Loris Raknian

Sieg Alfbrecht's page

126 posts. Alias of Rynjin.


Monk (Tetori) 11/Fighter (Brawler) 4/Ulfen Guard 5; Mythic Champion/Guardian 10


Common, Aklo

About Sieg Alfbrecht

Character sheet.

Sieg has always fought. It's what he enjoys, and it made him a good bit of money before the apocalypse...and the skills he learned then have yet to fail him.

Born in Germany, he was a rough and tumble sort of child, always picking fights with those around him, whether big or small. It wasn't that he was necessarily MEAN, he just loved to fight, and he made a fair few friends in some schoolyard tussles.

So, naturally, when he grew up, he wanted to do what he loved. He studied all sorts of martial arts, particularly those based around getting in close and locking your opponent down. Aikido, Brazilian Jujitsu, and some Muay Thai, along with a smattering of other styles. He took them all, and made them his own, and used them to become a moderately successful MMA fighter.

For about a year and a half. Cthulhu came and messed all that up. But, not much has changed in Sieg's life. He still fights, but now he fights for a cause. He fights to take back Earth from the horrors that live beyond the realms, and works to send them back there.

He's taken hits along the way, been injured, lost friends and loved ones, but he hasn't lost his spirit, or his will to fight. And he's ready to prove it.


A tall, heavily muscled slab of a man, he still retains a good bit of flexibility as well. His form is pure muscle, bulky where it's needed and lean where it counts. He's not classically handsome by any means, and his scarred face does little to help make him friends, but his striking Amber eyes at least give him a conversation starter on occasion.

He dresses exclusively in clothing that won't hinder his movements. Loose, but well fitted jeans, combat boots, and a vest left open to show off his muscular chest and arms are his preferred attire, though he's not averse to more formally acceptable versions of this when the need arises.

His hands and ankles are always wrapped in bandages before he goes to fight.