Post Apocthulhu Pathfinder RAW

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

The PCs are survivors in a version of modern Earth ravaged by Cthulhu and his minions.

Current Characters

(744 posts)
david barker

(323 posts)
Red Dragon
Er Meh Gerd Dregens

(12 posts)
Liberty's Edge meeko

Male Human (ulfen) Lvl 1 accountant / lvl 3 monk
(232 posts)
Michael Johnson 66

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
(8,175 posts)
Sajan Gadadvara

Male Human Monk 5 (Qinggong Master of Many Styles from the Sacred Mountain)/Fighter (Brawler) 3
(28,550 posts)
Dark Archive Sersi

Female Human
(194 posts)

(93 posts)
Boggard Prophet

(455 posts)
Shoanti Tribesman
Aaron Crux

played by Thunderfrog (8 posts)
Aghasura Asura

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
Churgri of Vapula

kobold sorceror9/dragon disciple 10 archmage tier 9

played by david barker (27 posts)
Churgri of Vapula
Al'Torac DM substitute

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)
Allison Jones DM substitute

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Amber Lynn

Female Human Gunslinger 11

played by Michael Johnson 66 (14 posts)
Trinia Sabor
Amelia LeGrasse

Female Human Inquisitor 4

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Man with Only a Torso
Andy Cox, Master Engineer

played by Michael Johnson 66 (15 posts)
Angie Banshee

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Green Dragon
Anguirus the spiky kaiju

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Ezer Hazzebaim
Archangel Gabriel

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)
Goriath the Balor
Archduke Mephistopheles

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Gibrileth Demon
Argus that guards the key

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Primal Companion Hunter
Ashak the Acrobat

Male Hobgoblin Knife Master 3

played by Billybrainpan (115 posts)
Astral Deva of Vatican City

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Silver Crusade Azimuth World-Traveler

Monk 1 (Sohei), 8/13 Hp / AC15 / CMD 17 (5 subdual)

played by Thunderfrog (39 posts)
Gibbering Mouther
The Babbler in the Stairwell

Gibbering mouther Aberration 5

played by Michael Johnson 66 (41 posts)
Babylon Horror

Asexual Spawn of Yog-Sothoth Aberration (extraplanar) 14

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Bandersnatch of the Arena

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Bone Devil
Barbed devil of Silver Tower

played by Michael Johnson 66 (73 posts)
Barghest of the Cthulhu cult

played by Michael Johnson 66 (15 posts)
Barracuda assassin

played by Michael Johnson 66 (32 posts)
Black Dragon
Black dragon of Lake Hali

played by Michael Johnson 66 (13 posts)
Black pudding

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
Boar summon

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Lord Almir
Bob Rauh, Kilwin's proprietor

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Cannibal skank

played by Michael Johnson 66 (11 posts)
Captain Kermit

Male Grippli (bioengineered) Ranger 9

played by Michael Johnson 66 (71 posts)
Alastir Wade
Chesterfield the Top Hat

Male Top Hat Intelligent wondrous item

played by Michael Johnson 66 (57 posts)
Baby Chimera
Chimera door guardian

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
Thin Man
Choker ambusher

played by Michael Johnson 66 (15 posts)
Doriana Irini
Cindy Rauh, Kilwin's proprietor

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
The Waiting Beast
Cloaker in the parking garage

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)
Club-wielding cannibal

played by Michael Johnson 66 (43 posts)
Kaleb Hesse
Coal Withers

Male Rakshasa Outsider 10

played by Michael Johnson 66 (30 posts)
Cobb the Scarecrow

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
Coyote the Trickster

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
The Crawler Between Dimensions

Male Phase spider Aberration 5

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Boggard Champion
The Croaking Doom

Froghemoth Aberration 13

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Carmilla Caliphvaso
Cthulhu cultist

played by Michael Johnson 66 (52 posts)
Sandpoint Devil
Cthulhu-bred shantak

played by Michael Johnson 66 (14 posts)

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Mind Flayer
Daemon-Lord of the Silver Tower

Male Mythic piscodaemon Outsider 11, mythic rank 5

played by Michael Johnson 66 (18 posts)
Almah Rovshki
Daisy Eagle-Feather

Female Human (Navajo) Cleric 20; Mythic Hierophant tier 10; hp 176

played by Michael Johnson 66 (350 posts)
Darius "Mr. Clean" Blake

Male Svirfneblin (Bioengineered) Gunslinger (Pistolero) 9
HP:84 | Initiative: +8(10) | AC: 25 | Touch: 19 | Flat-Footed: 17 | CMB: +7 | CMD: 23 | Fortitude +13 | Reflex +16 | Will +10
Acrobatics: 17 | Craft(Alchemy): 13 | Perception: 16 | Stealth: 21

played by TheBait (136 posts)
Dark Young of Shub-Niggurath

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)

Dawnsaber, Feykingsword

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Hooded Man
Death Priest of Cthulhu

played by Michael Johnson 66 (10 posts)
Cold Rider
The Deathless Orca of Cthulhu

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Derghodaemon of the Hall

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Derrik DM substitute

played by Michael Johnson 66 (15 posts)
Derrik Stonesmith

Male Human (Dwarfblood/Infused) Inquistor 12/ Paladin of Vengence 4 / Chevalier 3| Mythic Guardian-Champion 9 (Lvl 19)

played by Endoralis (1,298 posts)
Devil Ray of Cthulhu

played by Michael Johnson 66 (11 posts)
The Dour Dwarf

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Thevanan Quain
Dr Al Hoffmann

Male Human Alchemist 11

played by Michael Johnson 66 (21 posts)
Jakardros Sovark
Dr Hugo Grimm DM substitute

played by Michael Johnson 66 (33 posts)
Kelim Esteban
Dr Yamamoto Hiro, mad scientist

Male Human Alchemist 12/Expert 4

played by Michael Johnson 66 (38 posts)
Dr. Allison Jones

Female Aasimar (British-German) Oracle 1 / Sorcerer 8 / Mystic Theurge 10 | Mythic Archmage 9 (Lvl 19)

played by Sersi (146 posts)
Jakardros Sovark
Dr. Hugo Grimm

Human Male Alchemist Beastmorph 18 Trickster 8 AC 28/19/21; HP 122/122; INIT +25; Per +24; FORT 10/REF 14/ WILL 9; CMB +14;CMD 33

played by vonklinen (466 posts)
Tentacled Horror
Dread Cthulhu

Male Great Old One Outsider 31 (aquatic, chaotic, evil, native)

played by Michael Johnson 66 (29 posts)
Verik Vancaskerkin
Drug Lord 'El Grande'

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Drug Lord Hector Beltran Leyva

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
Nickold Starweather
Drug Lord Nazario Gonzalez

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
Drug Lord Vincente Fuentes

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
Gibrileth Demon
The Dunwich Horror

Asexual Spawn of Yog-Sothoth Aberration 14/Mythic Rank 5

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)

Dwayne Lee Hooker

Male Human

played by Matthew Tackitt (4 posts)
Fadil Ibn-Kazar
Dwayne Lee Hooker DM substitute

Male Human Gunslinger 8

played by Michael Johnson 66 (87 posts)
Kaerishiel Neirenar
Elflord Morthoron Caliador

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Chaos Beast
Faceless Stalker

played by Michael Johnson 66 (35 posts)
Gibbering Mouther
Flying polyp

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
Froghemoth of the Hall

played by Michael Johnson 66 (14 posts)
The Gamemaster

played by Billybrainpan (632 posts)
Wil Save
Ghost of Brian Murphy

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Count Lucinean Galdana
Ghost of Doc Holliday

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Brienna Soldado
Ghost of Harper Murphy

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
Cadimus Adella
Ghost of Jeb

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Ghost of Neferkaptah

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
Ghul of the Silver Tower

played by Michael Johnson 66 (36 posts)
Glabrezu of the Hall

played by Michael Johnson 66 (14 posts)
Chaos Beast
GM Gristle

Current map

played by vonklinen (1,077 posts)
Forest Drake
Gojira, King of Kaiju

played by Michael Johnson 66 (80 posts)
Orc Ranger
Great Kraken of Cthulhu

played by Michael Johnson 66 (10 posts)
The Great Shark

Male Human Ranger 5/Assassin 4

played by Michael Johnson 66 (13 posts)
Varisian Wanderer
Greg Bear-Strong

Male Human (Navajo) Two-weapon warrior 8

played by Michael Johnson 66 (30 posts)
Ury Sevenskulls
Grendel resurrected

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Grizzlegob, glabrezu ancestor

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
The Waiting Beast
Gug of Babylon

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
The Waiting Beast
Gug of the Green Crystal

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
The Waiting Beast
Gug of the Silver Tower

played by Michael Johnson 66 (14 posts)
Hooded Man
Hastur, The King in Yellow

played by Michael Johnson 66 (48 posts)
Haystack the Scarecrow

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
Goblin Dog
Hell hound of the Cthulhu cult

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Hell-No Kitty

Female Catfolk (bioengineered) Ninja 11

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)
Bounty Hunter
Hermes of Olympus

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
Djarrus Gost
Hooty the helicopter pilot

played by Michael Johnson 66 (21 posts)
Horned Devil attacking Vatican

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
Human crewmate of The Kraken

played by Michael Johnson 66 (73 posts)
Achaekek, The Mantis God
Ice Devil attacking Vatican

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
Initiative Monkey

played by Michael Johnson 66 (601 posts)
Intellect Devourer
Intellect Devourer

played by Michael Johnson 66 (77 posts)
Abominable Snowmen
Ithaqua the Wind-Walker

Male Great Old One Outsider 30

played by Michael Johnson 66 (24 posts)
Eagle Knight of Andoran
Jacques Remy

Male Half-Elf (French) Fighter (Lore Warden) 3 / Monk (Maneuver Master) 3 | Champion 3 (lvl 6)

played by Sersi (8 posts)
Tin Golem
Jaeger Legion Public Knowledge

played by Endoralis (4 posts)
Vhalhisstre Vexidyre
Jewels Angelbaby

Female Orc (bioengineered) Barbarian 10

played by Michael Johnson 66 (32 posts)
Lantern Bearer
Joachim Dobberkau

Male Half-Elf (German) Alchemist (Grenadier) 4 / Gunslinger 1 (Lvl 5)

played by Endoralis (7 posts)
Jolly Duff Greenbreeks

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)
Garuda-Blooded Aasimar
Kailin Kros

Male Aasimar (muse-touched) Bard (Lotus Geisha) 8

played by Billybrainpan (67 posts)
Shel Lupescu
Kate Peace

Female Human Cleric 6

played by Michael Johnson 66 (191 posts)
Kepler DM substitute

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
King Ezelgar
The King Under the Mountain

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Kinyama Urai

Male Kitsune Mysterious Stranger/Pistolero 3

played by Billybrainpan (63 posts)
Kitty the Lamia

played by Michael Johnson 66 (15 posts)
Koran "The Hammer of Thor"

Male Tiefling Wild Rager 11 / Spellbreaker 6 / Chevalier 3 / Champion 9 (current HP: 520/349)

played by Billybrainpan (251 posts)
Berserker Cannibal
Koran "The Hammer"

Male Tiefling Wild Rager 8

played by Er Meh Gerd Dregens (212 posts)
Berserker Cannibal
Koran The Hammer DM substitute

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
Kraid, Fallen Archangel

played by Endoralis (3 posts)
The Manyfaced One
Krar the Panther

Male Aasimar master of many styles/monk of the sacred mountain 4/savage barbarian 2

played by Billybrainpan (77 posts)
Kwan Yin, goddess of mercy

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
The Lady of the Lake

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Belzken Monk

played by dreamingdragon (4 posts)
Belzken Monk
Lakra DM substitute

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
Lavinia Whateley

Female Human lich Undead cleric 13

played by Michael Johnson 66 (40 posts)
Wyrm Sniper
Lebaron Davis

Male Human Gunslinger 4

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Abominable Snowmen
Leomund's Hairy Chest

Male Chest Chest hair 5th

played by Michael Johnson 66 (36 posts)
Levinson DM substitute

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
The Lido Beach Horror

Chuul Aberration 7

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Simulacrum of Vraxeris the Illusionist
Loki the Trickster

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Mahatma the Marble Elephant

Male Marble elephant Figurine of wondrous power

played by Michael Johnson 66 (52 posts)
Smaar Janderfut
Malcolm the Distiller

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
Paracount Julistar
Marcus Greer

Human Dark Tapestry Oracle 15; Mythic Hierophant Tier 6; HP: 114/114

played by Rynjin (260 posts)
Paracount Julistar
Marcus Greer DM substitute

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Marie Greer

Level 1 Human (formerly figment)

played by Rynjin (23 posts)
Marie's "Ghost"

played by Rynjin (2 posts)
Marilith of the Hall

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
Medusa resurrected

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Mephos - Subject 210

Male Tiefling Tattooed Sorcerer 5

played by Toadstoolsandwich (71 posts)
Mephos, Whisperer of Secrets

played by Michael Johnson 66 (18 posts)
Merlin the Wild

played by Michael Johnson 66 (106 posts)
Jhofre Vascari
Mikey Jay

Male Human Two-handed fighter 10/urban barbarian 9/cleric of Sif 1; Mythic Champion tier 10; hp 263

played by Michael Johnson 66 (480 posts)
Denizen of Leng
Mister Leng

played by Michael Johnson 66 (16 posts)
Monkey Dude aka Raja Vanara

Male Vanara (bioengineered) Gunslinger 11

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Moray of Cthulhu cult

played by Michael Johnson 66 (70 posts)
Red Dragon
Morbenlok, ancient red dragon

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Morgan Le Fey

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Spider Eater
Mosura, also known as Mothra

played by Michael Johnson 66 (50 posts)
Mythic mummy

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Mythic sphinx

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Naga archon of Yig

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)
Nalfeshnee of the Hall

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Natalie Quesen

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)
Vine Wrangler Elf
Nature Boy

Male Elf Druid 8

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Danse Macabre
Necromancer of Cthulhu

played by Michael Johnson 66 (17 posts)
Goblin Dog
Nessian war hound

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Sea Dragon
Nessie, The Loch Ness Monster

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
Goblin Snake
Night gaunt of Babylon

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Nosferatu of Paris

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
Nymph Nessa

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
Guiltgorger Giant
Ogre of the Silver Tower

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)

Male Goblin Pajama Clan Fighter 9/9 HP AC 18

played by Thunderfrog (137 posts)
Otyugh of Kilwin's Chocolates

played by Michael Johnson 66 (21 posts)
Bone devil
Ozzy the Bone Devil

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Parking lot ghoul

played by Michael Johnson 66 (16 posts)
The Piper in the Hills

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Goriath the Balor
Pit Fiend attacking the Vatican

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Plad Rilfindar

Male Elf Magus 4

played by Michael Johnson 66 (26 posts)
Planetar Guardian of Vatican

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Verrin Tieruk
Pope Francis

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
Priestess of Nethys
Prof. Naomi Levinson

Female Human Summoner 11 / Diabolist 1 | Mythic Archmage-Guardian 4 (Lvl 12)

played by Sersi (327 posts)
Toff Ornelos
Professor Solomon Dirge

Male Human Wizard 11

played by Michael Johnson 66 (31 posts)
Madge Blossomheart
Prue Silversmith

F Halfling

played by Peanuts (30 posts)
Madge Blossomheart
Prue Silversmith DM substitute

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Rad's giant ant buddy

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Alastir Wade

Male Human Wizard 10/Envoy of Balance 9 (Mythic 9)
Hit Points: 187/167, AC 19, CMD 17, Mythic Power 19/21

played by Thunderfrog (529 posts)
Alastir Wade
Radsworth DM substitute

played by Michael Johnson 66 (18 posts)
Mage Sniper
Raphael Thorne

Male Dhampir Wild Rager 3 Init +3 (+4) / Perception +9 (+10) / CMB +7 (+8) / HP 32 / Current HP 3 / AC 18 (19) / CMD 18 (20) / Fort +4 / Ref +2 (+3) / Will +2 /
played by Billybrainpan (28 posts)
Reba the Succubus

played by Michael Johnson 66 (24 posts)
Rodan the Pterodactyl-Kaiju

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
Gibbering Mouther
Roper of the Hall of Trials

played by Michael Johnson 66 (26 posts)
Russell "Walrus" Owen

Male Human Wild rager 3

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Sacred Sorcerer of Cthulhu

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
Saint Michael the Archangel

played by Michael Johnson 66 (26 posts)
Sergeant Gore Illa

Male Orc (bioengineered) Barbarian 11

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Serpentfolk Spy
Serpent folk priest of Yig

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Winter-Touched Sprite
Shobijin Fairy Lora

played by Michael Johnson 66 (13 posts)
Shobijin Fairy Moll

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Shoggoth of the Green Crystal

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)
Gibbering Mouther

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)
Loris Raknian
Sieg Alfbrecht

Monk (Tetori) 11/Fighter (Brawler) 4/Ulfen Guard 5; Mythic Champion/Guardian 10

played by Rynjin (126 posts)
White Estrid
Sif, goddess of battle-skill

played by Michael Johnson 66 (7 posts)
Dwiergus, The Chrysalis Prince

played by Michael Johnson 66 (53 posts)
Sister Maria De La Rosa

Female Human Cleric 11

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)

played by Michael Johnson 66 (22 posts)
The Slime-Shrouded Master

played by Michael Johnson 66 (14 posts)
Snake-headed balor of Yig

played by Michael Johnson 66 (6 posts)
Sunlord Thalachos
Solar Guardian of Vatican City

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
The Spitter of Nightmares

played by Michael Johnson 66 (13 posts)
The St Armand's Terror

Gibbering mouther Aberration 5

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
Tentacled Horror
Star Spawn of Cthulhu

played by Michael Johnson 66 (18 posts)
Summoned dire ape "Kong"

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Summoned horn devil

played by Michael Johnson 66 (10 posts)
Black Milk Mother
Summoned hound archon

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Summoned vrock demon

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Female Human
Sun Mi

Human Ninja 5 / Ranger 1 | 52/52 HP | AC 21 |

played by Thunderfrog (22 posts)
Tentacled Terror of the ST

Asexual Chernobue qlippoth Outsider #, Mythic rank 6

played by Michael Johnson 66 (16 posts)
Son of Mercy

M Human Pistolero 1/ Oracle 3 /Lore Warden 2 AC 19/14/14 HP 4 /43 INIT +6; PER+8, F7;R7;W1

played by vonklinen (322 posts)
Lady Nightshade
The Thing on the Ceiling

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
The Thing Under the Balcony

Male Drider Aberration 7

played by Michael Johnson 66 (24 posts)
Fire Giant
Thor's Ghost

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)

Thoth, Egyptian god of magic

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Todd Smith the young man

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Local Celebrity
Trey Roboto

Male Human Acrobat 3

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Tringalath Talianen

played by Michael Johnson 66 (4 posts)
Sky Dragon
Tun Mi Lung, Typhoon Dragon

played by Michael Johnson 66 (9 posts)
Foo Lion
Turuko Dai-Oni, ogre mage

played by Michael Johnson 66 (24 posts)
Priest of Desna
Tyler Greene, former RAF pilot

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
Larur Feldin
Udo Bierschlauffer

Male Dwarf Paladin (stone lord) 4

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
Mistress Kayltanya
Ulfrid the Valkyrie

played by Michael Johnson 66 (3 posts)
Vampire spawn crewmate Kraken

played by Michael Johnson 66 (14 posts)
Thesing the Vampire
Vampire Wolfhart Von Ulrik

Male Human vampire Sorcerer 8

played by Michael Johnson 66 (12 posts)
Vash, The stalker

male Half-orc (russian) ranger 6

played by meeko (20 posts)
Weresquatch of Ithaqua

Male or female Sasquatch werewolf Humanoid (shapechanger) 14

played by Michael Johnson 66 (46 posts)
Werewolf of Paris

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Flesh Golem
Wilbur Whateley, flesh golem

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Supreme Hunter
Wong Yu, Hong Kong fisherman

played by Michael Johnson 66 (2 posts)
Wormwood the Imp

played by Sersi (16 posts)
The Scribbler
Xavier Martin

Male Half-Elf Gunslinger 1, Urban Barbarian 1, fighter 15, Paladin 1, Champion 8

played by Will Pratt (36 posts)
Yig, Father of Serpents

played by Michael Johnson 66 (13 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak

male tengu swordmaster (Rogue) lv 19 trickster tier 9

played by david barker (393 posts)
Jakaw Razorbeak
Yingzen DM substitute

played by Michael Johnson 66 (21 posts)
Yog-Sothoth, Opener of Ways

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)