson 66 |

charm monster wont do anything Yingzen is a humanoid
[dice=will]1d20 + 5
Charm monster works as charm person, except without limit to creature type. It includes humanoids, which is why charm person is only a 1st level spell (charms only humanoids), whereas charm monster is a 5th level spell (charms everything....even tengus).

Dr. Hugo Grimm |

No rest for the wicked, eh, Doc? Damn, sure could use another shot of that scotch about now....
Tell me about it. Maybe they have some ether.

Kitty the Lamia |

That's right, pretty birdy.... Kitty won't eat you.... Not just yet, anyway.... Come on inside like your pretty little friend.... Don't mind your sleepy friend, we'll see him to a nice, comfy bed.... We gonna have us a little party in The Oriental, pretty birdy....
Kitty beckons Yingzen to follow and pads with feline grace back through the open doorway into the saloon after Reba and Levinson....

Reba the Succubus |

Reba steps away from Yingzen again, into the saloon, and casts charm monster on the Tengu to change his attitude toward her, as well.... DC 22 Will save, or Yingzen feels himself warming up to Reba in spite of himself....
Oh, come now, my lovely, feathered friend.... We mean you no harm.... We could be fast friends.... Perhaps even....lovers....
Reba fondles herself seductively and leers at Yingzen....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Inside The Oriental Saloon, a lean, gaunt, pale, cruelly handsome man wearing a finely tailored velvet lavender jacket and wide-brimmed hat, a silk scarf, and lace cuffs sits at a card table playing cards with five other men, who are decidedly less well-dressed, and seem to be rather less relaxed than the man in lavender velvet.
Behind a bar stands a humanoid figure whose facial features are hidden behind a silken head wrap and veil, clad in an ornately-decorated robe, tied at the waste with a crimson sash. This figure regards Levinson and Yingzen with black, glittering eyes that seem disturbingly different from human eyes....
Reba the Succubus and Kitty the Lamia lead their enchanted victims into the room and gesture to the man in the lavender velvet jacket and wide-brimmed hat....

Reba the Succubus |

This is the New Boss of Tombstone--Mister Coal Withers. I'm Reba, that lovely little beast there is Kitty, and that tall fellow behind the bar with way too much clothing on is Mister Leng. And who might y'all be?
Reba smiles a radiant smile at Levinson and Yingzen, and plays with the ties of her tight bodice....

Professor Solomon Dirge |

Professor Dirge produces a case filled with aluminum scroll tubes from a shelf in the new Pandora's Box in the Canyon library.
I took the liberty of selecting some spell scrolls for you, Professor Radsworth, and for you, Professor Mephos.... Sister Maria has selected some scrolls from the chapel vaults for Kate to use....
Dirge hands the following scrolls to Radsworth and Mephos to distribute between themselves:
3rd level--haste, fly (8), fireball (2), lightning bolt (2), summon monster III (2), stinking cloud, dispel magic;
2nd level--darkvision (8), knock (4), false life (2), invisibility (4), see invisibility (4), summon monster II (4), acid arrow (2);
1st level--magic weapon (4), enlarge person (2), shocking grasp, magic missile (8), summon monster I (6), grease, protection from evil.
Sister Maria De La Rosa gives the following scrolls to Kate and Eagle-Feather to distribute among themselves:
3rd level--water walk (4), water breathing (4), summon monster III (2), searing light, dispel magic, cure serious wounds (4);
2nd level--summon monster II (2), lesser restoration (2), cure moderate wounds (6), align weapon (4), aid (2);
1st level--summon monster I (3), protection from evil (4), cure light wounds (8), bless (2).

Merlin the Wild |

Can I get a scroll of invisibility Merlin?
There are a few among the scrolls I gave to Radsworth and Mephos.... I believe there is even a spare potion of invisibility here in my haversack, if you prefer....
Merlin reaches into his haversack and pulls out a clear vial, handing it to Grimm....

Prof. Naomi Levinson |

"I'm Dr. Naomi Levinson, professor of biology, and this is Yingzen. We were supposed to come find out more information about what happened to this town, but those plans seemed to get fouled up. However, at least they were foiled in a way to get us into your lovely company Mr. Withers and Reba."
Levinson holsters her revolver, and stands near the bar.

Coal Withers |

Yes, most fortuitous. I am most pleased to make your acquaintances, Doctor Levinson and Mister Yingzen.... Are you gamblers, by chance? I'm a great lover of games of chance.... The vagaries of random chance are what make life so interesting, to me.... Would you not agree?
Withers takes another pull on the hookah and blows elaborate smoke rings....

Coal Withers |

"Well, I did fund a semester of my undergrad with winnings from a rather eventful trip to Vegas..."
Levinson takes an empty chair at the table.
"What's your game, Mr. Withers? And more importantly, what are your wagers."
I know many games, my dear.... Poker in its many variations is a favorite.... As for wagers.... I only play for high stakes.... Why bother with small wagers?
Withers picks up the cards and shuffles the deck. He addresses the five fathers playing for the lives of their children: Go on home now, gents.... We'll pick this up again tomorrow night.... For now, we have new guests to entertain!
Withers smiles a predatory smile....
I propose a wager, on a friendly game of chance. If you win, I'll be happy to provide you with a tour of my quaint little town of Tombstone, answer any questions you might have about myself, my entourage, or my new town....and I'll even let you carry off some silver.... The Mesa on which this town stands is riddled with silver ore, you know....
Withers grins at Levinson and Yingzen, a predatory baring of his strong, white teeth....
But if I win.... You'll stay here in Tombstone until the end of the month, as my personal guests....and enjoy my....hospitality.... Agreed?

Prof. Naomi Levinson |

"An interesting wager, but I can't see what good you would find spending so long with me. After all, how long could you be expected to endure dribble of research grants and Star Trek quotes?"
Levinson rifles through her bookbag and pulls out her bottle of wine.
"A counter offer if you will. I can't help but notice your liquor supply is decidedly finite, and given the current state of affairs in the world, I don't foresee a restock in your near future. What I have here is the last surviving bottle of my personal stock. A fine merlot that was given to me as a gift when I got tenure and for which my parents paid way too much. Worth more than its weight in silver you were planning to offer. If you win, you get a day of my company (I assure you, more than you would want to deal with) and what could be the world's highest quality remaining bottle of wine."
She reaches in to take a hit from one of the hookah's hoses before leaning back confidently and returning a large pearly white smile in kind. With a wink, she adds:
"Of course, I cannot speak for my fine feathered friend, so why not just let him go as he pleases. Also, I would have to insist on dealing. Just a rule of mine."

Sister Maria De La Rosa |

Gather 'round, Fierce Ones, at least those of you who are still hurt.... In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bless and heal these servants of The Lord....
Sister Maria channels positive energy to fully heal The Fierce Ones of their wounds....
7d6 ⇒ (5, 3, 4, 2, 1, 5, 4) = 24
Hail Mary, full of grace! The Lord is with thee! Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus! Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death.... Amen!
She channels again....
7d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 4, 4, 1, 2, 5) = 25

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik is quiet during this time the healing of various applications actually more than enough for him. And his mind absorbing the information once again bombarding him. It was true, they did not have much time And the thought of raiding another place...especially after the successful rout of the crest-fallen Thralls seemed to empower him somewhat more than usual.
" We do not have much time, that is true.. Everyone gear up for one last assault today, you may bend the eldritch weave however you see fit, the Fierce Ones are moving out once again! This time on a rescue mission.. remember our main goal is to ensure their lives... if possible we will slay the evil there as well. Are you with me!?
Raises Excalibur over his head much like a declaration of pre-emptive Victory.

Kitty the Lamia |

Kitty goes back outside for a moment. When she returns, Greg Bear-Strong is slumped over her strong, leonine back. She dumps him unceremoniously on the carpeted floor.
This one's a little sleepy, Coal.... Mind if I take him to bed?
Kitty strokes the slumbering Navajo brave's back as he lays prone on the floor, snoring....

Coal Withers |

Coal Withers regards the sleeping brave and the eager lamia with a droll smile.
I dare say you'd drive the poor boy mad, Kitty.... Leave him be for now.... You'll have your share of fun later, my pet, I promise you....
He shuffles the deck again, and then passes it across the table to Levinson.
Of course, you may deal, my dear.... Please, be my guest....

Prof. Naomi Levinson |

Levinson examines the cards briefly for any obvious flaws, missing suites, and other such trickery before proceeding to bridge them several times over.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Apparently she noticed they are rectangles... That's about it...
"'Five card stud, deuces wild, no limit,' as Riker once said. Never mind..."
Poker Check: 1d20 ⇒ 11

Mephos - Subject 210 |

Derrik I realize that you may want to run in with Excalibur swinging and get right to killing evil. However I would like to see if we can do this without drawing unwanted attention to our little hideout here. I may be able to get our friends without the need for actual combat.

Derrik Stonesmith |

Derrik turns his helmeted head to Mephos, the man rarely speaking decided to do so now.
" Are we to glaze over the fact that our retreating, not finishing the evil off that infected both Koran and DL's minds is what lead to the fall of Pandora's Box? If we had killed them it would most likely still be there.. unnoticed and intact... if the ones who have our allies are closer to YOUR dispostion I might have considered it.. But there are monsters in these lands.. true abominations. Creatures that could easily have the same ability as the Aboleth. You would risk an enemy that possibly could do so, to learn of this area as well? No.. If they are monsters.. they shall die, I am taking no chances. These people here deserve no second folly "

Michael Johnson 66 |

At around 2:00 PM (April 17th), The Fierce Ones are healed up, resupplied, and ready to venture out to rescue the captives at Tombstone.
Each member of the rescue party is given a surefooted mule to ride into Tombstone, and by 5:00 PM, The Fierce Ones have arrived at the edge of town, and now sit astride their mules at the east end of Allen Street, the street on which lies The Oriental Saloon and The O. K. Corral....

Prof. Naomi Levinson |

Poker check 1d20
Coal lays down a royal flush with a wicked grin.
Well, how about that! I do tend to be lucky at cards....
"Well, so it would seem, Mr. Withers, and a lady never backs out on a wager."
She calmly rolls the bottle across the table to him before taking another hit off the hookah.
"I believe the ball is in your court now, so to speak."
Leaning back in the chair again, she calmly surveys the bar for any additional clues or tricks it may contain.
perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13

Michael Johnson 66 |

Levinson and Yingzen have been sitting at the table with Coal Withers and his monstrous entourage for the past eight hours, kept entranced by the succubus' enchantments and Withers' genuinely stimulating conversation and card tricks.
As the sun begins to set in the west, however, the monsters begin to grow hungry, and to tire of their charade of civility.... Fortunately, it is at that moment that The Fierce Ones arrive on the scene!